The War of Zethrex

The move worked, and the mech, only two feet taller than Pheonix, fell to its chainmailed butt and came to ahalt, shaking the entire building for a moment as the hatch ont eh front burst open, unleashing a powerful blast of Aura pent up inside as Erays leaped from the thing, holding his body as if it was falling apart.

His aura slowly leaked back inside of him with a angered growl as Erays re-absorbed himself and instantly turned to Pheonix.

" the godamn thign tried to assimilate me!" He yelle,d flustered. " i don't know what happened?! this is-" he paused and turned, looking up tot he researchers and over tot he other workers watching. This was disgraceful. absolutely disgraceful.

" which one of you enscribed the aura lock-sigils i designed!!!???" he yelled out, standing there threateningly.


"I SAID-" he growled, a bolt of green fiery electric power surging in each of his hands. " WHICH ONE OF YOU... ENSCRIBED... MY.. AURA LOCK SIGILS!!!" he boomed, hurling the bolts at the wall, shattering the metal panels with sparks. all his workers ducked behind their respective peers.

Erays Smashed his palm into his forehead several times and leaned against the foot of the mech, exhausted.

" crap...." he sighed heavily. " Now I have to spend all night tearing this hunk of junk apart and finding out what went wrong." he growled, not even payign attention to Pheonix. like he wasn't even there, three feet from him, with a SUCCESFUL weapon surrounding him.

As Erays emerged from the mech and began on a rant, the shards surrounding Pheonix's body started to disassemble again, as well as the arrow in the back of the mech's knee, floating off and forming back into the sword blade on the hilt in his left hand. After Erays had calmed down a bit and finished ranting, Pheonix spoke to him in a calm and collected tone.

"Well Mr. Bathos, it was an... interesting event. And while the overall performance of the mech met the standards set for it, i'm sure it goes without saying that this kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen once it goes into production. Unfortunately, this does not leave us with many options. We MUST have a properly functioning model ready for full production, and we needed it today. However, i can give you no more than 3 more days to fix the problem and have the master blueprints prepared. I will be pulling our best and brightest engineers off of their other projects during that time and assigning them over to you, effectively doubling your workforce. You have already been granted access to every available resource that we have. Make. It. Happen."

And with that, Pheonix made his way towards the exit.

"But at the moment, i suggest you take a short break to get your head straight. You have now the largest research and development team in the Alliance. Have them do the disassembling while you clear your mind. Just a suggestion."
" PIECE OF CRAAAAAAAAP!" Erays ranted, kicking the mech full force with his metallic boot, shouting and complaining. " three days? screw that, Give me eighteen hours! YOU, get five others and disassemble the extoskeleton, Gareth, you and EIGHT OTHERS check the sigil tot he blueprints and run some tests, i need a full diagnostic by the end of two hours." he grabbed his coat, abandonig the mech as men scrambled.

" xavier, i need YOU to rework the weapon system on the off-hand, response is slow, Mr fortuna, re-evaluate the engineer's notes from the live test, MOVE PEOPLE!" he shouted out, following Pheonix out.

" Like i said, eighteen hours. i expect full production in full swing by 2 hours... give or take three or four hours... *sigh* I need a shower." he mumbled, exiting as well.

Erays was emberassed and defeated byhis own machination... this was unsatisfactory. the assimilation glitch HAD to be remedied.
Sethix was floating over the docks waiting for his prey to arrive. As if on queue, 2 cloaked figures began running out towards the warships. He smirked as he saw them, thinking about how stupid they were for being so reckless when they were this close to freedom. But then, before he made a move to go after them, he stopped himself and thought again. It was perhaps a bit too reckless, surely they weren't that stupid, not after making it this far with so many people following them. He looked around, trying to see if he could spot any other suspicious activity of the not-so-reckless kind, but he saw nothing out of the ordinary. But then, his suspicions were confirmed when his comrades confronted the cloaked figures only to discover that they were decoys.

Looking furious, Sethix looked around again, this time at the boats near some of the other piers. Then he saw them, already out on the water, slowly drifting out to sea on an old boat. He suddenly looked even more furious, and flew out to the end of the pier that they had set sail from, landing there and looking out at them.

"Why you little.... You won't get away that easily..."

He began brought his hands together and began charging a ball of dark energy between them. Then suddenly, he began pouring his power into it all at once, making it grow exponentially within seconds. He was putting everything he had into this one.


He fired the dark energy in a huge beam, wide enough to engulf their entire ship if it hit. He was continuously pouring his energy into the beam as it shot out at them, quickly draining his mana.
Borosi felt a moment of relief as it seemed they were not going to get caught. He thought maybe they were going to get their break.
But of course it was not to be. The man that had been in the armory when they had gone looking for Aminta's clothes had found them. And had fired what appeared to be a giant beam of dakr energy.
Due to his people living next to the laylines of the world for centuries , it was possible for him to absorb small amounts of magic. Though it was a painful and often fruitless process. This amount though wouldn't be painful, it would be deadly.
Alas Borosi saw no other choice. As he flew his arms in front of him , the only thing he could think about was stopping the blast and possibly saving Aminta. So she could bring the story of what happened here to the people outside of this little island.
The beam crashed against his hands it seemed for a moment it would overtake him . He it didn't . He opened himself to the energy and it began to coarse through him. You could see the veins beneath his skin on his arms swell and then begin to rupture. His blood turned to dark energy.
He slowly pulled his right hand away . A small beam of fire , dwarfed by the size of the dark blast, launched of of his hand. The beam of fire spun around dark beam as it shot toward Sethix. As it traveled further up the beam , the energy from the magic heated the water until it became scalding hot.
The beam was easy to spot. But due to it curving around the dark energy, would not be that easy to dodge. If he continued to fire the beam . He would get hit by the blast of fire doing severe if not lethal damage to the man.

The events unfolded so rapidly that Calypso barely had time to process them and instead began to function on instinct. The figures she had been chasing had been nothing more than a ruse and for this, she was furious for having followed such a distraction but she had no time to communicate her anger. Sethix had discovered the prisoners and now she was tearing across the distance between her and where he had halted in his pursuit of them.

It was immediately apparent that they had meant to escape from the island on nothing more than a flimsy wooden boat and Sethix had just caught up to them. She was not keen on being taken advantage of in the slightest and she was furious at having been duped. She arrived, breathless, at Sethix's side just in time to catch him casting dark magic. Her breathing was shallow from all the running and her heartbeat was thumping loudly against her ribs but still it seemed that she would have no chance to rest.

There was fire magic, coming from the prisoner, directly at Sethix. Calypso was also standing in the line of fire and she shrieked, a shrill and piercing howl, before raising her hands. Instinct kicked in and she raised her hands, doing the only thing that she could think of in a pinch. Utilizing the same wind she had relied on to break her fall, she crated a barrier between herself and the flames with air. If Sethix relinquished his dark magic, he could dodge behind the barrier. If not... she bit her lip, trying to extend the barrier to him.
When he watched Sethix unleash his magic out on the water and Calypso bolt off in that direction he had lagged behind a bit. So when she literally ran into the line of fire he was just far enough to stop. "Oh bloody hell." He thought to himself not quite sure what to do in this situation. So thinking quickly he extended a entropic shield over himself and Calypso it can hold against the fire magic but it was a heavy drain on Ramsay.And said as much to Calypso. " I can cover you but not for long I did spend a bit of my magic on the way here." He looked back up to the scene unfolding between Sethx and Borosi. " I think you can think up a better plan then me. Besides if you didn't notice earlier our friend up there likes to do things big." He smirked briefly and moved slightly in front of her. "Be ready."
Sethix saw the fire magic heading for him, but continued to fire the beam until he had sent every last drop of energy he had in him at Borosi. Fortunately, he was rapidly running dry. He was still utterly furious that they were actually escaping. It was difficult to keep his footing behind the pressure of his attack, but he managed. But then it happened.

Sethix was nailed by the fire energy from Borosi, which abruptly ended his dark energy attack, sending him flying backwards from the impact, with flames starting to quickly spread across his body. He had managed to squeeze every last bit of energy he had out into Borosi though. When he fell to the ground several feet behind where he was standing, the wooden pier below him gave way as he hit it due to the force of the impact and possibly having been weakened from all the energy being exerted so close. He plummeted into the water below, without enough strength left to swim, just enough to hold his breath. Luckily, falling into the water doused the flames before they could do any lethal damage, but he was now in danger of drowning.

The force of the beam hitting against Borosi in the way that it did would have caused a bit of propulsion for the boat, sending Borosi and Aminta farther out to sea. Chasing them at this point would not be practical as the amount of energy one would need to use to give chase by flying would be to much to catch up without being stranded at sea afterwards. And prepping a boat that could catch them would take to long.
The beam had ceased. That is all Borosi knew. His sight was blurred , but through it he could see they had been pushed quite far by the beam. Due to his efforts the boat was for the most part holding together, and Aminta was unharmed. Extensive damage had been done to him though, his left arm, the one that held the brunt of the force, was a charred shell . The left side of his body was also charred, it was also open wide and bleeding profusely. His heart must have been punctured in several places. The left side of his face was also burned, his left eye seared shut.
He collapsed onto the ground unable to continue to hold his own weight. With his one good eye he looked up at Aminta and gave a crooked smile. " Well.." He coughed, blood trickling down the side of his mouth. " It looks like we made it. "
"Yes. I do realize that we are even."

A harsh-sounding man's voice could be heard from the receiver.

"Yes, yes. You won't ever hear from me again. Goodbye."

Gareth smiled in amusement as he put down the telephone that he had used to call Darius Stone, a necromancer he once helped escape from the Magi. The man had settled down in a faraway, rather secluded place and started a family. The only reason why he had managed to escape was due to Gareth's help - Gareth had been the one that cut the throats of his pursuers. Darius was not much of a combatant, but he was a very talented ectomancer and necromancer. His skill and charisma in prying information, calling upon and controlling spirits was legendary among the Magi. He was forced to go on the run when he was framed for treachery by a jealous mage.

"All is going according to plan."

The mage had his head of blonde hair out, his hood drawn down around his neck as he stared at the ceiling of his room. The four walls of his room, along with the ground and the ceiling was covered in black marks, appearing to be gibberish at first but turning out to be complicated equations of both mathematical and magical natures. There were multiple furious crosses where he had made mistakes, and multiple lines drawn under values that he had obtained and had checked to make sure they were correct.

Better get started on receiving that spirit.

With a wave of his hand, Gareth cleared a space on the floor and he lighted up his index finger with magic once again. He drew a perfect circle in the space, before he added multiple criss-crossing lines and symbols. When he finished the intricate magic circle, Gareth snapped his fingers and multiple will-o-wisps appeared, hovering over different symbols and Gareth retrieved a skull that he had procured just for this from his drawer. He placed the skull in the very center of the circle, and he uttered a single word of power.

It appeared as if all the light in the room was sucked into the circle as the circle grew brighter than the core of the sun, before the light sank and it all subsided. The skull lit up with a golden incandescence that flooded through it's every orifice, through the eyeholes, the ears, under the neck, through the mouth and when the light stopped streaming in, the skull turned to face Gareth and it spoke.

"What do you ask of me, Master?"

Gareth smiled. It worked.

"I heard that you can inhabit a dead body."

"Yes. Or more specifically, a body without a soul."

Now that was something that made Gareth grin even more.
Aminta looked over to Borosi as he slumped down onto the deck of the boat. Her moment or relief at their escape had been almost instantly taken away as she saw her fellow escapee dying on the deck of the ship. She gasped and ran over to him ,it was in her nature to attempt to heal him. Just as her hands began to glow with healing magic Borosi's own hand reached up to her . " No, don't." he said coughing. " But i have to you can't die here!" She said with worry in her voice. He smiled, well as much as a smile as he could muster. " My people have a trick when they are on deaths door, I'm sure you've noticed I'm a lot younger looking than i act. " He took a deep breath letting what he said sink in with her. " Now you must step back. it is about to happen." She thought for a moment to protest but she decided she had better not and back away from him . He then stood up , which should be impossible due to the damage on his left leg. If not impossible it must have been really painful.
A misty blue energy began to see out of his skin in waves. "I just want to say thank you ." He said in a much more stable voice than he had used mere moments ago. His smile faded to a grimace of pain as the mist began to intensify. Then all of a sudden he threw his arms and head back and a massive blast of that blue energy blasted from his hands and head. It then enveloped his whole body. It swilred around him making the sound of a waterfall. Through the energy Aminta could see his arm seem to get it's pinkish hue back.
Then as soon as it had begun, the energy ceased. But something was different. Amitna was at first amazed that all his physical damage had seemed to disappear. Then she saw his face. She was shocked to find out it was not the same person! His hair, his nose even his eyes were completely different. If she didnt know any better she would say someone had taken Borosi's place.
The new Borosi stumbled a bit and looked up at Aminta. " Wow, who are you? and where are we ." She was speechless for a moment. Before she could answer he snapped his fingers. " Don't tell me, escaped the magi on a boat , and you are Aminta. Well, that's good My name is Borosi. What you just witnessed was what my people call a regeneration. Basically I have the same memories but a different body, complete with new personality." He crossed his arms and sat down on a bench on the side of the boat. " The process isn't finished so il probably be sleeping a lot , even when we get to the shore i have to go to my home village and get a new regeneration evaluation. So we will soon part ways."
Aminta sat down as well and gave a smile, this was all too much to take in . but parting ways she understood. " Well, it's been fun Mr. Borosi. I guess i will be seeing you someday."
Borosi layed his head down and wished her good luck on her way home and then he fell asleep. It would be a long ride before they hit the shore. But they were safe. And capable of fighting another day.