Original poster
*goes to save PowerBass, gets distracted by a kitten plushie*
I should practice short-writing. And I'm pissed; I hate having wounded characters. They're annoyingly conspicuous when they're bleeding all over the place. >:( And stupid Maeren's stinky, too. Orion, why'd you have to make the monster stinky? Couldn't you have made it a giant fluffy white demon bunny?
In any case, Maeren is now in the streets again, sane and waiting for contact for any characters out in the streets.
I should practice short-writing. And I'm pissed; I hate having wounded characters. They're annoyingly conspicuous when they're bleeding all over the place. >:( And stupid Maeren's stinky, too. Orion, why'd you have to make the monster stinky? Couldn't you have made it a giant fluffy white demon bunny?
In any case, Maeren is now in the streets again, sane and waiting for contact for any characters out in the streets.