Original poster
Horic hurried after Lirren, this werewolf had a remarkable talent for leadership even is a situation like this he was keeping a cool head and leading the group. the pair passed the crossbow girl as she was charging a magical fire bolt, to his eyes the bolt appeared as an excellently crafted spear of magic the patterns in it's magical aura portraying a great potential for destruction. caching up to both Kroyrev and BLEED Horic drew his short sword with his right hand. the horde before them was formidable but no where near as dense as what lay behind them, and the two warriors were doing an excellent job of cutting a swath through it. but no where near fast enough. counter magic it turned out was an ideal weapon to fight the undead, one that could quickly and safely down large numbers of the undead. the flames of counter magic on his hands faded as he transfered the magic to the sword blade, the blade burst to life with purple black flames tuned to destroy the ghouls before him. using the sword he could fire much larger crescent shaped blasts of counter magic that could pass through more that one ghoul cutting swathes out of the undead ranks.
with a cry of strength Horc charged the thinning line of rotten flesh and swung the blade sideways across his field of vision leaving behind a thick trail of the purple black counter magic flames. the resulting five foot wide crescent of counter magic shot forth passing harmlessly through the living members of their merry band of revolutionaries at about chest level to cut down close to fifteen of the undead before the power of the magic faded and the flames dissipated. Horic summoned his strength again and swung the sword back again creating another crescent blast the passed just to the left of the first this time taking close to twenty five of the ghouls.
Horic felt drained, creating blasts of counter magic that large took a great deal of energy and the fact that the magic had to be calibrated to break such a complex spell as necromancy only made it harder. Horic left the flames travel from the sword back to his forearms and sheath the sword again. His efforts were rewarded with a large gap in the undead line. the way down the northern path was clear and the only ghouls he could see were stumbling through th forest on the sides or behind them, the path a head of them was clear and they had clean shot at escape. "Every one!, Disengage and move north! we need to get these summonings behind us!" his shouted to the entire group. "Don't let your guard down, there are still tones of these things stumbling through the forest."
with a cry of strength Horc charged the thinning line of rotten flesh and swung the blade sideways across his field of vision leaving behind a thick trail of the purple black counter magic flames. the resulting five foot wide crescent of counter magic shot forth passing harmlessly through the living members of their merry band of revolutionaries at about chest level to cut down close to fifteen of the undead before the power of the magic faded and the flames dissipated. Horic summoned his strength again and swung the sword back again creating another crescent blast the passed just to the left of the first this time taking close to twenty five of the ghouls.
Horic felt drained, creating blasts of counter magic that large took a great deal of energy and the fact that the magic had to be calibrated to break such a complex spell as necromancy only made it harder. Horic left the flames travel from the sword back to his forearms and sheath the sword again. His efforts were rewarded with a large gap in the undead line. the way down the northern path was clear and the only ghouls he could see were stumbling through th forest on the sides or behind them, the path a head of them was clear and they had clean shot at escape. "Every one!, Disengage and move north! we need to get these summonings behind us!" his shouted to the entire group. "Don't let your guard down, there are still tones of these things stumbling through the forest."