This is Really Late

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


thirsty lad
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
fantasy, sci-fi fantasy, modern fantasy, a touch of horror, with a sprinkling of slice of life for flavor
Hello all! I'm an old user returning after quite some time, and very timidly trying to get my feet wet again outside of my comfort zones. Figured it was about time to try to expand that zone a bit. This newbie post is terribly late, however, as the account was made back in 2022. Oops.

Anyways, you can call me Azi or Zee, I respond to either. I primarily write mlm, but I'm pretty open to anything as long as the story's good. Smut tends to come up in my content (sometimes a lot), but I'm also a hoe for good ol' fashioned plot. I am very slow to respond, though, as my life tends to get hectic very fast and out of nowhere, so it takes priority like the needy slut it tends to be.

That's...about all I got for an intro, eheh. I'm also SUPER awkward, and if I say something dumb, please laugh. :boggled:
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Better late than never!!! Glad to see you back and hopefully getting your feet sufficiently soaked in all that is Iwaku!

best time to join up too, Fear Fest is in full swing!!
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Fear Fest, you say... 👀👀 I'm definitely going to have to check that out!! I should also take a gander around the RedStar stuff to see if someone posted some Kinktober prompts. Time to get spicy
  • Nice Execution!
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