Tokyo Death Purgers

The Anime Convention - @Link

The Anime Convention was supposed to be a huge one this year! An Expo to last at least a month, catering to anyone and everyone's needs - from artists to commissioners, from cosplayers to photographers, from mangaka to upcoming voice actors. Yet, all these plans went to hell when a murder was committed in its vicinity.

Many were struck by this and also unhappy, wanting to continue with their pre-made schedule. However, everyone that had actually visited the site after the tragedy knew that such a thing was impossible... Death hung in the air, suppressing anyone that came close to the Expo. It felt like some sort of a vulture awaiting to strike again as another life was wasted.

The police, of course, wanted to prevent a second incident, so they completely cut off the anime convention form the world. It had become its own little dimension, with a specific ecosystem of secrets, retelling what occurred on the faithful night of the 15th June. These memories were littered all about the place in the form of clues overlooked by the police.

For example, on one patch of land there were footprints. The officers had paid no attention to them since they thought they belonged to some visitors of the convention that came during the day. Yet, is it not possible that the criminal also left a mark?

Then there was a trashcan located close directly to where the body was found. The task forces assumed that the killer would be smarter than to dispose of any incriminating evidence in such close proximity to his victim. As a result, some secret may have remained buried beneath the piles of rubbish.

Lastly, there was the spot in which Fujimoto Yuuki had exhaled his last breath. This place, out of all the others, was seeped through and through with death, which had left its mark that will never go away - a reddish blotch, now faded and brown, where the victim's head lay. It was truly a sad sight... yet one that could help in recreating the incident.


The Morgue - @Moogle-Girl, @Lucifers Sairen, @Shattered♦Secrets™

Mr Kaneda was a very short old man, whose height appeared even more meager due to the poor person's hunched back. Yet, he didn't really care for his appearance that much. As a matter of fact, his neglect towards his outlook throughout life had resulted in this current pity-inducing state.

The medical examiner was someone others would describe as harmless with his shortness, plumpness and gentle nature. He truly possessed the air of a gentleman and proved to be such with his keen, knowledgeable way of speech. That was because Mr Kaneda was a highly qualified individual in the field of medicine. Yet, that was as far as his knowledge went. He wasn't too good with topics that didn't concern the sciences, as well as didn't have a detective's mind. Thus, he naturally never directly helped solve the mysteries but rather just provided the investigators with details surrounding the death of the victim.

And, by God, was Mr Kaneda skilled at that. He might have the appearance of a frail old man, yet his vigor and curiosity are that of a 20 year old. The man takes great interest in his work at the morgue, which some might deem creepy, and is always hanging around it, working on body after body. Needless to say, he is not married for he takes greater interest in the dead rather than romance...

On this certain day (or rather night, seeing as he was once more working late), his "client" was a rather young one - Fujimoto Yuuki, aged 16... As the medical examiner looked over his case file once more, then down at the corpse, he began feeling concerned. After all, he had been informed that the case had been handed down to the Death Purgers, a group of people Mr Kaneda had worked with before and loved working with. Hence, he wondered what was taking them so long to come down and give Yuuki a visit.​


Ueda Aiko - @Void_coffin, @Heichou

As everything went blurry before her, Ueda Aiko desperately struggled to give into slumber. She felt tired, worn out, exhausted, dead. Yet, the problem was that she was not dead. The girl had been stuck in this horrid state of unrest for a while, on the border of living and passing on to the other side. It was that type of state that one experienced when trapped like a deer in the headlights of a truck that was coming their way. She was confused... not knowing how to react to the huge vehicle that was coming her way.

Well, in her case it had already hit her, and it had hit her hard. Now, she was just roadkill, feeling and not feeling at the same time. The girl truly did look like something one would find at the side of the road. Her hair was knotted, her clothes dirty, and her face as white as that of a corpse. Some might suppose that on the night of her boyfriend's demise she died with him...

She was stuck... in that state of wanting to sleep, yet not being able to. So, she tossed around in her bed all night long. After all, what else could she do? This had been going on for... god knows how long. At one point Aiko had lost track of time. However, she was aware that one month had gone by since his passing. Thus, she was sure that this non-existent existence had been plaguing her for, in the very least, that long. The only reason why she was still breathing was that she sometimes passed out due to utter fatigue.

But tonight that was not going to happen. She was restless, as though awaiting something to happen. Thus, she simply lay in her bed, in her house, as she waited.​
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Tiffany was ecstatic to see Hayden join her and Lilith. She smiled when he bowed to her, they were two of the closer ones out of all the purgers. She went and unlocked her car, opening the door for Liltih and Hayden to enter. Once they got in, Tiffany revved up her car. "Fingers crossed, I hope we find something about the case. We need to give this little boy justice." If they solved the case, she would make a painting of the boy. Tiffany usually used the blood of the victim to make a painting of them, only after the case has been solved.

Making it to the morgue, she parked her car. After waiting for Lilith and Hayden to get out of the car, she locked it and she walked to the entrance of the morgue. Walking to the front desk, she asked to see Mr. Kaneda. They had worked with Mr. Kaneda before on cases, and he was a marvelous man. "Time to look at the body."

Interaction(s): @Moogle-Girl @Lucifers Sairen @Dreamer
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Lilou shivered. She could feel death in the air and the feeling only got worse as she got closer to where the boy had died.

"Alright, Lilou, you can do this!" She said reassuringly to herself, "Everyone's relying on you to get this done!"

She took a blank notepad out of her back pocket and flipped it open, along with a pencil that she held in her other hand. She took a deep breath and approached the crime scene.

"Okay, so it looks like we have footprints here, bin here, and here we have the location in which the kid was found dead. This should be easy enough, unless our killer wasn't a rookie..." She sighed and stepped up to the trash can, opening the lid and looking inside. She threw the lid to one side and tipped over the bin, spilling it's contents across the ground, all the while humming a happy tune. She began to examine the rubbish.
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The walk from the offices to the address of the "widowed" Aiko's home was silent, Marius hadn't said so much a word after they had left. He was more stuck in thought as he wondered what kind of state Aiko would be in after they had arrived, hell, he wondered if she was even awake. The moon was in full bloom, a giant star that rayed down it's beams shadowy light. Although, Marius could at least tell the air between the two was not tense, more of a calmful breeze.

Upon arriving at the house, Marius thought the coloring of the house to be off. It's soft yellow paint exploiting the orangely painted window stills. His eyes lingered around the bushes that surrounded the porch, but softly stepped up. Looking back at his partner. "odd coloring, wouldn't you agree?" He asked as he made three loud knocks on the door, seeing if young Aiko was awake....or even home.
Lilith went back out the crisp air and took a good deep breathe of it. She could still smell the linger of cigarette smoke in the air but didn't mind it. She climbed into the car and looked out the window a bit. The city lights were still glowing bright and the streets are just as lively as the day. "Never know what you can find, but hopefully this body is ready to share it's secrets." She said and it wasn't long before they arrived to the morgue.

As soon as you open the door the cold air immediately hits you then came the nostalgic smell. That smell of antiseptic cleaning products that reminds you of a hospital but soon changes as you smell the underlying tones of death and decay. Lilith took a deep breath of it and sighed deeply. "Ah, the nostalgia. Feels like home in here." She said with a smile and soon found Mr. Kaneda working a little later than usual tonight. Mr. Kaneda who was a lovely man to speak with. If she could she would talk hours upon hours about bodies and cases she has heard of but never seen the body to. Sadly today Lilith was on business and because of it was just here for the body. "We meet again Mr. Kaneda. I see you have our precious boy waiting for us." Lilith moved over to the body's side and saw the battered body. "Well hello Yuuki, it's nice to make your acquaintance. You have nothing to worry about. Hayden, Tiffany and I just need to talk to you for awhile." She introduced.
The Anime Convention - @Link

As the trash bin was tipped over, allowing its contents to spill out onto the ground, a cloud of ash went up in the air out of the blue. It wasn't that big of a deal as the smoke cleared up quite soon, however the sudden and unexpected appearance of such a thing was startling. Even worse, it lead to a horrid realization - someone had previously set the bin on fire.

Whether this was the deed of a delinquent, a homeless person or the murderer themselves did not matter. The only fact that was relevant was that some vital evidence might have been lost to the flames, consumed forever and living a hole in the attempt to track down the person, who had carried out this gruesome crime.

And yet, there still remained a glimmer of hope as something hazel and distinctively hairy could be seen showing through the blackened remnants of unidentifiable things. On closer inspection, one could easily conclude it to be a wig, the same color and size as the one described to be in possession of the mysterious lolita. In spite of the fact that it was all charred and obviously damaged due to being set ablaze, its inside was mostly intact. And so, by some chance or maybe even a miracle, its tag had been preserved entirely. And on it there read "Wig Salon Extraordinaire"



The salon is a fancy wig shop in Tokyo's Harajuku district. It is known to cater to the population that lives in the ward, as it is famous for its fashion and style. Visiting the salon and questioning some workers there could possibly help trace the person who purchaser the hazel wig.

The wig can undoubtedly prove to be a huge and important find. Yet, a smaller one lay among the ashes - one, the size of which could lead to it remaining undetected. It was a scrap of paper, all burned up and pretty much falling apart. Yet, what made this find stand out among the other was that it had something written on it. Of course, the complete message had long before been irreversibly lost in flames, but still some words remained.

"Meet _______ at An-____________________ 12. Can't wa-_______________. I've been _______ you, love

- You-, _____________o"

It appeared to be an appointment of some sort. Who had written it? And who did it belong to? Yuuki? The lolita? Or someone completely unrelated to the case? It was still far too early to find the answers to these inquiries. Yet, the writing on this sheet of paper could undergo analysis. After all, there were some very distinct features regarding the handwriting - it was very crude and messy. The "a" was quite peculiar, as it was barely legible. Additionally, the "y" and "w" were extremely sloppy. This characteristic handwriting could help identify the creator of this message.​


The Morgue - @Moogle-Girl, @Lucifers Sairen, @Shattered♦Secrets™

Mr Kaneda was ecstatic when he got the ring that a girl was asking for him at the front desk. The old man just knew it in his guts that there was no one else but them, who could be requiring his assistance at such an hour. The Death Purgers had at last arrived.

He gave off directions to permit his guests inside the morgue and, as soon as they had arrived, he gave off a cheerful greeting. Well, that's because the medical examiner was truly content to see three of the faces he had worked with the most - Tiffany, Hayden and, of course, Lilith, someone who he enjoined having pleasant conversation with. Yet, now wasn't the time for chit chat but rather for work, even though Mr Kaneda didn't take his job too seriously. He had always reasoned that if one dwells among corpses for most of his time and always keeps a most uptight outlook on it, then this person would surely go insane. Well, maybe that explains the states of some of his other colleagues. The man didn't really have the right to mention this, though, since, out of them all, he was definitely the maddest.

Moving over to the opposite side of the body from that on which Lilith had positioned herself, Mr Kaneda could wait no longer but instead began with his report. "You probably already know some details as to how the boy was discovered as well as how he met his end. Look here. As you can see, the ten marks around his neck show that he was chocked, and with a lot of brute force at that. Hence, I ruled the cause of death as asphyxiation through suffocation. This is the final diagnosis and I doubt that it can be disproved..."

"Really, it's such a shame that the boy had to leave this world in such a state... I bet many people miss him, for one reason or another. I mean, he certainly is a handsome one, isn't he? Yes... You know, I couldn't help but notice that Fujimoto Yuuki's physique was a very delicate and dandy one. Almost girlish. However, that didn't mean that he was frail. Quite on the contrary, he was a healthy young man in the best years of his life. Which makes this one point very important - he was overpowered, meaning that someone quite stronger than him was the one to kill Yuuki. This doesn't really rule off the possibility of the perpetrator being a woman, yet, taking into consideration the victim's well-defined body type, the probability of it being a man is higher." Suddenly the medical examiner fell into a fit a giggling. It lasted a while but at last he stopped, wiping away the tears that had formed in his eyes "Ah, it's quite fun playing detective. However, I am not too good at it. The only reason why I suppose that the criminal is male is because this resembles some other cases I've handled in the past. Please, excuse my outburst, yet I couldn't help it."

"Anyway, lets proceed. Upon my autopsy and overall examination I made two more finds. Firstly, there were foreign strands of hair on the boy's head as well as in his mouth. They were of a hazel color and, after chemical analysis, were concluded to be from a wig. Now, since there were no signs of forceful entry of the mouth cavity, I speculate that the strands ended up there by mere chance. However, some sort of forceful entry was... planned..."

With a cough and a disgusted look, something that was not characteristic of the levelheaded Mr Kaneda, the medical examiner changed his spot and went over to the legs of the deceased, taking off the blanket that had been on top of the body till now. "Look here... There are scratch marks as well as severe bruising on both of Yuuki's inner thighs. You are the ones who will judge in the end but... personally, I think that he was attacked with the intention of rape..."

And with that, the medical examiner ended his monologue and was just about to cover the corpse once more before something glistened. This object of interest appeared to be very small and was only perceivable in the light. It was located under one of the fingernails on Yuuki's right hand and... possessed the distinct look of hair.​


Ueda Aiko - @Void_coffin, @Heichou

The sudden knocking made Aiko jump in fear. For a moment there, the noise had sounded like... something else. She wasn't exactly sure what, yet it had successfully made a cold chill run down her spine. The girl tried to shrug it off but only ended up even more paranoid. How had it come to this? How had Aiko become the train-wreck that she was now? Burrowing her pale visage in the palms of her hands, she began weeping silently. She didn't even know why this fit of tears had befallen her this time... She only knew that she felt sadness arise in her bosom once more, its suffocating grip burning her throat.

The girl stood like this, curled up in her sheets, for a moment before deciding to end this self-pity and go check what was going on, who was knocking at such a late hour. The thought of it being the police forces crossed her mind and this singular idea immediately brought some resolution to the girl. Well, it wasn't that much determination as it was anger. She hated the police. They wouldn't leave her alone, always asking questions, always reminding her of the tragedy. She wanted to forget and let go. She just couldn't answer their inquiries... she wasn't allowed to...

Rushing down the stairs as silently as possible in order not to wake up her parents, who were, fortunately, both very heavy sleepers, Aiko found herself standing at the front door, fists clenched and her mouth full of loathing. Thus, she threw the front door open, allowing the soft moonlight into her domain.

At that moment, the girl thought she was ready. That she possessed the air and appearance of a determined person. Yet, that was a delusion. No matter her enraged mind, she still bore that same appearance she had before - of roadkill. Her eyes bloated and red from crying, her head disheveled from neglect, her cheeks imploded from malnutrition, Aiko was a pitiful sight. And she became only more pitiful when she realized that the two figures standing in front of her were not that of cops. Confused beyond her mind and unsure what to do, she simply decided on following with her timid nature and thus gestured for the two strangers to come in.​
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The Closeted Martyr

It was a quiet ride to the partnered destination. Inna remained quiet, the only audible thing that came from her side was when she would exhale out the methanol she would hold in her lungs. Exiting the vehicle after it came to a rolling stop in front of a house that was different than all the rest in this little neighborhood the two entered. Out of respect, she put out her cigarette on the road, killing the orange glow with her boot, and followed after Marius with long, steel clicking, strides. Her hands were stuffed in the pockets of her leather jacket, her image blending into the night, making it almost a camouflage affect, if it wasn't for the Moons essence that illuminated her pale skin.

Odd colouring, wouldn't you agree?

At first Inna didn't really take the time to look at the house, a glimpse out of the tinted windows of the car was enough, just to get the house number right, but up close and personal, as she stood at the bottom of the porch, she frowned a little bit, nodding as the orange and yellow popped in a slightly tacky way. "Not bad, but, not my taste." Inna added before drowned out by the knocks, along with her motion up the steps.

It was a good few minutes of silence between her partner, and herself. The house was still dark, no lights of indicating that a body was up and about, ready to open up the door. Inna didn't want to assume that nobody was home, not in the middle of a weekday. With school, work, and daily life to tend to for what seemed to be an ordinary family, she guessed they were just playing the 'we're asleep' card. Inna sighed, balling a visit and pulling it out of her coat pocket, she raised it, readying herself for another assault of loud knocks that echoed throughout the night. "One more time, just for good luck," she added, about to go in-- until the door swung open, revealing a girl that was short, petite, and the sight of pure sorrow. "Oh." Inna said, shock slightly twinging her tone of voice.

"Ueda Aiko I presume?" Inna added, returning her fist back into its home while her translucent eyes took in the girls pitiful appearance of puffy eyes, her hair uneven, dirtied, and untended to, for what Inna could guess, for at least a while, and her face, thin, bone defined, and just weak.

So this is what grief does to a teenage girl?
Tiffany listened to Mr. Kaneda talk, you could tell by the way he talked that he loved his job. At first Tiffany only became a Purger because she wanted legal, human blood for her artwork, but after the many cases she has been on, she came to feel for the victims. When he talked about Yukki almost being raped, she closed her eyes. Tiffany, being the visual person, she could just picture how scared and helpless the boy must of felt. What she didn't get was the wig part...why was the hairs on HIS head? "Thank you Mr. Kaneda, as always you are amazing at what you do." She gave a small smirk, she was about to walk out, but something caught her eye.

"Wait!" Tiffany halted Mr. Kaneda from covering the body again. Taking out a small baggy and her special tweezers, she plucked the...what seemed to be a strand of hair out of Yukki's fingernail. Tiffany smiled up at Hayden and Lilith, a good Purger always came prepared. "Looks like Yukki didn't go out without a fight." She would have to bring the hair strand to the Forensic Team, hopefully they could find something out.

Interaction(s): @Dreamer @Moogle-Girl @Lucifers Sairen
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Lilou took a step back to escape the cloud of ash, shutting her eyes and coughing quietly. This was something she had not expected. She growled from anger, wiping her eyes and approaching the mess of charred trash.

"Great, there goes some vital evidence..." She muttered to herself, crouching down to see if anything was left. Her face scrunched up into a puzzled expression when she spotted the hazel ball of hair. She thought it might have been an animal at first, burnt alive when trying to find food. The thought saddened her. She loved animals. She reached in to pick it up, intending to give the little fellow a proper funeral, when she realized that this wasn't an animal at all. It was much too light and felt... Plastic. Lilou took a closer look at the object. She couldn't believe what she had found. Her face lit up when she noticed that the item's tag was still intact.

"Haha! I have found your wig, Mystery Lolita! You can never hide from me, the master detective Lilou Takahashi!" She exclaimed excitedly. The echo of her voice sounded loud and clear. She coughed, embarrassed, and went back to examining the evidence she had found. Lilou read what was written on the tag and placed the burnt wig on the ground to her left, intending to find more evidence and return to the wig later. She quickly wrote 'Wig Salon Extraordinaire' on her notepad in her usual messy and almost unreadable writing and returned her focus to the pile of trash, or 'evidence' as she would say. She rummaged through the mound with her bare hands before something caught her eye. A charred scrap of paper with some writing on it! Lilou smiled, hoping that her streak of luck would last throughout this entire case. She picked it up, intending to read it, before her smile faded. The message was near unreadable and could very well be completely unrelated to the murder. She shook her head, determined to impress her colleagues on her first case. She sat on the ground, legs crossed, and copied the text into her notepad. She also made an attempt to decipher the message.

"Meet _______ at An-____________________ 12. Can't wa-_______________. I've been _______ you, love

- You-, _____________o"

"Meet me at Anime Convention 12. Can't wait to see you. I've been thinking about you, love,

Yours truly, Ueda Aiko."

Lilou shrugged, she was pretty proud of her guess but was almost certain that it wasn't correct. She placed the note between two pages in her notepad before closing it and placing it in her back pocket. She thoroughly examined the pile of ash again before concluding that nothing was left. She pushed most of the trash back into the sideways trash can and picked the bin up again, returning the lid. She stood up and brushed herself off, smiling. She had found enough evidence to get this case rolling in her favor. She picked up the wig and looked around. There were two other places she could look at here, but she was sure that the cops would have picked the area of death clean, and footprints can't really say anything. Lilou was hoping to recreate the event but she could not do so without a partner. She sighed and decided that the best course of action would be to leave the area and wait until the next day. After all, the wig salon would more than likely be closed at this hour, and, if not, it would be closed by the time she got there on foot.

But then again, she could always call for help. Lilou took her mobile phone out of her side pocket. It was an old, cheap model but it did what it had to and she couldn't afford anything better. She dialed the number of the Death Purgers to try and reach Akiayama.

"Hi, Akiyama-san, it's Re- I mean, It's Lilou. I've called to ask if you can check to see if a 'Wig Salon Extraordinaire' is open at this hour. I found some evidence for the case!" Lilou spoke in an excited tone. After all, she had found some crucial evidence all on her own.
Ahh, the morgue. Cold, bleak, full of the stench of rot and preservative chemicals. Here, dead men did tell tales, as long as the friendly Kaneda-san was there to interpret their whispers. And it was here that the Purgers would be the next -- and sometimes final -- stop for those stories. Hayden's partners for the night were similarly excited, and he hoped that the twitches of his head and fingers and his wide smile made his attitude just as infectious.

"One mustn't underestimate the strength of a woman scorned," Hayden chuckled. "I would rather speak with the victim's girlfriend myself before I pass such a judgment."

Had Mr. Kaneda hesitated any longer, Hayden might have asked him what the trouble was, but soon his question was answered with the removal of the blanket. Hayden always found the gesture somewhat poetic, like robbing the victim of their final privacy. The reveal of the marks covering the victim's thighs, however, was enough to spoil his introspective mood, as well as turn his smile into a toothy scowl. Rapists disgusted him. There was no beauty in overpowering someone for something as base as sexual pleasure. He would certainly have a few words to say once they pinned down the perpetrator. "Yes, I believe you're right," Hayden muttered, looking over the offending marks more closely. His hands were held behind him, fidgeting nervously.

Tiffany's sudden shout brought him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see her waving a strand of hair in his face. "Oh, excellent work!" he said, the smile back on his face. "We should have that analyzed right away. And afterwards, I would like to speak to Aiko-san." If the girl didn't prove strong enough to inflict the wounds her former boyfriend bore, Hayden felt he could reasonably rule her out for the time being. He would test her true strength for sure.
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Lilith listened to Mr. Kaneda with open ears and can see where he may have gotten his conclusions. "Poor boy, such a waste you had to go. Who knows what was in future." She mumbled as she continued to listen. Lilith took note of his oddly girlish figure. Yuuki was lean, with some defined muscles which would make it hard for someone to over power him. Unless he knew the person. If he knew who they were then maybe it was easier for the criminal to get their hands on him, catching him off guard. "I would understand it possibly being the girlfriend or someone he knew and trusted to be in his personal space. Someone his built would have to be caught off guard to be taken down." Lilith gave a slight shrug but the fact his lower half was attacked didn't make much sense. If it was his girlfriend she would have either dumped the object she used or kept it.

While being in deep thought Tiffany gave a yelp that snapped her out of it. She had a small baggie with a strand of hair. "Nothing gets past those ruby eyes of yours." She complimented with a doll like smile gracing her lips. Lilith cracked her knuckles as she thought for a moment and stopped. "So now we have a hair sample to compare DNA. I think we have everything for now... We just need the other suspects DNA. Since Marius and Inna are questioning the girlfriend maybe you can shoot a quick message to see if they can get DNA sample from her. At least we'll have one suspect down." Lilith suggested and saw that everyone was ready to move forward. "Mr. Kaneda, I'll be back by the weekend to let you know how it all ended. Maybe I'll even bring something to eat or maybe tea. Until then, I have work to do." She said to bid farewell to a good friend.
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"Must of hit the girl harder then what I thought...poor thing." was Marius's instinctive thought as she opened the door. He himself wasn't sure what was going to open the door after the few eerie moments of silence from when he first began knocking, but nothing of this extreme. Her hair was a wild jungle with no shown attempts of taming it, her eyes still bright red as though someone had just knocked the tears out of her, and her soft but slightly caved in cheeks gave way to show she probably wasn't eating much. The fact she was still highly upset very apparent, but he was a little surprised she let them in without so much a second thought.

Walking in he carefully stepped to the side, his face calm and almost stoic. His gaze shifting from the small entrance way into the almost immediate large family room. The house seemed to weigh heavier on the inside...Though, that could of just been the lingering mood of the girl affecting him. While taking in the place, he noticed the small and dull paintings of flowers or women in frilly dresses, along with other sculptures of birds and and light houses. Fluff to make the room feel more alive, he supposed.

Taking his seat on the old and wore maroon couch, he crossed his leg over his knee and awaited for his partner and the girl to join him in the room. His eyes almost fixated on her, watching her movements to see if her feelings were holding as genuine. Maybe his judgement was getting ahead of the evidence, again. Obviously she was distraught, but still, not cooperating with the police after your lover was murdered sounds suspicious..Although, saying they were lovers was a stretch.

"Aiko, you probably know why we're here. Especially at this late of an hour, but please do forgive our intrusion. I am Marius." he said nodding his head at her, and waved to Inna so that she could introduce herself.

"Aiko, we know you've been through a lot this past month, but what could you tell us about you and your boyfriend."
Akiyama Satoshi - @Link, @s k u l l.

"Wig Salon Extraordinaire, you say..." the young man whispered into the speaker as he readjusted his glasses and smiled as always. "I didn't know that you had gotten into cosplaying, Lilou." Satoshi jokingly added after a moment of silence "You know, we've been engaged with this particular shop in the past as well, and know from experience that their primary customer are either hard-core cosplayers or fashionistas. Maybe this piece of information can come in handy in the near future. Anyway, I don't think they would be working at... 1 in the morning, though they open at around 8. The restocking begins at about 5, however, so I might be able to get you in before their opening time with a little help from the boss..."

With that Satoshi stood up from his chair and, after taking a second to shoot Ace a cheerful expression, he put the phone on speaker so that the man sharing a room with him currently could hear everything the girl had to say. "Since you speak of this salon, I take it that you have made some discoveries while on your investigation. Please, do tell what you found since Ace and I would love to know."


The Morgue - @Moogle-Girl, @Lucifers Sairen, @Shattered♦Secrets™

Tiffany's sudden exclamation has startled the old man as he assumed that something horribly wrong was going on. And, in a way, his supposition was entirely correct for, despite not being too serious about his job, Mr Kaneda prided himself on his meticulous work. Realizing that such a vital clue had been overlooked, the man cringed on the inside, which soon showed through in his facial feature of displeasure.

"I had a young intern clean Yuuki's fingernails and collect any valuable traces... Apparently he didn't do his job!" the man's last words came out with a high note, filled with more disappointment than anger. After cooling down a little bit, the hunched medical examiner continued "That looks like a very singular hair and I must agree that it's best to hand it over to forensics immediately for an analysis. Now, I don't usually do this but, since you are my favorite visitors, I am willing to hand it over to them personally and, of course, later phone into the Death Purgers' offices to share any finds that have been made. Also, don't fear to drop in if you find any DNA samples to compare it with. This is the least I can do to repay you guys for making my job even more interesting than it already is!"

With these final words Mr Kaneda finally covered up the body once more and turned to face the purgers with a smile as a way to say his goodbye. "And, Lilith, I will be anxiously awaiting you this weekend. Don't forget that I only drink green tea. It does miracles for the nervous system! Until then, good luck to you all."


Ueda Aiko - @Void_coffin, @Heichou

"... Yes, that would be me..." the girl was barely able to stutter out her response to one of the strangers's remarks. After all, she was too concerned with wondering who the hell these people were. They apparently knew not only her name but also her home address. After at last coming to this conclusion, Aiko was hit by her stupidity. She had allowed these shady individuals into her home without even any thought put into her actions. She truly was an absentminded trainwreck... Yet, now it was too late to force these people out of her abode. Hell, she could barely move, that's how tired she was! So, how could the girl ever expect to overpower anyone. Plus, after taking in the appearance of her nightly visitors, she came to view them as dangerous...

Thus, Aiko simply resolved to cautiously following the intimidatingly tall man, who had invaded her space and claimed it as his own, while simultaneously carefully eyeing the black haired girl whom was the first to speak out if the two. Aiko was paranoid. She could trust nobody. And this idea was further reinforced by the guy, who had introduced himself as Maruis, who uttered a statement that made the girl become stiff all over.

Suddenly feeling faint, Aiko could stand up no more and fell into the couch next to the chair in which Maruis was seated. Through disgusting sobs and audible cursing, the girl was at last able to mutter, her voice cracking "Who the hell are you people? I-I just want to be left alone!"
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Lilou nervously laughed when Satoshi mentioned that it was 1 in the morning. She had not noticed the time going by, and for some reason she didn't at all feel tired.

She cleared her throat before speaking, a smug smile across her face.

"Well, I checked out the crime scene, there was a trash can there that the police overlooked," she sounded proud and childish, as if she were trying to show off, "After I... Carefully examined said trash can, I found a wig that appears to belong to our mystery suspect."

The joy in her voice faded a bit and she turned to a more serious tone. "It's a little burned, though. Seems like our lolita didn't want anyone finding it, but they didn't do a very good job. It still has the tag on it that shows where it came from. Everything else in the bin was all charred up too."

Lilou paused for a moment before remembering the scrap of paper. "Oh, and there was this note in there too, it was all burnt up but it looked important so I held onto it. I have my suspicions as to what it could have said, but... I'll keep them to myself, best not give anyone else false information, y'know. I'll bring it in sometime later so that everyone else can have a look at it."
Sighing as he shook his head, Marius looked up at her. His gaze staring her up and down, studying her as though she were some book. Yet, he sighed once again. "This girl doesn't seem to have much the mental or physical capacity murder anyone...but maybe she knows something." Marius thought.

"Yes, we do...Though, you must be wondering who we are. Well, I can tell we're not here to harm you. We're here only for the truth." He said rather bluntly. His light green eyes shining in the darkness as he still awaited for her to say something, anything really.
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Tiffany handed the baggy with the hair strand to Mr. Kaneda. "Well not everyone can do this type of job." She patted the man's shoulder, giving him a sympathetic smile. "We definitely need to speak with Miss Aiko...AND Mr. Ryo also. Maybe this Lolita person was just make believe. First." She took out her phone, she text messaged Marius. "Marius can you get a hair sample from Miss Aiko, we've found something very interesting at the Morgue." She sent the message, hoping that they haven't left yet. Waving a sweet goodbye, Tiffany started for the door. "I think it's time for us to meet with everyone, and let them know what we have discovered." She unlocked her car, waiting for Hayden and Lilith.

Interaction(s): @Dreamer @Moogle-Girl @Lucifers Sairen @Void_coffin
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[The hunter]
["Ich bin der jäger, du bist der essen." (I am the hunter, you are the prey/food.)
Leon Corvinus

The sound of a motorcycle filled the ally that lead to the headquarters of Tokyo Death Purgers as the resident hunter arrived. Leon Corvinus had gotten to the office as quickly as he could, but being out of town for a bit of a trip to mount Fuji was part of the reason he was arriving separately from the others. It didn't take the bounty hunter long to get to the office "hey Satoshi san, traffic was worse than expected. And seeing mount Fuji was better in person than hearing about it." Leo said as he walked in with a large bottle of rice wine in hand and set it down on the desk before he said "for Shinigami san. And before you ask, no. I didn't drink one drop from this bottle. Bourbon is my drink of choice." The seal was still intact on the bottle, so the Raven's claims were true. Leon often called his boss Shinigami san since he never seen the man and figured he was working for the grim reaper. "So, what do you have for me work wise? Anyone who needs interrogating? I can crack the toughest, tight lipped individual without breaking a sweat. If not, does anyone need any help out there?" He then noticed the file and frowned at the title That was in it. "Who comes up with these names." the American muttered in Romanian as he rubbed the bridge his nose.
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Akiyama Satoshi - @Link, @s k u l l., @Victor Markov

"Fantastic job, detective Lilou! Keep up the good work." Satoshi responded while simultaneously applauding the girl over the phone. He was very well aware that this was the first case she was involved in, so some encouragement would do no harm. Quite on the contrary - it would probably provide with additional enthusiasm, though Lilou already sounded very content with herself during the phone call. And rightfully so! Yet, "bonus" uplifting always aided in some way or another. Akiyama would know, since this was something he enjoyed regularly employing with the purgers, all of whom he cared most deeply for. "Well, you should definitely bring that scrap down to the office at some point when everyone meets up again. However, until them, I shall text Shi-kun and try to make an appointment for you at the Wig Salon." and with this he whipped out his personal phone and began tapping on the screen, typing out word after word as the light coming from the gadget illuminated and bounced off of his glasses in a rather creepy glimmer.

"By the way" the man continued, not taking even a second to look away from the message he was working on currently "Would it be okay if Mr Vladimir here tags along with you, Lilou? What do you say about it, Ace? Do you wish to go try to track down the owner of the hazel wig or would you much rather do something else you had in mind?"

And just as these words were muttered, the roaring of a motorcycle could be heard under the office windows, breaking thought the stillness of the night. "Well, well, well... Better late than never..." murmured Satoshi with a grin as a late visitor could be perceived walking up those dreaded by many stairs. And soon, Leon entered the secretary's domain "Welcome back! I hope your trip to mount Fuji was fun. Also, I would never doubt the words of the priest" Satoshi chimed in as a response to the purger's statements. Looking down at the bottle of rice wine, its seal intact, he continued "Well, Shi-kun will certainly be delighted by your present. Though I can't promise that it will arrive at him unopened~ Heh, just kidding. I might still persuade him into drinking with me... Anyway, ignore what I just said! We have work to do. If you wish to help someone out, Lilou just discovered a traceable wig while at the murder scene. I suggested that Ace tagged along with her... Meanwhile, Marius and Inna went over to interrogate the victim's girlfriend, and the artistic trio, basically Tiffany, Hayden and Lilith, went off to the morgue. I don't really know how their searches are going, though..."

"Lilou!" Satoshi shouted excitedly over the phone to the girl, who he had forgot to hang up on "The boss just responded to my text and he says that it's okay if you get to the salon at 5. One of the workers there will accept you in and then you can question them. Until then you can come back here, if you wish."


Ueda Aiko - @Void_coffin, @Heichou

"I-I can't tell you the truth..." Aiko at last responded, taking a moment to gaze up at the man, a pleading look in her swollen eyes. "You wouldn't understand. No one can. That's why he told me... only me..." and for the first time in a month, the girl smiled a very weak, bitterly sweet smile "I-I loved him to the bottom of my heart as a friend, as a soul mate. He viewed me in the same way. That's why he suggested we become a couple, so that we could talk, lean on each others' shoulders. And he confined in me and I swore that I would not say a thing to anyone for as long as I lived! Because no one would accept her!"

The last sustenance had come out as a cracking shout. Putting one hand over her mouth to stop herself from breaking down even further, the girl ceased. And for five minutes, which felt like eternity, Aiko simply eyed the two strangers. Then, after gazing up as thought to try and hear if she had woken up her parents, the girl proceeded talking on a whisper "I am afraid I have already said too much... Please, just go. You can ask of me whatever you want and I will do it, as long as I don't have to talk about... him... I beg you, just leave"
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[The hunter]
["Ich bin der jäger, du bist der essen." (I am the hunter, you are the prey/food.)
Leon Corvinus

"I think I'll help with the interrogation first and then the wig. People tend to open up to a man of God better than the police." Leon said with a smile. They didn't call him priest for nothing and his interrogation technique was unique and a tad unconventional. He often walked in with a bible and a suit, Not his usual style but it worked, on and the one being interrogated usually sang for him like a regular songbird.
Lilou smiled at the compliment, looking down at her own feet, almost blushing. She was glad that Satoshi believed that she was doing good work, and felt confident that she could progress even more in the case. Lilou's mood changed to one of curiosity when Ace was brought up.

"W-Well, I mean, if he wants to he can come with me, I guess I could use a partner." She blurted out, she hadn't met a 'Vladimir', and she really needed some help if she were to get anywhere. She just hoped that he wouldn't steal her spotlight.

Lilou nodded happily when Satoshi mentioned that she could have access to the wig salon early. "Thank you, Akiyama-san! I will return to the office in the meantime so that I may turn in the evidence I have found so far. I'll see you later!"

She hung up and placed her mobile phone back in her pocket and yawned before beginning her long walk back to the office of the Death Purgers.
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