Theory of Dreaming Death.

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I had one dream where I fell off a cliff, and hit the bottom. I remember looking at my body. It was an intense dream. It didn't continue too far after that.
I've had dreams very similar to this as well
I've also had dreams where I fall from a great height, but I don't actually get to the part where one should go splat. Usually I wake up before that, and I jerk upwards to sit up on the bed lol
I die loads in my dreams.

There was one dream where I just died over and over again, only to take control of an other person's body. Then I'd probably just die again
I've heard of where if someone dies in a dream that sometimes the brain will confuse it with reality and sort of shut itself off as a result... But never that death in dreams was impossible.

I mean, I don't ever remember dying in a dream.
But my Sister once mentioned a dream where she did, some monster ripped her head off and used it as Garlic.
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