Name: Ryoshima
Title: Pisces
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 4'8, 74 lbs
- Sensitivity to other's emotions
- Empathy/Sympathy skills
- Aced in poisoning skills
- Lying comes easy with her cute face
- Better senses in smell and taste
- Karate
- Syringes
- Bottles of various poisons attached to a belt
Ryo is a rather quiet-natured girl, but not in the sense of wanting to keep away from everyone. Rather, she wants to understand everyone better. Even if she wouldn't be the one to start a conversation, she would gladly melt in. Even with a kind nature, she was a rather sneaky side. Due to her upbringing, she is one hell of a liar and a cheat. She could even charm a necklace off someone if she wanted it for something. She would be the one to slip cyanide in your meal if you are a target, so don't be crying when she hurts you, but she will always have a good reason for it.
Before Ryoshima was even conceived, her Papa, the leader of a private group of investigators who had helped with research of new things like cures to diseases and such, even sometimes managing to be the ones to find the cure, yearned for another scientific breakthrough. He spent such a long time researching, experimenting, but with no success. One day when he was looking through bogus articles, he happened upon, what he thought at the time, his success story; combining human genes with that of animals, adding abilities and appearances to that of animals to prolong the human race. It was fantastic, though because of how ridiculous it sounded, many places denied to aid in his group's research, believing it was utter garbage.
He spent months experimenting and experimenting, but no matter what the human cells would not bond with that of an animal's. He was on the verge of quitting his project; he worked himself to the point that he would be dropped from the position if he didn't find the perfect method, and having gone a long time without sleep. One day it hit him that he was going about it all wrong; the cells of an already matured human would not work, the only one option that would work was to trace it down to the source; the egg, and much further, sperm. He was literally off his rocker at this point, so he would do anything. He went onto a dating site, looking for any women who did not go through sexual intercourse as it would have their bodies "pure". In the meanwhile, he went as far as to use his own sperm and take from male mammals as well to mutate them, using some advanced lab equipment. After a long process and some wonderful timing, he managed to conduct the perfect bottle of it and found a virgin female, which was just a day away from meeting. His fellow researchers were aware of his motives, being quite desperate as well.
On their first "date", he kidnapped her with the use of drugs in her alcohol, brought her to his lab where his fellow researchers helped him tie her down, and forced the jumbled sperm cells up where they should go and fertilize the egg. He brought her back to her car, and all he could do was wait.
He stalked her for eight months, and with remarkable luck the woman had become pregnant. On a night she was alone in her room, he snuck in, ready to claim his scientific breakthrough. With a knife and gloves prepared, he pulled a gun shot her in the head, ending her life in an instant, then carefully cut her open, pulling the baby out, snipping off the cord and leaving the house. What he hadn't noticed however, was that the child bore no resemblance to the animals in the batch of sperm. It looked like a normal, human, slightly premature baby.
Forward a few years, the now named child, Ryoshima, was in the care of the researchers, her "Papa" having passed away due to lack of sleep. He had exhausted himself to make her a reality. Ryo was put through several tests to see if she had any skills of the animals that were fused with her DNA, but she acted mostly like a normal toddler. A couple smell and taste tests clarified that she had a better senses in those, but that was it. The researchers were baffled as to why this was, even a little depressed that their head professor's idea didn't work all the way through. They constantly took DNA samples of her, and all the strands were there. They supposed either a little of the DNA was active, or the Human DNA was the dominant one. They began to pay less and less attention to the child as the years went by, even mumbling that she was a failure. One day when she was quiet in her cell, one of the researchers approached her. He claimed to still have some faith in her; if she couldn't work as a scientific breakthrough, she could work as something else; a soldier. Because of her rather adorable looks, she would work perfectly as an assassin of sorts. Since the day that she had less attention on her, she never left her cell. Much less, for her entire life, did she go outside. She asked a lot of questions, particularly ones that if she went through the training, she could go outside. Hearing pretty much everything she wanted, the seven-year old accepted.
She spent the next nine years in training with plenty of teachers, proving to be a phenomenal student. She learned to read the emotions from people's faces and voices, how to use cuteness to her advantage, lying, and some skills in karate. She did get her wish, though; she was allowed to walk and train outside. The other researchers were not so pleased, constantly telling her that she could be replaced in a heartbeat with other samples they were trying to create. She was just about tired of them one day, and put her skills to the test. With lashes of both empathy and lying, she twisted them around her finger and got them to leave her alone. The researcher who put her up for the training was rather impressed when he heard of it, deciding she was ready to learn to use poisons.
In the timespan of three years, she learned about the nervous system and the cardiovascular systems, and all about drugs and poisons. She had to remember where each drug would be the most effective, injected, consumed, or inhaled, and with trust she had been entrusted a belt to hold many vials containing both helpful and harmful drugs. Because of how successful she was in her long years of training and tests, they decided to send her off with the Zodiacs. She was excited because she would end up meeting new people, but at the same time, even with her deception skills, she wanted to get to know people better. She spent most of her life with the same people, so she yearned to meet more.
Through all those difficult times,
she stood Unbroken