To be Reaped (with wolfthehybrid)

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Kuro sat down on the ground as Seth teleported into the house, messing with the grass as she waited for him to return. When he did come back she scensed a change in his attitude, she just knew he wasn't happy.

The female frowned and stood up, walking over to the male and wrapping her arms around him in a hug, pulling back to press a kiss against his lips before resting her head on his shoulder, "Do you wanna go?"

Her voice was soft, and she had started to run her fingers through his hair, twirling the black locks of hair.


Sam smacked Tenshi's head, which caused the angel to jump and send his charge a look of betrayal as she stood up and crossed her arms over her chest, "Don't go! It's nice to meet people and get to know them, so what if you don't normally act like this, just means you aren't heartless. Tenshi needs to learn to accept people acting differently." She sent the angel a glare before smiling at the demon.

Tenshi rubbed his head, muttering something under his breath.

"What was that?"

Appearing outside Seth walked slowly towards Kuro, only partly aware that she was moving towards him. He replayed what had happened inside and instead of feeling hollow he felt a throbbing pain. When Kuro wrapped her arms around him he did the same, his arms a light touch against her back. His clouded eyes were brought back into focus with her kiss and voice. He blinked at her a few times before giving a small smile. "Yes. Thank you." He had so many things to thank her for. She opened his eyes to everything he had previously turned away from and gave him a life after death. He did not like that she was in danger though, but would not allow Mark to take her from him. He hugged her tighter.


Jackal gave Sam an appreciative look. "Thank you. Don't be so hard on Tenshi though. This is all new to him, so I am sure he wants to make sure he does not mess up, and I would not be surprised if he was a bit nervous, especially with me here." Foolish child. Of course he had a heart, but that did not mean he was going to use it to feel anything for others. He turned around, as if he meant to leave. "Perhaps we can talk some other time. It is only fair to give Tenshi some time to get used to this new position."
Kuro could sense that he wasn't happy and frowned slightly when he hugged her tighter, it wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest but she knew that right now he needed her, so she would be there for him. She decided to teleport to her bedroom back in her dimension.

The walls were painted a light gray and her carpet was black, a queen sized bed was tucked away in the corner of the wall facing the door to the hallway, next to her bed was a bedside table and not to far from that her walk in wardrobe. The walls were decorated mostly in pictures from the time when Kuro was alive.

She pulled away from Seth slowly and glanced around her room, her eyes lingering on a picture of her and Sam, they were younger in that picture and Sam was on Kuro's back, both had their tongues out at the camera.

The reaper smiled at the memory, the picture had been taken in their backyard when their mum had thrown a surprise party for Sam's 13th birthday. She then turned her attention back to Seth, placing a kiss against his lips before pulling back.


Sam nodded, giving the demon a wave and kind smile (she was too innocent for a 16 year old) before turning to Tenshi. Her smile becoming apologetic as she gave a muttered apology for hitting him. Looking at his head and not seeming to notice the brilliant shade of red she had made the angel turn as she ran her fingers through his hair, looking for any wounds.
Seth looked around the room. The lack of too much color made for a calm atmosphere, and a lack of feeling. It helped ease his mind some, but not enough. The pictures made sure of that. They showed the life Kuro had before becoming a reaper. Before she died. After Kuro kissed him he walked around the room slowly, looking at each picture and learning a little about her life before death with each one. He stopped at the picture of her and Sam. It was cute seeing the two of them sticking tongues out at the camera, but it made the pain in his heart grow. Could that have been him and his brother in the past? If he had stayed instead of running away? Thanks to his selfish actions he would never know. Had his younger self known the pain that came with caring for others? If he had then surely he would have known that it was possible for the good to outweigh the bad. No, the only reason he ran away was because things were not going to go him way.

His thoughts turned back to the picture of Kuro and Sam. They seemed so happy together. It did not seem fair that someone had taken her from that happiness. She had been happiness for others so Mark had also taken happiness from all her family. And then everything else her sister went through. Would things have been different if she had never tried to stop the rape? "Do you ever wish you could go back?"


Jackal appeared in the room he had met Mark in. He was not one hundred percent sure of everything he had learned from talking with Tenshi and Sam, but it did seem that the girl had the angel on a leash. For now. If it came to a slightly more dangerous encounter it was possible Tenshi would ignore Sam and listen to his own instincts.

He walked over to the table and sat down. He reached into a vest pocket and took out a deck of cards, laying them in a row across the table. His hand moved upward. Taking off his hat his fingers felt around inside the fedora until they came across a small bump. Smiling, he pulled another card out of the slit in his hat, careful to only touch the bottom edge, and placed it with the rest of the cards. Once that was done he stared down at the deck and waited for Mark to return.
Kuro frowned but nodded, "Sometimes yeah, but I don't regret it, even though I died I stopped her from being raped and probably killed as well. I don't want to take back what I did, though I do wish I could be alive again." She sighed and let her gaze travel across the room, stopping on another picture that made her smile.

The picture showed Kuro and Sam along with three other people, a female and two more males. The picture itself looks like it was taken in an alleyway, Kuro was leaning against the wall, looking down at the phone she was holding while a toothpick stuck out from between her lips. She was off to the right side of the photo.

Leaning on the opposite wall was a male and female, both had short light brown hair and blue eyes, the female was leaning forward so she was in frame more, looking at the camera with a devilish smirk while the male lit a cigarette, they seemed older then Kuro (who looked to be around 17 or 16 in the picture) and they were obviously siblings.

In the centre of the picture was Sam, who had her arms wrapped around a boy with messy blonde hair and hipster glasses that were crooked slightly, unlike Kuro and the other two (who were dressed in darker clothing) he was wearing a bright pink shirt and shorts. Sam had her lips puckered in a kissing way and was leaning towards the male's cheek, a teasing look in her eyes, while the boy was obviously trying to lean away from her was a slightly terrified look.

In black marker 'The Gang' was written on the bottom of the photo.

"The boy with the pink shirt is Tim, he was openly gay and feminine and got teases for it, I lost count of how many fights I got into for him. The siblings are Chris and Charlie, Charlie was the kind of chick who didn't care and Chris... Never really showed much emotion. But he was cool." She chuckled slightly, looking over at Seth with a small smile.


It took awhile but Mark walked in, his phone held against his ear as somebody on the other end babbled into his ear for a few seconds before he hummed and hung up, sliding it into his pocket and walking over to Jack, to be honest he was surprised to find the male, not that he showed it.

He took a seat across from Jack, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other, "How'd it go?" His tone didn't hold any playfulness and he sounded a lot more serious then before.
Seth looked at her lovingly. She gave the answer he was expecting. It was not good to want to take back the good things you have done in life, but it was ok to wish for a better ending. He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other he ran lightly through her hair, his gaze following hers.

He was looking at a picture of five people. Two he recognized as Kuro and Sam, but the others he was unsure of. The other girl and the boy with a cigarette looked as though they were related. The last person did not seem like he fit in at all, but didn't every gang have one of them? In his case it would have been Ricky who seemed to nice to be running wild on the streets. The boy in the picture though, well he was something else. He screamed gay.

This proved to be correct as Kuro spoke and said she had to fight for him. He did not like when someone had to fight another persons fights, but the kid seemed nice enough at least. They gay ones usually were. He tried to smile back when she gave him a small smile but couldn't do it. "A gang. I never would have guessed. They seem like good people. It seems you had good times together, and I am glad you have those memories that you can go back to." He pressed his face in her hair, holding himself together by a thread.


Jack kept his head bowed towards the cards, but his eyes looked up. Finally Mark was acting in a way he would expect a man in his position to act. "That depends what you wished for me to learn from meeting up with Tenshi and the girl." His eyes looked back down at the cards. He reached out and flipped one over. The back of the card revealed the face of a laughing jackal. All the card backs had the canine face, while each of the front of the cards had a different animal. "I would say it went well, but out thoughts may differ on what information is useful and what is not."
"We weren't really a gang, mostly just teens that acted like they were too cool for school. We met in our first years of school and got along because we all had fucked up home lifes, Chris and Charlie had parents that were druggies and were never home, they practically raised eachother, Tim was disowned by his single mother who was against gays and me and Sam had a really abusive dad, plus I wasn't really liked by people. Everybody normally ended up crashing at my place because my mum was nice, hell, she treated Tim as if he was her son."

She let out a sigh, wrapping her arms around Seth, "We all ended up seperating a few months after I turned 18, Chris and Charlie were leaving for uni and not too long after Tim's mum forcefully sent him to a straight camp." Kuro whispered, her voice dropping as she leaned her head against Seth's chest. She could feel him about to break, it was just something she could feel in her gut.

She ran her hands through Seth's hair, humming softly as she rubbed his back and played with his hair.


"Any information on reaper necklaces would be helpful, seeing as they're key in my little plot." The man gave a huff, looking around his office and licking his dry lips, "I'm just trying to think of somebody who would know about them..." He gave an annoyed grunt and moved his gaze to Jack's cards, raising an eyebrow but not saying anything.

Mist swirled around the room and one of Mark's three hounds pulled itself up from the ground, shaking it head and trudging over to the male demons, it glanced at Jackal and gave a grunt and snort before turning to Mark. Who had now turned his attention to the hound, "Yes?"

"We might have found a way to remove a necklace from a reaper, but we're still stuck with finding a way to use the souls." The hound's voice was low and slightly distorted, it let out a snort and the end of it's sentence and turned his attention to Jackal again. It's eyes held an intelligent unlike any other hellhounds but along with that it's whole aura screamed killer.

"That's good, now run along kill some reapers, I think you guys deserve a treat." A smirk tugged at Mark's lips when the hounds ears perked up and it let out a low rumble of a laugh before stalking off, the fog vanishing as it did.
Were there parents out there that were really that terrible? He knew about Kuro and Sam's dad, but for all the others to have bad parents was tough. Druggie parents were easy to believe, but to completely ignore their kids.. Tim seemed to have it the hardest. Would it have been so hard for his mother to let him be himself? Camp was not going to change a thing. He had seen enough of people to know it was not a choice, Tim had been born that way. Hopefully Tim had fought back for who he was and did not give in to how people wanted him to be.

Seth took a deep breath, the threads began to snap. They had had a terrible home while he had a chance at a good life and threw it away. He ran away from two loving parents, a nice house, and a future brother. He had given up a happiness many kids would have loved to have. The thread broke and he clenched his fists. "I'm sorry." He would not cry. He would not..he.. He kissed her forehead and vanished.

He appeared in an old run down building. The paint on the walls was chipped and faded. The carpeted area contained a couch and broken tv. Behind this was the kitchen, the only thing separating the two rooms was an island. Seth looked around, and for the first time the building did not feel like home. Was this worth what he had given up. Not long ago he would have said yes, but now he thought differently. He walked over and curled up on the old couch. Fuck himself and fuck his past decisions.


Jackal was about to speak when mist appeared, and a moment later a hellhound. He could not help being annoyed by this, and when Mark turned his attention to the hound a fire burned in Jackal. Was Mark really stopping the conversation with him to speak to a worthless mutt?

His face remained neutral until the hound looked at him. He hated the beast. Picking up the card that had been removed from his hat he ran a long edge across his tongue. Dark red beads appeared where the bladed card touched. He smiled at the hellhound, his eyes taking on a wild appearance. The fleabag mongrel didn't scare him one bit.

He was satisfied when the creature left. Now they could continue the conversation. "I can think of somebody who would be more than willing to help, after a little persuasion of course, and that should not be hard at all. But first I need a favor from you. You see this?" He lifted his right hand, showing the white magician glove. "While living it was quite a fun weapon. But now-" The middle finger on his left hand had a longer nail than the rest, and he flicked it across the palm of his right hand. The palm of the glove burst into flame. "the flame is nothing but a child's toy. If you are as powerful as you say you should have no problem giving it an upgrade."
Kuro stood frozen for a moment, blinking in surprise when Seth vanished. So he had teleporting down...

She followed him, appearing in a run down home and looking around before her eyes landed on Seth, she frowned and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly, "It's okay to Cry Seth..."

She moved how she was sitting so it would be more comfortable, leaning over and pressing her lips against his forehead, "Do you want me to go or....?"


Mark looked down at the magician's glove before clicking his tongue, "I can give it an upgrade if you really want, just tell me what you want and i'll give you it. I manage to mutate three of Lucifer's beloved pets i'm sure a glove can't be too hard, if it is I'll be ashamed in myself." He let out a grunt and stood up, rubbing his hands together to cause some friction.
To answer her question Seth shook his head. He felt confused, like a chain was wrapped around him and only loosened enough for him to have enough air to survive before tightening again. "I have a brother. I didn't know until a few years ago." He moved an arm out so his hand touched her arm. "I don't know how to handle this, Kuro. I feel like an emotional wreck inside. Part of me wants it to go away while the other part, the part I kept running from, says 'you brought this on yourself so now you have to live with the consequences'." He moved his head to look at her. "You seem like the only good thing out of this."


Jackal closed his fist to extinguish the flame before taking the glove off. He could have lit or put out the fire without touching the glove, but to do it by hand made for a better show. "When pressed against a reaper's chest I want it to harm the soul of that reaper. Physical damage is nothing compared to damage done to the inner self." He gave Mark a dark look. "If you can do that I shall get you whatever information you need. Kuro's new boyfriend makes for the perfect target and test subject, don't you think?" He also had his own reasons for wanting to go after Seth, but that would not be important to Mark. "There are a few ways the confrontation could go, though, so if push comes to shove would you rather I kidnap Kuro or Seth?"
Kuro moved and wrapped her arms around him, pressing several kisses against his head, "Crying can help, if you keep your emotions bottled up its gonna eat away at you. But know that I am here for you no matter what, and I love you truely and deeply, which is a first coming from me because the only other male I have cared for this much is Death. I don't want to see you hurting, so I'm gonna be here for you, hell use me as your verbal punching back if you need to, cry and scream into my shoulder or chest I don't fucking care. If it helps you, it'll help me."

Kuro began stroking his cheek and gave him a soft smile, holding back the tears that wanted to well up in her own eyes. No, she needed to be strong, for him.


The grin that spread across Mark's face was down right psychopathic, the evil gleam in his eyes only ended to the insanity that hung around him, "Oh I love the way you think..." His voice had dropped to a low rumble and he gave a chuckle before leaning forward, "Seth seems pretty happy with Kuro at the moment, you wanna get to him you gotta get her. Though if you do get the chance to kidnap her I want to make sure she squeals, emotional pain is terrible, but watching one of my hounds rip her to fucking shreds will be just precious."

His shoulders shook with repressed laughter as he waved his hand forward, his pupils expending to turn his whole eyes into a black abyss of nothingness. The glove gained a dark grey for a moment and started burning before cooling down and loosing it's dark grey colour. Although is was a few shades darker then before.
Seth kept his dark blue eyes on Kuro, nearly unblinking. He knew she was right. He couldn't keep trying to run away from these emotions. There is no where to run when what you are trying to hide from is inside of you. When she told him she loved him he let the tears come. He wished she didn't have to see him hurting. No matter how bad things got he would never be able to yell at her to release pain. It didn't matter if it would help. It did not seem right. He chose the next option. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. His face pressed into her shoulder and his body wracked in sobs. "I love you, Kuro." The words came out as a mumbled mess.


Jackal narrowed his eyes, satisfied that his wish would be granted. The plan in his head rearranged itself at Mark's words. Yes, he would have to deal with Kuro to get to Seth. She would more than likely be unhappy at how the last encounter ended. No worries, though. He would deal no damage to Kuro as she was Mark's play toy. What he would do was get her to follow him. He leaned back in the chair as Mark had a fit on insanity. He was now able to see Mark's true colors, and he quite liked them. When Mark was done Jackal picked up the glove and stood up. "This should not take long, so do wait for me. Once I show up Kuro will be right behind me. She will regret it otherwise."

Jackal teleported and ended up in Seth's old home, appearing a few feet from the couch. So the two birds were out of the cage. If they knew what was good for them they would have stayed where it was safe. He took in the site in front of him. Seth was hugging Kuro like his life depended on it, and the crying sounds were music to his ears. "I take it you learned something from my previous display. What did you do to him, Kuro?"
Kuro had wrapped her arms tightly around Seth in return, rubbing his back and placing her chin on top of his head, she whispered sweet nothings into his ear, pressed kisses against his cheek and head and even hummed the tune of a lullaby she used to sing to Sam when they were younger.

She didn't show much of a reaction when Jackal appeared, and continued to hum and stay calm, although on the inside she was building up with rage and thinking of the best way to snap the demons neck. She only turned to give him any attention once she had finished humming, and she had a scarily calm look on her face.


She gave a sarcastic grin, "How nice to see you, now what the fuck do you want. You're a smart lad and I'm sure you know you're presence isn't welcomed, so I'm going to give one minute to tell me why you're here, or I'll let you feel the same pain you inflict on tortured souls. Cos I'm really not in the fucking mood right now."
Seth listened to the humming. The sound soothed him and the sobs slowly formed into quiet tears. Through the sobs he had not heard Jackal, so when Kuro turned and spoke to someone he was surprised. He lifted his head, body stiffening when he saw who it was. The tears stopped and his feelings became dark, cold, like he had been before he allowed himself to love. The love was still there, though. It fueled his protective instincts. Sitting up, he placed a hand on Kuro's shoulder. "Careful. Don't take him lightly." His eyes on Jackal he wanted to know the same thing Kuro did. Why was he here?


"Of course my intelligence is high. That is why I don't work for Lucifer anymore. I guess you could say I am under new management." He waved a hand to show her threats did not concern him. They were cute, actually. How did she plan on inflicting the same pain on his as he caused others? It was laughable, especially since it would be her and Seth that were in for the real treat. "Take that news how you will, it is the reason I am here. I will be fair though. You can have one free shot at me. I will stand still and take it. And before you say I am lying, remember, I don't lie." Anything that would happen after is free game, and it would not go in their favor. His golden eyes bore into hers, waiting to see what she would do.
"That's right you don't lie..." She detached herself from Seth and started to calmly walk towards Jackal, her hands shoved into her pockets as she circled around him.

Jack was smart, that much she knew. So Kuro knew not to underestimate him, if anything she would need to hit hard, but be surprising. She remembered what Jackal had done to Seth, using his words to inflict emotional pain on him.

"You treat Seth like he's pathetic, and hold some weird grudge against him that honestly I don't care too much to find out about. But you're missing something here. Seth is obviously a better person then you could have ever been, you became a demon while Seth here is a reaper. Sure he didn't become an angel, but just try to wrap your head around this for a second." She stopped walking around the demon, stand in front of him with a calm expression, "Seth is better then you could ever be, it takes a lot of sin to become a demon, and even more to become a tainted soul, so if you take a minute to do the fucking math you'll find that Seth must of done something fucking good in his life, or at least made up for any sin."

She gave a dry chuckle, "Oh, and Jacky, you do lie. Seth's mother seemed fucking heartbroken when she found out about his passing, and I'm betting his younger brother will be pretty damn sad to. People missed your talent and the act you put on, not you, they missed the shows and magic tricks, not your personality, or lack of a good one at least. If anything, they'll move on, find somebody else to fangirl over, but Seth's family will always miss him."

Her eyes narrowed but a smirked tugged at her lips, "How does it feel to have your own methods of downgrading somebody turned against you, ain't fun is it? Even for an emotionless prick I bet you didn't expect this." She had taken and few steps closer now, her pale green eyes locked onto his golden brown ones.
Jackal did as he said he would and did not move. His eyes stared ahead, not needing to follow her movements. His arms draped at his sides. Her words were like small needles bouncing off of a shield. "He is pathetic. He has proven that twice now. The Great Seth is not as powerful as he once was, thanks you to. He may be a better person, but why would I care about that? I never once have tried to be a better person, and do not plan to ever start. It is a waste of time and gets you no where." His lips turned up in a smile. "You wish to talk about sin? I shed to blood of my father, drove that Scottish bastard to become a shell of his former self by first having him become the very thing he despised, and nearly tortured a child to death. I don't feel bad for any of it. But wait," He paused long enough for his eyes to move over to Seth. "I may have become a demon, but look who became the tainted soul. My sins must pale in comparison to that."

"I think you need to rethink your stance of my lying. I did not state that no one would miss Seth, I merely asked a question. He was the one that believed no one would miss him." He put the fingertips of his right hand against his chest. "I would miss my talent too. I did not leave behind fan girls. I left behind a mark. They may try to move on, but those that come after will look to me and wish they could be as great as I was."

His tongue glided over his bottom lip before answering the last question. "It feels like nothing, doll. I admit I did not expect it, but you must realize by now your words are a waste of time. Now, in saying that, I feel you have not used your one free hit. I will give you one last chance to use it. After you use it, or if you decide not to use it, the real game will begin."

Seth took a few steps towards Kuro and Jackal. He wished she would get away from him. "Kuro.." He looked at her nervously. Only one thought came to mind for who Jackal might be working for, and it meant bad news. "We should go." He took another step closer, then another, until he was right behind Kuro. He placed his hands on her shoulders, keeping his eyes on Jackal and ready to move quickly if it came to anything. "He is working for Mark."
Kuro frowned, taking a few steps back, "Mark? Really, him of all people? He doesn't want your help Jackal, if anything he can be just as twisted as you, you might want revenge or whatever but Mark doesn't fucking care about you in the slightest, he will stab you in the back without hesitance. And to think I actually had a sliver or respect for you..." She gave a chuckle and shook her head as she backed up, standing next to Seth.

"The mark you left on the world was nothing, you entertained some kids with some fucking illusions, something anybody can do. I did magic shows when I was younger, it's nothing but some cheep tricks made to luck fancy. So don't give me this best magician shit or whatever it is you're saying about leaving a mark, because right now you've proven how stupid you really are, thinking some dumb tricks will make you legend or that joining forces with Mark would be a good idea."

She gave an annoyed grunt, pulling her hands from her pockets to twirl a black knife in her right hand, her eyes began to show more annoyance, "Do you really want me to attack physically? Because when I hit, I make sure I hit hard."
Jackal laughed. Did she take him for a fool? "You are missing the point, doll. I don't expect Mark to care about me, and he may be able to perform his plan without me, but perhaps I can help him speed up the process. I went to Mark because, unlike Lucifer, he gave me what I wanted." At her next words his smile turned into a frown, his relaxed body tensed up, and his eyes bore into Kuro's with a look of death. "You will regret those words you bitch. Consider the invitation for a free hit revoked." He took a step towards her, his eyes flicking towards the knife. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Seth take a step forward. As much as he wanted to go after Kuro, Mark might be right, it would be lovely to watch her be torn to pieces. It was time to bring her to Mark, while having fun in the process. "Did you see your mother cry, Seth? Is that part of what has caused you to lose your fighting spirit and turn into this pitiful lump? It seems to be that way, so curl up in a ball and watch as I destroy her from the inside out!"

Without a second though Seth attacked. He had lost none of his fighting spirit, although it might have been better if he had, because then maybe his thoughts would have been clear enough to realize it was what Jackal wanted. The two of them crashed into the wall, Seth's arm pressed hard into Jackal's throat. Seth mistook the laughter coming from his enemy for that of just choking. He saw Jackal's hand when it was too late. His chest exploded in pain. His back arched, eyes bulged, and gave a scream that could wake the dead.

Jackal followed Seth's body as it dropped to the floor. The dark blue eyes were glazed in pain as the body convulsed. He removed his hand and looked at Kuro. "Don't worry. He is alive, and also aware of what is going on. I am giving you two minutes to follow me. Once those two minutes are up.." he glanced down at Seth. "it will be game over. Starting now."

Jackal teleported him and the Seth to Marks. He looked around, seeing if the other demon had listened and waited for him to return.
Kuro cursed loudly once Jackal had left the room, not hesitating to teleport after them. Although she should have gotten help first, and it took her appearing in Mark's office and feeling his presence behind her for her to realise her mistake.

Mark grinned and lunged forward, digging his hand into Kuro's back and watching her cry out in pain as dark pulses of energy shot through her body. She struggled against his hold and eventual slumped to the floor when Mark lifted his hand from her back, watching her gasp and pant on the floor, he gave a nod of approval to Jackal before stomping on Kuro's leg. His smile widening when he heard a cracking sound and the female let out a groan.

"Good job Jack, I had faith you would be able to bring these two here. Now how about we give Seth a little show?" He gave a dry chuckle before turning to face Kuro, dropping down onto one knee and tilting her face towards him, his smile grew when he saw the pain in her eyes, "I'm gonna make you beg to be killed."

He dropped her head and strolled over to his desk, flicking his wrist towards the door and listening to the lock click into place. He gave a grin and searched through his desk for a moment, walking back over with a crowbar in his hand which he was twirling around like it was a baton.

"Tell me Kuro, is this gonna be your first time getting the shit beaten out of you by a crowbar?" The only responses he got was a whimper as Kuro tried to pull herself up, "Sounds like a yes to me."

He swung the metal object down onto Kuro's back, which happened to be arched, causing her to let out a yelp and roll onto her side, Mark licked his lips and smiled, swinging it down a couple more times against her rips and chest until he heard the distinct cracking of a rip braking. He gave a happy laugh and dropped the crowbar, reaching into his pocket to pull out a knife that had a slightly cracked blade.

Kuro's eyes grew wide and she tried to move back but only succeeded in making her leg throb more, "Well, i'm guessing you remember this guy ey?" He smirked, watching Kuro nod rapidly as she stared at the blade. He gave a grin before driving the knife into the reaper's side and dragging it down, listening to the cry of pain she let out.
Jackal watched with deadly eyes as Mark subdued Kuro. He was not sure what Mark planned to do with her, but he would relish every moment of it. His face was contorted in a rage that no smile would penetrate. She had done the one thing that can make him snap. She had reminded him of his father, the man that tried to abuse the love of magic out of him instead of supporting his one goal. Now she was paying the price. I showed you father. Magicians are not lowlifes. I was on top with fortune and fame, while you were dead. His head turned to where Mark's foot was. Was that a crack he heard? Beautiful.

He did not need Mark's praise, but fully agreed on a show for Seth. He saw that his old friend was able to move his eyes, so he gripped the black hair and forced Seth into a sitting position. He leaned in and spoke quietly in Seth's ear. "This is what love gets you. You would be wise to remember it."

Seth could do nothing as he watched Mark approach Kuro with a crowbar. He watched in horror as the crowbar first came in contact with her back, then her ribs and chest. His breathing quickened, but he managed to twitch his fingers. Why would his body not work when he needed it most? He did not think his eyes could get any wider, but when Mark pulled out a knife they did just that. Jackal must have felt the slight tremble in his body because the demon threw him forward. Seth landed on his stomach, closer to Kuro, but not close enough. He watched the knife slice through her side before looking up at Mark. His eyes were begging, pleading. He tried to ask 'what do you want?', but no sound came out.
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