Original poster
Well i wanna see who is interested first off, it has been some time since i have run a good ol'fashion RP of any type but something i am passionate about seems the best to stretch my sea legs with. Now for this i am a big fan of the Walking Dead series of comic-books and tv shows, and i want to keep true to that with the RP, the bleakness of it all, combined with the traveling and the attacks of hordes, and the general lethality of it all.
The story will start in the Midwest during the start of the outbreaks, the tv panics the military crackdown and the start of the collapse of society, i hope to have people from a variety of backgrounds, keeping to the realism of the setting. This will end up being very harsh to players however, you are not Rambo and i will hold you to that, keeping track of ammo, food, fuel, the basic necessities of life etc. I will also be keeping this fairly realistic, no hidden military bases, no small childrin chopping a zombies head off with a butter knife, etc.
So whos interested? i will add more information and a bio as i think of it, who wants to risk the gauntlet.
Infection spreads by bite, as well as direct blood on blood contact. If you have an open cut, there is a serious danger that you will get infected if zombie blood manages to get on it. Infection chance may be reduced by quick amputation of an infected limb; however there is no cure to infection. Indirect fluid contact will not cause infection due to the virus only being able to survive in the blood stream of a living individual
Time from infection to turning is between 4 hours to a day depending on the health of the person. The side effects at first are a sudden feeling of dehydration despite not being dehydrated. This is soon followed by a harsh fever and cold sweats. as the infection progresses the victim begins to have seizures, falling into a coma shortly after, then followed by clinical death. Roughly ten minutes to an hour after clinical death, the body of the recently deceased rises once more.
Amputation is only effective if performed within twenty minutes of the bite, and even then only if the bite did not hit any major veins. Multiple bites seem to drastically speed up the process, cutting down the turning time dramatically.
All zombies matter the age all share smiler traits. They all shamble due to degradation of muscle tissue and loss of motor control. They all also tend to have dried blood, the virus burning out their bloodstream and making home in the gray-matter of the brain. The zombies tend to have a herd mentality, grouping together for better hunting. They tend to stick to where they first grouped but there are small subsets that tend to wander woodlands and open areas, not staying confined to centers of population for food.
Advanced Warning
There have been several large zombie outbreaks nearby, but the majority of the populace have no idea what is going on. The Government has been keeping a constant media blackout on coverage of the events, and has set up perimeters around all of the towns they know to be infected. Sadly, they did not know of all the towns, and many zombies are still on the loose. Whether the virus is natural or of terrorist origins is unknown at this point.
Weapons are limited to those that would be accessible to an every day civilian. Military Personnel are busy keeping up the quarantine efforts, so no military should be present, at least not in the beginning of the outbreak. Ammunition for firearms should always be kept in mind, no one should have infinite ammo. Keep count of your bullets, know how many bullets would be in each magazine and how many mags you can realistically carry without being encumbered by them. This should not be hard, so long as you keep some type of track, which could be nothing more than a text document detailing your inventory.
Melee weapons are restricted to realistically available ones, swords and things you can get online are fine but they are subject to being broken or bent due to low quality unless your char's background really invested into them.
Remember, you don't have a magical "bag of holding" to store all your junk in, you are going to need to carry it around. This makes vehicles a most useful tool, as it not only gives you a means of travel but an extra place to store items. A home base is useful for this same reason. Also take into consideration the build of your char with the items you are lugging about, along with bags and things you may have. Not saying i want everyone to be huge but use common sense, your not carrying around a 50. cal machine gun and 1000 rounds of ammo for a long period of time.
God Moding
Don't do it. The exception to this is if I give you express clearance to do so. However, the only times I will give clearance for god moding is when someone's character is needed for plot progression and the player is absent for an extended period, or if a character is either acting overpowered or are god moding themselves.
Well, that just about covers everything. If you wish to participate in this RP then please submit an application in the following format:
Other info:
Well i wanna see who is interested first off, it has been some time since i have run a good ol'fashion RP of any type but something i am passionate about seems the best to stretch my sea legs with. Now for this i am a big fan of the Walking Dead series of comic-books and tv shows, and i want to keep true to that with the RP, the bleakness of it all, combined with the traveling and the attacks of hordes, and the general lethality of it all.
The story will start in the Midwest during the start of the outbreaks, the tv panics the military crackdown and the start of the collapse of society, i hope to have people from a variety of backgrounds, keeping to the realism of the setting. This will end up being very harsh to players however, you are not Rambo and i will hold you to that, keeping track of ammo, food, fuel, the basic necessities of life etc. I will also be keeping this fairly realistic, no hidden military bases, no small childrin chopping a zombies head off with a butter knife, etc.
So whos interested? i will add more information and a bio as i think of it, who wants to risk the gauntlet.
Infection spreads by bite, as well as direct blood on blood contact. If you have an open cut, there is a serious danger that you will get infected if zombie blood manages to get on it. Infection chance may be reduced by quick amputation of an infected limb; however there is no cure to infection. Indirect fluid contact will not cause infection due to the virus only being able to survive in the blood stream of a living individual
Time from infection to turning is between 4 hours to a day depending on the health of the person. The side effects at first are a sudden feeling of dehydration despite not being dehydrated. This is soon followed by a harsh fever and cold sweats. as the infection progresses the victim begins to have seizures, falling into a coma shortly after, then followed by clinical death. Roughly ten minutes to an hour after clinical death, the body of the recently deceased rises once more.
Amputation is only effective if performed within twenty minutes of the bite, and even then only if the bite did not hit any major veins. Multiple bites seem to drastically speed up the process, cutting down the turning time dramatically.
All zombies matter the age all share smiler traits. They all shamble due to degradation of muscle tissue and loss of motor control. They all also tend to have dried blood, the virus burning out their bloodstream and making home in the gray-matter of the brain. The zombies tend to have a herd mentality, grouping together for better hunting. They tend to stick to where they first grouped but there are small subsets that tend to wander woodlands and open areas, not staying confined to centers of population for food.
Advanced Warning
There have been several large zombie outbreaks nearby, but the majority of the populace have no idea what is going on. The Government has been keeping a constant media blackout on coverage of the events, and has set up perimeters around all of the towns they know to be infected. Sadly, they did not know of all the towns, and many zombies are still on the loose. Whether the virus is natural or of terrorist origins is unknown at this point.
Weapons are limited to those that would be accessible to an every day civilian. Military Personnel are busy keeping up the quarantine efforts, so no military should be present, at least not in the beginning of the outbreak. Ammunition for firearms should always be kept in mind, no one should have infinite ammo. Keep count of your bullets, know how many bullets would be in each magazine and how many mags you can realistically carry without being encumbered by them. This should not be hard, so long as you keep some type of track, which could be nothing more than a text document detailing your inventory.
Melee weapons are restricted to realistically available ones, swords and things you can get online are fine but they are subject to being broken or bent due to low quality unless your char's background really invested into them.
Remember, you don't have a magical "bag of holding" to store all your junk in, you are going to need to carry it around. This makes vehicles a most useful tool, as it not only gives you a means of travel but an extra place to store items. A home base is useful for this same reason. Also take into consideration the build of your char with the items you are lugging about, along with bags and things you may have. Not saying i want everyone to be huge but use common sense, your not carrying around a 50. cal machine gun and 1000 rounds of ammo for a long period of time.
God Moding
Don't do it. The exception to this is if I give you express clearance to do so. However, the only times I will give clearance for god moding is when someone's character is needed for plot progression and the player is absent for an extended period, or if a character is either acting overpowered or are god moding themselves.
Well, that just about covers everything. If you wish to participate in this RP then please submit an application in the following format:
Other info: