Through Beakers and Test Tubes

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Saki gave him a grateful smile as well as a sheepish one, "At least you wont be the only one suffering the experiments I want to see how strong I can take this telepathy...and I can feel other's pain..." Shaking herself she straightened, "Alright enough talking about this they'll have the mechianics coming in soon and they're less easy to scare. I'm having you put on room lock down so they cant open you room without my okay and take you way to places....I'll need two more days...just give me those two days and I'll have us stronge enough to escape...then we can leave this place."
For once, Nilo was grateful for being on room lock down. At least then he knew he'd be relatively safe. He nodded. "Alright. I look forward to it," he replied. Excitement was already building up within him. He was finally going to escape, and there would be no way for them to stop him, or bring him back. Apprehension soon followed the excitement. He was going to be free, for the first time in his life. The thought boggled his mind.
"I have a exercise for you; you how your furniture is bolted to the ground? I want you to focus on trying to unscrew and re screw the bolts get a feel of how to focus it to work on one thing. Through the next couple days you'll hear me call out to you to see how little energy I will need to send whispers." The doors slid open and two men walked in with tool boxed and glared at the two making Saki glare back in return.
"Mr. Morris I think we're done here time to go to your room." She went to the door and motioned for him to lead; no need to change their habits now.
He nodded and stepped out into the hallway. He was silent the whole way to his room. His mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of the outside world. Once he was inside, he turned to her before she could close the door, apprehension showing lightly in his eyes. "Will this really work?" he asked in a near whisper.
Saki looked into his own searching eyes, 'It has to work Nilo...or else we will not survive this place.' With her silent words she closed the door and made her way to the director's office. She didnt even knock, "I have an unstable exsperiment going through the subject for two days it is to be on lockdown to it's room; only its food can enter through the slot." She gave him a glare that stopped his arguement. CAlling Nilo and it was the only way that would earn her respect from this man as a true scientist. "I've finally figured out what made it telekinetic if you kill it because you decide to let someone 'get back' at it then I will loose the only living thing that gives me acess to the new age." She let him sit there in silence to mull over her words; finally he accepted her demand. "I have the room on lock down for only you and me." She straightened.
"Don't ruin my years of work director, remember I'm not one of your slexy lackies that will just let it go...I willdish out the diserved punishment to those who wronged me." She turned and left his office, "Two days director dont forget."
Nilo layed on his bed most of the time over the next two days, only getting up for his food and restroom breaks, and occasional light workouts. He did what Saki had told him to do: he practiced unscrewing the screws on his bed. It started out as nearly impossible. The headaches he was getting as side effects of the syrums she had given him were making it difficult to concentrate, but after a few hours he was able to ignore them for the most part and get some progress on the screws. It took him about a day to completely unscrew half the screws on his bed, and by the second day he was able to unscrew and rescrew all of them fairly easily.
Saki spent the next two days either passed out on the floor of the hidden lab from the pain of stressing her newly enhanced mind and working to hack the security cameras, as well as stablizing the enhancement. After the first day she realixed the headaches wouldnt go away she had to back track and find what went wrong she spent nearly all of the second day reworking her formula to ease their pain and keep their mental state stable. Finally early into the thrid day she had successfully tested and approved the syrum and hacked the security cameras. She recorded two hours of the hallways, rooms, and offices and set them on a loop. At 4 in the morning no one would be awake and the guards would be in the office watching the cameras, now was the time to go. With barely four hours of sleep riding her she packed what little she had, her work, the personals that they didnt know she'd hidden from them, and her laptop. She paused and sent out a call to Nilo.
'Get ready I got the cameras on loop now is the time to leave.' She left her room leaving the hidden door open, let them find it, there wasnt anything in there useful to them. She silently and swiftly made her way through the halls, she smiled remembering the times when she'd done something similar to this years before, only she had broken in not out. She made her way to Nilo's room and unlocked the door the grin still on her face, she didnt care how tired she was she was going to be free and so was he.
Nilo tried to sleep that night, or at least doze a little bit, but the excitement of the possibility of escape refused to let him sleep. Then he got her message. A large grin spread across his face. He jumped up and hurried over to the door, and looked back at the room he'd spent his whole life in. He didnt have any personal belongings, or fond memories to keep him here, they'd made sure of that. Ever second that ticked by made the adrenaline speed faster and faster through his veins, and when the door finally opened, he was sure his heart was going to beat its way out of him. He could hardly hold still long enough for the door to open before he was slipping out into the hallway.
Saki took his hand and pulled him down towards the back exits, she knew they were used the least and the locks were older and easier to break, 'This way they doors are easier to break open.'
It almost seemed like eternity making their way to the exit but she didnt want to run and risk someone seeing them and sounding the alarm too soon. She kept her mind open to keep away from any active minds she was glad for those two days to train her mind to tell the difference, distance, and to be able to lock them out but still keep a thread out to scan. She stopped, her heart thumping so loudly she was sure that Nilo could hear it.
"This is it, the door out of here, you have to indo the locks and open the codes so the alarm wont sound. Can you do that?" She looked at him her eyes filled with hope and longing.
Nilo examined the lock for a moment then nodded. "I think so. Give me a minute." He placed a hand right above the lock, letting his hand hover a mere inch above it. He closed his eyes and focused hard on the door and the locks and the security mechanism. He began to carefully unlock the door, but had to pause when he felt the security system begin to tighten. He stopped before it could go off. He focused harder on keeping the security system silent, then continued his ministrations. His ability had gotten a lot stronger in the last few days, but he hadnt ever done anything this complex. The force of the concentration and manipulation began making his head spin so badly, he didnt even realize he had successfully opened the door without alerting anyone until he nearly fell through it. He caught himself with one hand on the wall, the other one pressing into his temple, trying to ease the pain.
Saki noticed Nilo clutching his head in pain and dug through her bag, finding the pills she'd made for the unstability problem, "Here take these, they will take the pain away and stablize your mental stress. I meant to give them to you when I got to your room but my excitement and your ontop of mine wiped if from my mind." She held them out for him to take then gently took his other wrist and lead him through the small hall that turned into stairs. Stairs turned into an unlocked door and the door lead to the deep forest that they had the lab located. She knew that their best course of action would be to travel through the forest. She'd listened to the other lackies knowing they feared what they couldnt control. "Come on through the woods; if we take a vehicle they'll have us tracked down before we can even taste freedom."
Nilo gratefully took the pills and swallowed them quickly as she led him up and out. As soon as they got outside, Nilo stopped, his eyes as wide as dinner plates and full of wonder and curiosity. This was the second time he'd been outside, but it still sent waves of awe and wonder coursing through him. The air felt so fresh and crisp, so very unlike the painfully sanitized air of the laboratory. He could smell the trees and the animals and all the wonderful scents of the forest, assaulting him at once with their strangeness and beauty. He reached out a hand and touched one of the trees beside him, letting himself run his hand along the rough barkm his hand tingling with the new sensation. Even the ground felt different. It was softer. Each step he took he could feel the ground sink a little below him, making his heart flutter a bit with unease. He loved it, even if it made him a bit nervous.
Saki watched him with a half smile, "Hey come on I know you want to let it soak in but we're two feet from the place we least want to be when we need to be two countries away I'll take you anywhere you want to go I'll let you look over the internet and we can travel as much as you want. They'll never find us if we keep low and moving."
Nilo shook himself and nodded, still smiling. "Right, sorry." He followed her through the forest. "Its just all so... new. How do you get used to it?" Everything seemed so bright and vibrant and free to him, while she just seemed to ignore it all. Under the circumstances he could understand, but it still boggled him. He'd come across the same thing during his previous escape. Everyone around him had just ignored the wonderful sights and smells and sensations around them.
Saki gave him an apologetic smile, "Being born on the outside we forget how beautiful it is; we ignore and sometimes abuse the nature around us. Forgetting that it had been here long before we had even been a creature that could make a thought." She turned her head forward again and continued onward as if posessed; in a way she was, by her inner wild being revaling in its freedom. She wanted to run, climb, scream for joy, sleep the day away in the sun. But they had to find a road first...then a car...She could get what they needed after that; she hadnt chose the lab for nothing. She knew where the money that the man had stolen was; because she'd stashed it away before the police could find it. She knew if she lived long enough to escape that no one could catch her after she got her hands on that money. "We just have to get to civilzation where I can get us a car and then we're home free."
Nilo listened silently, subdued. "How can they just forget something so... wonderful?" He said aloud, mostly to himself. He let his hand run along the bark of the trees and along the stems and leaves of the bushes as he passed. He wanted to stay and explore, take in everything the forest had to offer, but he knew the truth in her words. They needed to get away. Far away. Or they'd be caught. He shivered, thoughts of the lab assaulting him, feeding him doubts about the success of their escape. After so many failures, he found it hard to trust in a successful escape, no matter how far they got from the place. "How far till we get to a road?" he asked, trying to distract himself from the negative thoughts crowding his mind.
Saki paused and let her mind push outward brushing against all living things, she was sure Nilo felt her as she brushed against his mind. She coudl feel the trees, insects, animals, cold man made-flat-surface. She jumped feeling herself snap back to her body, she opened her eyes not realizing she'd closed them. "Two miles out it leads to town." She striped off her coat, "cant have anyone realizing who we are too soon. The labs get their food supplies from the town." She pulled out a beanie and handed it to Nilo. "Put it on it will hide your hair color." She gave him a mischevious smile. "Since it's so obvious to see?"
He smiled back, excited and nervous at the news. He slipped the beanie on his head, effectively covering all but the tips of his coppery hair. He continued towards the road with renewed determination. If they kept up the pace they were at now, they'd reach it in a matter of minutes. It seemed like mere seconds instead when he found himself standing beside the deserted road. He looked both ways, still awed at the sight of the grey surface stretching beyond sight.
Saki paused at the road and glanced at Nilo with a grin, "Come on just a little bit longer it's another two mile walk but I'm sure that we can get someone to stop." Her grin turned mischevious, she'd done it once before, send one of her own thoughts into someone's head; they assumed it was their own and either did it or ignored it as a vauge idea. She kept a firm grasp on his hand as she started into town keeping an eye out for a car. The lab had their own road into town that didnt touch the main road so she didnt have to worry about someone from there driving by. They just had to worry about if the lab got to town before them. She stopped seeing a 18 wheeler and stuck her thumb out to hitch a ride sending a soft suggestion that they looked tired and worn out and it would be the right thing to do, picking them up.
Nilo followed her silently, his mind too occupied with his surroundings to talk. Everything still seemed new and fresh to him, even the road beneath him was strange. It felt harder than the floors of the lab, and was alot rougher. After a while, his feet began to get a little sore, being unused to walking on such terrain.

The driver in the truck hesitated for a moment before pulling up to the side of the road beside them. He rolled his window down, and stuck his head through. "You fellas need a ride? I'm headin to the next town over."

Nilo eyed the scruffy man with more than a little apprehension. The scientists made sure to keep themselves looking alot neater than the man in the truck, but nonetheless nervousness clawed at his stomach.
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