Through Beakers and Test Tubes

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Saki draped her coat behind her on the counter as she rummaged through the cabinets and frigerator. She pulled out some pasta, alfredo sause, and precooked chicken. "How does chicken alfredo sound." She wasn't sure what he actually had gotten a chance to eat but it never hurt to ask. She was sure he never told them what he did with his time out nor did they care to ask. She waited for the water to boil until she dumped the noodles into the water and started to heat up the chicken. It was something quick and easy to make so she could start up her lap top and transfer the data from her flashdrive. She drained the cooked noodles and dumped everything together, adding a little cheese to give it a cheesy kick. She gave him a large serving as well as herself one. Saki sat down across from him a fork in one hand and the keyboard under the other.
"Eat before it gets cold."
Nilo started a bit and looked up, startled out of his thoughts. He blinked at her a few times, then looked down at the food. It looked delicious, but... "What is it?" He asked, poking it with a fork, his brow furrowed. He poked at it a bit more before finally trying a bite. His eyes lit up like a kid on christmas morning. "Its delicious!" he exclaimed, already shoveling in a second bite. He ate all of it quickly, trying to savor each bite as much as possible. Then he practically scraped his plate clean, getting every last drop of the delicious meal he could. He hadnt eaten something this good since his escape. It was a million times better than the slop they normally gave him, telling him it was healthy and good for him. When he had gotten as much of it up as he possibly could, he looked up hopefully at her. "Is there any more?" His voice, a deep baritone, came out soft and just as hopeful as his expression.
Saki looked up at him blinking back into reality and nodded pushing her barely toughed plate to him, she'd lost her appetite getting lost into her work she could always eat later, she was sure he wouldnt get a chance to eat his fill until she could make an excuse for him to be rewarded. She believed in science but starving a subject didnt help the tests.
"If you're still hungry after that there's more in the pot, just tell me if you do." Her eyes drifter back to the screen as she discarded the fork in her hand for the keyboard. His mind mappings were amazing and complex. She believed she would only need a few more hours with this examle to stir up a quick enhancer, though she couldnt be sure what it would do...She looked up at him thoughtfully. If he could live though it...she was sure she could too...but she would have to be careful not to get caught. The blood samples would be enough to start with.
He dug into her plate without question, completely oblivious to her stares. The food was delicious. He let his mind entertain the notion that someday he'd be able to cook something like this on his own someday, out in the real world. He could almost see it, the kitchen, him at the stove... almost, but not quite. He pushed the thoughts away, clearing her plate just like he had his own. He put his fork down and leaned back a bit, hands on his full stomach and a satisfied smile on his face. He hadnt been that full in a long time. He'd forgotten what a nice feeling it was. He let out a breath, his body already getting sleepy. A nice, long nap sounded good right about now.

He looked over at her laptop curiously. "What are you looking at?" He asked.
Saki glanced at him and then turned the screen to him, "See this," The video was the scan of his brain, "This is your brain normally, and this..." She skipped it forward to when he'd moved the object. "it your brain moving the rubber peice in circles and that is when you moved to my desk and then you set it down..." She looked at him wit ha raised brow,
"You see now why I'm staring at it so intently?" She turned it back around to face her and started jot down more notes before she closed the laptop. "Lets get you back to your room I dont have any need for you for the next few hours bedroom or rec room Mr. Morris?" She stood tucking her laptop under her arm and reached grabbing her coat and walked to the door and motioned for him to go out.
Nilo studied the video intently. He didnt know the specifics of the images, but he was smart enough to figure out that the difference was significant. "Thats kinda interesting. I never realized." He replied, standing up. "Bedroom, please." he said before heading out of the kitchen area. He would go to the rec room, but after eating so much, and having such a good workout already, he felt it better to just return to his room and get some rest.
Saki brought him back to his room, unlocking the door, uncuffing him, then relocking his room. She returned to her room thankful for stashing the extra vial in her pocket so she could do som self experiments. She'd found after the first year that one of the previous scientists have made a secret lab through her closet. It had everything she needed, even the notes on the gases that had probably caused his telekinetic development. The lab was lowly lit until she walked though the doorway. She set her laptop down and started rummaging through the yellowed papers.
"Where is it." She grumbled and cursed for a good ten minutes until she grinned in tryumph at finding the notes and jornals of the first Doctor that had started this experiment, "hm, so he was orphaned. That's a load of bull isnt it Dr. Sckizer." She tended to talk to herself when getting into her work. She flipped through the booklets looking for specific the date when thy knew he'd been changed and started back from there.
Finally after hours of repeatative searching she'd found what she was looking for. She started to giggle quietly before it turned into a full blown laugh. The man had been crazy as a fucking bat but he knew what he'd been doing too. It had been right in her face the whole time It have been the first test he'd ever done on the child. Finding it to dangerous to even tell others he'd hidden it behind an excuse of multiple gassings of chemicals.
"That son of a bitch." She said in a cheering tone, she could replicate it too all she needed was to find the vail that he'd kept somewhere in this room. She sighed heavily and stretched before she started on her search for something different this time. Another hour passed before she growled in frustration and collaped into her chair, her head lulling back to looke at the lights with squinted eyes.
"Where could that crazy bastard have...wait...there's no way, that's too easy." She carfully climbed onto the chair and reached for the light ficture. A moment of silent groping led her to victory as her hand came back with the sickly yellow liquid, "and the victory goes to the woman."
Nilo layed down gratefully on the rough bed, and fell into a restless sleep not to long after.

He looked around. He was outside, surrounded by trees. There were no people or buildings anywhere. The sweet scent of pine filled him. He smiled and began walking though the forest, trying to spot as many creatures as he could. He ran his hands along the rough bark, and rubbed his fingers on the leaves and vines as he passed them. He had only gone a few feet when a sickly green smoke began to coalesce around him, replacing the pine scent with the scent of rotting meat. The warmth of the sun disappeared He blinked and looked around him, trying to figure out what was going on. The forest faded until he was standing inside a brightly lit room with no windows, and no doors. He shielded his eyes from the blinding light. He could see a chair not far in front of him. Up higher on the walls, close to the ceiling were hundreds tiny vents barely larger than his hand. He squinted up at them. The smoke was coming from those vents. He spun around, trying to find a door, or any way to get out, but he was trapped. He turned around once more, and a door appeared on the wall opposite him. He sprinted towards it, but was suddenly yanked off his feet roughly. He fell sprawled on his back, his arms laying above his head. The cuffs had appeared on his wrists and were chaining him to the wall. He scrambled to his feet and tried to pull free, staring back at the door desperately, but the cuffs didnt budge. The world began spinning around him, the edges blurring until darkness consumed him.

Nilo shot up straight and looked around. He was back in his bedroom. The smoke was gone, and everything was back to normal. He went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. A nightmare, he thought to himself, trying to get his hands to stop shaking. He closed his eyes and ran a hand over his face, took a deep breath, and turned off the water. Just a nightmare, he kept reassuring himself.
Saki jumped down from the chair almost falling on her ass in the process. She would do it now while other's didnt expect to see her for days. IT would give her time to ajust to the syrum. She chewed on her lip, what if it didnt work? She shook her head and grinned, no it would work the Doctor had proven it with the boy. She grabbed a syringe and pundged it into the vial. and before she could hesitate she stuck it into her arm pushing it into her system.
The pain was imideate and unberable; she screamed until her voice became hoarse. No one would hear her, that's what this room was made for.
Nilo sat back on his bed, still chasing the phantoms of his nightmare away. He wasnt sure how long had passed, but when one of the other, older scientists opened the door, he guessed a few hours had passed. The scientist that entered looked like exactly what he was: a grumpy old man. He had balding white hair, and hard brown eyes. He'd been there nearly as long as Nilo had, and the two of them had never gotten along.

The old man tapped impatiently. "C'mon, get up," he grumbled.

Nilo stood up and walked over to him. As he approached, he noticed that he didnt have the cuffs, or a needle. The drug from earlier was still in effect, but it wasnt nearly as strong as it had been. It was beginning to wear off. A dark grin appeared on Nilo's face. "Y'know, you really should retire. I'm surprised you're still on your feet." He furrowed his brow as he stopped in front of him. "Dont people your age usually keel over by now?"

Anger rose on the scientist's face. "How dare you, you little brat! You-"

Nilo didnt bother letting him finish his rant. He smacked him upside the head hard enough to knock him out, but not too hard to cause any damage, and lowered him to the floor. "Annoying old git," Nilo mumbled, frisking him of his keys. Nilo poked his head out the still-open door and looked both ways for incoming tranquilizers. So far, nothing. He smiled, pocketed the keys and took off in the direction he knew a door to the outside was. They raised the alarm only minutes later. Nilo put all his exercising to the test and ran for the door as fast as he could. If he could just get out of there, he might be lucky enough to get away.

He rounded a corner and spotted the door at the end of the hallway, only a minute away. Jubulation began to fill him. He was almost there. Only a few feet left. Thats when he felt the pin prick in his side. His legs stumbled underneath him, no longer listening to his commands. He fell hard onto the floor and lay there dazed for a moment. He tried to push himself to his feet, but his whole body felt heavy and sluggish. He looked down at his side and found a tranquilizer dart poking out, still quivering, as if laughing at him. The world blurred around him, and his head fell to the floor. He vaugly registered feet around him, and his body being moved, but beyond that the world was nothing but spinning colors.

A few hours later, Nilo's might righted itself. He looked around. He was in a dark, stone room, chained to the wall. The whole room was damp and smelled of mold. He shivered, and looked down at himself. He had been stripped of his shirt and his pants. The only thing that remained were his boxers. Panic rose in him. He knew this room. It was the sub basement of the building, and was absolutely sound proof and light proof. No matter how loud things may get down here, the people up in the lab will never have any idea. He knew this smell. He yanked at his chains, and he even tried to get free using his ability, but it didnt work. It never worked.

He froze as the door opened and a middle aged man walked in, pulling a cart full of knives and other such items. He closed the door, parked the cart close to where Nilo was chained, and grinned wickedly up at him. "Welcome back, boy. I've been waiting. Boss has given me two days with you." He leaned in close to his ear, his slithering voice whispering, "gotta learn, boy, you'll never be free."

Cold dread kept Nilo frozen in place, his wide eyes following the punisher's hand down to pick up a knife.

[SPOILI]The punisher started out with small cuts here and there, all ove Nilo's body until the little spots of blood made him look like a pale leopard. The tiny cuts stung, but werent terribly painful. He kept his mouth clamped firmly shut, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of his pain or discomfort.

He started in on the bigger knives after that, playing connect the dots with some of the little cuts on Nilo's body. Nilo tried not to show how much the knives were hurting, but he couldnt stop himself from squirming, trying to escape the blade. This only egged the punisher on more, his wicked grin turning practically maniacle. By the end of the day, small rivulets of blood streamed down Nilo's body. Th punisher moved his tray to one side of the room and stepped out of the room. He closed the door firmly, and pressed a button beside the door. Two spray nozzles in the ceiling, designed to clean the room, opened up and sprayed the whole room with salt water. The spray got into Nilo's wounds, setting them on fire. Nilo screamed. He couldnt help it.Unbelieveable pain coursed through his irritated wounds, throwing him into unconciousness.

The next two days progressed much the same way. By the time the second day was ending, Nilo had stopped bothering to move. He just sagged in his chains, blood pouring from hundreds of cuts of varying sizes. His voice had gone hoarse from yelling long before that, and the pain had become one giant ache all over his body. He'd lost track of how long had passed, or which way was up. The only thing that mattered was the pain, and the urge to stop the pain.[/SPOILI]
Saki groaned rolling on to her stomach, her head felt like it was going to explode or atleast melt out her ears. Her mucles ached from the tention of them locking and straining. As she slowly got up her stomach decided to come back up; she stayed there for what seemed like hours dry heeving. She finally crawled away to her room, she blindly punched the unlocking code and with luck the door slid open and she crawled into her room and onto her bed, she curled into her blanket and dragged her second pillow over her head. Lights hurt sound hurt, fuck air moving against her body hurt. 'Day one pain.'

She passed out for what seemed like hours. Saki woke again and felt the ease of pain her brain only felt like she'd been at a mash pit fight and her brain only ached as if she'd done a good workout. She slowly pulled the pillow from her head and had t bit back a scream as she saw one of the higher doctors tanding over her, hands sretched out as iff to take the pillow off her head. He straightened tucking his hand in his pockets.
"Miss Hanayuma you have been in this room for two dayss we were concerned you'd been invalid." She groaned mentally knowing he'd ment that they thought she was dead.
'Stupid woman cant even get out of bed for a simple cold.' Saki looked up at him with a scowl his face was still plesantly blank, 'dont look at me with that face bitch one phone call and you'll be in prison where youbelong.'She tucked her head in the pillow and fought back a suprised look, it had worked; not like she'd expected but still.
"I'm going to get up I just got lost on my research, I was going to go out but I I fell asleep." She sat up and had a small victory cheer that she wasnt nausious for moving. She looked up at him with a raised brow.
"I need to change please leave."
"Of course."
'Cunt like I want to see what you have.' She smiled at him blankly as he walked out and shut the door. Why did scientists have to be assholes. She stripped and took a quick shower before she threw on a pair of random clothes. She rubbed her face as she walked out into the hallway and started towards her subjects room.
Not ten minutes before, the punisher finished up his ministrations. He removed his table of bloodied knives from the room and pulled in a simple water hose. He slowly turned the valve on the nozzle, allowing the water to come shooting out. He sprayed Nilo down with it. Nilo squirmed, pained noises coming from him. He sprayed all the water off him, then dropped the hose and walked over to the prone figure. "Now, boy. I suggest you behave yourself or you'll get to spend some more time with me and my... toys." He unlocked the cuffs holding him, causing him to drop to the floor. The punisher kicked him in the side. "Get up."

Nilo barely managed to get himself to his feet. Everything was numb. Every movement, every thought, every sensation was numb. He'd never had to spend that long in the punisher's chamber, never had to endure his knives for that long. He wasnt fully aware of getting dressed, or of walking up the two stories to the first floor. He didnt notice any of the scientists he passed, all of them ignoring him, despite the blood that was seeping through his clothing. None of them cared enough. He vaguely recognized his room. He shuffled over to his bed and collapsed into it, unconsciousness nearly drowning him before he even hit the cot.
Saki made it to his room, the first thing she noticed was the scent of blood she looked down and her eyes followed the long trail of blood she assumed ended inside the room. The second was that there was a dull throbing in the back of her mind, christ she was picking up on his pain. She put her face in her hand and opened the door to his room to see the damage; the door slid open and she cursed throughly. She rushed in and checked his pulse before running back out locking the door behind her to her lab where her regenerative balm was. She came back out the room and almost ran into the man who she knew how almost killed her subject without thought she swung at him with such force he stumbled back. She could still smell blood on him, the sick bastard. She growled at him and aimed a kick to his genitals bringing him to his knees. She could see the flashes of what he'd done to him for the past two days making her see red.
"Ye could 'ave killed me subject! Then where would I be?! Now I 'ave to wait 'til he 'as enough blood to run me bloody tests! You cock sucking whore!" She had never been able to hide her accent when in a rage she went to take another swing at him but two security guards had each of her arms she snarled at them both then glared down at the man on the ground.
"Come near 'im again an' I'll rip your bloody nuts of an' feed'em to ya!" He glared up at her but kept his words to himself; the guards waited until someone helped the man leave before letting her go.
"Miss Hanayuma please refrain from harming other doctors." With thos words they walked off making her want to throw something but what she held in her hand took to long to make and it was needed now. She stomped back to Mr. Morris' room and opened the door. He seemed to still be unconcious though it kind of surprised her as she was sure her shouting could have woke the dead.
"Damnit to 'ell." She soaked the coth she had on hand and started to wipe down his back so she could spread the balm across the wounds. Beind so close his echoing pain was making it hard to consentrate but she guessed now would be the perfect time to start to try and block out others.
Nilo slowly pulled himself away from the darkness of unconsciousness some hours later. He hurt everywhere, but the pain had lessened since he fell into bed. He sat up gingerly and looked around. He was back in his room. On his bed. He tried to remember when he got there, but the knowledge was lost. His memory of the last day or so was fuzzy at best. The only thing that remained from those fuzzy shapes was the sharp and unyielding pain, and the knowledge that he could prevent it from happening again. He just had to give up, surrender as their lab rat and remove all notions of life outside from his mind. He walked over to the sink in his bathroom, his mind full of the beautiful things he'd seen on the outside. So many strange and amazing things he wanted to know more about. He splashed water on his face, staring blankly at the running water. He closed his eyes, letting out a shaky breath. Its not that bad in here, you know. A small voice at the back of his mind spoke up. You have free food and a bed. What more do you need?

Nilo scrubbed his face harder, trying to will the little voice to go away. This time it didnt, though. It kept taunting him, whispering truths he dare not acknowledge He couldnt just give up on seeing the outside world again. That was, after all, the only thing he really had to live for. Without that, he was nothing.
Saki came back to his room to make sure the deepest cuts were sealed she had a cloth in one hand an a pan in the other. She punched in the coode not really looking at the screen she wasnt sure when he'd wake up but she hoped he was still asleep so she could clean the rest of the blood off him. She halted her movement seeing that he was hovering over the sink she hesitated his pain had lessen considerably and he was already walking around she knew it was sheer stubborness keeping him from breaking.
"When your up and well again dont laugh at the punisher for his new limp." She kept her voice casual as to not startle him too much. In the past few hours she had found that she could put up a kind of sheild against other's thoughts slipping into her mind but at this moment she kept her walls down incase he started an attack.
For a minute, Nilo didnt move from the sink, as if he hadnt heard her. Then he peered at her over his shoulder. He turned and straightened, exiting the bathroom. He walked over to her, studying her face. He stopped just outside of arms reach, still staring. "Something's different." He muttered. There was something different about her, that much he could tell. Her whole mannerisms had changed slightly. He walked to each side of her, trying to see if there was anything physically different, before settling in front of her again. He wanted to figure out what it was that had changed, it seemed significant. "What did you do?"
Saki raised a brow at him, trying not to let the small seed of panic set in. There should be no way that he could tell she had done the same experiment on herself as he had and lived to gain something from it. He was teleketic, his ability was physical not mental. But it could be their psyci's rubbing against one another that caught his inner psych to go off; at this point she couldnt be sure on anything.
"I didnt know you took such intrest in me; I've been sick which is why you havent seen me they just came to check to see if I was still breathing today and strongly suggested that I continue my work weither I was sick or not. If that is what you're seeing I wouldnt be suprised I havent even looked at myself in the past two days." She lifted the cloth in her hand, "Will you let me check on the gashes I want to make sure they sealed clean I dont want to have to reopen wounds and I'm sure you dont want that either."
He hesitated, turning her explination over and over again. He didnt know why, but something about it sounded off to him. He shook his head and pushed it aside. He walked back over to his bed and pulled his still bloody shirt off and discarding it on the bed. The bed had been stained with small red spots as well. He turned around to face her and stood placidly. Although most of the wounds were gone, some of the now dried blood still stuck to his skin. He hesitated a moment, then asked, "Did you get the ones on my legs as well?"
Saki nodded, "Of course or you wouldnt be walking so easily right now, I dont even know how you made it to your room with what...anyway I just need to reclean out the wounds and reapply the balm then you can shower. I'll make sure that they get rid of the sheets." She leaned out to catch a lackies attention to watch for when she wanted out and they closed the door behind her as she walked deeper into the room.
"Turn I need to see what's left of the damage your back was the worst of it." Her voice held a sour tone; she knew that he could have been lame or died from the wounds. She was still trying to figure out which one they were going for; probably both. She grumbled under her breath incoherently and started on the wounds, what once were gashes now looked like whip lashes; thank god she had plently balm left. They were all thankfully not infected and didnt even seem to be reddening with irritation she guessed a sterile place like this was what had saved her some trouble. It wouldnt have been the first time she had to clean out puss from a nasty wound like his had been.
He chuckled humorlessly. "They say walk, I walk," he replied dryly, shaking his head. "I dont remember the last day and a half or so. Your guess is as good as mine." He winced a little as she went over a particularly tender spot. He started thinking about the shower he was going to have to take, and how good it would feel. The warmth against his skin, easing away the irritation. He was already smiling at the thought of it. Then thoughts of the salt water the punisher had sprayed him with every night he had been down there, the phantoms of that searing pain making him jump. He looked over at the shower, suddenly a little paranoid that his shower had been tampered with. He rubbed his arm and looked back at his bed, the idea of a shower suddenly less appealing.
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