Original poster
19 and Rose was finally getting out of her parents house. Her parents agreed to buy her the house of her choice as well as even get all her stuff moved in and unpacked so that she wouldn't really have to do anything. Her parents weren't aware of the house's history, for Rose had decided not to tell them, knowing they wouldn't have bought it if they knew it was suppose to have a ghost living in it. Now the day has come where she'd be able to go to it and be out of her parents, and they still had no clue which is how she wanted it.
When they arrived at the beautiful home, Rose sighed when she saw the worried look on her mother's face. "I'll be fine mom." she said, getting out of the car and closing the door. The window was still opened so she was still able to talk to her mother. "If anything happens I'll call you, okay?"
Her mother just nodded. "Be careful hun. If you ever need too, you'll always be welcomed back home with me and your father." she said, before restarting the car. Rose was glad she wasn't going to say anything else and so just waved to her mother, watching her back out of the driveway and drive off. Once her mother was out of sight she turned to look up at the house. She had been so eager to live in it ever since she's heard all the stories of how it was the home of a ghost. She's heard of one room in particular also and she was quite interested in finding out who the spirit was.
The wind started to pick up a bit and she hurried inside when it looked as though it may start to rain. Once in she fixed her light blonde hair which had frost blue streaks in it. Her emerald eyes looked around at how big it was inside as she admired everything. "This is going to be quite interesting." she said, soon making her way upstairs. She went to one of the room that was to be her own. All her things seemed to be there, but she went around to make sure. There was a box on the bed that was untouched, and she just had to make sure everything was inside. She was a bit more worried about this box than anything else, also hoping no one had gone through it at all. Her mother would surely flip if she had seen what it contained.
After a moment Rose sighed in relief. All the books and candles seemed to be there, as well as everything else she put in it. It was a bit of a hobby of hers, to take up learning about the Wicca ways and learning about spirits and other kinds of supernatural entities.
Putting the box beneath the bed, she glanced around the room a bit before deciding to change real quick into a pair of shorts and a black tank since she wasn't to be anywhere but here for the rest of the day.
When they arrived at the beautiful home, Rose sighed when she saw the worried look on her mother's face. "I'll be fine mom." she said, getting out of the car and closing the door. The window was still opened so she was still able to talk to her mother. "If anything happens I'll call you, okay?"
Her mother just nodded. "Be careful hun. If you ever need too, you'll always be welcomed back home with me and your father." she said, before restarting the car. Rose was glad she wasn't going to say anything else and so just waved to her mother, watching her back out of the driveway and drive off. Once her mother was out of sight she turned to look up at the house. She had been so eager to live in it ever since she's heard all the stories of how it was the home of a ghost. She's heard of one room in particular also and she was quite interested in finding out who the spirit was.
The wind started to pick up a bit and she hurried inside when it looked as though it may start to rain. Once in she fixed her light blonde hair which had frost blue streaks in it. Her emerald eyes looked around at how big it was inside as she admired everything. "This is going to be quite interesting." she said, soon making her way upstairs. She went to one of the room that was to be her own. All her things seemed to be there, but she went around to make sure. There was a box on the bed that was untouched, and she just had to make sure everything was inside. She was a bit more worried about this box than anything else, also hoping no one had gone through it at all. Her mother would surely flip if she had seen what it contained.
After a moment Rose sighed in relief. All the books and candles seemed to be there, as well as everything else she put in it. It was a bit of a hobby of hers, to take up learning about the Wicca ways and learning about spirits and other kinds of supernatural entities.
Putting the box beneath the bed, she glanced around the room a bit before deciding to change real quick into a pair of shorts and a black tank since she wasn't to be anywhere but here for the rest of the day.