Those that Judge, and Those that Collect

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The basic info is that there are things called Contractors (Beings that have magical abilities that take jobs from people in search of help for payment of souls which Reapers pass judgement on. Contractors are known as the Collectors. The jobs can be ranging from housework to assassination. Contractors each have different abilities and my character's will be the ability to control shadows. Contractors lack the ability to feel emotion, and it is rare that any care for one another.), and Reapers (beings similar to Contractors except they are known as the Judgment beings. They do not do jobs that contractors do but they are just as strong as them but only in one way are they stronger. That way is they have the ability to feel, or are free-thinkers. Reapers take souls to Heaven or Hell and also fight the battles that rage between Heaven and Hell. At the time of the role play there are no wars currently happening.). In this roleplay Contractors and Reapers being conflict when Reapers begin to take jobs that Contractors do, causing an unbalanced power.

Your character can be either Contractor or Reaper (Contractors and Reapers look like Humans just so you know)
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