Those Who are Tried (Elyasi)

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Eric nodded in agreement, "In deed. I have seen women that had more guts and spine then them. Including yourself." He says. It was his way of giving her a complement. He just hoped that she didn't take it offensively. Once the meat was skinned and all the guts that they weren't going to eat, were cleaned out of it. Eric then takes the knife and began to cut pieces out of the carcass. "I suppose we have to feed them, I don't think you want the church bitchin at us, if their men died." He says bluntly. Once he cut enough peices or what he thought would be enough pieces, he began to sharpen some sticks, so that he could put the meat on it. Once that was done, he skweers the meat and places it next to the fire. He then looks over the preists who seemed to be cowaring together, huddled in a ball. He couldn't help but roll his eyes. "And yet back at the church, they seemed so gutsy. Callin the young girl in the cart a witch or possesed and now look at them. It's ashame that they couldn't have that much guts here." He says, he wasn't really talking to the men. It was more directed toward Gwen. Who he thought would agree with him on this as well. "You'd swear, if they hear a hoot owl, they're both going to faint." He mutters. And then a screech owl made a noise.

The men both began to painc. "That's bad luck! We're all going to die!" One says and the other nods. Eric scoffs, "Superstions...." He says and shakes his head. "Superstious bastards." He says and then flips the meat. Adrian sat there smirk, she thought that the church men were quite entertaining. She hated to agree with Eric, but he was right they did show guts back at the church. And now look at them slithering around like spineless cowards. She thinks and rolls her eyes. She was a very patient woman. She would wait as long as she needed. For she thought that this maybe the only time she could escape from them
"I'll take that as a compliment, good sir." Gwen waved her bloody knife at him and smirked. It wasn't often that she would get to interact with people that actually understood the way she felt or why she acted the way she acted. So being around Eric reminded her of being around her own understanding family. She threw some of the guts and scraps of raw deer meat over to Faelan, who eagerly gobbled them up--staining the wolf's teeth with dark blood. The young woman looked at the man next to her curiously as she cleaned off her knife. There was still blood splattered onto pieces of his armor and clothing--which she began wiping off without a single thought as she used to do the same with her own armor. Once he spoke about the priests and Gwendolyn realized what she doing, she jolted her hand back and giggled a bit. "Men who quiver in their boots at the sight of a harmless rabbit."

As the deer meat cooked over the open fire; Gwen gave the two priests the skewered raw rabbit meat; evilly smirking next to her wolf's bloody face. "Eat up gentlemen, you'll be cooking your own dinner tonight as punishment for being such spineless idiots." Steps were taken towards the caged woman, as the huntress was wondering as to which side of Selena was currently inhabiting her brain now. So she sat next to the cage and stared into Adrian's eyes intently with her bright sienna eyes and a steely, cold expression.
Eric watches as she walks over near the cart. "If a creature came into the camp they would probably piss themselves. And also die of a heart attack." He mutters and then takes a piece of the cooked meat and walks over to the cart. Without saying anything, he just drops it in between the bars. Just because she was their prisioner, didn't mean she needed to go hungry. He then goes and sits down on the log and takes another peice and began to eat it off the stick. One of the church men looks at Eric. "Why did you give her a piece of meat?" He asks. "Well for one, we don't want her to starve and also she isn't a spineless coward like you are." He says. Both of the church men glare at him. He just rolls his eyes at them. Adrian then takes the meat and then began to eat it slowly as if this was going to be her last meal. She looks over at the other woman. "We should just let them get eaten or killed. Then we wouldn't have to deal with them whining and complaining. And not to mention being spinless ninnies." She says. Eric looks over at her. "I would love to, but we don't want the church breathin down our necks." He says. Adrian looks over at him. She particularly didn't like men because of the way she was treated by them. But this man, she was showing respect to, only because he respected her. "Well you could always lie to them and say that you faught of the creatures bravely and by the time you killed the creatures the men were already dead." She says with a smirk.

Eric had been taught to respect all women, even if they were being convicted of something. He believed that most of the time, these women were innocent. He believed that the church was wrong in the case of Selena/Adrian and that she had someting wrong with her mentally. "That's a good idea, but these men don't deserve to die by the hands of a creature. For the church would hunt down the said creature and kill it." He says.
As Eric came to sit down in front of the cage to talk to the woman, she stood up to go grab herself some food, as Gwen could hear her own stomach rumbling for food a bit. When she grabbed herself some deer meat,the young woman also fed her wolf Faelan some more. Giggling, she spoke to the wolf as it licked its' lips, looking at the priests hungrily. "Now now, you can't eat them Faelan. As delicious and plump as they look, they'll taste icky on the inside. You'll bite into all that nasty, lying, hypocritical fat that makes them such cowards."

Now chewing on some of the dinner herself, Gwen walked back over to the cage and Eric, wondering what kind of conversation they were having. It wasn't exactly like she hated her. There was just no trust. The young trapper didn't trust anyone too much, not in these woods, as it could change a man very quickly. Eric was someone that looked like he could handle himself out here just fine. Aside from those priests. So she listened to Adrian speak, starting to say herself and agreeing with Eric. "That isn't fair. The creature that you want to kill them, isn't it any more innocent than you? After all. It's just defending itself."
Eric nods, "In deed, it would just be defending itself." He says. Adrian looks up at the sky and looks at all the clouds. "It's going to rain." She says. Just as she said that, thunder was heard and the wind began to pick up greatly. Eric looked over at the church men and rolls his eyes, they seemed even more nervous than before. The wind had picked up so bad that it began to mess with the fire. Soon the sound of pouring rain was heard as the rain began to come down in buckets. Eric didn't seem affected by the rain. Since the cart had a roof on it, Adrian was protected by the roof. The church men didn't look very happy and the scrambled to take shelter under a tree. Eric rolls his eyes, "They act like the rain is acid or something." He says. He did wish that something would happen to these pittiful men, just so they didn't have to deal with them any more. Thunder roared and lighting flashed a crossed the sky. There was a rather large sounding cracking and crackling sound. Lighting struck the tree that the church men were. The one was quick enough to move, but the other wasn't and the branch crushed him- killing him instantly.
((Sorry, been really busy with work stuff lately. Q A Q))

The fire crackled and fizzed as drops of rain fell onto flaming pile of wood, the wind pushing the flames around like it wanted to be put out. Before it could be put out by the elements, she made a little barrier around it made of the large hide of the deer that Eric had caught earlier. As Gwen was doing that though, the wind and lightning picked up even more. A flash before her eyes. Death. One of the priests was killed by a falling tree branch. There was no saving him. The other one screamed in horror, pointing his finger at Adrian, running around like a chicken with his head cut off. "Faelan! In!" The wolf sprinted inside the cave at her order as she knocked out the priest with a heavy right handed punch. She muttered to herself for a moment, apologizing in sarcasm. "Forgive me father, for I have sinned." Gwendolyn dragged the living priest's unconscious body into the cave, where he would be safe. She wouldn't want to go back to the church and ask for another two as a replacement for the ones struck down by lightning. It definitely wouldn't make Selena's case any better. They probably would instead just pass judgement onto her and sentence her to a horrible witch's death.
Eric watched the scene before him and shook his head. He wasn't shaking his head because of what happened to the one priest, who was let's face it dead as a door nail. But the other one, that was running around like an idiot and blaming Selena. He was about to get up from making sure that the fire didn't escape the barrier and into the forest, to knock him out. That is when Gwen did it for him. He watched as she drug him into the cave. It had began to rain even more heavily. It came down in buckets not sheets. He looks over at Adrian who was smirking at what had happened. But he didn't blame her for it. He was a strong man, so picking up the end of the cart that the horse would go on, he carries- more like drags it over to the cave in the heavy down pour so that they could keep an eye on her. He would have hitched up a horse to the cart, but the commotion had scared them and they ran off in fear. He then goes into the cave, he was now soaked to the bone. He lets out a sigh, "We are definitely not going back to the church to get another man. Bad enough he'll be spineless like that one over there. Plus I don't want to hear all their bullshit and demon mumbo jumbo. We'll just take him along and I see it this away, if he dies...well then he dies." He says sounding very irritated. He could just imagine it now if they went back to the church. He had a very annoyed look on his face. But it wasn't because of the weather, it was because of what he imagined.
"I agree. We keep on with our journey and don't stop for anything, even if the last quivering idiot from the church dies." The young woman sighed deeply, leaning her head on her wolf's soft grey fur. One down, only one left. She would prefer it if they could get to the monks with both, but that wasn't happening. Gwendolyn's eyes shifted to the dead priest's body covered by the splintered and smoldering tree branch that was struck by lightning. Nothing but bad luck. It could even be said...that god struck him down for being a cowardly man when he was supposed to be brave in the face of evil. These thoughts ran through her mind, quickly in a short silent mourn for the man she never knew, for the family he may have had. She kneeled down, gathering the few kindlings of wood that splintered into the cave, and began to make a small fire for the three of them, plus one unconscious priest.
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Eric looks over at her and nods. "Isn't it funny that the man had gotten struck down by lightining? I think God was smiting him." He says with a smirk. Then his expression changes as he looks out the cave. It turned into a frown, the weather had gotten worse. Now it started to hail a bit and just as it started it stopped. Eric rolls his eyes, "Great." He says as he looks outside still. It began to snow. "What else could go wrong?" He mutters. Adrian looked at Eric. "Don't say that, for something may happen after all, you will jinx yourself." She says wtih a smirk. Eric rolls his eyes at her and pretends to ignore her. He then turns his attention back to Gwen, "If this keeps up, we'll have to go back into town for supplise and also we maybe staying in here for a while." He says sounding very annoyed. Why couldn't it wait until we were done with our mission? He thinks. And then he lets out a sigh again. "Ya know, maybe this is a sign...maybe the big man is trying to tell us not to take her to the monks..." He says to her.
"I don't know. I'm not God himself. Maybe he is, but if we don't take her there--we're convicts to the law and to the church. Then everyone stands no chance of living if we're caught." She grimaced at the thought of her family being hurt because she didn't do the job she was supposed to. Gwen's family meant the world to her, and the church probably knew that--so there would be no saving them if she had to run from the law. Watching the weather get worse and worse by the second made her think that maybe it was an act of God. If it was God, then maybe God should be the one that should change the minds of the monks and save Selena that way. Faelan curled up into a ball near Eric and Gwendolyn, his tail wagging, but he was whimpering at the horrible weather that was outside of the cave--worried about the well beings of the humans he saw before them. "We'll go to the next town for supplies, going back now would only make us the fools. It's only about an hour away from this cave, and the town is small, but it's got the necessities for our trip to the monks. Until morning or until the weather lets up a bit however, we're stuck here."
Eric nods in agreement. "Alright we can do that, I guess it would be safer that away. And if you don't believe this is an act of God, then explain the snow. It's too early for it to do so." He says as he looks outside. The unconscious church man finally awakes and he looks around. "Where am I?" He asks. Eric wanted to mess with him, but he thought it wouldn't be a good idea. "You go knocked out and Gwen brought you into this cave, to keep you out of the weather. As you can see the weather turned to the worse. We're going to have to stay here for the night." He says to him. The church man looks outside in horror and instantly got on his knees and began to pray. Eric rolls his eyes at him, he didn't mind religious people, but he hated the overly religious ones like the church man. Adrian did the same thing, but she hated religion in general. She looks at the church man. "You fool, like that is going to help you. For all we know you could have caused this, you could have caused God to be angry. Angry that you are a sniveling spineless coward, that says that they are a holy man. Maybe God is trying to smite you." She says with a smirk, she knew it would scare him. Which it did, the man began to cry as he prayed and begged for forgiveness.
Rolling her eyes as Eric did, she yawned and looked up at the priest with a raised fist. "Shut your whining, or I'll give you a taste of my fist again." The priest whimpered at the sight of her fist, now remembering how she knocked him out with just one strike. The girl was strong, as she had to be to be a trapper's daughter. This woman was a huntress, and the sight of nothing scared her, not the weather, not man, not witches or girls that have split personalities, and not even the wild and feared beasts that roamed the forest. Faelan growled at the priest as she told him to shut up and stop his praying for his own salvation, snapping his teeth wildly and snarling. It made the wolf look wild, but as soon as she placed a hand on its' head, the wolf relaxed and curled up next to her once more. Her amber eyes shot over to Adrian with contempt, she knew that the girl was not evil, but to have not even just a bit of remorse for the man that had died made her irritated. "If God wanted you alive and safe, then we wouldn't be here in the first place, now would we? Obviously, we are all here for one reason or another. That man was here to die. I did not care for him, nor do I care for this sniveling idiot who fears you and the wrath of God. However as someone who witnesses death every day, one way or another, I realize that every living being has at least one soul--alive or dead, that cares for the dead. So YOU can shut your trap, and HE can too. "
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