To The Soldiers



Original poster
Dare the unwilling to challenge their Fate
Estimate the length of Infinity that will take
Suffer the hardships of Truths unnumbered
Take on the mission of which we encumber
Inside we look for our own calling to Life
Never wondering about our starvation or strife
Your name transforms and strength grows inside
Proactive to fight, walk, run; we won't die
Rage grows in us to extinguish the fear
Our hearts pound like drums to the choir we hear
Calling like Angels, Like Demons we fight
Lord, Be with us, May out feet take this flight
Air borne may we be, Land or waters of the Sea
Intimidated by none, We'll be the number one
Mind set, Boots laced, I'm ready, Here comes the race
Soldiers are We, the Brave, in the land of the Free.