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Red crow

Original poster
Mad Scientists! Robots! Raiders! Deathclaws! Cazadores! Welcome to the Mojave!
I, The Red Crow, will be your GM in these harsh, unforgiving, and brutal wastes. Firstly, however, you will need a bit of information regarding what has happened so far.
1. What am I doing here?
Well that's simple, really, somehow, you fucked up. At one point or another through an unfortunate series of events you were rendered unconscious, whether by your own indiscretion or that of some brute you decided to partake in fisticuffs with or some other machination befitting your character, it does not matter now. In your sleeping state you were brought here!

2. Where is "here?"
That is for me to know and for you to find out! All you know so far is that some sort of robot has performed surgery on your... somewhere on your body. Look, I cant keep track of everything, just look for the poorly done stitches and the searing pain. What the surgery was for, well... they did something to you, replaced something, maybe they made you better, maybe they made you worse, only time will tell.

3. What do I do now?
Now? Well I'd imagine you'd do what it takes to survive and attempt to figure out what in the hell's going on! Speaking of surviving, I'd do something quick if I were you, I believe I hear some robots coming...

4. Do I have any allies?
In the Mojave you can truly trust no one, this does not eliminate the need for companionship, currently there are three individuals, and there may be a maximum of three more, that are in a similar predicament and may be the only way you manage to survive. None of these individuals include my personal pawns of course, of which I have placed four within your immediate vicinity.

5. Can I trust these pawns?
As I said, you cant trust nobody in the Mojave, however they may be of use to you. I wouldn't lead with a gun and an itchy trigger finger, but I wouldn't exactly holster my six shooter so soon.

6. What Can I do?
That's the fun part, almost anything! You want to kill an NPC? Go ahead, it will quest ramifications, however. There is no action without consequences, good or bad. Do you want to create your own side-quest for the group? Go ahead, you may find more weapons and ammunition. However you are just a person, so don't expect to sponge up bullets like a super mutant! Also, kill as many hostiles as you want even if they seem important, that's how life works. Oh, and two of you have pip-boys, first come first serve I suppose. Also, one last thing, if you're inactive for two days then
I will kill you
-'re character. So try to stay on top of it, also if something happens in real life and you are unable to post then you will be excused as long as notify me ahead of time.

Well, then, with all that said, I do believe it's time. Time to do something or die trying.
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I'm actually kinda interested in this.
I'm very interested in this. Most certainly. I like rolelpays like this, myself. It doesn't give too much info as to what's going on, so others can make the adventure a bit of their own as well. I feel like more people should seriously be interested in this..
I'm very interested in this. Most certainly. I like rolelpays like this, myself. It doesn't give too much info as to what's going on, so others can make the adventure a bit of their own as well. I feel like more people should seriously be interested in this..
We've already started a bit, but feel free to hop in!
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Oh my, you have?? I guess I'm late to the party as usual, heh. I guess I'll hop in sometime today, or maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping to have a laptop of my own very very soon, so with any luck, I'll be able to reply as frequently as needed. I need a bit to think it over, cause I don't want to join in and end up not getting to hop on and make a reply quick enough. I certainly will read what's happened so far right away, that's for sure ^-^
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Reactions: Dovahkiin
Oh my, you have?? I guess I'm late to the party as usual, heh. I guess I'll hop in sometime today, or maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping to have a laptop of my own very very soon, so with any luck, I'll be able to reply as frequently as needed. I need a bit to think it over, cause I don't want to join in and end up not getting to hop on and make a reply quick enough. I certainly will read what's happened so far right away, that's for sure ^-^
We've killed a slew of robots,Aside from this we're just getting into the introductions now. best to read the opening post in the IC, which you'll find by here. Welcome to the RP!
Being late for the robo slaughter still counts as late! I'll probably make a starting post soon enough. I read most of the posts, but I'm going to read everything again in a bit, because writing! *giggles* Thank you for the welcome, Crow. I hope I don't disappoint!
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