Title In Progress (Mango&Restless)



Original poster


Emelina Luana
Female | 19

Brief Personality
Rational | Worry-wart | Thoughtful | Curious | Sensitive; a little naive, very giving, quick to judge. Likes early mornings, marshmallows
and cats.

Brief Bio

Mother is a traditional hula dancer; father was a business man. Emily got her father's logical mind, early bird routine and judgmental attitude, as well as her mother's neurotic worrying, generosity and love for sweets. She is far less bold than the two, with sensitivity being her own trait. Emelina never knew her father, instead being raised by her mother; she had many siblings, all of whom went into the typical island jobs: cooking, fishing, sailing or dancing. Emily however wanted none of that, nor was she any good at it; she wanted to travel, and was the first to not only enroll in the local academy but rise to the top of the student body very quickly. Sadly that, too, bored her, as she had no intention of competing in trials or going overseas for badges. After only a couple years in school she decided to leave the area all together and find something beyond the norm, and has been on her own since then.​


‣ Meowth (F)
‣ Flomantis (F)
‣ Aromatisse (F)
‣ Liligant (F)
‣ Vibrava (M)
‣ Octillary (M)​
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