The Wasteland Rebellion: Godkillers (Sign Ups/OOC)

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Homeless Rogue.jpg
Name: Andrew "Stray" Vernon

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Height: 5'11

Appearance: Long locks of messy, unkempt hair curtain the smug grin of a man who gets away with everything, who's fit body is draped in rags scavenged from anywhere and everywhere in the wastes. He bears a few scars of unknown cause in various places of his body, attributing them to the "wear and tear of daily life." Soft green eyes and sharp canines give Stray the look of a cat in a man's body.

Faction: The HIVE

Bio: Stray is a strange mix between an optimist and a realist, knowing the conditions he and his "family" live in are poor, but accepting and enjoying the fact that they manage to thrive anyway. A born wastelander with a spirit of adventure, mystery, and an eye for things of use, the fact that his parents abandoned him has not hindered his ability to be one of the faction's top sneakthiefs. The sticky-fingered vagabond has always had a heart for good company, and most especially those with things he wants more than they do. Having made friends with the local bladesmen, little Andrew grew up with a fondness and proclivity for the use of anything with an edge, and manages to keep his steel as sharp as his eyes.

  • Artful Dodger: Anyone can learn to be a pickpocket. You, on the other hand, have all the tools of the trade. When it comes to doing something less than legal, you simply do it with more ease. You sneak better, steal better, and lie about it better. Years of practice have made you just the right kind of unsavory.
  • Bladesman: Your weapon of choice always has an edge to it. While knives and makeshift swords are the most common bladed weapons in the wastes, you can use anything that would slice, and it'll feel natural in your hands. Even axes, so long as you are able to heft them, fall into your wheelhouse.
  • Acrobatic: Light on your feet, you're as fast and graceful as a cat both in and out of battle. You find climbing, jumping, balancing, and rolling much easier than the others, and while you're good at dodging, you don't always hold up quite as well against a stiff blow. However, if you get a head start, not too many people will be able to keep up with you.
  • Scavenger: In the old world, you may have been called a klepto or a magpie. Now? You're a valued member of any team that doesn't want to starve or go naked. You have a knack for spying items that can be broken down for parts, or valuable pieces hidden among junk that others might miss.
  • Stray Cat: Andrew has the uncanny ability to hide in plain sight and blend in anywhere he is,looking like just another bum in the wastes. Regardless of where he is, be it home or in another faction's lands, he largely goes overlooked even when walking around in broad daylight. This ability alone is why he has been able to evade the C.B.'s police forces for so long, as well as traverse the territories of the other factions unhindered. He becomes just one face among the many, another stray cat in the alleys.
@Daws Combine, Harold is accepted.

@Thomas McTavish, ditto with Stray.

I will be adding them both to the OP. As for everyone else, finish up your CSs and make any edits as needed.

As for others reading, this is definitely still accepting.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Daws Combine
@Daws Combine Are you sure the Guardian trait is a good fit for Harold? He seems pretty damn aggressive to me, asking a man for a fight before his name.
I couldn't find any others that would work. Berserker would jave been. Nice, but I would have to be a Pharoh for that.
You could go with Bruiser. Keeps the sense of being aggressive and allows the use of more brutal, little-skill-needed weapons that Harold's inherent bulk will put some serious power behind. It conflicts a little with his Pugilist trait, but it makes more sense with his personality than Guardian.
But the conflict is exactly what I want to avoid, and that would just replace Sea captian, still leaving the problem of what to replace Guardian with.

Edit: I'm an idiot. I thought Bruiser was Brawler. Forgive me. I still dont really want the conflict, though.
If you do want to go Pugilist and Bruiser, that won't conflict too much. After all, a stick isn't that much more high tech than a punch, and it does rely on physical strength rather than skill and aim.

Both of them branch off into fairly complimentary traits for Harold's type of build.
My point exactly. In addition, it'd be no more conflicting that Guardian is with Harold's personality.
Give it time.

Trying to decide on a good balance between Cyberpunk and Post-Apoc.
You can always petition to bring along some of the lady NPCs on your missions. I plan to give you all a lot of freedom in who you want your companions to be. And I wouldn't count out a few more female PCs coming in.

Don't pout, Kiita.
I went straight post-apoc

Alex will crush the robots with his fist of justice in prep for Street Fighter 5! (Hopefully)

Also, I would have made a girl, but I needed to vent my SFV hype.
I am currently thinking about officially allowing two characters, if that interests anyone.
Oh wow, this looks awesome!!

I'd love to get up a character or two (if that's the decision you're making, Drifter), but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Very much interested in getting something up for this though, it really looks well thought out and I love the trait system.
Profile: Cassidy Crowe McAllister AKA Gallows AKA Hyena Man


Age: 33
Sex: Male
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 96 kg
Appearance Details: Reddish Brown combed hair and trimmed goatee. A deep gash runs his left cheek down to his jaw. Right eye is biological and stormy blue while left eye is white and cybernetic. He has a rope burn mark around his neck. His left arm and right leg are cybernetic as well, some muscles synthetic to properly work with the cybernetics and make movements smoother. His nose is slightly crooked from being broken in the past.
Notable Apparel: Casually, Crowe most often wears a dark green jumpsuit with a utility belt around his waist. The jumpsuit is made with military grade combat fibre able to prevent penetration from smaller calibre weapons though they will hurt like hell. It is also great to keep warm.

Another outfit of Crowe's is high-grade military combat armour with a ballistic helmet with a custom steel faceplate shaped into a skull. The visor can glow and with impeccable night vision when the battery is charged enough. The areas that aren't well covered are his abdomen, thighs and biceps.
Other Notable Prized Possessions:
  • .45 ACP 15 Round clip Automatic Pistol "Aideen"
  • Modern components Mauser C96 Pistol "Enya"
  • 12 gauge 5 round Revolver sawed off Shotgun "Sheela"
  • 62×39mm 20 round Marksman Rifle "Ashley"
  • 9mm 10 round Hold out Pistol "Ita"
  • Survival Knife "Knife"
  • Worn paperback copy of "American Gods"
  • Old ornate Compass
  • Silver Ring
  • Family portrait locket
  • Flask
  • Cigarette Case

Faction: Former HIVE; Currently Hawker
Bio: Cassidy was born to a family that seemed to have kept their old Irish behaviour throughout the years after the apocalypse. He was born to an Irishman, Crowe, and a woman who had a distinct Nordic heritage named Jenny. The two had six children and Cassidy was their only son and the eldest. His sisters were named Ashley, Sheela, Enya, Aideen and their youngest was Ita. Cassidy's father was a cybernetic surgeon and Jenny was a doctor though was trained as a veterinarian. As the first child and only son, Cassidy looked up to his father and whenever they could, Crowe taught Cassidy about cybernetics, making him read old worn books and study as if he was in school so that he could take over his dad's business of cybernetic maintenance. There was a terrible incident where Cassidy got wreckage over him, practically destroying his arm and leg. Once he recovered, his father fitted him with prosthetics.
When Cassidy was sixteen years of age, a strange canine pup was brought to them to be treated. It was missing a leg and an eye. The pup seemed to have been near an explosion and near death but with Crowe's cybernetic expertise and Jenny's medicinal skills they managed to save the canine, finding out that it was actually a she and a hyena or at least mostly a hyena. She was fitted with a new leg, synthetic flesh and muscles along with an eye. She also had some broken teeth and Jenny apparently fitted the poor pup with titanium alloyed teeth despite her husband's protests. The pup became part of the McAllisters and named Anne.
Jenny trained the little hyena, training her with her children who were quick to become Anne's favourite in the world. Cassidy was very fond to throw an old baseball for Anne to catch. Crowe was slow to love the yapping pup but she worked her way to his heart eventually.
Cassidy was at the age of twenty two when tragedy hit the McAllisters. They were moving away to a larger location where their expertise would be able to support them even better and where both Jenny and Crowe could get better supplies and more profit. They were however ambushed by bandits. The bandits had no interest in just robbing them but they were at some sort of time crunch so the only thing they really did to the family was hanging them. Cassidy was the last to be set on the tree, let to choke on it, struggling. Anne had fled after getting shot in the flank and when Cassidy commanded her. The bandits left him to die at the end of the branch, his parents and sisters dangling to his left. At a somewhat subjective turn of luck, the end of the branch was cracked and gave because of his struggle, hitting the ground hard and twisting an ankle. He spent hours looking up at his family, hanging from the dead tree. Anne returned during this time, whining to the last of the McAllisters.
Cassidy found himself with the HIVE, working mostly as a cybernetic maintenance for the rest of the HIVE who needed it but he didn't really hold much loyalty to them. He was with them to gain information and proper equipment. He was simply known as the Hyena Man and he never really corrected them. Once he was ready, he donned a yellow coloured combat armour with a skull plated helmet and weapons which he all named after his sisters. He also brought rope. A lot of rope.
He tracked down the bandits he thought were the ones responsible and he did his best to keep most of them alive, shooting joints and hands to disarm them and later string all of them up by the neck and cut their guts open to let their intestines hang out. Some of the HIVE seemed to have followed him, curious about their Hyena guy and what they say made them start calling Cassidy "Gallows". A few months after Cassidy's hanging galore he abandoned the HIVE, wandering to end up with the Hawkers, doing the same thing what he did with the NDL but with a company that he actually preferred.

  • Sea Captain
  • Gunman
  • Scientist
  • Tactical
  • Companion = Cybernetic Hyena
    A hyena, possessing synthetic muscles on chest, cybernetic foreleg, left eye and titanium teeth. Highly trained.
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Name: Kyle "Hunter" Wilson

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Height: 6'2"

Appearance Picture: Helmet on

Helmet off

Appearance Text: Kyle's body has been through alot of changes as technology grew, his body has changed to a point where most of it is now robotic. His arms, legs, upper and mid chest have all been replaced with advanced technology that not even Kyle fully understands. All of his robotic parts are a default black with white lines that run across the areas where tendons would be, these glow lightly and can be turned on and off by Kyle's choosing. The only pieces of him that were left human was the organ that defines his sex, his head and his eyes. Kyle has Has deep blue eyes with some dark circles that lay beneath them, a 5 o'clock shadow, Dark brown hair that stays short and a little messy at what feels like all times. Kyle also has the name "Jenny" carved into the back of neck, as a reminder of his wife. Kyle's default expression is just like the one in the picture, that of a man on a mission or one who is not allowing alot of joy in his life.

Faction: Metropolitans

Could you imagine waking up after being asleep for over 100 years, that is exactly what Kyle dealt with then he woke from that damn cryo-chamber. Kyle was a scientist, or atleast was doing his best to be. He attended one in the country and did his best, so that he could make his family proud. This meant he was doing work as long a she could be awake, which effected him in a couple negative ways. Do to him focusing so much on work, his emotions dulled away as time moved on. He found himself no even talking much, just doing what ever the school told him to work on. That all changed when he met a girl named Jenny. She also attended the school that he went to and just like in a movie, they fell for each other almost instantly. Kyle still did his work, but his emotions slowly emerged from him. He started talking more and even made alot more friends. It's as if she was what he needed to break out of his shell.

This was all great, except for when Kyle finally graduated. Jenny still had some classes to finish, but Kyle was already getting job offers, left and right. It worried the both of them, but Kyle decided he would stay and wait for her. That's who Kyle was now, he cared more for her them himself. He wanted to be the guy she needed and he promised her that we would be some day. One day though Kyle received a letter from "SCI inc" a corporation that worked on alot of things that made the average person get more scared than interested. One of those things though was "Cryo-pods". A device that could freeze a person's body and keep them exactly how they are till they are awoken. They welcomed Kyle to work there, but before they did that, they welcomed him to first se what the inside of the place was like. Kyle welcomed this idea and decided to look into it, Promising Jenny that he would come back.

Once Kyle arrived he was amazed at the many things that this company was working on. The only thing he didn't like was how many places were locked off, only for high ranking personnel. He shrugged this off as he wanted to see the thing that would soon be his job, the Cryo-pods. Once he got there he looked it over and was amazed at far it had come. He even was allowed to go inside the room that held the pods. The room was extremely cold, but oddly welcoming. Suddenly as Kyle had been in the room for about a minuet, the entire facility started to shake. Loud explosions could be heard and every alarm went off at about the same time. The cryo-chamber was in the lower parts of the facility so when the bombs dropped, the entire place caved in, the supports not able to stop the pure force of the bombs. The cave in cause the entire cryo-chamber to burst, freezing Kyle instantly with the companies secret cryo-fluid.

Years passed till some Met's that were looking for technology of the Pre-apocalyptic era, they all were shocked to see a living being in there. Kyle needed to be unfrozen and do to the Met's having the best and most illegal equipment, they were able to. Sadly though, most of Kyle's body was dieing, the cryo-fluid was not fully complete yet. They were able to save most of Kyle's torso and his head, keeping only part of his lower half. After doing some work, they were able to replace alot of Kyle's limbs with robotic equipment they had. They wanted to use Kyle for work or just to sell as if he was a slave. Once Kyle awoke, he was more confused than anything. He couldn't move and was in some new area that looked like a hospital, he almost went into shock as he adjusted to what was happening. Quickly the Met's came to his aid and turned on his new body as they explained to him what happened. This was the moment Kyle's heart dropped to a point of no return.

Everyone he loved and cared for was now dead, this included Jenny. He could never go back to her and for all he knew, she died alone. This was just one of things that made Kyle's morning headache even worse. He also was told that he was gonna be forced to work for these fat nerds till he paid off his arms and legs and even some of his chest. He could only say yes to every order they gave him, since he really had no choice. Over time this made Kyle into more of an asshole. He still was the man Jenny loved, but in a darker tone. He still talked alot and worked as hard as he could, but also was a crushed man who hated more than he loved. Eventually Kyle was able to escape these geeks by overpowering them, it wasn't very hard considering his robotics. All it really took was to earn their trust and wait till their backs were turned.

Now Kyle roams the outskirts of Neptune C.B. and keeps himself alive with mercenary work. He earned the name "Merc with a mouth" as he tends to talk alot during his many battles. When he's not fighting though, the broken man comes out and he tends to spend time alone, thinking over what his life is now. He uses his robotics during these missions and even some of the gear he got off of his old employers, which wasn't much really. All he really got off them was a shot gun and a gps of the city.

  • Cityslicker: Sure, you're a wastelander like all the others, but the way you talk, dress, and smell, it's not immediately apparent. You can fairly easily masquerade as a citizen of a C.B., which means you spend less time running from crooked cops or dealing with the frankly frustrating prejudice against wastelanders and more time gathering useful information and parts.
  • Scientist: Chemistry, physics, biology, that's the important stuff in life. While you're not one for inventing or crafting, you serve to provide upgrades to cybernetic enhancements, robotic limbs, and even experimental compounds that stimulate certain abilities. Not to mention you are almost always working on cocktails to provide bigger explosions for any weapon or trap that could use more of a boom.
  • Compassionate: Maybe you have an innocent face or something, but people tend to be more at ease with you and you have a greater ease in getting information out of someone who is perhaps young, old, sick, injured, or frightened. You make allies more easily with this trait, and even some animals seem to be drawn to you in a, perhaps, less murderous manner.
  • Gunner: Give you anything with a trigger and you're happy. Pistols, rifles, even some of the more unconventional ranged weapons such as plasma rifles that sometimes surface are all weapons you excel with. Your aim is better than someone who just decided to pick up ranged weaponry for the first time.
  • Focused: Nothing can break the focus of someone like this. Not only is it hard to distract them, but they can see all possible outcomes to a situation if they are given time. These people never give up and tend to work alittle too hard at completing what ever the goal is that they have put their mind to.
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Thinking of adding a Modded Pharaoh, if I'd be allowed...

But then there's the issue of finding a picture of a man modified with animal bits...
I realized the modified Pharaohs are hard to picture-shop for, so that's why I say get as close as you can face-wise and in terms of body, and just mention what sorts of animal parts or cybernetics may be attached. It's much easier that way.

Also, finally, the starting NPCs are up in the OP. I will be looking over the CSs that have just come in probably when I wake up. If I'm up much longer, you should be able to hear something from me before long. I encourage you to take a quick peek at the NPCs, though, just so you can start to know the sorts of people you might want to be bringing along on certain missions.
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