This Is Trium.

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
*goes to save PowerBass, gets distracted by a kitten plushie*

I should practice short-writing. And I'm pissed; I hate having wounded characters. They're annoyingly conspicuous when they're bleeding all over the place. >:( And stupid Maeren's stinky, too. Orion, why'd you have to make the monster stinky? Couldn't you have made it a giant fluffy white demon bunny?

In any case, Maeren is now in the streets again, sane and waiting for contact for any characters out in the streets.
LOL Abuse!

Getting tossed into plushies. As long as neither are pink then I guess that's alright. Gonna work on that post as soon as college gives me a break @_@
Hey guys! I'm a bit new to the forums, but this is my main guy I play, I saw he might fit in well here XD Gonna throw him up for approval/kick in the face disproval.

Name: Kyle

Race: Metadroid Human

Gender: Male


Kyle is a medium sized man of the age of 28. His MetaArm is on the left (Instead of pictured right) and has long silver hair and red/black eyes. He covers himself with black under clothes and a white trenchcoat so that people can not see his pigmentless skin, the curse of being Albino.

Skills/Weaknesses: Kyle is exceptional in Martial Arts and most weapons that coincide with his training, such as short swords, staves, tonfas, etc. His weakness is a debilitating fear of closed spaces, claustrophobia. The fear stems from the accident as a child when he lost his arm.

Weapon(s): Martial Arts, short ranged weapons.

Personality: Kyle is typically a loner, having lived his life in the solitude of his training. However, since his leave of the monastary he has realized that if he develops a close bond with someone, he would give his life for that person.

Short Bio: When Kyle was only eight years old, his parents brought him to a town away from the city of Dreylien, where they would be safer away from the fighting. Unfortunately, when the city was glassed they were still to close, the outlaying effects nearly destroyed the town, and the building Kyle and his parents in collapsed. Kyle was the only survivor of the complex, his arm crushed by steel girders, calling for a MetaArm replacement. The miraculous thing was that he spent almost a week inside the rubble before being rescued by passing monks. the monks took Kyle in and treated him, training him for nearly twenty years.

Six months ago, Kyle felt compeled to leave the temple, but was forbidden. He fled by night away from his home to try and figure out what was going on in the outside world.
where'd you come from xD

welcome though. too bad I'm not in charge to accept thy guy but i like the character.
I came from the Beyond @_@ And from the kitchen. *Hands a cookie to all* I'm just punting him out there, going to post once Bulletvixen gives the Ok XD
*snags cookies and scurries into an obscure corner to worship the chocolate dotted delicacies.

xD Thanks for the treat. Can't wait to see what you post.
Already ok'd him in PM he's welcome to post. Sorry I didn't post earlier got called into work 5 hours early XD Anyways he's accepted. Sorry for taking so long on posts and everything I promise to try and be the old me sometime this week <.>
Hey everyone.. apparently I accidently deleted all my threads at some point and I was busy all week, soo @_@ yeah..Sorry for the absence..If it matters?
I posted, and Renna runs into Nikko and those people. Let's see what happens. -sits and watches-
Lol it's fine Jen, I've been stressed to the point of exhaustion the last two weeks at work so i've been very distracted as well. But i promise to try and get everything going smoothly again by next week, but awesome cuz they were headed straight for you anyways ^^ lol. I'll probably try to post something by tonight XD
Had all 4 wisdom teeth removed yesterday on top of a few other RL situations that have held up my posting.


*Drifts off into a pain med torpor*
-nods- I had a friend I work with get his pulled. Everyone I would just like you all to know my internet company is being a bitch. Though I have been getting good hours my money has been going towards car, insurance and other bills. So internet has been wonky, I had truly hoped that I could get Trium and Furpoc back up and flowing but I have to say I may be gone for around another week. I will post this on my main profile and every other thread I think i need to tomorrow. Please everyone forgive me. Life has been treating me rather ill lately. Hope you all can understand, and I hope to talk to you all soon <.> Thank you to everyone who understands.
Bah, life happens BV. No one's gonna disown you for it. We all have to take breaks for some reason or another. You can pick up where you left off whenever you have the capability or desire to, Beev.

Your name will be Beev from now on in my head. Like BV, but said like... well, Beev. Good luck with life, homie!
Dear lord, I haven't been on in ages! I completely forgot about it and got preoccupied with school and family! I'm so sorry!!!