To Save The Realms D&D IC


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Online even when you don't think I am :P
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Prestige
  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Regardless of where they were in the world they would come across an old woman telling a tall tale that had attracted quite a crowd. While the crowd varied in between locations, the pull to stay and listen in was real, for little did the listeners know they would be pulled into such a tale in short order. Cloaked and shawled the woman herself was quite nondescript just like many old urchins who haunted the streets and the roads of Faerun. Her wizened old hands wove through the air, telling the story through motion as much as her words. "-And she woke once more amongst the traveling trees, towering above her but she was not frightened for she knew soon the lord of the forest would be along to carry her forth. The beast was as twice as tall as any man, broad, well muscled and thickly furred."

She conjured forth a shadowy figure of a massive feline mid-roar towering over a slender woman. "Fortunately for such a beast it was kindness that had won it's trust, and she slipped up onto his back, carried forward into the rising twilight towards the tower in the center. Once there she fought valiantly her way to top, and upon her arrival she stepped out into the full sun, bathed in it and washed of her weariness and worry. A hand stretched forth, setting on her shoulder and filling her with purpose and courage. 'Take heart fair warrior, and step forth, for you have been tested and deemed worthy.' She would feel the smile without seeing it and stepped forth, taking the hand offered to her." The old woman smiled, "And that is where we'll end our tale for now."

There was protesting groans from the group and soft laughter from the woman herself as she scanned the crowd, meeting the eyes of a few certain individuals. "Now now, you can't save the world in a night, neither can our heroine. Go forth to your beds and dream deep." The woman bade them as the crowd began to disperse. As they wandered off many would muse over the story and upon crawling into their beds, wherever they may be, they laid quietly and eventually drifted off, dreaming of the story they'd heard earlier that evening.


The first thing the group notices upon waking is that they are no longer in their beds, the twilight sky above them is clouded out by towering trees and their massive canopy that catches most of the early morning sunlight. They were not alone, for this group woke in a mass of eleven, gently laid out on the leaf litter of the forest floor side by side with some space between them. Among the group were a gnome, a goliath, a winged tiefling, a blue dragonborn, a dwarf, several elves, several humanoids, and in the very middle of them all was a badger, standing on it's hind legs, dressed in fine chainmail, with a massive shield and sword strapped to it's back. "Come along come along! Awake with you all!" The badger bid, sounding more tired with life in general rather than truly grumpy at their unwillingness to wake. "We must be about our task." He didn't actually attempt to touch any of them to rouse them though.

As they began to rouse the badger, shuffling along on both hind feet, would make his rounds, bringing each and every member a gourd full of cool clear water and a chunk of bread. "Be at ease. The guardian of this forest has promised none will come to harm while you are under their protection." The badger waved a paw at the weapon sheathed over his shoulder. "You have been disarmed of your weapons while a guest of the forest and it's mistress. They shall be returned to you when you leave this place for you will not need them before then." The badger continued making his rounds until they were all awake and aware. "Your task is to reach the tower at the center of these woods, and your group is not the only one so please be swift least you be left behind."

With a general direction in which to travel, to the east it seemed, into the rising sun, they were left to their own devices on how to go about that.
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Cyrus was in an unnamed small town when he heard the story, wasn't totally enthralled by it but it was interesting enough to stay and listen. Afterwards, as it was relatively late and he didn't have much money for a tavern, he decided to head into the nearby forest and tie himself up to a tree to sleep.
So, far as Cyrus knows, he was teleported into a completely different forest and wakes up out of a tree and instead on the forest floor, so instead of interacting with anyone, he will keep his distance and keep an eye on the other people, not wanting to disturb what has happened but being far away enough so that he can react to sudden moves.

While doing so, he would look around a bit and take note of the surroundings. Additionally, he whispers to his bat "keep an eye out from over there", pointing at a branch on the opposite side of the waking party, keeping an eye on both angles.

[Quick character description: A small gnome with spiky white hair with a rope around his waist and dirty but untorn light clothes. He has several pouches on his person, each with different labels, and holds a thick winter coat, which he appeared to be using as a pillow.
Additionally, he has a little red Flying Fox, which was resting in a pouch so that it could hang onto his shoulder.]

(Hopefully this works as the first message, I haven't one this before and wanted to try and kick us off)
He once had a name not so long ago that belonged to a drow toy for the matrons, and later an accomplice to the slavers, but that man was no more, now stood Umraeyrr Helviep of the Crommor House and Devotee of Eilistraee, his name bearing the meaning "Faithful protector of those above the underdark" given to him by Eilistraee herself in a dream long ago. Where such a man was on this evening, was on his way to the church from a charity banquet thrown in honor of those who helped build a new shelter for those down on their luck in the city of Waterdeep. He was clad in full armor as it was both protective in case someone wanted to attempt to harm or kidnap him for his power as a courtier, and the fact it was a masterfully crafted set that complimented his fine clothes and cape. He had donated much of his earnings to the cause and only had a small amount of land and items and the four gold he carried to his name. He didn't mind, there was soon to be a hunt held by the church for people to gather food from the forest which would be enough to keep him till the next day of pay.

He now stood outside a famous tavern in Waterdeep, the Yawning Portal, as an old lady began to tell a tale. Many patrons stepped from inside wandered out to listen to her tale. He smiled at her tale, it reminded him of his escape from the underdark, twas but five years prior to this very day he found himself in this city. Oh how time flew. He smiled and thanked the women for her story before heading to the moonlit glade with it's shimmering pond where many of the worshipers of Eilistraee frequented. He felt called for some reason to gather his stored gear from the church and take it with him to the pond, and so he did. The water shone with a divine light as he sat down to ponder on the story he had heard, soon finding himself replaying it as he slipped into a trance.

He soon arose from his trance to look around with confusion, had some druids filled in the glade and made the trees much taller in four hours? Surely not, they would have no good reason to change an already beautiful plot of land and desecrate the glade's pond. No, it was far morel likely he himself was in another place entirely. The land was beautiful around him as the sun rose. He himself lost the vision he was used to in the underdark of seeing so far to let his eyes grow used to the light of the sun. It was not a change he regretted, as the lands above the caverns were glorious as they basked in the morning's golden glow. He spotted Ransom amongst the others, he recalled seeing him in the crowd that listened to the story teller by the Yawning Portal... at least he thought he did, there were many tiefling in Waterdeep.

Umraeyrr took inventory of what he had on himself in this strange new land, he found he still had everything, except his javelins and sword were gone. He did not like fighting, but he did want those to defend himself if the need so arose in this strange new land. However the badger in armor and adorned with a sword and shield started speaking to the group. Umraeyrr stood up and pulled out his shield, at the very least if things took hostile he could attempt to defend himself and run. The badger stated there was a task... but what was that? Before he could speak up he was brought provisions which he put into his pack for when he needed them. Despite the badgers statement to be at ease, he still kept his shield on hand, he was in a new land and it never hurt to be careful just in case. The badger then stated that the masters of this place had their gear and their task.

Umraeyrr spoke up first amongst the group. "Before we leave I have a single question. For what purpose were we summoned?" He inquired, not caring about the situation as much as the purpose, as he would not be a pawn in some evil creature or person's game.
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Gregor had been in the tavern usual as he listened to the old woman's story. Stories like that had never much interested him..they had always been a favorite of his brothers as he sat there drinking in sorrow in the memory of his brother he had turned his attention to the woman to listen only in the memory and honor of his brother..because he knew that his brother would have wanted to hear the tale. The tale to him sounded ridiculous in some ways..but he also knew that all stories and legends held some bit of truth to them even if they were outlandish. Before his brother's death there would have been a time that he and his brother would have set out after hearing this story to do all they could to create their own legend and stories..however since that fateful day that spark had all but died within he only traveled and fought and sold his sword to anyone who needed it because it was the only thing he knew how to do.

After the tale ended he would finish his drink and give a heavy sigh before he made his way up to his room and laid down to go straight to sleep..however sleep didn't come easy to him for once again the nightmares of that fateful day haunted him not just during the waking hours but as he slept as well. For that day he hadn't just lost his brother..he lost his best friend..his comrade..his rival..his inspiration. The two brothers had pushed each other as hard and as far as they could and then even further..and now that his brother was gone there was just little reason in Gregor's mind to continue to try and get better.

When he awoke the next morning he would give a long groan and slowly sit up and rub his head..however when he realized that a soft mattress wasn't under him but cool grass he would pause..and then jump to his feet and look around find that there were several others in the group before him..and..a badger? Wearing armor and carrying a sword and shield? What in the world was going on here? He would take the bread and water offered to him and eye it warily for a moment before he took a drink and a bite from both and then stowed the rest away for later. As the badger explained what was going on Gregor could only feel a frown crossing his face and he would slowly cross his arms..and a moment later one of the others drow..and he asked the right question..but there were others..but it was definitely the most important one.

Turning his attention back to the badger he would nod his head before he spoke "Aye..I agree wit da Drow, Why have ya brought us here ya furry little ting? And whatcha mean dat we ain't the only ones ta be brought here? Dis be some kind of competition? Are ya saying dat we need to beat the others to dat der tower dat ya mentioned? Or is it just that we need ta be gettin there alive? And who be this mistress dat ya mentioned? I think dat we be needin a bit more info before we rush off into da forest on your say so."
Ransom's deep maroon-red skin, black hair, and dusky coloured pronghorn style horns did not stand out as much as they could have if he were not in one of the largest cities in the land. People saw Tieflings on the streets and in some cases running shops or trade labour booths such as metal working and custom embroidery. There had even, recently, been a Tiefling accepted into the ranks of the city guard. Still Ransom kept out of sight, hiding beneath his cloak and doing his best to blend in with the transient portion of the population by carrying his packs.

The clothing he wore was not well fitted, mostly discarded by other folk before coming into his hands but the colours were drab. Grey, murky white strips of cloth bound about his feet instead of shoes. Faded olive-ish tunic. His hooded cloak was patched because the one he'd chosen for the base had been lacking whole sections. Over time, as his cloak had been rebuilt in stages, he'd decided he actually liked it better than a uniformly coloured spread of cloth. One of his packs had a skratchy length of hemp rope to the outside. All together he seemed to be just a newly arrived inerrant.

A few lines spoken by a proper Story Teller, probably a graduate from one of the Bard colleges, caught his attention. In spite of the crowd passing into and out of the Yawning Portal her words carried clear and true. A brief pause in his steps and Ransom heard more. Enough to make him stop. Across the crowd he caught sight of a familiar dark skinned, white haired individual. In reply to Umraeyrr's gesture of recognition he tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. His own reply had been 'hello friend!' and 'got no clue what is going on, do you?'. Whether Umraeyrr could see it well enough to get the full meaning, Ransom himself understood the other man had no information about this telling of a tale event.

Quickly engaged then enthralled by the story he found himself identifying to an uncomfortable degree with the protagonist. Her struggle to keep pace with the changes around her. The way those changes seemed more to happen at her, making it impossible for her to properly interact with developments. Even those which she had set in motion herself.

Unnerved by his own response to the story Ransom glanced to see if he could catch sight of Umraeyrr before merging again with the folk crowding the streets on their ways to so many different locations, activities and other people that it thrilled him to be part of it. Within the crowd...not actually heading toward a particular goal. He continued feeling uneasy while sneaking into the rafters of a warehouse. Nobody wanted to steal bales of wool, even if it was of particularly high quality. Nobody stealing, no need for aguard, no particular threats to keep him from sleeping fully rather than remaining half alert.

A hard surface supported his body in a 'lying down' pose rather than 'clinging to a rafter joint'. Soil. Grass. Flowers. The sound of tree leaves in a breeze. The total lack of sea birds, sea water and sea swearing were what kept him from leaping to his feet and hiding. This was not at all a place he knew.

Listening intently and watching through his eyelids for shadows and light to move by he heard the gruff voice of somebody encouraging wakefullness and some sort of activity. Opening his eyes, one at a time to make his awakening less distinct. Nothing seemed off or dangerous so he began pushing against the ground to sit up then got his feet under him so he could crouch on the balls of his feet.

An upright walking badger, handing out food, talking, and by implication trained in the use of sword and shield. There was a task, they were apparently disarmed. Umraeyrr's voice behind him caused Ransom to snap his head that way and he stood quickly. Getting to the Drow's side he checked to make sure the man was as uninjured as himself. Others were waking. A Dragonbourn with the unfortunate quality of being a morning person, the Dwarf spoke up in support of Umraeyrr's question. A Goliath and a Human were at least polite enough to be groggy wakers. Ransom did not approach any of them. He did make sure the only one he knew had received a ration of bread and container of water then when handed his own Ransom began walking East.

He modified his steps to keep from sloshing the water but otherwise did nothing with his meal. Even though he did know Umraeyrr and count him as a friend Ransom did not wait or offer an explanation. Soon among the pools of light and large swaths of shade he was not hard to see because the dense canopy kept undergrowth down. Ferns and moss were the majority of plants between the trees and the tallest ferns were waist high.
For all the books he had beside him none of them compared to the exceptional storytelling done by the woman. She was naturally charismatic, an orator that understood just how to weave words in a way that made everything seem so vibrant; legendary. The gray blue of his eyes met with the woman's only once, but it was beyond her that he was looking. A Raven sitting on a perch with mirror like silver eyes staring over the woman's shoulder right into his own. Soren didn't move; content with grims such as this since the time he'd learned the truth about who he was; at least what little truth there was to find.

The tale was coming to an end and the people were going about their way; none too happy to simply accept that it was done. Soren was among them; eager to hear what would come of this heroine next. It reminded him of home with Camille had sang for him as a child. He'd always loved her voice; but it was in his mothers story telling that he'd found his first romance.

A gentle smile rested his features as the torches dulled and the people went about their nights. Soren remained with a book clutched in hand, His spear at his side beside a pack of supplies for his travels. He watched for a time, noticing how the kids kicked around a ball and sometimes got rough with each other. There was a simple serenity to this village and yet that brought more dread to Soren than he would ever openly admit. Knowing just how easily all of this- could go up in flames.

The night settled in and with it the quiet. A single dog barking on the distant side of the village; and the music from the tavern was barely a whispered hymn now- a stroke from the lute, or some other instrument perhaps. He wasn't clever enough to know much besides that he enjoyed the sound of it.

With the quietness however it made it easy to drift off. His eyes opening only once to see a pair of lovers dancing on their back porch to whatever tune was playing in their heads. The sight offered a sense of peace. Soren resting against the rough bark and and finally falling to sleep properly.

Detrimental awareness stole that sleep from him however. Soren pushing up from the ground almost in a rush, and he reached for his spear; and not finding it grabbed the largest rock he could. He was still wearing his leathers, his cloak and supplies where he'd left them but his weapons were gone now. The larger man stood faster than most; but he could see that he was not alone. The grove was full of people. Beings that he recognized while others he did not. Surprisingly the speaking badger in front of him did not seemed to disturb the ranger at all. That was a unique luxury he had with his prior experience with 'animals'.

Before Soren could speak however, There were plenty of other loud ones here that had any question he might have had- well- in check. Soren started to wander around the woods. No harm would come to anyone under the mistress protection. The wording was vague; but it was far less often that spirits of nature were so wrathful as to consume the innocent. Sharp eyes followed after the red skinned looking man. Most of his time spent had not afforded him a chance to come across anything like them; but they were heading east and that was good enough for him. "Oi. While all of these are good questions, I think that the answers in the stars. If you lot are like me then you were brought here in your sleep, Meaning we teleported, we got drugged and dragged, or we're asleep. If its either of the former ones then we are already at their game. So Im gonna play."

Soren left his opinion out there for the rest to consider, before he picked up all that he still had on him, tucked his cloak around him and started east. If allowed he'd move right past the red skinned man and immediately duck into the foliage to check and see if there was a walked path. Simply he needed to be sure they were only headed east. Whatever they were called for, He'd already had his share of spirits calling to him. This was just on a grander scale, and he'd never been the patient type to begin with. Wherever this took them, it was an adventure, and well curiosity drove him to blindly trust in the furry solider and start forging a path forward. "I can keep us on the right path. If your goin then lets move." Soren looked behind him to see who was taking the invitation or not. Reaching up he pulled his long raven colored hair back into a smallest knot. It would keep it out of his eyes for the travel ahead. Turning to the red skinned man Soren spoke. "if you have good eyes for it. Look for some sturdy enough sticks, I might be able to make us some spears if we need em."

[Doing a Survival Check to make sure we remain east and begin leading the way.] PS.. I hope this is how it works, and then you roll for us? I'll wait and see lol.

Nera Whisperwind

Nera and her two closest companions had been celebrating their recent victory over the corrupt of her newfound home, walking through the streets and laughing amongst themselves. The story normally wouldn't have caught her, watching another perform brought too many fresh scars back to the surface. But Angel loved things like this, it was half the reason the Aasimar had taken such a liking to Nera in the first place, and where one of the trio went so did the other two. As the young woman stood and watched, she found herself less listening to the tale and more watching how the people responded to the illusions used. She had personal interest in such things after all. Interest in them only lasted as long as it took Nera to realize the old woman was looking at her, that intense gaze as if the sole owner of a piece of knowledge. It was unsettling, but the bard did was she always did when faced with unsettling things; she smiled back and gave a small little charming bow before grabbing her friends arms and pulling them along. That was enough of that, it reeked of a trap of some sort.

The home they all lived in could barely be considered as such, a single room of a run down shack where each of the three had chosen a corner to call their own. Nera's corner was lined with rugs and covered in cushions, giving her a soft place to rest at night. Even with pulling the curtains closed around her sleeping area it did little to block the noise that came from the fact her two dearest friends typically spent the nights in a singular corner of their home. Things like that never much bothered the bard though, and did little to keep her awake, as sleep was welcome after such a day. As the young woman drifted off to sleep her hand held tightly to the single wolf tooth of her necklace.

A new voice, especially one telling her to wake in such a manner was the fastest way to get Nera to her feet. Standing barely over five foot her wild waves of deep red hair were quickly smoothed back as best she could tame them and keep them from her honey gold eyes long enough to take in the surroundings. Where she lived you didn't sleep in your armor, so instead she stood there dressed in a gold silk halter and a crimson sarong around her hips. It did much to show off her mocha colored skin and the golds she liked to wear. It was not hard to realize that this was something where armor was needed though so pulling a cloak from her pack she strung it hastily between two low hanging branched to step behind it and pull the leather armor on. This was the perfect excuse to listen for a time, hear the answers to the questions and get her mind of where she was.

There was a question no one was asking though and it burned on her tongue relentlessly till, once she was done dressing, she pulling the cloak back down with one swift flourish and greeted the group with her best smile. "Not to be rude, seeing as your Mistress has gone to such extravagant means to have us. But how do we get home?" Her voice was womanly but youthful, a natural kind of charisma in it that spoke of how she could pull others in when she performed. People were counting on her back in Calimport, how was she supposed to keep her people alive if she was here being guided about by a talking badger. Cute as it was. With her own question tossed into the hat she stepped over and picked up her bag, momentarily frowning as she found no weapons there and instead picked up her violin and idly checked to see if it was still tuned to perfection. Music could be a weapon all it's own if she truly needed it to be.

Nera and her two closest companions had been celebrating their recent victory over the corrupt of her newfound home, walking through the streets and laughing amongst themselves. The story normally wouldn't have caught her, watching another perform brought too many fresh scars back to the surface. But Angel loved things like this, it was half the reason the Aasimar had taken such a liking to Nera in the first place, and where one of the trio went so did the other two. As the young woman stood and watched, she found herself less listening to the tale and more watching how the people responded to the illusions used. She had personal interest in such things after all. Interest in them only lasted as long as it took Nera to realize the old woman was looking at her, that intense gaze as if the sole owner of a piece of knowledge. It was unsettling, but the bard did was she always did when faced with unsettling things; she smiled back and gave a small little charming bow before grabbing her friends arms and pulling them along. That was enough of that, it reeked of a trap of some sort.

The home they all lived in could barely be considered as such, a single room of a run down shack where each of the three had chosen a corner to call their own. Nera's corner was lined with rugs and covered in cushions, giving her a soft place to rest at night. Even with pulling the curtains closed around her sleeping area it did little to block the noise that came from the fact her two dearest friends typically spent the nights in a singular corner of their home. Things like that never much bothered the bard though, and did little to keep her awake, as sleep was welcome after such a day. As the young woman drifted off to sleep her hand held tightly to the single wolf tooth of her necklace.

A new voice, especially one telling her to wake in such a manner was the fastest way to get Nera to her feet. Standing barely over five foot her wild waves of deep red hair were quickly smoothed back as best she could tame them and keep them from her honey gold eyes long enough to take in the surroundings. Where she lived you didn't sleep in your armor, so instead she stood there dressed in a gold silk halter and a crimson sarong around her hips. It did much to show off her mocha colored skin and the golds she liked to wear. It was not hard to realize that this was something where armor was needed though so pulling a cloak from her pack she strung it hastily between two low hanging branched to step behind it and pull the leather armor on. This was the perfect excuse to listen for a time, hear the answers to the questions and get her mind of where she was.

There was a question no one was asking though and it burned on her tongue relentlessly till, once she was done dressing, she pulling the cloak back down with one swift flourish and greeted the group with her best smile. "Not to be rude, seeing as your Mistress has gone to such extravagant means to have us. But how do we get home?" Her voice was womanly but youthful, a natural kind of charisma in it that spoke of how she could pull others in when she performed. People were counting on her back in Calimport, how was she supposed to keep her people alive if she was here being guided about by a talking badger. Cute as it was. With her own question tossed into the hat she stepped over and picked up her bag, momentarily frowning as she found no weapons there and instead picked up her violin and idly checked to see if it was still tuned to perfection. Music could be a weapon all it's own if she truly needed it to be.
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Raven paused to watch the story teller briefly as she walked through the streets of Waterdeep. She was on her way back to her preferred nesting place a tavern in one of the dingy parts of town. The tale told by the old threadbare woman was mildly interesting but nothing more. A small diversion for the evening. At one point she felt the tale tellers eyes meet hers and she gave her a nod near the end and then moved on.

It was just another night in Waterdeep nothing special. Her dark sinister clothing and cloak of red black felted wool was enough to make most gazes slide from her even in the dark alleyways when paired with the wicked ugly scar that bisected her pale white pretty face on the left side.

Soon enough she reached the seedy tavern where she had a room for tonight. She never used the same place for more then three nights in a row.
Once she was securely in her room, at least as secure as one can make a room in such a place she sat on the lumpy bed with her back to the wall against the almost flat pillow and sank into a restful elven trance her eyes open and on the door.

When Raven awoke in the woods to the badger talking of tasks and a group of seemingly random people, the first thought that ran through her head was interesting. She did not tend to have strong feelings about anything. She gives the badger man a nod of silent thanks as he passes out food and water. She does not stand as she breaks her fast, but instead stays put listening as the others ask questions waiting to hear the answers that will provide her with more information then what her eyes have already observed.

When at last it was gotten to that there was a task stated Raven rose to her feet and shouldered her gear unperturbed by her lack of weaponry anything could be a weapon anyways. Raven heads out with the others and as she joins them she speaks for the first time in a low husky alto "I will scout ahead to see if there are dangers on our route.

Stealthily she will slip into the woods ahead of the party moving like a shadow from tree to tree on silent feet, scanning each section with her eyes and listening alertly for any unusual sounds. She proceeds ahead of the others (stealth and perception/survival) (I know you said one but scouting takes more then one imho. )
Cyrus's Fruit Bat would successfully find a comfortable branch to hang from, the trees seemingly rearranging themselves a bit so as to allow the small creature to be comfortable and secure. The little bat couldn't see much other than the group on the ground but it would most certainly pick up more than that via sound, the heartbeats of the eleven on the ground, that of Cyrus, and within the shelter of the trees themselves a larger louder heartbeat. Whatever it belonged to though was soft and slow with no indication of a threat being presented, merely sleepy watchfulness.

Phiris was unaware of the gnome hiding in the tree, having not yet counted those on the ground as he continued making sure everyone was getting up and hopefully eating and drinking something before they were prevented from doing so. Fortunately for the shortest of them all there was a little help in the form of a wolverine no bigger than the palm of his hand, the ghostly little black and white creature clambering up Phiris's body to perch on his shoulder, it's snout pressed to his ear. The Badger blinked and looked up, and up, and up, and blinked again.

While he said nothing about the Gnome up the tree, he turned his eyes back to keeping a watch on everyone, making note of who had had something to drink or eat. Once they were all more or less on their feet he seemed to tune into something completely different and muttered at the forest floor, or maybe it was to the shield and sword on his back. Even the keenest of hearing wouldn't be able to make out what he was saying, or what language he was speaking in, or even to whom or what he might be speaking.

He would look up from the forest floor when the questions began rolling in and turned to face those he talked to as he answered. The drow got a toothy grin, "To save the world of course, but only after you pass The Champion Trials and make it to the top of Soluna Tower at the center of the Forest of Nine." His attention was then drawn by the dwarf who was clearly full of questions, but all of them relevant and valid. "I have not brought you here, I was merely sent to guide and look after you." He informed them all. "The Mistress of this Forest, Speaker and Champion of Ao, has brought you here to go forth into The Champion Trials as I have just said."

He looked around at the group and squared his little badger shoulders, puffing himself up to look bigger, though not in an intimidating manner. "There are more groups, scattered through the forest, all to approach the Trials in their own way, and yes I suppose you could consider this a competition of sorts." Of course anything more he was going to say was cut short as the Goliath cleared his throat. Phiris turned expectantly towards the biggest of them all, his little ears lifting in a quizzical expression.

"The Champion Trials is how Speaker of Ao, Mistress Ivy Greene, chooses her champions," The Goliath, while quiet, could be heard perfectly, "Or at least that's the rumors that have been passed down. It does however mean that, despite being The God of Gods, there is something outside of our world that is threatening the very existence of Toril as we all know it, let alone Faerun." This made the goliath shift nervously on his feet. "Ao doesn't come into his creation lightly."

Phiris nodded his agreement to this. "Getting to Soluna Tower alive is a given. As I have said none who have entered the forest shall be harmed, at least not by the doing of anything within the forest itself." He cast a look around at the group once more. "Mistress Ivy Greene, protects and tends to the nine towers, the magical creatures and the forest they call home." He turned to look at Soren, almost seeming to approve of Soren's correct confidence in how they might have gotten there and what it might have entailed.

The only one of the group to not follow after Soren and Ransom was one of the more wary looking humans. They crept slowly towards the drow's back, reaching for the back of Umraeyrr's neck, preparing to take the drow out early. Of course that didn't last long, for the white dragon born seemed to come out of almost nowhere, magic flaring to life and slamming into the humanoid. They were sent flying sideways and past the drow, hitting the trees with a very wet sounding thud.

The badger glanced over his shoulder at the dragonborn and then he crossed over to the unconscious humanoid, placing a paw on their neck. Phiris cleared his throat and after a moment the humanoid under his paw simply vanished. "If you should fail any of the trials, or otherwise be deemed unfit by the Forest, The Mistress, or the Trials themselves you will wake, well rested, in the exact spot you fell asleep in, no worse for wear and with no memory of your time here in these woods." He encouraged the rest of them to keep moving along.

"Come along now, we best not keep anything waiting, least of all the Mistress." Phiris encouraged and then he turned around and wiggled his paw-fingers at the trees, "You too small gnome. Come eat and drink. None here will harm you." While Phiris encouraged the little one down from the trees, Soren, Ransom and Raven would find that the forest was easy to navigate, and it wouldn't take a lot for the whole party to notice that the path was free and clear, almost as if the forest itself was herding them along and keeping anyone from straying from the path.

The tree Cyrus was hiding in almost seemed to shiver, encouraging the little gnome along and out of it's branches. Another tree seemed to reach out, offering the gnome a path through the tree branches themselves if he didn't feel like walking along the forest floor. This path would continue for Cyrus up until the rest of the group was forced to stop, and only because Cyrus ran out of trees to traverse upon.

Out ahead the group would be able to walk for a good solid half hour until such time as the forest seemed to come to a sudden and starling end, cut through by a massive scar in the earth that went down down down and seemingly into darkness. It looked like it would be a challenging jump but doable. Phiris merely stood by, leaning against one of the trees and waiting. This wasn't a challenge meant for him of course.

Umraeyrr scanned the people around him after he spoke up, a tough looking dwarf man agreed with his inquiry, along with asking a few other questions that Umraeyrr mostly extrapolated on his own from the context given, though a few he didn't know. An attractive looking human also spoke up with a question about the mistress the badger mentioned regarding whether they would be sent home. He felt movement at his side as Ransom leaped over using his wings and legs, checked how Umraeyrr was doing, and then began moving away from the group to explore.

Ransom was not alone in this as a man also left with him, though the man said to see the stars for answers and asking was futile as they were stuck in the game regardless of whether they knew or not as the means they were brought here through were extreme to say the least. Before the man departed he stated he could lead the group without getting lost, which for sure would be useful as Umraeyrr's sense of direction in the wild wasn't the greatest due to being unfamiliar with it. He said something to Ransom as they walked away that Umraeyrr didn't catch. A pale elf also stated they would scout ahead, Umraeyrr presumed with the other two but didn't pay much heed as he waited for answers to his questions. He would follow after his question was answered.

Soon the badger spoke up and gave him a toothy grin as he answered his question. The answer was something straight out of a tale of legend where people are sent to save the world... at least there seemed to be some method chosen by the overgod to do so, perhaps that was the main reason the world was still together after all of history with many world ending threats occurring. "I see, well then I shall venture forth with the others to see her." Umraeyrr stated as he noticed a man sneaking up behind him attempting to attack him, he quickly dodged out of the way of the attack as the dragonborn quickly sent the man flying right past Umraeyrr into a tree with a resounding thud. "Thank you for your help." He stated gratefully with a smile, he would have attempted to talk the man out of it but still doing so would have been at his own risk. At the very least both of them seemed safe for now as the badger spoke up once more. He wasn't surprised that someone tried to attack him, after all he was a drow, in fact he was more surprised no one else seemed wary of him.

The badger then explained they were in no real danger here save their fellow man, and if hurt they would be sent home safely. Upon the badger's encouragement to move, Umraeyrr moved to catch up with Ransom and the others. Eventually the entire group was together and stopped in front of a chasm. He took a second to grab the rope from his pack and tie it to his shield before throwing it at a tree on the other side where it took hold after getting stuck between the three's trunk split in two. He tugged on it a few times and was relieved it didn't give.

He turned towards the goliath and asked them if they would be willing to help the party by aiding him in grounding the rope as they attempted to cross. The goliath agreed and Umraeyrr turned to the party and began addressing them briefly, he had a natural air around him that radiated a calm and trustworthy aura that also demanded respect in it's own firm yet undaunting manner. "Before anyone jumps across, I have managed to fashion a rope across so you may use it to get across, I will come across with this man here who is willing to help keep it anchored with me. I do not wish to see anyone fall so please stand ready on the other side to catch anyone who slips off." He declared loud enough for all to hear but it was by no means a yell due to the calmness in it.
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Ransom heard most of the answers given by the Badger. Badger....Badger's not quite right, he continued along a little divergent aspect of the situation. Badgerfolk, maybe? Badgerkin? High Badger? Before he got to the point of murmuring his thoughts aloud he was joined by...a...person. Definitely a person. "If you mean the answer is beyond us now, I agree entirely," Ransom spoke with a low tone, not whispering but keeping things to a close-conversation rather than one which others were invited into. "The rock was a brilliant idea. Can't believe I hadn't thought of it too."

If anyone were familiar with the region his accent would mark him as being from Waterdeep. If anyone were observant about such things he also spoke with no lisp in spite of having fangs, longer above than below. "Planning to do--" A woman in primarily black and red slid by. Ransom paused, looking in the direction she had gone, raised an eyebrow, glanced at the person walking with him and resumed where he'd left off. "--some target practice? Or are you planning ahead for whatever happens after the forest. Or if we stray from the forest. Or whatever the reason was for the Badgerkin to keep emphasising our safety being only here, in the forest.

"Does she have some plan?" He flicked his uniformly coloured aqua blue eyes toward where the woman had disappeared. The gesture was hardly perceptible except for the movement of the sheen on his eyes themselves. "Maybe she's just not good with verbal information? Some people aren't." Again he was interrupted, at least this time not in the middle of a phrase.

A terrible clattering crash just barely preceded by swift, heavy footsteps. He didn't stop walking but he turned enough to see over his shoulder where a Dragonbourn had seemingly killed a...well another person. He did not even blink when the fallen man vanished. "And then we disappear. Sure. Why not?" He called back to check, "Umraeyrr, you alright? They didn't hit you?" Even from the way his friend moved before responding told Ransom that yes, he was fine.

To his walking companion he offered a tilt of his head and remarked, "One question answered." The minor gesture was made more dramatic by the additional presence of a pair of pronghorn antelope style horns, rising a bit further apart than his eyes, through his hair. "We go 'poof'."

After they resumed walking the rest of their party was quick to catch up. "How do you," he made a little swirling gesture up near his hairline. "Seems like it'd be as useful as wind to a sail." His own hair was matte black but caught beneath his cloak its length was hidden. More practically than hiding his hair the cloak was keeping his dark locks under control.

At the chasm cutting through the forest Ransom at least looked to Umraeyrrr even if he didn't pay close attention. Whispering to the person, of still undefined race, "He sometimes talks through the eyebleedingly obvious. It's just his thing, always the teacher."

When there was an end to the explanation Ransom stepped lightly up onto the rope and dashed across it with arms outspread. The plan was that if he fell off he could still catch the rope and underhand crawl his way across. Once he made it though he checked the shield's firmness of placement then got ready to assist the next person across, if they needed it. They didn't seem like a group of randomly gathered ninnies though. Especially not that dash-ahead rogue. Sometimes it took one to know one but her, he didn't recognise. Whichever guild she was running with, though, she hadn't been the first to strike out. It wasn't much but it was something.

[That rope crossing I assume is a dex check. I have a proficiency in Acrobatics which could, maybe, apply. Checking how secure the shield is, I think, could be an Investigation check, since it is close up and tightly focused. *shrugs*

:solmn chant: Quod dominus vult adhibere quicquam carcerem omnes leges nullum fiat!* :bell is struck and a suddenly awakening human npc is sacrificed to the DM:

*As the Dungeon Master sees fit to apply any of, all of none of the rules let it be done!
Cyrus looked down at everyone from his little branch up in the trees, pondering and keeping an eye on everyone, for he does not know any of these people. None of them appear to be familiar to him, and a few of them are worthy to be noted. The dark-skinned elf was curious, he appeared to be very assertive and quite kind, it might be best to stick with him, however everyone else doesn't appear to be malicious.

What the goliath said didn't trouble him too much, it might lead to him helping out his village, however it definitely seems best to go along with these trials for now, it is a bit unsettling in some ways though.

It is definitely best to follow with the group, being in a pack is always better than being solo, however it is best to stick near to people who appear to be trustworthy. Cyrus did notice the quick scuffle with his bat's keen senses, noting that the Dragonborn also appears to be quite trustworthy. The human's actions were questionable, no signs direct this towards being a battle royale, at least not yet, so why take out a valuable member?

While being in the trees is beneficial, its better to stick with these people, so Cyrus hangs near the front of the group and has his bat fly behind the group about 30ft back to keep tabs on the people behind him, but he has relaxed himself a fair bit. Still quiet but attempting to get a read on the signs of everyone else.

The chasm is a bit interesting, normally Cyrus would just find a way around it, however that would separate him from the group and potentially endanger him. While the badger has said that the forest shall not harm us, Cyrus is still a bit sceptical, after all, it is nature, and nature does its own thing.

Cyrus decides to be one of the later to cross the rope, being the only one he knows that could mend it and help the heavier folk cross it if need be. He didn't prepare anything to help him cross, so he'll just cross it as normal, Mending it as he goes if he notices any small tears from the others passing over.

Upon getting to the other side, with probably a little difficulty since he hasn't done such a manoeuvre before, he decides to send his bat ahead of the group while everyone else makes their way across, and gets them to maintain a fair distance away, about 80ft, to warn of any danger that we may encounter.

[Cyrus would roll a straight DEX roll since he isn't proficient in Acrobatics, analysing the group would be Insight, mostly just checking to see if anyone else would be dangerous, and Perception would be for the bat (probably using its Blindsight mainly, it has a +1 bonus and advantage if it relies on hearing)]
Raven took passing note the flying humanoid and its disappearance. Filing it away in the back of her brain as interesting. As Raven flitted through the forest, she found it considerably more friendly and less dangerous then the forests she was more familiar with. It was practically a stroll in one of the greenspaces of Waterdeep. 'The knowledge of the forest and the tower and this test dispensed by the goliath is invaluable. Knowledge is a weapon of its one kind.' She thought to herself as she made her way ahead of her fellows searching for dangers. Most of her companions had as of yet done anything to distinguish themselves in any way particular in her mind as of yet. However Umraeyrr's quick thinking and actions on reaching the chasm were impressive. 'Whomever that dragonborn is their sense of team spirit is laudable and broods well for the success of this team at its appointed task' Considers Raven as she waits her turn to cross.
Raven crosses the rope once Ransom gets safely to the other side. Arms spread wide to provide balance she dashes across like a dandilion seed floating on the breeze she is so light it and her steps so gentle that there is nary a bow or bounce in the rope almost as if no one had walked on it at all. When she reaches the other side she lightly hops off the rope. She gives Ransom a nod as she steps past. Her fingers dance in a silent swift acknowledgement of skill for his eyes alone. Before she is past him and on the other side of the trees watching ahead for any threat that might come forth to trouble the crossing of the others.
As the badger gave the answers to Gregors questions Gregor would find himself frowning deeper and deeper. He didn't like the answers they were being given..not in the slightest..and if he was being honest he wanted to step up and grab that little badger and turn it into a new fur hat for playing these games..however he had a strong feeling if he did that he would no longer find himself in the gratuity of this...mistress of his and would likely not be as safe in these woods as the badger said they would be..however as he turned to look at the drow from before only to find that someone was sneaking up to attack him from behind..only to get blasted by the dragonborn that was with dawned on him that their dangers were a lot closer to home then any of them would have liked to admit. He recognized a bit of information that was given by the badger..namely this God named Ao..and knew that he was some kind of ultimate divine being..but beyond that he knew nothing else..or at least couldn't recall it.

Giving a small grunt he would turn and start to hurry along with the group to catch up with them. While he didn't trust any of these people yet..he had no choice but to work with them and as they got closer only to find themselves up against the wall in their first little road block..and turning to the group he would find that the others were planning to use the Drow's shield and rope as a way to get across...and while a good idea..he didn't find himself wanting to trust in these people just yet..this was something that he could get across taking a good look at the chasm he would let out a slow breath and step back..before he turned and started running full speed ahead. As he reached the edge he would with all of his strength leap across the chasm and soar through the air his fiery red hair and beard giving him the look as if his face was on fire as he soared through the sky...before he landed easily on the other side of the chasm without even looking winded. Looking back towards the chasm that he just leaped across he would stare at it before he gave a small grin and looked ahead with his arms crossed as he waited for the rest of the group to cross. "No body tosses a Dwarf."
Soren grinned to himself, passing a glance over at Ransom and nodding. "When you don't have a weapon you make yourself one. Out on the field sometimes things like that happen." His voice was crisp; there was a northern lull to it that made the tone crisp and recognizable as someone from that far up the continent. Swift eyes followed however when the unique looking woman seemed to dart forward. In truth he was surrounded by so many different types of people and though he didn't know any of them it made him more comfortable. Part of it felt like home. Icy blue eyes followed along, taking in each of them; including the darker skinned woman. It was refreshing that she'd gotten tot he point. Not asking anything that could be handled cryptically but instead the simple question of how they got home. That answer hadn't surprised him all that much either.

"Your accent." Soren spoke softly towards Ransom. "It is recognizable from the middle swordcoast shores. You handle it well however, better than others." Soren offered a bit of a toothy smirk. "Most from waterdeep I have a harder time understanding." He explained as they walked. But it was the commotion of the moment that stole Soren's attention, and he turned almost immediately clutching the tock in his hand right enough should he need it. His eyes flashed a feral gold for half a second before the sequence of attacks happened all at once; and the drow was left no worse for ware.

A sigh of relief left him, and Soren even offered the Dragonborn a nod, before turning to the badger where they continued to fully explain their situation. He'd been right in assuming this well beyond them and that only spurred Soren to move quicker. Placing a hand on Ransom's shoulder, he didn't offer a second time for others to follow. As it stood, right this moment. All of them could turn out to be enemies; or at the very least competitors for whatever their goal was meant to be. The Goliath's input also surprise Soren, though he didn't voice it. The bottom line however was that their task was laid out for them, and save for offing themselves to get back home... on assumption that the little fur ball wasn't lying, they had to play this game for now.

Idle talk continued between Ransom and Soren however as the first line of the trees ended. "So I expect everyone here has a tale to tell. Whats yours?" He spoke more openly this time, still making it clear who he was speaking to, but welcoming for others. The chance to tell those tales was cut off temporarily however as they reached the point of the chasm.

Soren began to move, ready to make a way for himself and others; however the drow was impressively quick to take that initiative. It had earned him some small amount of respect from the ranger. "My thanks, friend." Soren offered idily in passing. He was a bigger man, so he'd need to be careful that his weight held up on the robe. Regardless Soren tied off his equipment to the best of his ability and taking both hands on the rope he began to climb his way across. [Dex Check]

Once there he'd reset himself and then move to rejoin the party, flexing his hands from where they'd gone raw on the rope. He was half wondering if any of them would continue where he'd left off asking Ransom about their tale. How they got to this moment. if nothing else it might be a humorous way to pass the time. At least for some.

Nera Whisperwind

'To save the world.' Now that was a tall order, causing the crimson haired bard to pause a moment in the tuning of her violin. Nera had never been the type to have dreams of grandeur, she didn't want this face to go down in history as a great hero. She had only ever wanted to be a symbol of peace and change for those hurting in Calimport. Perhaps those two concepts went hand in hand. Normally she was not the quiet type and her own thoughts were not going to cause her to be otherwise. So as the group began to move the bard took up a little turn to carry them on their way without disrupting the ease of conversation amongst her peers. The song she sang them was playfully bawdy, nothing that might offend those with more delicate sensibilities but enough to entertain those with more deviant minds. This also gave her golden eyes ample time to travel between the faces of her companions and study them. These were the people she would have to help build a team with, if they couldn't work together then everything would fall apart.

Her eyes lingered on the Drow a moment, he would probably be one of the first people she approached when the chance arrived, another outcast like herself. The Tiefling seemed like a good sort as well. Next her gaze settled on the human man who had woke and chose rock. He looked like an accomplished fighter but...rough around the edges. Much like the other woman who had disappeared into the forest to scout. Things to keep in mind.

Once at the chasm her song came to a pause so she could tuck the violin away into her bag for safety, next to where she had stowed the offered bread for now. She wasn't the type to wake into a new and strange place and eat the offered food. Call her paranoid if you wished. There seemed to be a small group waiting to be the last to cross, a path she did not wish to take herself so she simply moved up to cross. "You'll forgive me if my grace is lacking, my tongue is much more nimble than my feet." She announced with an easy teasing in her tone before setting off across the rope. Much like the other's she would try and cross on foot but catch the rope if she should fall, or simply be caught by her companions in the worst case scenario. Resourcefulness was a trait she could respect, so the rope was impressive to her. As well as unspeakably useful.

Once safely on the other side Nera would pull her instrument free of it's binding again, feeling safer with her greatest weapon in hand. Looking back across the chasm to the dwarf she offered an encouraging smile.
"We would never dream of tossing you my friend, you seem more than capable of crossing by your own volition."

[Performance and Dex check]

'To save the world.' Now that was a tall order, causing the crimson haired bard to pause a moment in the tuning of her violin. Nera had never been the type to have dreams of grandeur, she didn't want this face to go down in history as a great hero. She had only ever wanted to be a symbol of peace and change for those hurting in Calimport. Perhaps those two concepts went hand in hand. Normally she was not the quiet type and her own thoughts were not going to cause her to be otherwise. So as the group began to move the bard took up a little turn to carry them on their way without disrupting the ease of conversation amongst her peers. The song she sang them was playfully bawdy, nothing that might offend those with more delicate sensibilities but enough to entertain those with more deviant minds. This also gave her golden eyes ample time to travel between the faces of her companions and study them. These were the people she would have to help build a team with, if they couldn't work together then everything would fall apart.

Her eyes lingered on the Drow a moment, he would probably be one of the first people she approached when the chance arrived, another outcast like herself. The Tiefling seemed like a good sort as well. Next her gaze settled on the human man who had woke and chose rock. He looked like an accomplished fighter but...rough around the edges. Much like the other woman who had disappeared into the forest to scout. Things to keep in mind.

Once at the chasm her song came to a pause so she could tuck the violin away into her bag for safety, next to where she had stowed the offered bread for now. She wasn't the type to wake into a new and strange place and eat the offered food. Call her paranoid if you wished. There seemed to be a small group waiting to be the last to cross, a path she did not wish to take herself so she simply moved up to cross. "You'll forgive me if my grace is lacking, my tongue is much more nimble than my feet." She announced with an easy teasing in her tone before setting off across the rope. Much like the other's she would try and cross on foot but catch the rope if she should fall, or simply be caught by her companions in the worst case scenario. Resourcefulness was a trait she could respect, so the rope was impressive to her. As well as unspeakably useful.

Once safely on the other side Nera would pull her instrument free of it's binding again, feeling safer with her greatest weapon in hand. Looking back across the chasm to the dwarf she offered an encouraging smile.
"We would never dream of tossing you my friend, you seem more than capable of crossing by your own volition."

[Performance and Dex check]
Phiris watched the whole group as they figured out how to get across. Umraeyrr seemed to have the most solid idea of tossing his shield across, using the largest of the group, the goliath, to anchor the rope and then slowly feed most of them across the gap via the rope. Of course Ransom seemed quick to cross first, making it over without so much as a wobble and proving the line could easily hold at least some weight.

Raven would find that she too manages to squeak past without too much effort, similar to Ransom in her ability to easily cross without too much bouncing or swaying. The human eyed the rope warily but carefully crawled onto it, wibble wobbling the whole way across and needing a bit of help from Ransom and Raven upon reaching the other side, shaky from his fear of heights and the deep chasm they'd had to cross.

Soren easily slid his way across next and he would find that though his crossing had been easy he was still helped onto the other side by the humanoid that had just been helped. "Here, let me..." The man murmured, reaching out to soothe his fingers across Soren's raw palms and murmuring softly, healing the damage done. "I'm a cleric. Least I could do for you."

Gregor's flying leap across the gap was done flawlessly, even the stout dwarf capable of crossing it without too much effort. The dragonborn followed, leaping after Gregor with a powerful bound that brought them easily to the other side, though they wobbled on their landing a little bit and requiring a little steadying from the cleric and the others.

Cyrus scooted his way across, not particularly graceful but also without issue, the Mending spell making sure the rope holds securely, if not more so than before his crossing. His bat once again takes up a post in the trees, listening and watching, waiting for things to happen. It would, once again, pick up on the sound of a watchful heartbeat, but not judge it worthy of being frightening or threatening.

Nera's song was quite beautiful as it echoed through the wood, a few of the trees seemingly swaying their branches to the tune before she had to tuck her instrument away in order to get across the chasm. Her way across would be less than nimble, but fortunately she had plenty of gentle hands available to catch her on the other side and make sure she was steady on her feet.

Once they were all across and ready Phiris turned, walked to the dead center of the chasm and set out towards them, stepping out into the bare air and surprisingly he didn't fall flat on his face. Instead he walked over what looked like solid air, confident, easy, without trouble or effort, to the other side and then he waved a paw towards the opening in the trees that had not been there before. "Come along, onto the next part."

They would all find themselves herded along once more through the trees, with Cyrus getting an almost stair-like structure of branches to get back up into the canopy above the group and a highway zig zagging through the trees like before. The forest seemed to like the little gnome, though for reasons yet unknown and only upon approaching their next obstacle. From what Cyrus could see from his vantage point, and his bat would confirm, it was a maze of some sort, though it seemed to shift before the gnome's eyes, everchanging and adjusting to make it impossible to navigate from above.

Umraeyrr looked over to the others and most of them seemed to give him approving looks, which was quite rare from strangers since so many were raised to dislike drow. He was no stranger to it by any means thanks to his community in Waterdeep, but seeing as people were from all over he had no clue how to judge where people were from as he wasn't overly familiar with the areas away from the cities of the coast. Umraeyrr didn't have time to respond to Ransom after he ran off with the other man to scout. As he started walking away from the glade where they awoke, he turned to see the attractive human looking at him, but he pretended not to notice to avoid making things awkward.

When Ransom crossed the rope bridge he smiled at Ransom to assure he was fine as he wasn't given the chance to do so before. The dwarf took the risk of jumping over which made him concerned, but thankfully they landed safely on the other side. The one traveling with Ransom thanked him as he crossed. "You're most welcome." He said with a smile, his accent had traces of the Waterdeep, however it was crisp and clear with a brass tone which resonated as he spoke. The attractive woman spoke up once more in a teasing tone. "I sincerely anyone will find your grace to be lacking for such a courtly and elegant lady such as yourself." He responded in kind with a sprightly and teasing tone. He was very used to flattering nobles to help get things done, but he never sold his body, he would never do that again no matter what happened to him for it. Perhaps it was unnecessary to, but he was to be a representative of Eilistraee and as such he wanted to make sure he was on good terms with those who were willing.

One of the men who crossed near the end was kind enough to cast mending on the rope to make sure it was in good repair for his crossing and the scant few left after him. Umraeyrr flashed him a smile for doing so. He decided he was going to learn their names soon to avoid mentally categorizing people off assumptions and superficial traits, while not vital it was something he liked to do since such shallow thinking reminded him of the time when he was actively participating in slaving and being tended by slaves. He loathed that time in his life, and while he knew he shouldn't forget the past and the weight of his sins, he truly wished to be free of them and to forget them entirely. Still he knew it was his burden to bear, perhaps a lifetime of good deeds weren't enough to repent, but he would do everything in his power to atone.

He waited for everyone to cross before he jumped over with the rope in his hands and tied to his waste in case he managed to slip and fall. He leaped across and landed normally... except the spot he landed crumbled under his feat but he was quick to pull himself forward by tugging on the rope. Thankfully everyone had made it across safely. He untied the rope from around himself and walked over to retrieve his shield before putting away the rope back onto his pack. "Before we continue onwards, I think it best we should share names and roles so we know what to call one another to avoid confusion and how we can rely upon one another. It's only fair I start as I have proposed the idea, I am Umraeyrr Helviep, I am a paladin of Eilistraee. I look forward to working with you all." He stated with a stately and polite bow to the group, hopefully they could get comfortable with one another to properly complete their tasks. It looked like after introductions people were breaking into smaller groups to talk...
Ransom flinched out from under Soreen's touch to his shoulder. Fangs bared, a growl in his throat and clawed fingers flexed. He came down out of it and walked beside Soren as if he hadn't been ready to fight the man to the death. His wings generally kept beneath his cloak were lax, draped over his shoulders and flexible, pliable like a heavy cloak would be. The ribs which gave them shape and support would gain rigidity if he unclasped the wrist claws and attempted to move them. As they were, though, he just did not like them being touched.

Continuing through the forest, eastward because they'd been told to go that way, Ransom cut a look aside when Soren asked after his story. Confused and increasingly uncomfortable as he tried to come up with an answer that might be satisfactory. He couldn't imagine why the man cared, in the least, but if it kept the talking going then he would try.

"uh...Alright. The rabbit had grey fur with faint dark spots and it loved to run. Rushing up and down the avenues of the family warren they tried racing everyone until no one cared any more. They felt alone and rather than try to join the others in their play, the rabbit decided to explore the old passages. Tunnels long abandoned in favour of nicer, fresher ones.

"Alone, with no one to get angry over their interruptions or messes made they ran. Fast and far until tired enough to slow down they saw a smooth white stone. It was strangely partially embedded into mounded up ground. The debris was obviously from a collapse above and when they touched it they knew it was not a rock but an egg.

"The grey rabbit with dark spots kept the egg warm and when it hatched they brought worms and bugs and the chick grew. The fluff covering it turned to pricky feathers then to proper smooth feathers. The rabbit did its best to teach the chick to fly by flapping within the tunnel. Eventually the rabbit helped widen the hole and the young bird hesitated, walked a bit then spread its wings in the sun and flew.

"It circled around once, twice, then dove down and killed the rabbit in the old abandoned tunnel." He tried a quick little smile to see if he could prompt a reaction from Soren and he hoped he'd done well enough but just in case Ransom added, "The point is you don't always know how a thing will end when you first begin it."

While the last one or two were crossing Ransom stepped up to the Dragonborn, he didn't make an effort to be secretive but neither was he interested in attracting attention. Most of the time, he'd learned, people paid less attention to quiet happenings and more attention to a private exchange.

"I am glad to have Umraeyrr safe and well," he told her. The Dragonborn was larger than him and could very likely take him apart without much effort at all but continued to watch her expression and body, posture, weight distribution on her feet. All to judge when he was pushing, if he was pushing, too far so he could stop before angering her enough to provoke a strike. "For now, all I know of you is that you crushed a man to death against a tree. You made no effort to talk, had no plan or strategy, and you had no previous issue with him. You just murdered him. And you wake up very happy. Stay away from me while I sleep."

Umraeyrr's idea about being social was a thing he'd known would be coming sooner rather than later. "Ransom," he stated next, getting it over with as soon as possible. "I'm nothing and no one and I don't do anything." Having said his piece he took a bite of his bread and headed toward what Soren had indicated was East. At least it was the same direction they'd already been walking. The bread was stale but he took only the one bite and chewed it far longer than it needed. He took one swallow of his water and listened while others talked, if they wanted, until either they were all done or they resumed walking east. Or until he was too far away to hear them any longer.

Instead he was stopped by a wall of shrubs.
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Cyrus returns the smile with a small bow to Umraeyrr, its one of the least things that he can do. Rewinding people is difficult, but rewinding objects to a very recent point in time is quite simple if you know how. He is mostly skeptical of the two that keep to the front, the fiend-blooded one and the beast-looking one, however its too soon to judge whether someone is dangerous. At this point they appear to be working with the group, and thats overall a positive.

Cyrus did notice, however, that the Fiend seemed a little aggressive towards the Dragonborn, and can understand why, however Cyrus believes it to be a moment of quick thinking. You don't have time to negotiate when you're just about to die, and it is the same for if an ally is about to die, but the Dragonborn was definitely quick to kill that human. Best to not get between them, they don't seem too friendly after all.

The Dark skinned elf's proposal is definitely intriguing, and it can't hurt to get a better idea of everyone, understand everyone's capabilities and get a better idea of how they approach the situations. However, the Fiend, Ransom I believe his name was, is quite hesitant to reveal much about themselves. I wonder if it is because of fear, cautiousness, or some other reason. In any case, Cyrus doesn't see much need in hiding what might be useful to everyone.

"I'll go next", Cyrus says, "my name is Cyrus, child of the Time Twisting Tarano Tribe and son of Jexlim and Banli. As the title of my tribe suggests, I have some influence over time through the use of magic." At this point, Cyrus uses Minor Illusion to create an hourglass and shows the sand going back into the top of it. "This right here is my little bat, Gimli, he is very good at scouting", at which point Gimli hangs from Cyrus' arm and lets out a little screech. "I'm not the best at fighting, but I'm sure that we can work together in various ways to get through this situation!"

It seems best to be friendly, don't want anyone to attack Cyrus like that Human did with Umraeyrr, Cyrus wouldn't be able to take a stab very well even if he knew it was coming.

It is quite welcoming to be able to walk amongst the tree branches, keeping an eye out is really quite easy to do when you are above everything else. Its especially easy when you have a bat that goes much further ahead, and it means that I can be relatively safe rather than be with everyone else down below.

However, safety is probably gonna be rare in the maze up ahead, it seems to be moving constantly and navigation is going to be quite difficult. Cyrus sends Gimli to go and survey the maze a little bit, and announces to everyone "appears to be some kind of revolving maze up ahead, I'm sending Gimli to have a look and we can discuss what we should do", and decides to descend to meet with the others, quickly looking through Gimli's senses to get a better idea of the maze and what they can expect.

[Perception check for Gimli, Insight check on the Dragonborn and Ransom. let me know if I should roll these myself, I'm still unsure about how rolling works on this website]
Gimli failed his Perception check (nat 1 screams), and Cyrus pets Gimli a little bit to comfort him from the uneasiness he felt by going towards the maze
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