"To the Pearl..." Capt. Jack Sparrow



Original poster
The Plot

This roleplay is a fanbased Pirate's of the Caribbean roleplay, or just pirate's in general trying to find the next big thing to make them live forever!

Who I Will Be Playing
^Since I came up with this, I will be playing the infamous Jack Sparrow. ;P

Who I Need
^Lord Cutler Beckett

Misc. CS
^ Will
^ Elizabeth -- xxcookiecreamxx
^ The Govenor
^ Soi Fang of Singapor

Note: You can play as your own pirate character! You don't have to play someone from PotC if you don't want. This is meant to be a large group roleplay so if you do however want to play as a character I need, say so and I will edtit the list. Hope to see you all here!
Hmm. I suppose so. Although I hadn't exactly intended her to be in the story line.