The Voice of Angels

I'm sorry, I've been busy.

That character (Lance) is great! :D And the invisible earplug thing sounds cool!

As for what characters we need, I think that for now we have enough Group members (though if you want one you can make one) We really need more Ruler guards and people like that. :)
(And if someone wants to play as Ruler him/herself, that'd be rad, ask me first though :) )
Can I make a deaf character who may or may not be the leader of the Group? Also, I get the feeling that deaf people are undesireables and are either hunted down or shunted away in ghettos which are little more than concentration camps where the people slave away to make materials for the people "Up top".
Can I make a deaf character who may or may not be the leader of the Group? Also, I get the feeling that deaf people are undesireables and are either hunted down or shunted away in ghettos which are little more than concentration camps where the people slave away to make materials for the people "Up top".

Hey, if your character is deaf, he/she might find a connection with Jayson (since he's temporarily deaf and all) :D
Yeah sure, you can make a deaf character :D

About the leader of Group thing...I'm not entirely sure on what kind of person I want for that position...hmm...I never gave it any thought. I'll think about that, ok? And I'll get back to you on that :)

Edit: Though, I had been thinking that Group shouldn't have a leader. I thought it could be more of a...I don't know the word...Where they all move and think as one, y'know? They make group decisions where no one person's opinion is greater than anothers...

>.< Do you know what I mean by that?

But, which do you guys think is better?
Group Democracy? XD
Yeah, I like that... If the Group had a leader, it would kind of defeat the purpose of them trying to get AWAY from leadership. O.o

EDIT: If we don't have any volunteers for the Leader soon, I could always rp him. :3 I like bad guys. :D