This, That, or the Other Thing

DOG [followed by cats]

Pillow, blanket, or mattress?
Blanket; I can sleep anywhere, but I need a blanket

Ham, bacon, or pork loin?
Bacon. everything is better with bacon!

Coke, Pepsi, or that other brand?
That other brand! I can't stand coke and Pepsi is too addicting. O.O

Donkey, Horse or Mule?
Mule! Cute, medium-sized, strong... so much more useful than the two parent species.

Wow, I guess this part of my post got cut off last time. :c
Cotton, Linen, or Synthetic summer clothing?
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Mule! Cute, medium-sized, strong... so much more useful than the two parent species.
Give some things for the next person to choose from?