Throw them bones!

  • Thread starter viperslate13610
  • Start date
Fyfe couldn't help but smile as Davin said between pants that he was scared of getting stabbed. However, as he was on the ground, she was suddenly serious. "Davin, w-what's wrong? You have to tell me, I can't help you if you don't." Taking a handkerchief from a pocket, she tried to stem the flow of blood from his nose, not understanding what was wrong, only knowing that she couldn't stand to lose him, especially now that she had her memories back. "I swear, Davin, if you just killed yourself trying to protect me, I won't ever forgive you," she told him between tears. "Just, please, do something to tell me that your okay."
"Just water..." he said panting. "I'll be fine... That's not the first time I've done it. I can only sustain it for a few seconds... You could say it wears me out a little." he laughed. His entire body ached. He waved his hand over his face. "Heal..." he said slowly. A symbol flashed with a dull burst in front of his palm and the blood from his nose stopped. "I just need a drink..." he said smiling. He looked at Fyfe weakly. "Are you ok?" he asked her with a slight chuckle that was brought short by muscular pain.
As soon as he said that he needed water, she began searching her things for the flask she had been drinking from. Unstopping it again, she waited until he stopped speaking before using one hand to tip his head up and the other one to hold the flask to his lips. After letting him drink as much as he wanted, she asked, "Will you be okay?" worry tinging her voice.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need a bit of a lie down." he said sitting up weakly. "We should set up for the night. We should be safe here." he said lying back down. "If you can get some firewood from that dead tree behind me that would be great." he said smiling and giving a small laugh. "I'm feeling better by the minute... Thanks again for helping me..." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She nodded, leaving his side and gathering sticks and small branches off the ground and piling them a little off to the side. Fyfe had a bedroll in her pack, but she wasn't sure if he had one, and it briefly crossed her mind that they would have to share if he didn't. Mentally slapping herself to remove the blush that was creeping onto her face, she asked, "I can make the fire now, if you want. It won't be dark for a while though..."
"That's okay. You can light it now if you like." he said with a smile. He produced a leather bag from one of his many robe pockets, containing dried meats. He pulled a chunk from the bag and began to chew. "It's a funny old world, don't you think?" he asked. "I wished every day, prayed to all the gods and spirits I knew that you would be alive after... Well, you know. Looks like someone up there is watching out for us..." he said, taking another bite. He handed the bag to Fyfe. "The gods have brought us back together... Just like when we were young." His mind thought ahead. He looked over and saw that Fyfe had a bedroll and he didn't. He was either going to be sleeping next to his childhood secret romance-interest or on the roadside on the dirt. He gulped and a bead of sweat that threatened to roll down his face was quickly eliminated.
Fyfe began rummaging through her things, trying to find a firestarting kit she had bought in the last town. Finding it at the bottom of her bag, amongst the other things she rarely used, she made quick work of it, and soon had a manageable fire in the making. She smiled as he said that he had prayed every day that she would be alive after she went over the falls, a soft, almost sad, light coming to her eyes. Taking the offered bag, she took a small piece, eating it slowly. "It's like a dream," she mused, looking up at the sky, "or something out of a fairy tale. I'm sure if we told anyone else, someone who didn't know me, they would have thought us crazy," she said with a small smile.
"Yeah..." agreed Davin with a sigh. He sat up. His flesh didn't ache any more and he could feel his legs again. He looked up at the stars. They shone as they always have in thier pinpoint fashion, but this time they were different. He appreciated them a whole lot more now that things were finally looking up. "We should get some sleep." he said yawning. "I could sleep on the ground if you like..." he said, hoping she would offer to share the large bedroll secretly.
"It's..." she paused, a blush appearing on her face, "it's okay, I'd feel bad if you were on the ground," she told him as she began rolling her bedroll out on a flat piece of ground. Giving him a small smile, she began to take off her loose-fitting clothes, leaving her in a tight shirt and pants. Yawning, she rolled her shoulders back before sitting on the edge of the bedroll.
Davin gulped as he watched Fyfe undress down to her under-clothes. He parted the upper part of his loose robes and folded them down. He tied the sleeves together around his waist leaving his upper half uncovered. He took off his boots and gear and lay them next to the fire. He stretched and prepared for sleep. He cupped his hands in front of him. "Guard." he spoke surely. A small green orb of light flickered to life in his hands. He released it and it floated over and came to rest inches above the pair's gear. "I really appreciate all this, Fyfe..." he said smiling. He lay down next to her, his arms behind his head. His heart beat wildly in his throat. His emotions were going wild. His father said it was all normal in becoming a man, but it certainly felt anything except normal. "I'm not going to loose you again..." he thought out loud. He realized that he had done so and blushed. "I can't wait to tell Father that I found you. He will be so happy..." he said, trying to cover his escaped earlier sentence. "Next to your father, my father and I mourned you the most... Where we're you all that time?" he asked her, turning his head to face her.
Fyfe didn't notice Davin's comment, instead focusing on his second statement, about his father. Smiling at the memories, she nodded. "How's he doing, your father?" she asks, turning to look at him. It was then that he said that he and his father were the two people who mourned her the most, besides her own father. However, she was surprised when he asked her where she had been for the last ten years. She knew that it was bound to come, but she hadn't expected it so soon. After a second, she said, "I...I don't know. I woke up a year after, in a temple that was about to fall down, and some god was there. I stayed there until I was old enough, and then I woke up again, this time far away in the west." She shook her head, smiling a little, thinking about how crazy it must seem.
"Wow..." he said with genuine intrigue. "The gods haven't manifested themselves in thousands of years. That's something special you experienced." he said smiling. "Father is doing well. He is keeping the village safe and sound and looking after the sick. He is very powerful too... He wasn't supposed to, but he taught me his Forbidden runes. He said that I might need them. Turns out he was right." he rolled over to face Fyfe. "It's been almost six months since he sent me away. I might not even have to go to Huskfurrow anymore now that I've found you. But something tells me we have to, no matter how bad I want to go home." he said, his expression turning to one of slight worry.
She smiled at his worried face, "Don't worry. I'll be watching your back the whole time we're there. Besides," she continued, now reassuring herself more than anything, "it'll be easy, right, as long as we stay together..." Shrugging because she really didn't know, she yawned again, shifting around a little. "We should go to sleep now, if we want any chance of getting there by nightfall..."
"Sure. We'll be fine." he said smiling. "Goodnight..." he said gently as he drifted off into a deep sleep, his arm around Fyfe's waist. When he woke, dawn had just begun to break. He got up stealthily and adorned his gear. "Come." he said to the green, ever watchful ball of light. It drifted over and sat in Davin's hands. He closed them and the light was extinguished. By the Gods, she is beautiful... He thought as he watched her lay there sleeping. He put out the last surviving licks of flame and double checked his gear.
As Fyfe drifted off into sleep, she unconsciously let her hand rest upon Davin's, falling asleep with a soft smile upon her face. She didn't stir as he woke up and began putting his clothes on, and was asleep for a while longer before finally rousing herself. Slowly letting her eyes open, she looked up, seeing him already awake. "Morning," she said, smiling a little. Sitting up, she tried to get the tangles out of her hair before putting her clothes on, checking her swords to make sure they were okay.
"Morning, sleepyhead!" said Davin cheerfully, snapping out of his daze of infatuation. "All your gear is here." he pointed out. He strapped his sword around his waist and made sure he had his Book of Journeys. All here. Good... He stretched and yawned. She's changed so much... He thought to himself. He caught himself staring and looked around at the surrounding road lined with trees. "As soon as you are ready, we can go." he said smiling.
Fyfe nodded, gathering her things in her bag. Packing her firestarting kit first, she began rolling the bedroll they had slept on last night, and made sure that she wasn't forgetting anything. When she had everything, she stood up, saying, "I'm ready." As they began to walk along the road, she couldn't but look at him out of the corner of her eye, trying to cross reference the memory of the boy he was before and the man he was now. He looked different, but there were similarities, and she wondered if he was noticing the same things about her.
Davin had a renewed confidence about him as the sun shone mildly down upon the dewey grass and moistened earth. A cool breeze drifted through his lavender locks, keeping them out of his face. He loved days like this. It reminded him of his youth, when he used to try to catch tadpoles or small fish with his hands. He succeeded once in capturing a fish but decided to put it back because it bit him. The bite failed to draw blood, but the outline stayed there for a week... He noticed that Fyfe kept on glancing at him out of the corner of her eye every now and again. "Is there something wrong?" he said chuckling slightly. "Or do you just like the look of me?" he said, the chuckle turning into a laugh.
She couldn't help but blush as she was caught looking at Davin, looking away furtively. However, she laughed when he made the comment about her liking how he looked. Shaking her head afterwards, she said, "It's just weird how different you look from the last time I saw you. Ten years...." she paused, "it's been so long..."
"It's probably the hair length!" he laughed. "Don't sweat it. I'm sure we'll get used to each other again." he said. They walked on for a few hours more and the sun crept up high overhead. The foliage by the roadside became more withered and twisted and the fresh grass and budding flowers were slowly replaced with dark thistles and nettles. "I think we are getting close..." he said, his tone turning stern. "We need to be on our guard." he said. As they moved closer to the town, Davin noticed stormclouds in the direction of where Huskfurrow lay. "Now that is strange..." he said with a curious kind of interest.