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Hmm that's fine, but could he not have gotten off the boat earlier, and not 10 minutes after the hour had passed? In that case I can incorporate him nicely.
Oh, and I forgot to give you the oay, Elvin, but it seems like it wasn't a problem.
Roger dodger, comrade. Just hope that post I made wasn't too long. Again. God help me, I feel like a woman on her wedding day.
No wait. I meant to say that he ordered the people to get off 10 minutes ago.
Sorry..I'll go and fix that so people can understand it better.
Oh, well since people have a full hour to get off the ship the captain wouldn't start screaming at him for a while :P
how about 50 minutes?
I'm torn between replying to Enthriper and waiting for Jessica to do something, then replying to Enthriper. Time is weird in text-RP.

I'll be posting something soon. :3
Okay guys, slow down posting so sol and lonely get a chance to catch up (I think they're the only ones who haven't posted?)
Want to post, but I cannnn't.

Roleplayer problems.
Erk! Sorry.. I thought you were talking about THIS thread...
Lol, why would I do that? :P OOC is always open XP
@Enthriper Hr-hrmm *points to the above post*

@Sol-Et-Luna @Lonely Angel A reminder that the IC is up, and I think you guys are the only ones who haven't posted yet. (Sorry if I'm making a mistake)

Oh, shoot... lost internet the past few days and totally forgot the IC was up. And now for some reason I'm not getting emails whenever I have an alert anymore so I didn't know you guys were discussing on here again.
Im really sorry, I'll post my reply as soon as i can.
Will post tomorrow! sorry kinda slow start
Preferably not, since Sol still hasn't posted. But if Sol's fine with it then go ahead.
Haha you guys sure don't like making things easy for me :3

Btw, this is the basic layout of the island:


So coming from the bay you wouldn't actually be able to see the wall unless you walked around the inn.
...I thought the wall was bigger than that >_>
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