The Wolf Pack

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Kona visibly relaxed, glad that Ferrin's power was not tied in to some unavoidable fate. His gift of Reaching, as they'd called it since pups, wouldn't be dangerous.
Ferrin smiled softly at Kenna, her words stirring age-old memories.
"My pack was also destroyed by demons," he confided, his eyes wandering from the white wolf's face to the trees beyond, where they'd been directed. "They were looking for a wolf whose power they admired. They did not find him."

Kona's timber fur brushed against Ferrin's comfortingly, and she watched Kenna, still a little distrustful, wondering what the outcome of this meeting would be. Plans of after this were already blossoming in her mind.
Kenna nodded. "With mine, they just wanted food, really. That, and we provided too much of a threat to them." She frowned, tilting her head. "The demons are quite strange, when you think about it. Some are nice, but most are corrupt in some way or another."
Kona nodded in agreement.
"Well, we'd best be going," she said, taking a step forward. "I don't want your leader to become angry that you've been talking to us."

Ferrin frowned marginally, picking up instantly that Kona was up to something. He could always conduct a Reaching to find out, but Kona would know before he even broke her telekinetic barriers.
Kenna shrugged. "Eh, I sneak out all the time, they're used to it. But yes, it is probably best that you get going." She looked around, almost a little apprehensive. She could've sworn she saw a fleeting shadow, but brushed it off. "Remember, if you run into anyone- or anything- yell for me. I'll be there quickly." She stood, and dipped her head in respect. "Safe travels." With that, she padded off, checking on the shadow she'd seen earlier as subtly as she could, but upon finding nothing, allowed her power to blur her paws and shot off.
Grinning, Sylvia slipped away back to Demon Pack. Oh, her mistress would be pleased. Two more powerful wolves- a mind-reader, no less, and one with some sort of unique power. She couldn't wait to tell Force!
Kona watched the blurred image of the wolf disappear into the trees before turning to Ferrin with a grin. She was completely unaware of the shadows that had been shifting in the distance.
Ferrin raised his eyebrows quizzically.
"What are you thinking?" he asked, knowing by her smirk she had some sort of devious plan, as usual.

Kona's eyes glistened.
"We're going to steal their prey, of course. Just like we were before."

Ferrin sighed, his sapphire eyes displaying clear disapproval.
"Kona, we just befriended one of them, and simultaneously found out that they all have powers," he stated. "We can't just go about thieving now!"

"Ferrin, we're experts at this stuff," Kona whined, smiling. "They won't even know we were there." She knew Ferrin loved the thrill of it just as much as she did, and she watched him wryly.
Eventually, Ferrin chuckled.
"Okay, then," he agreed. "But you're doing most of the work."
Sylvia raced back to the camp.
Kenna sped into camp, skidding to a halt before she messed up the ground, and padding in.
Agro looked up and grinned. "Hey Kenna!"
Warrior padded over. "Had a nice run?"
Kenna nodded. "Yeah, I bumped into two new wolves. Found a mind-reader and some other weird one." She chuckled. "They were nice, but there was something off about the female."
Casey padded over. "Do you know them?"
Kenna shrugged. "The mind-reader was called Ferrin. Didn't get the girl's name."
Kona took the lead, padding around the way Kenna had suggested, but stopping a little before the river to turn left, back towards the pack. All the while a devilish smirk lifted her tawny maw.
Ferrin trailed a little behind, but he could feel the adrenaline of theft in his blood. They'd been living like this since they were pups - finding packs, stealing prey and leaving hastily. It felt almost normal as the scent of the pack borders strengthened. They were close.
Shields frowned. He could've sworn he'd heard that name before. He shrugged it off, and smiled. "Well, it's about time you made some friends."
In response, Kenna sent him a death glare.
Casey sighed. "Shields, I'm gonna go take some of training dolls out for a run. Want to come with me?"
Shields nodded, and walked off with her.
Kona took her first wary steps into the pack grounds - her stomach growled in anticipation. Though the two travelling wolves masked it well, they ate infrequently and stealing was necessary for their survival. However, the tawny she-wolf liked to hide her desperation for food with a desire to break the rules, when in reality she was starving.
Ferrin watched Kona lifting her nose to the air and following the scent that would lead them to the pack's stock of food. So far, they had gone unseen. His mouth salivated and he Reached out into the open air, searching for nearby minds. Other than Kona's, there didn't seem to be any too close. They ventured further into the forbidden territory, until finally, the scarlet flashes of their prize became visible.
Casey switched the dolls on after programming them to follow her, and not attack her or Shields. Then she started running, two tails swishing, and Shields followed.
Kona didn't hesitate to grab the leg of a deer stockpiled by the pack, dragging it backwards into the trees.
Ferrin assisted his companion; it was a doe, around two years old. He tried Reaching, but the doe had been dead too long. The barriers had closed for good.
Once the deer was out of sight, Kona paused to catch her breath. There was a trail leading into the woods where they'd dragged the quarry, clearly indicating a theft, but what did it matter? She began to tear into the prize eagerly, and watched Ferrin do the same.
Casey laughed.
Shields watched one of the dolls go astray. He quickly grabbed Casey and ran after it, the other dolls in tow.
I just realised I'm still using the old names XD Whoopsie!

Galenia cried out, running after the runaway doll.
Damon sighed, and broke into a run after her.
Soon Freak, Deake, and Kid arrived, pacing behind Grenade.
' What do you think boss? ' Freak and Deak said in unison, both shoulder to shoulder and grinning happily.
Difference scanned the situation, watching the three wolves from the bushes, well hidden amongst the greenary. He slowly nodded his head. ' We can take them. ' He said quietly, half whispering. His Irish accent bled into his words as he spoke.
Grenade shushed Freak and Deak who were laughing behind them. ' Listen, right, we gotta keep quiet mates. Don't want them to notice us before we Attack. '
Kid grinned. ' Yeah. Grenade's right guys. We gotta keep our peepers open, and our squawkers closed. ' Kid commented making Freak and Deak quietly chuckle in private about the way Kid spoke.
Achilleus snarled irritably, making Freak and Deak step back warily.
Sylvia finally made it into camp. She ran to the crystal, her den, where Force was being held, and say in front of him. She grinned. "Hey Uncle. You'll never guess what I found today! I was out and I found three wolves. One was Kenna, you know, Race's descendant? She'd met two new wolves. One of them's a mind-reader! The other one has some sort of gift, but she doesn't like it. We might be able to use her. We could say that we could help get rid of her curse. What do you think, Uncle?"

Tibald looked at Agro, and sighed. "I hope Casey's OK..."
"And Kenna, for that matter." the russet-brown male mumbled. His darker-furred counterpart nodded in agreement. "She's always running away. I know it's in her nature to go for runs when she gets bored, but....I can't help but worry, ya know?"
Tibald nodded. "Who knows when she's gonna go next." he muttered, looking over at the snow-white she-wolf.

Cesar watched his friends worriedly. "Trea, what are we to do about this pack?"
Trea blinked, looking at her mate. "What do you mean, Cesar?"
Cesar sighed. "I mean, you can see there's unrest in the pack. How are we to handle it when the time comes?
Trea sighed. She knew this had been bound to happen sooner or later. "I'm not sure, Cesar. I'm just not sure."
Kona yawned, settling down into the makeshift den half-buried in autumn leaves herself and Ferrin had constructed. For the past two days, they'd been stealing three meals a day from the pack's kill pile, making a better effort to cover their tracks than the first time. Her strength had returned, but with it, her curse woke a little more. It hadn't been activated in a while, and the she-wolf knew her power was bound to overflow sometime soon.
Ferrin stood sentry outside the den, adorned with the fiery oranges of the cooling season. He tried Reaching, able to stretch further as he got used to his surroundings, until he ran into a strong telekinetic barrier. Clenching his jaw, he took the opportunity to try and worm his way in and extract the thoughts of whatever wolf he happened to be Reaching into, wondering who they were.
Kenna was having a laugh with Damon and Galenia again.
Ferrin found the barriers fairly easy to break, and once he felt the flood of coolness in his head he could begin to pick out information. Speed. Ferrin's eyes flew open when he realised just who he was conducting his Reaching on, but the connection was strong from the previous interaction and was reluctant to break. Other words entered his consciousness as he tried to pull away, knowing Kenna would recognise the mind-reading sensation.
Kenna felt a strange tugging. Yes, it was more constant than last time. Curious, she told Damon and Galenia, and set off with them.
Galenia was excited. She'd heard about this before, and her two tails swished around in anticipation to find the source.
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