Tied to a minor chord

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"Yeah...these two triangles are similar so what am I supposed to figure out?" She asked turning the paper over to another problem.
"Well you are suppose to figure out the perimeter of one and the area of the other," He smiles. "Don't worry this one is easy. Algebra 1 stuff."
"Good..." She said only half listening. Megan was eyeing him critically, trying to remember which shoulder she had been looking over during the piggy back ride. That cut on his cheek had not been there, she was certain. She brushed a thumb across the same place on her face "What happened to you?"
"Huh...Oh!" He chuckles a bit "Band accident...A saxophone had fell and the reed had cut my cheek nothing major." He had tried to hide the fear in his eyes knowing this was a lie to keep her from freaking out.
"Who knew school could be so dangerous, we've both had unfortunate accidents today." She laughed a little, believing him and going back to homework. "Which triangle do I find the area on?" It was the last problem, convenient as the library assistant announced that it would be closing in 10 minutes.
"The left one is the perimeter and the right one is area." He smiled showing her the area formula base times height divided by 2 and the perimeter.
Finishing the problem as directed she was relieved to have math homework completely done for the day. "Thank you again, so much for your help." She expressed with a smile, packing up her things.
"Anything to help a fellow classmate pass." He smiles at her as his stomach growls again. "Please don't hesitate to ask for help again, as for now i'm gonna go buy some food, wanna come?"
"I have to be heading home, Mom expects me back soon. But I'll definitely come find you in the band room when I need help again." She assured him happily.
"Okay, well see you later then," He smiles warmly to her and heads to a mini-mart to buy a snack bar.
On a much sunnier day, Megan stood outside the band room examining a bulletin board. Shifting her weight from one foot to another, clutching her English book tightly, hoping to catch Will and still have time to make it to class. She had never realized how "exclusive" a hallway could be, she walked past it every day, but only those in music classes ever went down it. They all seemed to know one another, and knew she did not belong. Feeling cold and clammy she was about to abandon hope and flee their presence as quickly as possible.
Will sneaks up on her and gives her a suprise hug and lifts her up exclaiming, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!! Hah im only joking, whats up?" He puts her down and smiles warmly, waving to a few fellow band geeks
Megan felt like she was going to jump out of her skin until it became clear that it was Will who caught her. "You scared me to death!" She gasped before laughing at herself a little. "I Um...just came to see if you could help me with math this week? Would Tuesday or Thursday work for you?"
He smiles. "All week is fine for me," He chuckles a bit. "Sorry for the scare."
"It was pretty funny." She a admitted, shaking her head. "So Tuesday, after school, in the library...it sounds like clue, band geek, in the library, with the geometry."
"Yes in the library." He smiles at her, "I can't stop smiling...I'M INFECTED WITH THE SMILING VIRUS!!!"
"Well good luck trying to play flute like that." She teased before hurrying down the hall to get to English, "see you then."
"Haha see ya." He walks into the band room and puts his flute together.
This time Megan waited at a table, that chair was not worth the discomfort today. She had her homework out, trying to do what she could without him, and sneaking candy out of her bag, eating one little piece at a time.
Will packs up and heads to the library and spots Megan and heads over and sits next to her. "I see you are getting the hang of it."
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