Original poster
Magical schoolgirls. Groups of teenagers in different colored costumes. Kids in giant robots. What do they all have in common? First of all, they have thwarted many an evil plan to conquer/destroy Tokyo. Second, none of them are even adults! How do the bad guys keep loosing when they can't even fight someone half their size?! Well, a certain evil genius has had enough of this nonsense and is allowing such failures to join under his rule; following his brilliant, revolutionary orders so that they can at last succeed in their combined purpose. You see a magical girl doing a long transformation sequence so that she can utterly crush you once she finishes? Shoot her in the head while she's busy dancing. See a group of teenagers suspiciously wearing color coded clothing (matching your mortal enemy's colors perfectly) while hanging out in public? Assassinate them while they're not in their uniforms.
Basically, this roleplay is a "destroy tokyo" done right, taking all situations where you scream at the tv screen, "this bad guy is so dumb! Why didn't he just do this?!"...and we'll do that. While the premise is silly, it will be played seriously as well, just having some jokes every now and then referencing the situations we're parodying. That being said it will actually be grounded a lot in reality, applying real world tactics and such to defeat our foes who weren't expecting it. Up until now, after all, the monsters of the week and other bad guys have been all attacking independently and often in a stereotypically stupid way.
In this setting, magical girls, power ranger type groups, giant robots, shrine maidens with mysterious powers, karate experts who can shoot chi out of their hands, etc. all exist within the same continuity so they will all be our targets for elimination. The military is basically useless against our powers, as usual, so it will mainly be us doing a lot of boss fights to pick off anyone who can threaten our rule. The bad guys can be various, from giant sentient squids to normal humans, but if you are a large monster then you might not be participating in much other than specific fights such as fighting the giant mech.
Anyone interested?
Basically, this roleplay is a "destroy tokyo" done right, taking all situations where you scream at the tv screen, "this bad guy is so dumb! Why didn't he just do this?!"...and we'll do that. While the premise is silly, it will be played seriously as well, just having some jokes every now and then referencing the situations we're parodying. That being said it will actually be grounded a lot in reality, applying real world tactics and such to defeat our foes who weren't expecting it. Up until now, after all, the monsters of the week and other bad guys have been all attacking independently and often in a stereotypically stupid way.
In this setting, magical girls, power ranger type groups, giant robots, shrine maidens with mysterious powers, karate experts who can shoot chi out of their hands, etc. all exist within the same continuity so they will all be our targets for elimination. The military is basically useless against our powers, as usual, so it will mainly be us doing a lot of boss fights to pick off anyone who can threaten our rule. The bad guys can be various, from giant sentient squids to normal humans, but if you are a large monster then you might not be participating in much other than specific fights such as fighting the giant mech.
Anyone interested?