My first and only legit job was at Fred's "Pharmacy". It was actually just a slightly better quality than "dollar" store stuff, and our Fred's didn't even HAVE a pharmacy. Isaboo was already working there, and it was technically illegal for her to hire me. But my brother worked hard, she needed more people, and was counting on me to work hard too. XD My boss was kind of scary, but I liked her. She was one of those people who really bust your balls, but you could earn her respect just by being reliable. >:D
I enjoyed working and hated it at the same time. I worked both as Cashier and a Stocker. Cashier only sucked cause our register was ancient. You needed a manager's key to do EVERYTHING. So if someone decided they didn't want something, or a discount wouldn't show up, or if you screwed up, you had to call one of the key-keepers to come fix it for you. Post-Holiday sales SUCKED.
Stocking, I loved. >:D Shit was heavy and the store was HOT, but I much prefer busy work of putting stuff up compared to those damned registers. >>
My best memory was when a customer told my boss that I was really friendly and a pleasure cause everytime she came in I would always smile and say hello. t___t She ended up being a friend of the boss and told her while I was standing right there, so it was embarrassing, but gave me warm fuzzies.
What I HATED is when they shut down our store, so we had to work 12 hours EVERY DAY until all the merchandise was packed up, the shelves taken down and the store cleared out. We didn't have a car then, so it was 30 minutes walk there, 12 hours of working, then 30 minute walk home. When you're dead tired, sore, and starving. Me and Isaboo were the only two "lower" employees that actually stuck it out until the end. (there was the boss and the two assistant managers that stayed!) c__c The others bailed on us and the people had to hire some temps just to help get everything done.
I enjoyed it anyway, aside from the inconsistent hours and the long walk home. I am proud cause the bosslady said me and Isaboo were some of the best workers she ever had. u_____u Gave me precious egobits.