The Z Fighters (IC thread)

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"Piccolo with the greatest respect I have to say that many of us are much stronger than Goku was at that age." Bas-Kun said masking the annoyance in his voice, "That and the necessity for this vehicle seems lost on me."

Bas was uncomfortable in having accepted this training, the celestial hermit had told him many stories. At most they'd learn the Kamehameha wave, though powerful it would not be the training Bas wanted. He wanted to surpass the level that Goku had been when he died. He wanted to be the strongest but couldnt stand the idea of such belittling training. He kept his mouth shut entirely because of his honor but feared he'd eventually say too much.
It was official, the green man was actually insane. Jean could only stare in abject horror as the driver made a beeline straight for the ocean. Doing what any reasonable person would do when faced with a situation like this, he began to freak the #@$% out. "W-WAIT WHAT'RE YOU DOIN'!?! I'M FREAKING OU-" His voice caught in his throat as the bus transformed around them as they drove into the water. "Oh . . . cool." He pressed his face up against the glass looking out into the water.

At the sound of the other human's voice Jean's ear perked up, trying to glean as much information as he could. He actually knew very little about the original Z Fighters so the name Goku had little effect on him. But the mention of not needing a vehicle definitely grabbed his interest. From what he could tell, wherever they were going was a long ways away, it wasn't like this guy could fly or anything. "What you got your own ride or something?", he said while turning to the other human while raising a questioning eyebrow.
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