S Seiji Guest Original poster May 4, 2011 #1 I mean, seriously... Look at this! And this! Find more pictures HERE
Zypher Can I transfer you to my manager? FOLKLORE MEMBER Invitation Status Writing Levels IntermediateAdeptAdvanced Preferred Character Gender MaleFemale Genres Adventure stories! They can be fantasy, modern, sci-fi, all kinds! Give me some good world travel stories and I'm all over it! I also enjoy romance stories and even though I tend to play females I love playing gay men. May 4, 2011 #3 Ando Library of Japan
S Seiji Guest Original poster May 4, 2011 #5 As a student of History, Ocha-- That made me teary eyed. ;_;
M Moonlit Blade Guest Original poster May 5, 2011 #7 The world needs to invest in like, a super library. WHERE WE GATHER ALL THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD AND PUT IT IN ONE PLACE. And no, the internet doesn't count...
The world needs to invest in like, a super library. WHERE WE GATHER ALL THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD AND PUT IT IN ONE PLACE. And no, the internet doesn't count...
O Ochalla Guest Original poster May 5, 2011 #8 Sorta like the great seed bank in the European country?