This is a seriously odd question....

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So...would anyone know what you do if you acciedently add a word to your dictionary? Instead of editing ahve to have, I added ahve to my dictionary and is seriously my most common typo. HELP!!

Is there any way to remove it again??
Depends on your OS and browser.

I believe if you're using Chrome and Windows, there should be some way to edit it in Chrome's settings.

If you're using Chrome on a Mac, then the button to edit your custom dictionary is missing for some reason, and you have to jump through a whole lot of hoops, go through about 20 different google searches, and mess around with ~hidden files~ that you don't feel confident messing with in order to fix it. Speaking from experience.

Unfortunately, I do not remember how to do all of that.

If you're using Chrome on Windows, this guide can walk you through it better than I can.
If this is autocorrecting on your phone (I have a Samsung and I have no clue if this works on iPhone) but you can like hold over the word and it asks if you want to delete the word from the dictionary/autocorrecting :D <3

If this is not autocorrect then ops :X xD
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