Things you look forward to around the holidays

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I have a few things I look forward to, despite not caring much about the holidays themselves.

Pumpkin pie is great and becomes a common thing in the last couple months of the year
Steam usually has some damned good sales around holiday times, and those are nice
Overtime pay from working on all the major holidays is cool and helps pay for all those games I'm going to buy

I think that's everything. Pie, games, and money. My priorities are in order.
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I look forward to a nice long break from college in which I'll have time to re-connect with old friends, do more with my roleplays, watch more shows/play more games/enjoy media in general that I have not had time to enjoy during the school year.

This fall semester's felt particularly brutal for some reason, so, I'm very much looking forward to not living each day thinking only of the things that need to get done and not having time to think about much else. owo"

My mom asked me if I knew what I wanted for Christmas this year and all I could say was just "...I dunno... I haven't had time to think about that... o___o "
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The best Christmas song ever!

No, but seriously, all the references to that song make the holiday for me. I hate Christmas!
Honestly???? My three week break between semesters...... lol

and the food.
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Having liquor for breakfast

Food, family, friends and days off work.
Time off, all the lights, decorations, Christmas music, food, family and PRESENTS!
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