Three Berhs

Goldi stopped her startled screaming as she scrambled up to her feet with his help and started running. Rain of gun fire smashed through windows, mailboxes, street lamps, cars, as they ran down the street. Even when she made a sharp turn down a corner, the van was gearing up to follow them. Guns blasting not far behind.

She kept running! Soon the quaint little suburban houses went from middle class to low class, to dirty broken up streets in the old district. Abandoned homes and trailers. Old closed down businesses and empty factories. Goldi nearly tripped over the train tracks as she pass over a street, making another quick turn. They were now in another abandoned neighborhood. Probably was once apartment buildings a lot like her own.

Down an alley, Goldi's running slowed all the way to a slow wary step. Something was really weird here. At first she thought the place was abandoned but... There were people peeking out from the broken windows all over the place. Staring down in to the alley at them. Just. Staring. As she squint, she wasn't too sure if they were people at all... which sent her heart pounding!

" you... see them?"
He followed her, sprinting away from the engines and gunfire. He though he might have been his a couple of times and once he was, hot lead grazing hie side but adrenaline, nature's painkiller was working it's way through his system. "See what?" he asked looking around. There was nothing there. Nothing down the alley, nothing in the windows, nothing in the doorways, nothing on the fore escape.

"Goldi, we're alone... christ."he looked down at the blood on his shirt but it was shallow and he just put his hand over it as Goldi kept looking at the windows. "Hold on I have an idea."

He walked strait up to the rotted doors on one of the buildings and kicked it open. "In here." he didn't realize one of the figures was now standing righ tin the doorway as she stepped though it. "Cold in here." he commented looking down the hallway. It was dark, cobwebs were everywhere but at least that meant noone had been though here in a while. "I see stairs." he said. "He can hide in here."
Goldi stared. There was no way she was walking in there. NO WAY.

There was a screech of tires a couple streets down. She ran through the doorway with her eyes squeezed shut. Ice cold numbness ran up her spine and she shivered. Opening one eye and then the other, the figure was gone. Her hands patted her clothes and body to make sure she didn't get herself possessed or something. What could make today worse?

Vance was already slowing making his way up the stairs and she was practically on his heels. This place was dark and she felt like the place had eyes. Goldi always hated that phrase. 'The place has eyes.' But damned if she didn't feel like tons of people... or... something was watching them right now. He didn't see the people in the windows. He didn't even notice how weird this place was. She had to be going in to manic shock of something.

Her hand clung on to the back of his shirt as their made their way upstairs. "Christ, you're bleeding all over the place!"
The first flight was bad enough but the second looked like a deathtrap so along the second floor corridor he lead the way until he found a serviceable room. It was a dump, boarded up windows, a carpet of dust and the smell of damp was overpowering, but it had a working latch on the door and there was no draft.

"Its a graze." he said trying not to sound concerned. "We should see if we can't find anything useful in here... I know I could use something to eat." there was no chance of them finding anything edible here though so it came out as a weak joke. "I hope you can see you can trust me now." he said taking his hand away from his wound to see if it had stopped bleeding, it hadn't.
"I don't trust you as far as I can throw a horse..!" Honesty was the best policy. It was good to get that out there before they got any farther. IF they got any farther. Goldi was conveniently leaving out the fact that she like they were being watched. Stared at. Followed. And not by gun toting mobsters either. Even in the tiny, damp room, she could see presences. Incorporeal. He even kept walking through them as if they weren't there.

Goldi focused on the one thing she COULD deal with. The blood made her queesy, but at least she knew first aid. Cursing under her breath, she took off the top blouse she was wearing and starting ripping it in to shreds. It left her in a sleeveless, strap camisole, but at this point having the guy not drop dead was more important than shielding herself from goosebumps.

She fussed at him until she got him to sit down in a rickety old chair. Then pressed the majority of fabric up against his wound to stop the bleeding. "Here. Hold that for a minute. I'm going to look for a first aid kit or something."
He frowned at her, he was risking his life to protect her and here she was just about telling him to take a hike.. and right after that gave up her own top to give his first aid. "Hey I'm lighter than I look." he joked not liking the was the chair rocked back on forth on it's joints like nervous horse. The fabric in his hand was rapidly turning red and he unbuttoned his shirt and slipped the hand holding it underneath before wriggling his arm out of the other sleeve and changing hand to complete the undressing maneuver. He was proud to say he took care of himself with regular trips to the gym and a nightly walks combined with relatively healthy eating habits, for a bachelor. He was no strongman but he had the build of a middleweight boxer.

Goldi seemed skittish. He was on edge too but not as much as her, she kept looking at walls and corners where there was nothing there. "Try the bathroom." he said as he lifted the cloth to examine his wound, it would close up easily enough if covered but the difficult part would be to clean it.
Goldi stepped in to the bathroom. Just as cautious as she had walking in to the place. The bathroom seemed to be void of the shadow people, though. She looked under the sink first, digging around in abandoned cleaning items and other miscellany. As she stood straight, she froze in place. Gurgling up from the sink was something black. Gooey. Goldi tried to ignore it and reach over it towards the vanity above the sink, but the stuff actually smiled at her.

With a sharp gasp, she scooted back several paces. The thump of her back hitting the wall might've been heard in the other room. "I-I'm okay...!" she called out before the cop wondered what she was doing. Gingerly, she stepped back to the sink. The black goopy blob having oozed it's way out to plop on the floor and trail it's way across the bathroom to the stained tub. Her hands shaking, she pulled open the vanity door and jumped back again, in case she had to defend herself.

Nothing but bottles, make up, and thank gods, a small first aid kit.

Goldi snatched it off the shelf, rushing back in to the other room. Her hands were still shaking as she struggled to get the box open. Her face as white as a sheet, even as that annoyed frown was still sitting on her lips. "So you don't see anything in here..." she mumbled. Perhaps barely even loud enough for Vance to hear. She didn't want to look around and see if the shadows were still there.
She was shaking like a leaf, worse that when she had gone into the bathroom. He had almost gotten up when he had heard the crash and now he was worried for her. "Theres nothing here but us." he said gesturing around the room before placing a bloody hand on Goldi's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. His would would scar over no matter what and he wasn't in danger of bleeding to death so he put her well being above his own. "We'll be safe here for a little while and once its dark we'll head out. Until then... just try to rest."

He kept his eyes on hers, he was always told he had the safe calming blue his mother had "If it helps you feel any better I probably have enough for a couple burgers in my pocket once we get out of here, theres a diner not far from here. We'll eat them we'll get far away from here."
"You sound like some action hero in a movie..." She muttered, finally getting the box open and digging through the contents. At the humor of it got her to relax a little bit. Even if she was still apparently seeing things that he couldn't. If this was a nervous breakdown, then maybe she just needed to calm down and try to deal with it. The better she handled it, maybe it would all start disappearing.

Goldi pulled out a few alcohol pads first. She used the ripped up pieces of her shirt to clean away most of the blood, then the pads to get the wound cleaned off. All that blood had her seeing spots, but at least once it was cleaned up, she was relieved to know that the wound really wasn't as it first seemed. He was right and it was just a graze. Once cleaned, she carefully added some gauze and a bandage. It definitely wasn't professional work, but it did the job.

She set the kit aside and let out a slow, shaky breath. Her hand ran through her tangled mess of hair trying to smooth it back out. "I guess rest is a good idea." Goldi cast a look at the room. There was a broken and dusty bed, but at least it didn't look like it was covered in bugs or other critters. The shadows had seemed to lose interest in them as well, having slinked away to where ever they seemed to go. She got up from kneeling on the floor and moved to sit on the bed. Waving her hand and coughing when a plume of dust floated up in to the air.

So much for having a safe life.
"We just killed a man who yesterday I would have trusted my life with, given my life for, what part of this isn't like an action movie?" he asked with perhaps more dryness than he intended. To break the mood he looked down at her crude dressings and managed a smile. "Thanks..." with everything that had happened in the span of a couple of hours he was surprised he wasn't seeing things, but he had some comfort. They were still alive, she was unhurt and they had a place to hide at least for tonight. He didn't realize it but his hand was on the gun he had taken from Morrison. Yes, they would be safe.

He stood from the chair and paced the room a couple of times, he wanted to stay awake a while and make sure they weren't followed, his arms crossed, his fingers brushing the mahogany handle protruding from his shoulder holster. But with the blood loss and stress of the day he couldn't last long, better to rest his head and be up early in the morning. Pulling a dusty blanket from a cupboard he laid it on the floor and using a cusion for a pillow closed his eyes. Everything would be better soon. It had to be.