@Acquariana: Your post is good, no worries.
@Kyra: No...I can't let in an anything-dragon character. I'm being fairly laissez-faire with races for the most part, but dragons I reserve for special purposes of the plot; they are immeasurably powerful and it's part of the premise that there aren't any dragons besides Tarimel near the country.
Other problems:
-I'd like to preserve the ingame confusion about who's going to lead once Tarimel is knocked out of power. In fact, if the RP gets that far I intend to let that conflict roll right out to center stage. A surviving noble is one thing, but there is absolutely no way your character would be guaranteed to be the next queen; the genealogies and records of the sort would likely have been burned, and I'd prefer to avoid any and all royalty-macguffins.
-I have no problem with psychics in terms of setting, but psychic powers can be a lot of trouble if they aren't handled well; that is, the power to read and mess with minds in particular. It borders on risking godmodding. I'm actually not sure whether your character is that kind of psychic, since you only specifically mention telekinesis. Just being an illusionist is quite powerful all by itself, though.
*deep breath*
Okay, now, possible solutions. I think the character's personality and history could work fairly well if she was some kind of were-bird, like a werehawk or something. That's perfectly viable. We already have one noble who survived Tarimel's slaughter by wit; it isn't inconceivable that another could survive by luck. I will have to say there's no way any noble in their right mind would come anywhere near the capital after the slaughter, for obvious reasons. It seems very unlikely, therefore, that she would get to see the prince's dead body or such. The abilities would be best toned down to illusionist with empathic abilities and maybe some telekinesis of small objects; being able to juggle bodies with one's mind falls in the range of "superpowers" I'd rather the rebellion not have access to.