Second of all. . . I didn't know you could get away with singing about mundane teenage crap to this level. I mean identifying with the audience to a degree is one thing but sweet JEEBUS. I'd never heard of this girl until today.
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They did it first.
[ Don't have the original music video cause some selfish bastard on Youtube made it not able to be embedded ut if you want to see it badly enough go find it. ]
Adventure stories! They can be fantasy, modern, sci-fi, all kinds! Give me some good world travel stories and I'm all over it! I also enjoy romance stories and even though I tend to play females I love playing gay men.
Want something really horrifying? Watch this from beginning to end on mute.
It becomes a mind-bending drama of how a group of prepubescent girls steal a car from their classmates and go on a drug-fueled joy ride. The story ends at a party, where Rebecca Black seems to be withdrawing further and further into her own reality. We have choppy shots of a mysterious black man, cruising around town. No explanation for his appearance is given.
What is this? A pre-pubescent version of Ke$ha?! I mean honestly Ke$ha is bad enough...But she's sucessfull because her music is (to be frank) slutty. This is just a travesty, a sham, and a mockery. A traveshamockery if you will.