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So, hello, Iwaku! Call me Tlaelquani -- it's Nahuatl for 'eater of filth'.
As in the Aztec goddess who literally devoured the sins of those who confessed to her. That's what I do. You write sins and I eat 'em right up. OTL I need something better to do with my life than feeding my guilty pleasure...

Like my namesake, I eat up all them horrible concepts that come out of people's heads -- I'm always thirsty for roleplays.~ Unlike my namesake, you can definitely hit me up several times.
This thread exists so that people who are interested can pitch requests at me and will be periodically updated as preferences change and vacations come up.

Here's a list of things that are current with me. If you think any of these resonate with you on an emotional level, or if you think you have something that might resonate with me, hit me right up. My body is ready.

Tlaelquani Will Accept Anyone's Expiation For The Following Sinful Desires

♥ Romance

f/m, f/f, m/m, and any other combination of gender identities you please -- I'm there for the bond, not the packaging. c; This means that any species goes.

♥ Historical
I study Imperial Rome specifically, so that comes easiest, though I have enough Google Fu savvy to do research for any other period and place.

♥ Tragedy
I'm always thirsty for this tbh. Die, they must die, the pandas must die...

♥ Comedy/Satire
If you can appreciate lulz, I can appreciate you. Don't trash Pigeon McPigeon's love for Rabbi Owl.

♥ Fantasy and Sci-Fi of all stripes, including fandoms
I like it high... and low... and hard... and soft... and poached... and parboiled...

♥ Slice of Life
Also of pizza. I love me some slices of pizza.

Tlaelquani Will Have To Seriously Consider Before Devouring the Following Sins From Strangers, Because They Taste To Her Like Stale Doritos

♦ Kink

It depends on the kink, really, but I tend to shy away from kinky people -- as well as from people soliciting smut as a primary goal of writing. Not that I'm not kinky enough to pass muster myself (Scorpios represent), but I mean.
If you're gonna be lubelessly ramming into PMs to harass me or creeping on me like I've been stealing your Hanukkah gelt for 10 years on end now and the time of reckoning is nigh... then we're probably not going to end up writing together at all, let alone about our head babies making baby babies. Pls take pity on me. I am but a poor Argonian maid.
...And I do have that horrible habit of assuming everyone who opens communication with a request for kink is the kind of person that thinks I've been stealing their gelt (it's not me, I swear, it's Hershel and his goddamn goblins). ;v;

♦ Vampires and Werewolves
I am so sorry. But there's so many messy headcanons about both of these... the whole alpha thing is creepy and the way most people write their vamps is viscerally off-putting.
...Maybe if your vamps and weres don't think like sex offenders and/or try to target my babies? I mean I think of OCs as mind womb children rather than like-- actual kids or representations of me, and I can always dip, but it's nice not to have to.

Tlaelquani Warns You
♠ I only type like a normal human being for the first like 4 interactions. After that, if I can't match your typing style and seamlessly become friends, I'm memes. I am nothing but memes. Chiefly they are good memes people can understand, but on occasion I will say some off the wall shit.

♠ If you come off as distant, uninterested, in excess salty or haughty, your replies will be slow and your agony will be great. Kind of like the difference in feeling you'd have between being told "have a good day" by a clerk vs being ignored completely, and the ensuing compulsion to call customer service.

In conclusion
Post here! Share ideas! Give prompts! PM if you'd rather your sins be kept private.
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Bruh,why the pandas gotta die

Also Yeah Scorpio power
Edit: Sorry, forgot to put interested in rping with you
because when the pandas die we suffer and we love to suffer
(also it's a corky and the juice pigs song from 930 years ago)

but also ayyy you wanna slide into pms or shoot me ideas here? o:
pm works
because when the pandas die we suffer and we love to suffer
(also it's a corky and the juice pigs song from 930 years ago)

but also ayyy you wanna slide into pms or shoot me ideas here? o:
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