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It's that time again. The end of 2010 is upon us, and 2011 lurks just round the corner.
Now, I know Iwaku's big into it's vidya games, so I thought it'd be interesting if we all compared notes on what our favourite games of the year are. So yeah, list your three favourite games of 2010, and tell me why exactly you loved them so damn much.
3 - Alan Wake
I'd followed the progress of Alan Wake for a long time before it's release, and almost given up on actually ever getting the chance to play it when it hit the shelves. There's a lot to love about it; the brilliantly-paced narrative, the interesting and rather disturbing Taken you encounter and the quite clever wee mechanic of using light to battle them. In an age where I find most modern 'horror' games to be just jump-scare after jump-scare, Alan Wake managed to build a creepy atmosphere without actually even marketing itself as a horror game.
And kudos for relatable characters, too. If I have to play as one more fucking soldier....
2 - Red Dead Redemption
Rockstar is officially one of those developers who just keep getting better and better. Redemption combined the free-roam gameplay of their (in)famous GTA series with a beautiful, brilliantly realised western setting that was pretty easy to get lost in. For me, though, it was the story and characters that sold it; John Marston stands as one of my favourite protagonists of the year, and the tale of revenge, family ties and finally redemption (funny that hurr hurr) that the game spun really fucking sold it for me.
Redemption also has one of the best endings to a game I've played. Seriously, try and bloody disagree; that ending will stick in your head far longer than Call of Grenades 5-million: World of Grenades' will.
1 - Mass Effect 2
Alright, let's make this official; allow me to express my undying devotion to Bioware right now. Even though it was released in January, I am still playing this game as we speak. Mass Effect 2's dark, gritty story, wonderfully realised universe and brilliant characters keep me coming back for more and more. Seriously, if you've played it, you'll know what I'm on about and if you haven't, I intend to beat you round the face with a stick until you do.
Seriously. You need to fucking play this game. It's awesome.
And Mordin gets my 'Favourite Supporting Character' award for this year. I love that little alien.
Now, I know Iwaku's big into it's vidya games, so I thought it'd be interesting if we all compared notes on what our favourite games of the year are. So yeah, list your three favourite games of 2010, and tell me why exactly you loved them so damn much.
3 - Alan Wake
I'd followed the progress of Alan Wake for a long time before it's release, and almost given up on actually ever getting the chance to play it when it hit the shelves. There's a lot to love about it; the brilliantly-paced narrative, the interesting and rather disturbing Taken you encounter and the quite clever wee mechanic of using light to battle them. In an age where I find most modern 'horror' games to be just jump-scare after jump-scare, Alan Wake managed to build a creepy atmosphere without actually even marketing itself as a horror game.
And kudos for relatable characters, too. If I have to play as one more fucking soldier....
2 - Red Dead Redemption
Rockstar is officially one of those developers who just keep getting better and better. Redemption combined the free-roam gameplay of their (in)famous GTA series with a beautiful, brilliantly realised western setting that was pretty easy to get lost in. For me, though, it was the story and characters that sold it; John Marston stands as one of my favourite protagonists of the year, and the tale of revenge, family ties and finally redemption (funny that hurr hurr) that the game spun really fucking sold it for me.
Redemption also has one of the best endings to a game I've played. Seriously, try and bloody disagree; that ending will stick in your head far longer than Call of Grenades 5-million: World of Grenades' will.
1 - Mass Effect 2
Alright, let's make this official; allow me to express my undying devotion to Bioware right now. Even though it was released in January, I am still playing this game as we speak. Mass Effect 2's dark, gritty story, wonderfully realised universe and brilliant characters keep me coming back for more and more. Seriously, if you've played it, you'll know what I'm on about and if you haven't, I intend to beat you round the face with a stick until you do.
Seriously. You need to fucking play this game. It's awesome.
And Mordin gets my 'Favourite Supporting Character' award for this year. I love that little alien.