The Walking Dead - Among the Ruined [March to Death]

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Mel - Natchez - Riley

"Yeah yeah whatever man." She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, turning right around to drop back into the car and get the hell out of here. She took a few steps to that end before he spoke up again and she glanced his way. "No?" She repeated in momentary confusion, before leaning closer to the guy.


"The hell do you mean no? We got to go right fucking now before--" The rest was drowned out by the sudden barrage of the gunfire. A rapid unloading until the gun clicked empty. She raised an eyebrow at his expression before glancing at the horde and shaking her head. No time. She slammed into her seat, closing the door and switching the key to start the damn thing. She didn't even have to question what the fuck that was. Told her straight out that it was some kind of...distraction. To that...and to his number of kills, she had only one thing to say.


And that exclamation was quickly joined by "oh fucking hell" when the car engine just sputtered out. She glanced out the front window to check on the shamblers...and yep. She popped the door open again, grabbing her spare board out the backseat in case she needed it. "Car's a no go for now! Fuck it, time to run or time to die." She didn't waste a second longer before she just fucking bolted.


"I'll..explain later. Not that big a deal.."

He'd murmur as he propped his feet up the dashboard. Only to slowly stare over as the car failed to start. This wasn't real life was it? This only happened in the movies like 30 Days of Night with no one being able to drive out of the city. But watching as Mel unbuckled herself and slipped out of the car, his eyes widened. This was really happening! The car had failed to start and the walkers were getting closer and closer! Pulling off his seat belt, he'd open the door and rolled out of the seat as he collapsed to the ground. The stinging sensation of pain coursed through his body but he couldn't stay down for long.


"Castro! Buddy where ya going?! The party's over here and you're over there running away! But that's just business as usual ain't it? You killed me and took the first chance you had to run away! Leaving all those things like guilt and regret all behind in that detention center! But I'll be here to make sure you never forget! NEVER!"

His voice rang out throughout the land even as Riley began to race after Mel. Trying his best to ignore the voices as they pestered at his mind. He felt justified in leaving the center. He had made his choice in killing him and there was no regret on his part. In taking out the one person who made him feel miserable every single day, four years of his life was worth the cost. The rising of the shamblers was just a bonus.

"The shit end of the stick seems keen on hitting us over and over.."

Riley noted before continuing to go as fast as his legs would take him.



"The shit end of the stick seems keen on hitting us over and over.."


She shouted back over her shoulder as she ran brazenly through the streets, heading back to the safezone. "Once we're far enough I can take it easier but now? Nah!" She frowned. Felt like her heart was racing as fast as her legs and feet were pounding across the ground.
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"I'm curious to see what you mean by taking it easy!"

He'd exclaim as he continued to run. He had taken all the time back at the center to run when they got a chance. But he was never the most physically fit. He was often teased as being a twig by the other older boys due to his weight and lanky frame. But with the voice of his bully not quieting down the further he got, he just had to go even faster. Even if it meant he'd be wheezing by the time they got a chance to catch their breath.

Mel - Natchez- Riley

She slowed once she judged herself pretty far off from the horde, the blind run coming to a grinding halt as she exhaled in relief and caught her breath. Her grip on the skateboard loosened as she dropped it to the ground. She had been clenching it so hard her knuckles were pale, much whiter than the rest of her skin. "Whew. We got out of there." She lightly fist pumped. "You sound like you've never run a mile in your life. Wheezy guy. Just slow and deep breaths, kid." She shook her head slightly, faintly amused. "And what I meant by taking it easy was that." She gestured down at her board. "Less effort than running and faster too. Portable, quieter than a car, can be used to bash shamblers if they get too close. Comes in handy for fucked up situations. But nevermind that though."

She leaned back, crossing her arms as she stared at him expectantly. " want to tell me what the fuck that really was back there?"


"That's..Because..*wheeze* I haven't...At least not of my own volition."

He admitted as he hadn't stuck around in high school long enough to do the required mile run. But in the detention center it was a requirement to run when the boys had time to exercise. Only things went by a little bit harsher if you didn't run here. But now that they'd finally stopped for a moment, he'd stop and try to catch his breath as best as he could. At least until Mel asked her question and Riley's skin paled. He had never intended to tell anybody if he could help it. Mainly because of the image that he felt it would have cultivated. Which was that of some psycho who couldn't control his emotions. But he figured that it'd only make Mel more suspicious of him if he refused to talk about it.

Looking towards her, he'd decide to try and finally be serious for the moment. Which meant pulling down the mask that had given him such a goofy image. After he did so, he'd glance towards Mel with the most downtrodden look he could muster before he finally started to speak.


"I didn't tell anybody this. Not even Redhawk and he's one of the people I suppose you'd consider a friend. But before the shamblers appeared and started causing trouble, I spent four years in a juvenile detention center. Because I killed the man who had been tormenting me every day in and day out at school. He was the perfect guy, had good grades, was on the football team, and thought guys like me were worth less than dirt he scuffed on his nikes. Going to the teachers was a no-go so the day I decided I finally had enough?" He'd reach back and pulled out the socket wrench he had picked off the repair-man back at the detention center.

"I confronted him and finally put an end to it all. The next four years were nothing but absolute misery. But I justified it because never would I meet someone as cruel as he had been to me. But ever since the shamblers showed up and I had to escape from the center because some of the staff had turned, I'd see his visage on every one of them. Taunting me, mocking me. There were so many of him among the horde that I just lost it." As it seemed he had finished, he'd sigh and pulled his mask back up.


"It's not been too much of a problem for me on my own. But why do you think I decided to take up the scouting job? It meant I'd primarily be working alone and nobody would have to see me act out like that.Like you did back with the horde. But now you have your answer and I hope it's satisfying enough. Because it gets worse every time I have to re-tell it and every time I see a bully like the one who tormented me or the guy who threatened Redhawk, it gets my blood boiling..." He'd say as he slipped his wrench away and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Do you think that skateboard of yours could fit two..?"


Mel - Natchez - Riley

"Yeah. I didn't think so." She snarked straight away once he confirmed it. "Nothing against you not liking running but I'm just saying...there's a reason there's more skinny people than the opposite kind. Just the truth, nothing more." She finished bluntly. And then he pulled down his mask, confirming another thing for her. He was still a kid. Even younger than her. A little peach fuzz but that was it. Still, he'd made it ten months in. Not everyone could say the same.

"Well, I do like secrets." She popped a slight smirk. It quickly vanished as she raised an eyebrow at that information. She studied him closely, staring deep into his eyes. That little tidbit certainly changed her image of him. "Killed a bully, huh?" She tilted her head and nodded in understanding. "I can get that. I've felt that urge a few times. Never went through with it though. Never needed to, the guys that made me think about it usually got themselves killed another way. Some punks like me are thieves and dealers. Others are killers. What can ya do?" She shrugged.

"However..." Her expression hardened as she looked at him. "I can't have you fucking up and losing it like that again. If you had been alone, that could have easily been your end. And I might not care for all of you as individuals...but I care for all of you as helpers. You help keep me alive. Even if it's as simple as being you. Every one of us that remains? That's one that they don't have. Prefer to keep it that way, you feel me?"

"And believe me, I get the lone survivor shit. I've lived that life." She stared quietly at him for a few seconds before she spoke again. "Here, lemme show you somethin'." She rolled up the sleeve of her jacket, showing her inner wrist. "See this?"


"I did that tattoo job myself. Faith. An unspoken promise. It doesn't have to be to some silly bearded guy in the clouds or some Buddha fuck or whatever. It could just be complete and utter confident belief in yourself. That's how it was for me. I didn't have family. I didn't really try for friends. I made sure it was all me. It's fucking funny when you think about it. Back when the world was normal, I lived on my own. Didn't ask for no help. One hundred and ten goddamn percent self-reliant." She snickered humorlessly.

"But when so many of them are dead? That's when I turned to the help of others. Poster child for irony, right fucking here. I turn to help for others to live, at a time when so many of them are dead." She pulled her sleeve back down. "Anyways, why I fucking brought up the tattoo?" She leaned back.

"You need to get your shit together. You beat this fuckin' bully years ago. And that was long before you spent nearly a year in this new world. Not everyone can say the same. So next time he pops up? Kick his ass again. If you can't handle might as well be food for the shamblers already."

Finally, she snorted. "Why don't you get your own?"


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Danny - Sibley, Convenience Store

The blade was buried deeply into the back of man's skull, cutting off his sputtering and moaning. Danny grunted as he pulled the blade free and pushed the corpse away from him. It fell into an empty convenience store rack, sending the whole thing crashing to the ground. His adrenaline pumping, Danny stood over the corpse and gave it another swing to the head-- then another, and then another. When he was finally satisfied, Danny let out a deep breath and stumbled backwards, his mind attempting to come to terms with what had just occurred.

He could now only hear his own rapid breathing and the thumping of his heart inside the convenience store. He looked briefly around at all of the empty racks, the broken cash register on the floor, and the empty boxes of food. It all felt disorienting. This mess and disarray was the natural state of things now, even the dead body on the floor.

Breathing deeply, Danny stepped toward the blood.

He stood over the body of another man. His name had been Trey. His brown jacket and dark skin were now stained with blood. The man who had always seemed so confident in his abilities was now just as dead as the rest, his eyes a milky white from having turned moments before. Like so many others before him, Trey had been bitten by a biter and no amount of preparedness could reverse the inevitable. It was no surprise the man had kept the bite a secret.

As the shock began to ebb from his body, Danny could swear he heard the echo of laughter. It took him a moment to recall that was his laughter. As he stood at Trey's body, looking into the whites of this man's eyes, Danny felt his body convulse into a fit of complete laughter. This was the new normal. Friends died. Everyone died, and there was nothing Danny or anyone else could do about it.


"Shannon! Shannon-- Fuck, Shannon!"

Danny shoved past Cody, lunging at the chain link fence separating himself from his best friend, Shannon. Blood and grime stained the girl's features, creating a tapestry of gore across her face and torso. The sight alone seemed to fill Danny's throat with bile, something that didn't even occur moments before when he watched Luke die. She appeared unhurt, though filled with panic and fear, grasping at the fence herself to touch the tips of Danny's fingers. "Dan, I can't, I can't!"

Danny thought she was just babbling nonsense at first. "I'm here! You just need to get over the fence!" Barely squeezing his hand through one of the gaps in the fence, Danny weakly took hold of Shannon's wrist. His eyes moved past her and toward the building that had been their prison hours before. Biters poured out of doors like a wave, giving the impression that their numbers had somehow multiplied inside the building. He then looked upward, face grimacing at the height of the fence. It had to be at least fifteen feet. "Fuck, fuck, you just have to go for it, Shannon. You have to fucking hurry!"

"No." Shannon was shaking her head. Her head flipped around back toward the building and she took a few steps away from the fence. Danny held on to her wrist and she stood there for a moment, seemingly confused. "He has James, Dan. I gotta go...! I gotta go get him!"

Danny's mouth went dry. He knew how much James meant to Shannon, but Danny couldn't let her go back in. "That's... Shannon, Magnus wants that. He wants you to go back in! You fucking--" Shannon pulled away then, Danny unable to keep his hold on her. He screamed at her just to climb the fence, but Shannon didn't seem to listen. She moved further and further away, promising him that she would be back, but her words might as well have been wishing Danny goodbye. He screamed and swore as her tall frame ducked past the horde of biters and into the gaping maw of the open double doors.

He wasn't going to let her go. He wasn't going to let her disappear like before.

Despite the protests of the other survivors behind him, Danny leaped on to the fence, scaling it to the best of his ability. His body was sore from the escape, but the adrenaline coursing through him kept his exhaustion and pain at bay. The screams of those behind him and the chorus of moaning from the biters below turned into a dull silence as Danny concentrated simply putting one hand before the other. The top came quicker than he thought possible, and Danny pulled himself up so that he was sitting on top of the fence. He lingered for a few precious seconds, staring down at the horde that had gathered below him. He would have to leap over them, but the jump was going to be a long one, and it would no doubt hurt, even if he did make it.

It was while Danny contemplated this that he heard the noise. It was an odd noise, and one Danny didn't have much time to theorize on. It sounded like the grinding of metal, then a snap, before-- Fire. A great booming noise enveloped Danny's entire world as fire erupted from the windows and doors of the building before him. A powerful heat slammed against him at first, followed by a wind that seemed to lift Danny off the fence as if he was as light as a feather. The world exploded around Danny and the ground below appeared to rise up to meet him.

Everything went dark.


Danny touched the dead man's shoulder, knowing why he had died. In this new world, the living didn't belong. Trey was another name to add to the long list of people Danny had been forced to part with. Just another name. Danny did not feel sadness, not for this death. Trey had been a good man, but Shannon had been better. Shannon, his best friend, his sister, had meant the world to him. Good people had no place in this world any longer.

With a shake of his head, Danny grabbed the dead man's backpack and began to sort through it. He moved the little food and water Trey had to his own backpack. He didn't notice Elliot come up behind him at first, only turning around to meet the deaf boy when he let out a strangled gasp at presumably seeing Trey's body. Danny could only stare at first, unsure what to say. As Elliot's eyes watered, Danny stood up and calmly signed, "I know. Another one."

Elliot shook his head slowly, closing his eyes for a moment. "I'm sorry," he signed. Elliot stared down at his hands for a moment, before looking back into Danny's face. "It never gets easier. Not for me."

Danny nodded. He hadn't been the only one to lose someone so close to him. Elliot's brother, Richard, had perished as a result of Magnus' cruel experiments. The image of Magnus' followers firing an arrow into the man's shoulder had never left Danny. He reached out and gave his friend a light tap on the shoulder. "Elliot, Trey was concealing a bite. He told me just as he was dying, so I had to..." Danny's hands paused in the air, his mouth wide open. He swallowed roughly. "I had to do it. Let me do one last sweep of the store, and then we can go tell Rob, Damian, and Holly." He began to methodically search the store, pushing aside boxes and garbage in an attempt to find something salvageable. He paused occasionally to rub at his tired eyes. It hadn't been fair for Trey to die. Nothing was fair anymore.
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Aiden - Natchez - Kerry, John

Almost tripping over himself, Aiden stopped for a moment. Kerry turned around. "We're not far enough! We have to keep going!" Kerry spoke firmly. Aiden gasped for air for a moment, looking up for a second he faintly smiled. "I'm really regretting not eating right now. A horrible idea in hindsight"

Kerry grabbed Aiden and shoved him forward. "Come on" Kerry barked as they went on. Though as this happened, Aiden spotted the man signalling them. Alerting Kerry, He quickly rushed over to where he was. Taking the moment to breath he looked up. "What do you think we're running from!?" Aiden glanced over to Kerry. Who while also taking a breather for a second, was watching the man warily.

"Actually-" Aiden raised a finger. "A lot closer then you might think. Really...."

Kerry took a step closer, keeping a firm grip on his gun. While lowered, it was still roughly pointing at John. "Who are you? What is your name?" He questioned the man bluntly. Aiden glanced between the two. "Large horde coming. Probably more important then this." Aiden took a moment to think before looking back at the stranger. "You wouldn't of happened to seen a van fly past here?"

Matt - Morgantown Plaza - Abram, Samantha, Floyd

Matt took a quick glance at the man who he had watched attack Samantha. As they ran, he noticed slowness of him. A small smirk appeared on Matt. Weakness

As they got into the shop. He simply did as he was told. He was a stranger right now, even if he was a very helpful stranger. He would have to be slightly quiet right now. Plus, there was the giant horde they had to survive through. Rolling his eyes at the fact that they let the attacking stranger just stroll out the back door like that. Matt just kept doing what he had to do, closing the blinds and covering up whatever spaces were left. A dusty dark room was what left of it when they were done.

He listened to the little conversation Floyd and Samantha were having. Floyd had a wife? Was that Wife before the outbreak or a new wife. There was so many ways you could view a "wife" now in this bleak world. He once visited a community which basically held women as slaves. Though they were called "wives." Matt was only a visitor, they were unspeakably kind to him. So honestly it was hard for him to care.

Matt paced around to check if everything was ready. He heard Samantha offer to check up on Floyd's hand, which caused Matt to look at his own hand. Slightly mangled, it never stopped hurting. It was giving him the slightest hint of worry.

Liam - Morgan town GYM - Scarlett,Katie,Tyler, Becca

Liam was guided in with the rest of them, still holding Scarlett's hand for a while. Though when Becca came to talk to Scarlett, he let go for a moment and took a step back. His eyes caught Tyler. A small giggled escaped his lips. Tyler was doing the exact thing he had seen when he watched his friends in school. Being stuck next to someone who they didn't like. The classic look away. The attempt to try to be invisible to that person. Liam had done it too many times before it all ended.

Tyler was full of anger, Liam could recognise that. And, at the start. Tyler was cold to him. But Liam had this yearning to impress him. Or, at least cause him to smile or something. Katie and Scarlett gave him that affect. Well, right now Scarlett was a bit of a stretch. But still the two had something. Liam didn't know what to say, or do really.

Liam did wonder where Samantha was, she has almost stormed off. She and Tyler clashed. But that caused her and Scarlett to clash. Maybe he was seeing it to simply, but he just didn't see what they would even clash against eachother. Everyday they could all die. Two sisters shouldn't...He would of wished for more time.

He almost tried to talk to Tyler in the few moments of silence, but he didn't know what to say. A little fear of just stuttering and basically being a mess. Or Tyler just dismissing him. So he just stayed quiet and stared at him faintly. Every so often glancing at Becca and Scarlett having a conversation.

Liam couldn't help but feel that Becca was way more interested in the notion of helping Scarlett then actually finding Samantha. Liam just frowned a small bit before going back to just looking between Tyler and Scarlett. Not really having much to do.
Hank - Walmart Super Center - Jon/Imogen/Turisa/Aubrey/Heather/Jess

The axe came in a horizontal angle to completely shatter the weakened skull of a limping walker. The rotten body fell to the ground in slow motion as black blood poured from its busted cerebrum. Its jaw hung loosely to the side connected only by thin flesh - the bone was broken. Hank stepped over the body, his boots making a small thud every time his heel hit the ground. Followed by Imogen, the two made their way around the super center making sure every aisle was clear.

"Let's go get the others, it's clear," Hank instructed, heading back towards the entrance. He let Imogen stay by the door and instructed his people to get inside. Making his way back to the van, Hank stared at the man he forcefully tied up. On the ground near the front driver's side wheel was Redhawk. Before going into the super center, he and Jon tied the man up with zip ties and rope. It hadn't been a group decision to keep him from returning to his colony, it was Hank's. He decided it'd be best to keep him captive for now, use him as leverage when the time came.

That was the plan after all. They had to attack this community and make it their own. Those people could not be trusted because they were not known. In Hank's perspective, there was no trust between anyone anymore. People did everything in their power to survive independently. If it came to it, Hank would kill anyone to ensure his family's survival - but no everyone thought the way he did. Not everyone cared for other people, specially strangers. Ultimately, they'd have to take over - it was the only way.

"Get up!" Hank growled at Redhawk, pulling him up by his tied up hands. Once the man got to his feet, he pushed him in the direction of the Walmart. Imogen still held the door open for them, but once everyone was inside, she closed them up and started to help Turisa blockade it with different objects.

Watching through the glass door, Hank could see walkers in the distance and was hoping to God Floyd and the others had made it out safely. When they drove by, he had not seen them, so was certain they heard the gunshots and fled - but it was still uncertain. Turning back, Hank would share his next moves.

"We stay here the night, move out in the morning in search for the others. Two of us will stay watch and we'll rotate every three or four hours. Make sure he doesn't go anywhere either," Hank stated, pointing at Redhawk.

"If you try anything, we will kill you." Redhawk was their move against Claiborne and Nathan. Without him there would be no chances against an entire community of people. They had to play this smart and their only chance was this.


Floyd - Morgantown Plaza - Samantha/Abram/Matt

Squinting from the pain his knuckles felt, Floyd had yet to respond to anything Samantha said or asked. Instead, he kept to himself, watching her massage his hand a little like she knew what she was doing. Floyd didn't mind, he had his mind on other things such as Jess and Hank. He wanted to know if they were safe, if they had found shelter and where everyone else was. There were so many questions yet not a single answer. The only way to know was to go back, but if what Matt said was true, a horde of walkers would soon cross their store.

It didn't take the foreign soldier long before he decided to leave them. He was an outcast and Floyd had nothing to say to him. If he wanted to go out there and get himself killed, who was going to stop him? Abram tried, but it didn't seem to matter - the idiot would soon find himself being torn to shreds by walkers. Upon his exit Floyd turned to Samantha after the sound of the shutting door made him snap out of his little session.

"She's just a friend," he stated in regards to Jess. There had been a point where it was more than that, but then something changed. Before, Floyd would have left the little store and would of risked his life to find Jess and Hank, but now he was smart enough to think before acting. He had shown a lot of growth compared to many of his companions.

"We'll find em," Floyd said with simplicity and he stood up and searched through the closet behind him.

"Got any cigarettes?" he asked her, still searching through the stupid closet, throwing everything on the ground.

Riley watched as she revealed the tattoo in abject silence. How could he have been so ignorant and acted as if he were some kinda special snowflake? Everyone here had their own stories to tell and just because he had killed a man. When no doubt there was probably another survivor out there who had done the same and perhaps even more than Riley had. Rising to his feet from the sitting position he had just been in, he'd been a fool and he couldn't let that happen again. Sure it'd probably take quite a bit of time and maybe even some more talking before the bully finally faded away from his memories completely but he'd never regret what he did.


He felt that was all that really needed to be said in regards to her telling him to get his shit together. He'd already spoken more than he was used to. All to someone who seemed to have as equally a shitty hand in life as he did. Looking in the direction that that the horde was still slowly but surely limping from, the sound of the bully's taunting laughter had grown deathly quiet. Almost as if Mel's talk had turned down his volume in a manner of speaking. Either way he was relieved. Still there was something left unsaid that he didn't want to be. Not if he had already told Mel everything else worth revealing.

"Something else I wanted to mention is why I really came to Morgantown. It wasn't just to find a place to crash with others who had to deal with the shamblers. No, I made a really close friend in the detention center. He had a plan for us to escape before the infection spread from within. Once we finally did get out we split up and I promised that I'd meet up with him again. Staying here at Morgantown was only supposed to be a temporary stop. Find useful people and help out a bit and benefit then make my way off. But I guess I've gotten attached to the people that I'd only ever seen as useful and as baggage. But someday I'll fulfill the end of my promise and find my friend. Even if he's not the same man I knew before." He'd say referring to if Rufus had either changed from the erratic but friendly man he'd bonded with in the detention center or if he was dead.

"Oh. Uh...Well that's an idea, yeah." He'd admit sheepishly at her suggestion of why he just didn't get his own board to ride.

"...I'm sure you will. One way or another." She replied carefully. She didn't say anything about the likely probability she thought of, that this friend was probably already a manwhich for some shambler fucks somewhere. Maybe for the best. It doesn't need to be said, I guess. She shrugged, dropping her board onto the ground and hopping on. "Well, can't do it now. We'll scrounge around later, I'm sure there's a shop or two with some. Not like skateboards would be a hot item in the apocalypse." She snarked.

"But for now? Better head back. Try to keep up."

John Lennings - Morgan Town Middle Entrance, City of Natchez - Kerry, Adrien, Nathan

"Woah, woah, woah, if you have les boules to shoot me, then do it! Otherwise, get moving and trust me!" He had removed his own M9, pointed at the ground yet with intent to harm if they pull an action. He made sure the dagger was placed tightly in the sheath, keeping the assault pack tight to him. "Let's go! Move quicker, you idiots! You could sit behind and wait for Les Revenants, to eat your fucking boules off, or I could lead you to safety!" He liked his beret. He tucked away his beret. And he began a stumble run to Morgan Town with his beret.

The entire time, they would probably catch up to them and he would begin speaking "I hear of a safer place!.. It's not too far from h-here, maybe about 2 klicks away! We should be safe!.. My information says it is where the supplies they requisitioned should be at!..." And then he heard them talking about a van?... Unless they were looking for a white van (Probably some NSA van either way, John thought) then no, he hadn't "Non. Perdonnez. For now, let us get to safety!..." It was at that moment that some lone walkers from around the block had came out and heard them, John taking out the digger and giving a quick placed stab into the eye socket on one of the Revenants.

Upon reaching Morgan Town again, he tried looking for the most viable source of defense in the area, apparently the school as he yelled at the both of them to get moving "We're here!... I think!..." He tried opening the gate, only to find it locked as he shook it, needing to get in "Goddamn it, you selfish bastards, let us in! I have civvies with me and we need safety for Les Revenants! Laissez-nous dans!" He was yelling, causing a racket to get attention to anybody inside, probably the guards.​
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Scarlett - Morgantown Gym - Tyler/Liam/Katie/Becca

Scarlett had already had enough 'excitement' for one day. All she wanted to do was get something to eat and close her eyes for god knows how long. For eternity if it was possible. She didn't want to wake up anymore. To never have to deal with any of the bullshit that everyone tended to carry around with them. Just sleep forever.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case. After she had taken her seat on the gym flood with Tyler and the kids, Scarlett had barely enough time to take a moment to sort of her thoughts before someone came and sat next to her, talking and asking questions. It was Becca, and from the looks of it, she was in the mood for a lengthy conversation. Scarlett immediately put on her best act and smiled kindly at the woman. It's not like Becca annoyed her or anything. She was great! It was just the timing. Scarlett could've done with laying her head on Katie's lap and falling asleep. Even if Tyler had anything against it, Scarlett would take that over having a pointless conversation.

It wasn't until Becca said the name Sam, that Scarlett snapped out of her internal groaning and moaning. "Sam's a tough girl. She always has been. I'm pretty sure she helped out Hank find a nice safe place to take it easy for the night. She and I always fight.... So I'm not too worried about it. It also helps that theres one less pair of eyes glaring holes into the back of Tyler's head." Scarlett's tone had gotten a bit cold near the end, menacing almost, her eyes giving a pointed look at Becca and everyone else around them. No one had really paid much attention, and if they did, they didn't say anything. Scarlett had been fed up with the way they looked at him, the way they looked at Katie, and the way they looked at her. Guilty by association. She didn't even know if the people around them actually knew Tyler or not. If they knew his past or were going off of the 'false' accusation that Tremblay made in the assembly.

"I won't go out looking for Sam any time soon. She'll come to me." With that statement, Scarlett ended their conversation. It had started with such a friendly tone. Too friendly for Scarlett. Sam had always been the one to shut people down and Scarlett had always been more than happy to let people in, but it seems as if the tables were turning.

With a sigh, Scarlett turned her attention to Tyler who had been in hearing range of everything. She didn't know if he liked her sticking up for him, but at this point, she didn't care. What she felt for this man was strange. She wanted to strangle him for keeping so many secrets; Still, the young woman wouldn't mind if the night they kissed happened all over again. "Sorry.... I, um, I actually don't have an excuse for that. I thought it and then it just came out." Scarlett attempted to change the topic quickly, not wanting him to get mad at her. "


Alannah - Morgantown

Although everyone had gone and gotten themselves mostly situated, Anna had remained standing in the hallway for a good minute. Nathan was actually going out there with the dead and Anna's words hadn't even phased him.

Fear was the furthest thing from what she felt. Clenching her fists, and grinding her teeth together in anger, Anna stormed off back towards her clinic. The first thing she noticed was that the young woman with the oxygen tank was gone and that her partner had also left. The closet that she kept the foldable cots was also open and there were a few gone. Acknowledging this, Anna turned and shut her door, locking it before walking over and sitting down on one of the nearest chairs.

She couldn't stand being around people at the moment, she felt like she wanted to throw up. She felt as if her clothes were too tight. 'No, not again.' Yet another stupid panic attack was on its way. This time it was different though. Her breathing wasn't shallow because of her anxiety, there was something different going on. There was a weird feeling in her abdomen but she ignored it as she began to take her deep breaths.

Her clinic was dark, her doors were locked. All the other trained medics were out helping the rest of Morgantown. No one would need her right now. If they did, they'd come bang on her door.

With that in mind, Anna slid out of the chair and crawled over to one of the many cots that she kept ready just in case. This is what she needed at the moment.


Samantha - Morgantown Plaza - Floyd/Matt/Abram

Sam knew Floyd wouldn't be as receptive as she had hoped for. He was lost in his own thoughts thinking about the people that he actually cared for, and that actually cared for him. This made a feeling of uneasiness come over her. It felt as if she was homesick, but not for being at home. She wanted to be with Scarlett. At least with her, if they faced a stupid horde, they faced it together.

Samantha shook her head at the question of cigarettes, forgetting that he was facing away from her and couldn't see that she responded.

Once again she felt useless and vulnerable and the overwhelming need to cry came over her. She hated feeling like a child, but ti wasn't her fault. She had been the one that made the tough decisions when it was just her and her sister. She needed to stay strong. She needed to, but wasn't about to. With a small push, she was off of the high counter in a fluid motion and walking towards the front where Abram was. He had been there for her many times before, she knew he'd be there again; and just like all the other times, he simply stood there and silence and let Sam let out whatever she needed to let out. It felt good to hug someone, and to feel the person hug you back was even better. It was the biggest stress reliever Sam had ever felt. Even before the dead came to life. It was a simple act of kindness that helped everything seem more optimistic. "I'm gonna find her again." Sam spoke into Abram's chest, almost immediately being shushed by him. Sam nodded and finally let go, thanking Abram quietly before returning to her dark corner and sitting down, closing her eyes, waiting for the moment they could finally get out.


Aubrey - Walmart Supercenter - Hank's group/Joe

"You're fucking kidding me." The teenager spoke up, only after having entered the Walmart, which was sure to become their tomb. "You're holding him hostage?" Aubrey scoffed and put away an arrow that she had kept in her hand just in case. She had stayed quiet for the majority of the time but everything was now beginning to get ridiculous and beyond dangerous. This was Tremblay all over again.

"I'll take the first watch. He needs someone with a conscience to keep him sane." Aubrey knew that was a lie. She barely had one herself. The majority of the people in the group had either seen her guarding the cells with Magnus, or walk around with Tremblay. Hell, one of the guys in the group had an arrow go through his shoulder because of her. Still, she couldn't just let Hank parade around thinking he knew all the answers. What was a little backtalk going to do? Thing One from the twins did it and he didn't even smack her.

Saying what she needed to say, Aubrey walked over to the man who had the terrible habit of pissing off Hank. "You've got a knack of coming up at the most inopportune times, y'know. I hope your friends are understanding... and forgiving." Aubrey's tone was a mixture of sincerity and sarcasm. She couldn't help but to sound that way after all that she had gone through. She just hoped this man didn't decide that she was on the same level that Hank was. Aubrey didn't take well to disrespect. Someone always ended up with an arrow deep in their body when that happened.
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Jessalyn - Walmart - Hank's group / others

Jess tried to calm down, tried to focus on Heather's reassuring words, it didn't work that well. Her mind, and her insecurities, wouldn't leave her in peace.

Why had Floyd left her behind, and without a word? Had he been so eager to leave her, to leave Ben? She had felt the change in him, in their relationship, but the thought that he would leave her behind never entered into her mind. She had thought she had known him better then that. They had been through so much together...

Had he completely lost his feelings for her? Was it her? Had she done something wrong? Or was it just as it always had been in her life? The men in her life got her to trust them, to love them, then abandonded her. First her father, then her brother, then Bruce and now... now Floyd.
Tears streamed down her face, leaving clean streaks. They were tears from a broken heart.

She gazed down at her son, staring back at her solmenly, as though he knew something serious was going on. What if, when he grew older, Ben abandoned her too? What if there was just something wrong with her, a trigger that made men run away?
She had demanded they not leave Floyd, that he had to be found.
What if he didn't want to be found?

She moved away from the group, not wanting them to see her like this, wanting to be alone with her damning thoughts.
"I... I need to... look for baby supplies..." her voice was low and sad, "to look for... Excuse me..."
She shook her head, telling Heather she didn't need help. At that moment, she just wanted to cry alone...
Nathan - Morgantown Community - Kerry, John, Adrien
Nathan needed to focus and gather his thoughts as he was alone just outside the school, before the gates. He was holding the gun in his hand when he noticed three more strangers popping up from nowhere, demanding to get in. Approaching the gate he pulled his gun up, mainly because of the attitude one of them had. Pointing it at them, he asked. "Who the fuck are you?." The first thing that struck his mind was Tyler and his group. They had split for some unknown reason both Claiborne and Nathan were wondering about. Perhaps the people before him were a part of this group as well.

"Are you with the group!?.. Tyler's?..." It was an important question, because he was focused on their expressions. He wanted to see if there was a slightest of hint if they were a part of them or just total strangers to both the Morgantown community and the group they allowed in earlier. He did not wait for their response, but instead pulled up his radio. "Rob.. Chris.. Get down here, and bring your weapons."

"Who told you about this place?!" Nathan was wondering if they perhaps stumbled upon Joe out there. He was to warn the rest of Tyler's group about the damn horde. Only a few seconds later, two people Nathan trusted came out, with assault rifles in their hand. "Fuck's going on Nathan?..." Rob asked, wondering what more could cause trouble for the community.

Their guns were enough to keep the strangers in place, before Nathan spoke again. "That's what I'd like to know.. And if you got anything on ya, now is the time to throw out over the gates.. Got it?... That's the only way you may be able to get in." He was wondering if Claiborne had also heard him over the radio. He was hoping he did, because right about now, Nathan was wondering the best course of action, and would rather have another set of opinion regarding what to do next.
Katie - Morgantown - Tyler, Scarlett, others

They had been locked up. She didn't like that at all. They hadn't done anything wrong. Why were they locked up like bad people? Had the people here found out how bad Katie had been to the last people they had been with?
The little girl's fears started formulating 'what ifs' in her mind.

What if they had somehow been told that Katie had hurt that man? What if they had been told that she had stabbed him with her knife? What if they had locked them up because of her? What if they killed them or threw them outside with the monsters because Katie had been bad?

She hadn't meant to be bad. Those other bad people had been trying to take her daddy away. They had also hurt him really bad. Katie had just been trying to make them stop, to make them go away. She hadn't meant to be bad...

"Scarlett," she said quietly, fearfully. "Did they lock us up because I was bad? I didn't mean it. I won't be bad again. I'll say I'm sorry."
But even as she said it she knew she was lying. If anyone tried to hurt her daddy or Scarlett, Katie would be bad again.

She was still taking only shallow breaths because of the pain in her chest. She had heard the lady doctor say that two of Katie's bones were broken. That was why it hurt so much to move and breathe. The lady doctor had wrapped a tight cloth around Katie's chest that was stiff and made it hard to move but it made some of the pain go away.
Her stomach growled loudly. Before, when they had been walking for such a long time, she had listened to the grownups talking when they thought she was asleep. She hadn't understood a lot of what they said, but she understood enough to know that they hadn't had much food. So she had made a game out of seeing how long she could go without saying anything about being hungry. It made her tummy and her head hurt, but she wanted to show her daddy and Scarlett how much of a big girl she had become.


Heather - Walmart - Hank and others

Heather watched Jess walked off towards the baby section of the store. She shook her head, wondering if it was because she was a woman that she recognized the signs of heartbreak. Jessalyn's broken heart was evident for all to see. She looked like a wounded puppy whose owner had struck her, not understanding what they had done to deserve such treatment.
Heather's hands curled into fists. If Floyd didn't want the girl anymore fine, people's feelings changed, but he didn't have to be an ass about it. The girl was little more then a teen, but she still deserved respect and to not be treated like a toy that was cast aside after a child was done with it.

She looked toward Hank, wondering if he saw what the other half of his intense bro-mance was doing to the poor girl. Not likely. He was just a oblivious. All men seemed to be.
Heather sighed. That baby would need a father figure and Jess was the kind of female who craved love and attention from a man. Without knowing her full story Heather could read her daddy and abandonment issues like a book. Not many men could handle that kind of emotional baggage and it looked like Floyd was no exception.

Taking a breath, she approached Hank. "I'm going to go see what there is around her to salvage. It's probably been picked over, but you never know."
She debated saying more, but decided against it. They didn't need the drama right now. Once they caught up with Floyd again she would talk to him herself about the matter. If he had no interest in Jess anymore then the best thing would be for him to let her down easy. Heather had had more then her own share of heartbreak and what it could do to a person.
She looked at the cause of that heartbreak for a few minutes in silence before turning and moving away towards the grocery area, hoping to find some canned goods that weren't expired.
Audrey - Natchez Area, Horde

Stuck between their loyalty to Abram and their basic survival instincts, the remaining Haywood survivors found themselves hesitating while Hank hurried everyone into the truck. Some of the group weren't fast enough and were already becoming overwhelmed by the horde. Riley and Amelia were convinced to linger behind to save those they could, but Audrey felt as if this was quickly becoming a lost cause. It was with a heavy heart that she had climbed into the back of truck, but upon hearing Brianna's screams among the din of voices, Audrey quickly jumped out of the back of the truck. "Brianna!" she cried, her head whipping around rapidly. "Brianna!"

Amelia then came up behind her and yelled to get her attention. Audrey spun around to see the other woman aiming off into the distance. "Amy, what are you..." Then, she saw it-- Brianna was already pinned by a group of the undead. Audrey screamed and moved to assist her friend in a flight of sudden panic, but Amelia reached out and took hold of Audrey's arm.

"We have to go!" Amelia yelled. "Riley and I will punch a hole through!"

Tears stinging at her eyes, Audrey had no choice but to numbly follow Amelia. The woman was a force to be reckoned with as she gunned the walkers shambling across their path. Audrey had seen enough death to last a lifetime, but it still hurt to see people she'd traveled with for the last two months killed before her eyes. Tears were flowing freely down her face by the time Amelia had led her to Riley, and the two former members of the Haywood militia worked quickly to clear the rest of the way. Audrey turned around to cover their backs, but she found her vision blurred by her tears. This didn't concern her, no, quite the opposite. She didn't even bother to lift her gun, allowing her body to fall roughly to the ground. She landed on her knees, a sudden pain spreading across them.

Audrey didn't care. She was so done. She was done with this dead world. Wherever Brianna was going-- wherever Henry was, Audrey wanted to go there. "I'm almost there," she whispered. "I'm almost there."

As the walkers began to devour her, Audrey let out a wordless scream.


Jon and Joe - Natchez, Walmart - Hank/Imogen/Turisa/Aubrey/Heather

Jon stood quietly off to the side, watching Hank carry out this plan with morbid curiosity. Christ, how far was this guy willing to go? Fucker could have killed Tremblay, that was for sure. Crossing his arms, Jon looked upon the guy known as Joe, wondering what the hell this guy was going to say about all this. Even after being treated the way he had been, he didn't seem mad. As Joe looked at Aubrey, he seemed to just brush it all off.

"I can see where Hank is come from, and think my group will too. Life out here, life now, is hell. We all have seen things, done things we regret. Letting people die, most of the time, is a must. Hell, I'll been honest, if I didn't see the children, like that new born, I would have turned away. When I heard about the herd, I had to warn your group, for the baby's sake. I've seen what happens to babies out here."

Joe paused, sweat dripping from his forehead as he looked Aubrey's eyes.

"When shit started hitting the fan, I left toward my family's home. I was supposed to get a flight from Atlanta, Georgia, to New Orleans, then I would make my way home. It didn't work out that way, and I had to travel by ground. About A month in, and I'm less than half way home. I'm tired, stressed, covered in shambler blood to mask my smell. I am in the middle of nowhere, and I see this woman, mid-thirties in a blue dress on her porch. I wave at her, asking for shelter. She was happy to agree. Her name was Ingrid."

There was an awkward shuffle among those standing around Joe as he relayed his tale. Those listening had gone deathly quiet, wondering what exactly this guy was getting at.

"After eating her food, taking a nice warm shower, and sleeping almost a day, she told me her story. She was waiting for her husband and newborn son. Apparently they were traveling to their country home, where I was at, she said, and that they got split up. I was out of it, so I didn't put everything together like I should have. She offered to stay for as long as I wanted, and I agreed. Soon afterward, she asked me If I could bring some cases of water she had in the basement downstairs, upstairs. So, I did it and, then... then--"

Joe stopped, his voiced cracking. He turned his head down, prompting Jon to lean in closer to listen.

"I saw a crib. I knew what it was by the noises that came from it, but that didn't stop me from looking. It was her child, what left of it. I... did what I had to do. As Ingrid walked downstairs, I grabbed her, and I slammed her in a wall before she knew what hit her. It was afterwards that I saw the knife in her hand. I guess she was going to feed it to me. It still bugs me... That baby's face. This world is shit. More people are bad than good. I'm tryin' to stay good. It's hard as fuck, but I am trying. That's all you can do."

When Joe was evidently over, Jon let out a deep breath. "Jesus christ," he mumbled, rubbing at the back of his head. "Grand fucking story, buddy." Jon shrugged, holding his hands in the air for a moment as he thought over their situation. Fucking hell. "All right, the world's gone to shit. You're shit, we're shit, we're all shit. That's fine and all, but shove off." Dropping his hands, Jon rounded on Hank, a quiet fury evident on his face. "We're in over our heads, Hank. We just lost nearly everybody and we have no supplies. We're exhausted, we're tired, and the vehicles we haven't stolen are miles away without gas. Half our group tried going for that community, and that's what we gotta do too, but this isn't how we do it. We're fucking lucky this guy is being so agreeable, when he has no goddamn right to be. Offering this guy as a hostage will only make things worse, and we'll probably be killed as soon as we situate ourselves."

Jon paused then. looking up toward the cieling in frustration. He let out a sharp breath, trying to calm down. His nerves were fucking shot, and he was tired of dealing with Tremblay's possible killer. "I know Treis was a piece of shit, but he's not everybody." Alison quickly grew concerned at hearing Treis' name, and stepped forward.

"Jon, hold on now--"

"Alison." Jon lifted a hand toward her, his voice dry. "Wait a second. You've been through some shit, Hank, but so have all of us. You're taking a hostage. You're out of control here. There are other solutions outside of being an asshole!" Nostrils flaring, Jon took a moment to run his hands through his hair. "Whatever you thought of Tremblay, he knew that. He saved your life, do you understand that? He tried to save your friends, okay? He tried to rise above this shit!" Jon pointed straight at Joe and stared intently at Hank. "I know I'm not the only one thinking this. I'm going to untie this guy, and we're going to try and do this peacefully. Anyone who has a problem who isn't Hank, please make your voice heard."

Silence. Neither Alison, Turisa, or Imogen had anything to say. With that in mind, Jon nodded and moved to untie Joe.
There was a certain species of insect, that once past the guard bee's would gain full access to the hive and all its contents. In essence, the same could be said of humans in general. Even in an apocalyptic setting, they craved routine. They craved stability and so it was he made his play. The suit that made him stand out, that people would know him most by, if at all was long since put away, replaced by more subdued garb.

His talents and skills in medical allowed him access to their clinic, where they were grateful for any help. His volunteer work in their kitchen, even something as small as dishes or disposing of the trash endeared him to those who were responsible for it. He was a periphery character, always helpful but never engaging in small talk. The most anyone knew was that he was useful and that was about it- He kept largely to himself otherwise. Which was in no way, a commentary on his players work schedule. : |

When the Horde came about, he made his move. A hunting rifle obtained, ammo and a place to snipe. There were people who were out there- Least he could do was stand ready to help them get back safely.

One way or another.

Joselina /// Natchez Rooftops & Streets ///
Joselina's Intro

A Monument of Sins


Another day

It had been at least a week since the travelling, lonesome freak had arrived in what was once another small, suburban town of southern America. For a solid week, she had camped onto the rooftops of this rotting city, screams and gunfire echoing from sunrise to sunset. a constant war between the living and the dead raging nearly a year since the initial outbreak. As she watched from above, only silence greeting the horrors that awaited below, the young woman lifelessly pulled herself away from the edges of the rooftop. Few shamblers wandered on top of these buildings, their weakening bodies finding difficulty climbing up flights upon flights of stairs. As extra means of security, the masked sociopath had picked the highest structure within the block, tearing down bits of the wooden staircase along the way and sealing the door behind her shut with makeshift barricades. Still, she worried every night, fearful that one lucky shambler will figure out the wonderful process of climbing and rip her limb-to-limb.

Quietly, Joselina sat by her small campsite, looking over her dwindled supplies as a cough escaped her lips. Most of the time she avoided these cities, even small ones, preferring to simply steal from larger groups within the dead of night or seek isolation in what was once rural communities. Yet, she was no scavenger, only a young woman tortured to the point of insanity, her mind fringed and illusions constantly dancing in her vision. A tremble coursed down her spine, craving for that longing shot of heroin, still recovering even to this day from her addiction to her before hell broke loose.

Growling underneath her frightening muzzle, the deranged woman held her stomach, having eaten only saltine crackers for the past three days. An insatiable hunger coursed through lean yet stern body, the desire to eat driving her to think irrationally. A part of her wondered if shambler meat would be safe to eat if cooked, but the concept of cannibalism was something even Joselina was fretful to attempt. Snarling like some rabid beast, thrashing as she sat upon concrete, the woman kicked and hissed, grabbing the sides of her head. Everything felt like it hurt, and by whatever god that had long abandoned her and the rest of humanity, she wanted it to stop. Even after all these months, she could only wish for it to be a dream, but deep down, she knew this was but reality from now on.

Arising, her tattered clothing sagging, the mixed woman threw a small, olive, school-sized backpack upon her shoulders. Gathering her equipment, everything from her Mosin-Nagant to basic necessities, the woman was intent on scouting outwards from the rooftops. For too long she had stayed in peace upon them, the only source of the outside world she had noted being the passing much larger communities, the same word of "Morgantown" echoing from them. Three months she had been alone, for better or worse, a young woman bapitized in blood, viscera, and her fleeing sanity. Now, she stood, a rifle and pack upon her shoulders, a makeshift, bloodied "baseball axe" in her hands, forged by some zany, bloodthirsty, unsung craftsman that Joselina herself could not remember.

Huffing, the lone wanderer eased downwards from her rooftop, navigating them carefully, avoiding what little undead wandered upon them. She could not stay by herself any longer, with supplies thinning more and more with each passing second. Yet, logic denied her often, what little fabrics of consistency fading away, discord and anarchy reigning in her heart and mind. A lawless world awaited before her once again, having already broken her spirit and almost her very perception of reality. Feeling anger arise in her black heart, Joselina raised her abomination of craftsmanship, cracking a skull and spilling the brains of a shambler onto the rustic rooftops of a desolate neighborhood. With an almost gleefully sigh of a satisfactions, a hidden smile creeping on her lips, the enigma drove herself once again forwards, purposefully stepping into the crimson, adding onto the miasma of bodily fluids Joselina seemed to always carry around with her.

Eventually reaching to the only building which still had a fire escape ladder, Joselina peered from above, noting no shambler trudging through the narrow corridors. With confidence, knowing other alternative, she hastily slid down the ladder with ease, only pausing the creaking and moaning of steel. Landing onto the ground, Joselina walked, the "Bitch" as she knew herself heaving through her mask, a teddy bear fastened to her hip, as if the plushie was constantly hugging her. A reminder of Mika, one of the few memories she still retains, of a sister she had failed, not to the undead, but the humans themselves.

Walking out on the streets, her bloodied, horrific weapon in her left hand, the gaze of the psychopath was caught upon two breathing, actual people. Shockingly, Joselina felt calm, although to outsiders this would seem foreboding. Her body tone was ominous, making careful and calculating motions, exhibiting her gruesome weapon, sunlight glimmering against her flawed, scarred skin. A constant heave escaped her lips, as if she struggled to breath at times, a sign of a brewing illness. Tall and pride, a few inches shy of six foot, Joselina stood before the two outsiders, saying nothing, the angel glaring eyes simply focusing on the two. One, in the Old World, looked to be some sort of Hispanic student, whilst the other a goth of some sorts.

Letting this Mexican Standoff reign supreme, Joselina took careful steps, the virtual mute saying obviously nothing, keeping only her scarring silence, her very gaze and appearance nightmarish and foul .

@C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher

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