Tim and Aled, A Continued Story

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Every time Tim went to open his mouth, Aled had butted in, being all excited and happy. Tim just smiled it off. It was nice to see Aled so chrippy like that. Him and Roger worked well together, him just nodded along with suggestions and let the suit bit slide. It was only one day, how bad could it be? Besides... After his sister gets married, it'll be time for them to.. Have a little one. That was the promise. And Tim had missed having that little kid around from before, heart broken when they had to give him back to his parents.

For now, he just had to wait. He didn't think he'd be good at anything to do with relationships, or babies, or even working at what they work at, but it seemed to be a complete match. Everything worked out just fine, in the end. But this wasn't the end, he knew that. Richard kept mentioning sightings of Aled's father. Sure, Tim was a lot smaller, and just talked him out of killing Aled, but even now, when he can fight and defend himself, he knew he wouldn't be much up against that man.. Not really. Any minute the whole thing could start all over. He could stop Aled's heart the same way he tried to before, and the world would end for him..

Thankfully Aled didn't seem to notice the look on Tim's face while he was thinking, swapping it for a quick smile when Aled started saying goodbyes, and thank yous and all the rest.

Once they got back out onto the street Aled stretched and grinned around at the street, lit only with lamps and so bathed in beautiful orange light. He turned to smile down at Tim. "Right, I think thats it? Can you think of anything else we need to do?" He put an arm around Tim's shoulders and leaned over him, curling his body towards Tim in an instinctively protective manner.
Tim shrugged softly, leaning against Aled softly with a smile. "Just the wedding present, and food now" He said quietly, letting Aled lead the way to whatever he wanted to do first. He had enough money. Hell. The suits for them both were only £30. So, they had enough for a very decent wedding present.
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