Things that Go Bump in the Night

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Spica smiled. "Damn straight." After a second of thought, he folded the paper, placing it back in the book and carefully placing it in a coat pocket. "In my opinion, it will be more sound to capture the men now. I have a nice knockout spell that may be useful; please cover me while I try to use it." He moved towards the door, his steps catlike, and then opened it, a small nimbus of energy surrounding his left hand as he prepared the spell.

"Good evening, boys; how's the weather?" His hand shot forwards, scoring a clean hit on the one closer to the door. However, as the man slumped to the ground, the light flickered, his concentration wavering. Was I not careful enough with my power expenditure?
Necola walked behind him with her back facing he's "Did it work?". She kept her gun pointed infront of her. Her started vibrating Now is not the time she thougth. She didnt hear anyone coming or any noise so far.
Spica cursed, his right hand coming up to fend off the man's fist. "Only for one!" He wasn't built for hand-to-hand combat. He couldn't seem to pull the spell up again, either, as the man advanced. "Necola, some help here would be great!" He managed a defensive spell without too much trouble, a silvery shield appearing in front of him as the man pulled a knife.
Necola gave the guy a right hook and then a left finishing it off with a kick. He flew to the wall knocking out. Two more guys came and end up falling victim as well. "Spica you ok..i thought you could kick some ass" Necola checked the guy to make sure they were knocked out. "Should we slip the hand cuffs on"
Spica closed his hand, extinguishing the spell, and then shook it, small sparks flying off as the energy dissipated. "Well, I thought so, but my ability is at its weakest right now." He shrugged-- maybe he shouldn't have gotten in a fight now. Every four days, he cycled between being a powerful magical entity and being a human with a bit of an ability that could be useful every now and then. "And yes, I'd say it's time to break out the cuffs." He took two off of his belt and clicked one pair shut around the hands of the man he'd stunned.
"Well shouldnt we be transporting right about know up up and awayyyy" Necola knew Spica could transport them to the questioning room or something like that. Necola looked at the guy. this whole time his hood never fell off or uncovered his face "Maybe we should look at who we caught its weird how this hood never once fell or moved" Necola walked over to him and pulled the hood back. She was surprised it was an old guy but his hands looked young and he had abilities of an young person. "What the hell is going on here...?"
Spica nodded-- "That's a good idea." He fished some chalk out of his pocket, sketching out a circle on the floor that enclosed both of them and all of the unconscious people. It would probably be better not to use any unaided magic; I can already feel a headache coming.

He looked up, surprised, to see the old man. "What is it?" He sketched the final lines, several interlacing triangles, quickly, then stood. "Life-extension magic?" he wondered. "This is not my specialty; we'd better ask someone back at headquarters, unless you know more about it." He stood on one side of the circle, hands crossing, and then activated the circle, energy flowing out from him and into the circle as silvery-blue ribbons. The lines shone brightly, then warped upwards and downwards, forming an even sphere around them as the transportation spell senesced. The light faded, leaving them in the basement of the building, and Spica leaned against the wall, head pounding. "Did all of them make it, Necola?" he asked, voice slightly strained.
"Yeah but are you ok" Necola walked over to Spica. A couple of guys came to get the guys and take them to be questioned. Necola thought she was doing a good job so far but Spica was coming off a little tired.
Spica coughed. "Just about," he said, rubbing his head. "But I'm tired-- usually I take a break when my power is at its low point, but I decided to work this time." He straightened, combing his hair back with his fingers. "I should be fine after a while-- definitely tomorrow," he said with a wan smile.
"Well its going to take time to get them all put in the system for questioning..maybe we should go get some lunch and relax for a minute" Necola put her arm around his shoulders and smiled. "So its a plan right boss" Necola looked at Spica
Spica raised his eyebrows, then sighed and nodded, allowing a slight smile to appear on his face. "All right. I know a good place." He then grinned. "Let's not talk about work, then, if we're relaxing. Tell me a little bit about yourself, and I'll reciprocate." He began to walk towards the elevator. It's weird, I haven't talked to a girl like this for a long time. Most of the employees were either stiff like he was, or frivolous.
Necola scratched her head walking next to Spica "um well I'm not really big on talking about you'll have to ask me questions". Once in the elevator Necola pressed the top floor button "weird I know but that's how I function sometimes". Necola was right she never really liked talking about herself she was more of the listener then the talker.
Spica smiled slightly. "Well, then, I'd be happy to oblige." He thought for a few seconds, then lifted a finger. "How about this-- why did you apply to join the police force?" He tilted his head. This question was something of a psychological test. Some people answered that they had been personally affected by criminals, others that they just needed the job. Some lied, and some told the truth. "I'll go ahead and warn you-- this is a loaded question." His expression mild, he waited, his eyes steady.
Necola looked at Spica she looked around and then got close to him whispering in his ear so no one but him could hear "It looked like fun". Necola laughed but she was telling the truth. Nothing ever influeced her to do it besides the fact she had nothig else to do with her life. "Ask me another boss that was easy" The doors opened and they were back on the top floor. Necola stepped out
Spica's eyes widened in surprise, and then he laughed, throwing his head back. "Ah, Necola, you're funny." He hadn't expected that! "Well, then. One more question-- a bit of a serious one this time-- and then you can ask a few of me." His face took on a more sincere look. "Do you have any family? I don't mean to pry, but I try to keep track of things like this so I can better understand the actions of my employees." Especially when four out of the five last new recruits defected for large sums of money-- one to help a family member, one to clear debt, and two for personal gain. People sometimes dropped hints when asked personal questions, and it could be quite useful later.
Necola opened the door "Yeah i do my cat Frost he's a boy the only man in my life as well". Necola didnt have family that she stayed in touch with. When she moved to the city she left them behind. "How about you any family or lover i should know about boss".
Spica smiled-- a cat lover, huh? "Well, not particularly." He frowned. "I don't think about it much these days, but I do have a twin brother." Sort of. Or, at least, that was the best way of describing it. "I haven't seen him for a long time, though. And no parents or girl either." Not that it mattered that he was separated from his brother. They always ended up finding each other again in one way or another. I really have the most annoying brother, huh.
Necola hit Spica on the shoulder "Boss you sound like your life is boring your a young adult and throwing your youth away". Necola thought Spica sound like a very boring or maybe even sad person. Having Necola around could change his whole life something neither of them even knew. "Well i never had any other siblings just me and a golden spoon"
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Spica winced slightly. "Well, I suppose you're right." He smiled. "But I've been around for a while-- I've done my share of youthing around." In a manner of speaking, anyway. "You have no idea how lucky you are to not have any siblings," he said, sighing. "They can be a nightmare."
Necola laughed "Yeah i've heard but not really some times i wish had some one to be mad at for taking my clothes are always needing to borrow something". Necola always wanted a sister or brother but it took alot just to have her born into this world. "So where to boss...hamburger joint....Sandwhiches...the bakery" She face infront or Spica walking backwards "Or are we watching our figure".
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