Original poster
Setting, Tone, Expectations, and Ratings
This takes place in modern day Japan but in an alternate reality where situations found in anime commonly exist. Most importantly, this means that Tokyo is often under attack by monsters and other evil threats, but the bad guys are continually thwarted by the various hero types that exist, from costume wearing teams of martial artists to schoolgirls who can dance around to transform into their magical alter egos. All of this fighting experience and magical abilities concentrated in one place has made Japan a major world player, and it's thought that he who takes over Tokyo would be able to rule the entire world. We wish to do just that.
This roleplay will have some serious moments while also playing with common anime tropes and some silly moments sprinkled along the way. We shouldn't go too silly, but no need to make it all doom and gloom either, given the subject matter. Basically, you can have fun with it but stick to things that doesn't break from reason, keeping things going with the plot.
Expectations are to post at least a paragraph or more whenever you're able to post that much, but you don't have to always do so as long as you don't make a habit of doing much less very often. Try to do good and you'll be fine. Even if you're not quite up to par at the beginning we should be very lenient and supportive and hopefully you can improve in time. Post at least once a week but preferably around every three days or more. Long story short, try to be at least intermediate quality if you're able, but if not then we won't kill you.
I don't like a lot of cursing but people should have freedom of expression at the same time. Just try not to abuse this and cuss up a storm all the time or else that would get old very fast. The same goes for graphic violence. Every post doesn't need a bucket of blood splashing against the screen just because the tag says there will be some. I didn't make tags for romance, LGTB, etc, but this does not mean that we will exclude such content, it's just not the focus. Therefore, don't be offended and call someone names if they submit a gay character, for example, or you can be excluded from this roleplay (the same can be said for any discrimination or rude behavior amongst us). Obviously we cannot go into sex scenes due to forum rules, so even if you do include romance, going that far will be a big no no. If there's a high enough demand then you are free to make such a roleplay in the proper location following the proper rules where the scenes can play out.
The bad guys have all but lost and the Japanese are all too complacent with their victories, having suffered minimal losses in return. Even massive monster attacks on the city have been repaired and the monsters driven from their shores. How could this happen? The Japanese youth somehow have an unusually high level of powerful magical abilities and are the driving force for all counterattacks in the area. In other words, little kids and teenagers are able to reliably defeat the monsters of the week that threaten Tokyo.
Lord Gerath has had enough of this nonsense. He has high ambitions to conquer Tokyo after crushing it underneath his heel, but knows that, despite all of his vast power, he's still the underdog against the overwhelming numbers of the heroes. He needs help, and said help is nearly destroyed in futile attempts of attacking one at a time. Using beings made out of solid darkness called dark messengers, they have contacted as many bad guys as they could who have yet to be slain, telling them to stand down and meet him at his secret headquarters within the forest of Aokigahara at the base of Mount Fuji. Once they were assembled he gave them the ultimatum, "Join me and crush Tokyo or carry on as you had and be wiped out."
Some of the monsters were too dumb or proud to serve under him, and just like he predicted they were soon destroyed. Having little other options if they wanted their goals to be realized, the rest pledged allegiance to Lord Gerath. Their first plan was to use surprise to their advantage, splitting up into elite teams to wipe out all of the heroes who were expecting history to repeat itself. No more attacking only straight on, single file to their dooms. They would use stealth and cunning, targeting those who they knew identities of while they were unprepared, doing a city-wide attack all at once. This would be project "Shock and Awe", showing what their new combined force was capable of, making the heroes no longer able to feel safe in their own homes while also whittling down their numbers considerably with minimal actual fighting. The monsters who could not do stealth would be waiting within the outskirts of Tokyo to rush in and help once the surprise was lost and things began to get heated. From there they would have to do a tactical retreat and reorganize back at the headquarters once they were sure they were no longer followed.
After that the enemy would definitely wise and up and the real fighting, no, the real war would begin. It would be brutal and the villains were outnumbered hundreds to one, not even counting the normal civilians, but Lord Gerath was a genius who somehow believed that he could come out on top in all of this mess, all of the heroes dead at his feet and Tokyo his new throne.
Team Dusk (our characters), is one of the groups taking part in this operation. However, will things go according to plan for them on their quest to take out a team of mask wearing heroes while they're hanging out at their school gymnasium as civilians? If they manage to done their suits then they're known to be a real pain, one who Team Dusk might not be ready for. Can they still pull out a victory and impress Lord Gerath or is their part in all of this dead on arrival? We're about to find out.
Enemy Types
JMDF = Japanese Magical Defense Force. These are trained professionals in swat looking battle gear who are sent to eliminate paranormal threats; a.k.a. our characters. These are almost never our main target due to being more like low level mooks not worth our time, because as adults they don't usually have magical powers. They sometimes employ other enemy types to handle the situation instead or else are destroyed in mass.
Super Mask = What people call the power ranger type of people in this continuity. They often wear full body outfits of matching colors as part of a team. They're usually upper teens, old enough to have great athletic talent yet still young enough to retain certain magical powers, making them an all around threat, especially if they're provided equipment from the JMDF such as giant robots that combine together. However, only the best, richest, and most famous Super Mask teams are provided with them due to the massive expense.
Magical Girl = Able to cloak themselves in magical energy that turns into fancy, girly looking magical outfits. They can be incredibly dangerous in magical attacks despite (or actually because of) their young age, very few in their late teens. In fact, a high end magical girl can potentially be as powerful as an entire super mask team. Not all of them are this powerful, though, and require a long start up (a.k.a. flashing lights and dancing if they feel like it) period to activate their powers as their outfit forms around them.
Mecha Rider = Teens and children who are mysteriously connected to giant robots of various sizes, the largest as tall as skyscrapers. These are the most rare enemy type due to the extreme cost and rarity, much like the Super Mask's combining robots. Just activating them often takes a long time so they are only mobilized in extreme circumstances.
Vigilante = A term used for random high school students with magical powers and large weapons. The women who fall under this distinction often have weird hair colors, although this change isn't commonly present in males for some reason, instead having a spiky look to it. Vigilantes have a wide range of possible powers, some canon fodder while others exceedingly difficult to kill. It's important to note that girls with magical powers aren't necessarily under the "magical girl" distinction (that being the all important transformation to activate their power in the later case). Also, for some reason there tends to be a lot more female vigilantes than male and the male ones often surround themselves in female ones when they do exist. This doesn't apply to every case, however.
Ninja = Those who practice the ancient art of ninjutsu (not the same as Naruto, but a more "realistic" version of their supposed powers). This doesn't count as traditional magic so can be used by adults as well, requiring much training. Female ninja are called kunoichi and are more rare.
Cloth = Members of the cloth refer to religious people such as nuns, monks, and priests who develop magical powers through a spiritual connection, so can be, and often are, older. It's rare that young people can develop a powerful enough connection which takes years of intense meditation to pull off. They sometimes wield conventional weaponry as well. They are not overly common to have to fight against, seldom hunting us down on the offensive besides a crazy priest or two.
Yakuza = Angry at us messing with their Japan, which only they should be allowed to do, these gang members have vowed to eliminate use before we become too large of a threat, becoming our only enemy type who's also bad guys, not counting traitors to our cause.
Unusual = An unusual is most often an adult with magical powers, although anyone with magical powers who don't fit into the other categories can be called this. This can have further distinction such as witches, sorcerers, etc.
- Standard roleplay rules such as not controlling other people's characters, god modding, sex scenes, be respectful of each other, all that jazz. Well, jazz music is welcome, but you see...ah, never mind. You get the idea.
- If you don't post in the IC for a week with us waiting on you and give us no rhyme, reason, or warning, we can decide how best to control your character, temporarily breaking your right to rule number 1 until the situation has resolved itself. If you still remain gone with us waiting on you yet again, we can take more drastic actions to take the character out of play. We'll try to do it in a manner where they can still come back if you do, if at all possible.
- Don't go back and forth with only one other person in the IC if they're part of a larger group, flooding out a chance for another character to do anything and then move on to the next scene together, making everyone else feel left out of the loop. If you'd like to only interact with only one or two other characters then it may be good (but not mandatory) to do a collaboration post where you both post your talking together so that it's not just a bunch of really short back and forth posts. It should also leave it open for other characters to do something before moving on with the plot unless everyone involved is okay with that.
- You can have more than one character but don't flood us with so many characters that they get us drowned and lost in them. If you have a ton, perhaps it would be best if they were more like NPC we're not expected to know, making them more like foot soldiers until we can slowly grow accustomed to them.
- You can control the good guys but we will not be following them around all day, just for certain scenes such as when they're fighting us or revealing important plot points. You may control them to a certain extent in your posts as long as you don't make them uncharacteristic or do things that mess things up, so it's best to ask us here before you make them do anything too drastic/different. Otherwise we may ask you to remove it if it's no bueno.
- Keep your powers to around the level of blowing up a street block with laser vision at max power, and will exhaust you once you're through. Any type of power will be welcome as long as it's not game breaking and sticks to that level of usefulness. Make sure that someone with average powers could still be a threat to you without needing some insanely specific abilities. Keep in mind that our powers will be able to grow in time but no insane leaps in power without approval. Special exceptions will be made for power level but you may be accepted under conditions that you have excuses for them not to participate very much or else they'd break the plot.
- Characters can't exist from canon of other media such as an actual Sailor Moon, but there can be clear parodies of characters or involve the people that inspired the characters of media to be created. Therefore, there could be a girl who looks and acts like Sailor Moon, but some of her exploits would clearly be made up when they created the Sailor Moon series.
- I can fairly add new rules if the need arises.
Character Sheet
Your character sheet should include the following information but you can add additional categories of information if desired or have it in a different format you already have typed out and are comfortable with. For sure post everything relevant to their fighting abilities that could be considered even a bit questionable to see if it gets approval. Otherwise if you try to spring out a power you had in mind at a later date, and find out I don't approve of it, then you may be disappointed that you can't use it after all this time counting on it. You don't have to post stuff that everyone could be reasonably expected to do. For things like backstory you don't have to spoil all of the major details, instead revealing stuff over time if desired.
Don't feel the need to keep the stuff in parenthesis while making your own sheet, as that is just to provide an explanation for the different categories in the sheet if needed.
Real Name -
Alias - (If not using their real name)
Age - (Monsters can live any number of years depending on the type. Young characters are allowed)
Race - (Human or otherwise is accepted, but if your race is overpowered or not fitting of the setting than it may be turned down)
Gender -
Personality - (Perhaps include motivation for why they wish to conquer Tokyo unless that's secret)
Appearance - (Height, weight, a picture or written description)
Magical Powers -
Talents - (Anything not related to their magic that could be useful)
Weaknesses - (If they have any ones besides obvious stuff like "cutting off their head")
Equipment - (Armor, weapons, items, etc.)
Backstory -
Character List
Playable Characters
Eleanor Wayne - By GreenSea
Ito Zebb - By DoomyCakez
Jack Brando - By Cactush
Morimoto Kanji - By RogueState
Viktor Petrovsky - By ImportantNobody
Eleanor Wayne - By GreenSea
Ito Zebb - By DoomyCakez
Jack Brando - By Cactush
Morimoto Kanji - By RogueState
Viktor Petrovsky - By ImportantNobody
Major NPCS
(Currently Empty)
(Currently Empty)
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