This World Has More Then Just Humans And Animals

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"Ivy." Answered the other vampire before se shook her hand. "Who were you looking for?" Questioned the curious monster.
"The man who brought us all here, who conducts all the experiments and research and everything. Him and I need to have a little chat" She stated, rubbing her wrists where they were once shackled. "And this is?" The woman gestured to the mage standing behind the young vampire. The woman grinned a little, seeing how innocent the two still looked.
This time, Delynn's eyes didn't widen, but they did brighten, her large, emereld irises glowing in an almost unnatural kind of way. Delynn, although she had been exposed to magic all of her life, was completely stunned by the powerful vampire woman, the one who cast such a sublime example of the perfect forcefield that Delynn was so desperate to perfect.

Outstretching her hand, inviting Mina in for a shake, Delynn's full, light red lips spread into a pleased grin, her eyes crinkling at the sides in an almost childlike kind of way. Smiling, she straightened her posture. "Delynn," she said, introducing herself. "I'm Delynn, of the Mage's College. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"The pleasure is mine" Mina let out a soft chuckle as she shook the girl's hand surprisingly lightly considering the previous events caused by the vampire woman. "A mage, hmm? How interesting. Any specific school of magic or talent?" She pondered aloud as she looked at the rather excited looking girl. She examined the Delynn's outlandish eyes as she awaited a response from the girl, keeping an eye and ear out for any incoming danger so she could be prepared, or at least, as prepared as she needed to be. "So where did they get you two from?"
Delynn was a little embarrassed to admit that she didn't study any particular school of magic, seeing as how she wasn't exactly mage out there. She tried getting involved in healing, but a lot of those spells took quite a while to perfect without having the adverse effect, and any kind of necromancy or conjuration took quite a bit of concentration to get right - although, admittingly, she'd been able to conjure some weak familiars before. Calming spells were something she wanted to get into, but never learned, and she only knew basic defensive spells, such as conjuring a temporary sword, using a magic absorbing ward, and that armor she created seconds ago. Her main practice, she supposed was shooting flames, frost, and lightning - a very destructive, elemental school - but she could barely control the complex spells without hurting herself in the process.

Sighing quietly, her eyes went back to their normal, medium green hue. Delynn wasn't exactly sure - even while being a scholarly mage - why they did what they did, but her eyes seemed to respond to her emotions, or whatever spell she cast at the moment, but quite infrequently for anything longer than a few seconds. Now, Delynn didn't care much anyway, too focused on her new vampire allies, this common enemy, and a way to get out.

"I study all types of magic," she told her, nervously rubbing the back of her neck. "But, mostly because I haven't found...the right one." Silently, she hoped that answer would suffice the vampire's original question, seeing as how it wasn't exactly true, although generally honest. Delynn was, genuinely, yet to find where she fit. "But, anyway..." she began, changing the subject with a dismissive hand motion. "I was, for my college, something that's a little too drawn out to explain at the moment, but it was a very important task entrusted specifically to me to uncover more about an...artifact...we found during a ruin exploration. There was of people, saying they could provide us with some insight about our findings, working for a guild the college has been associated with for decades now. Seeing as how, I, myself, had found this...item, they questioned me, as well as one of my instructors, and another student, getting...a great deal of information. Then, of course..." Her expression grew dark. "We discovered that they weren't...exactly who they claimed to be."
(OOC: posting from what appears to be from a different time zone might not work for me after all. If it feels like this RP doesn't need a contrary role to the rest, in putting a slightly more tangible face on the enemy, I can back out. Also, what time period is this? I was thinking modern because of white walls and metal doors, but a man with a spear indicates a tech age less than that. I can retroactively change weapons for whichever case.)

Gotshalk's rage almost took hold of his mind, but he chose to fall back with the rest of the men that chose not to charge the Vampires, whose physical strength allowed them to swat good men aside like flies, while The Mage was now that unpredictable Wild Card. The victory condition was now cutting their losses. He hand gestured to the group of three that stayed with him, for they were deathly silent, rattled with fear. They wouldn't speak in fear of being overheard by the enemy; they couldn't even if they wanted to, because their hearts choked them from the inside.

His hands, open: To give ground, regroup, and lull the enemy into a false sense of security and into the open.
His hands, closed: A sudden and decisive strike by heroes!

The other men nodded in assent, though still with darkness in their eyes.
His hands, forward, in protest: More! There's more!
Gotshalk spit into his hand and slicked his hair back, then flicked a tuft of hair to fall between his eyes, with a grin on his face. In the poor spitting image of Our Leader.
Thumb pointing behind himself: he's long gone by now!

The silver lining of all the silver linings, hard to find in a hard time like this. It was hard enough just to capture one monster. Three? A real gauntlet to be sure.

The noise wakes up another in the cell block. He looks around and coughs. What..? "Hullo? Is anybody out there? I'm thirsty!" He strains against his shackles and waits for, hopefully, his kidnapper to open the door.
"Interesting" the woman replied simply, her stern Bryn quick turning to the newest voice in a nearby cell. She hadn't even thought about checking them. She walked over towards the cell and looked in with a fanged grin. She knelt down in front of the cage to speak with the chained up prisoner. "What's your poison?" She questioned. "If you want out, you might want to move out of the way." She stated, standing up.
The prisoner was a skinny lad, brown hair, claw like fingernails. He stands up and steps to the side, at 6'6" he's quite the disproportionate fellow. "Out? Is this a rescue?" I must have been sedated, it feels like I was captured not long ago.
She looked up at him, She might have been strong, but she wasn't too tall. She tilted her head, long, wintery locks falling from her shoulders. "Would you like to be rescued?" She asked, red eyes focused intently on his before looking him up and down for a brief moment.
The prisoner nods. "Yes, I do not wish to find out what they plan on doing to me in here."
"Neither do I" She chuckled, then took a step back, roughly slamming her right knee hard into the bars, dislodging them from their posts, creating an exit for the prisoner. She bowed, and gestured a hand to the side for him to leave.
The prisoner pulls on his chains. He strains and then the links snap, leaving the shackles on his wrists and ankles he walks out of the cage. "Thank you miss..."
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