The Underground City of Venustas

  • Thread starter ThatBioshockInfiniteChick
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Derrick sighed and looked down to the floor when Heather called him a monster. He looked down at himself and had to held back a gag in response. He was covered in blood from his enemies and himself. He looked back up to Heather and sighed.

"What did you think was gonna happen,hm? You think these people will just let you walk outta here? You are a investment, and you won't be safe until you are far away from here." He stated, he then cringed turned to the hole in his right hand. He looked up and gave Heather a quirky smile, "Well, thank god I'm left handed."
Heather looked at the ground thinking about what he said. Osgood was right she was an investment, but for what? She then looked over at his hand. "Your let me help you" she said then tore some of her dress and wrapped the cloth around his hand. "Gosh I really hope there's not more of them...but if your right...and I have a good feeling you are...then I guess I better get used to it" she said as the door to the train opened. "In order for us to get to the main train we need to get past this looks like a theme park" she said as she saw children playing in the ferris wheel int he middle of the the park. Everywhere was gift shops, stands and show event signs. Before Osgood could say anything Heather began walking towards the entrance of an elevator to the main train of the city. Suddenly the main gates shut and Heather backed away. A police officer came up and looked at Heather. "Sorry miss the gates are closed move along" he said. Heather nodded "of course I'm sorry" she smiled and the officer turned away and started walking back into a small office where he came from. Heather then took a deep breath and held out her hand. The keys unbuckled from the officers jacket and flew into her hand, all the while her eyes glowed just like he saw when they fell. "Perfect" Heather smiled and ran over to the elevator to unlock it.
Derrick looked around at what seemed like a carnival or theme park of some kind .Wherever He looked he found food stands, merchants and rides. He also found posters of, " can't be!" Derrick gasped. He tried to take his mind of the posters when he watched Heather seemingly pull the keys toward with just simple concentration. "Wow, that's a nice trick, how did you do that little number?"

Just then a power surge rushed through the elevator and surrounding area, turning the bright cheery park into a dim graveyard. The was crackling over the PA and a very familiar and resentful voice came through.

"Well, well look what we have here, the lamb and the false shepherd. It has a long time Derrick, how have you been?" the voice inquired. Derrick's neck hair stood on end as he recognized the voice of his old Interpol rival, Curtis Holt.
Heather looked over at Derrick after she picked the lock "the lamb?" she said then whispered "the false Shepard?" Suddenly her nose started to bleed. She placed her fingers under her nose and brought them towards her eyes. She was indeed bleeding from the nose. Suddenly she started hearing voices
"Booker!" a woman's voice shouted. "Elizabeth!" a man shouted. Then there was this screeching, like a bird.
The womans voice was firmiliar but Heather shook it off, slowly coming back to Derrick and his enemy.
"Derrick...who is this?" Heather asked.
"Curtis Holt is that you?" Derrick asked as he turned in a complete circle, looking for the source of his rival. He turned back to Heather, who seemed to sport a bloody nose. "Heather, are you okay?" He asked in concern. Just then the PA blared as it came on again and Curtis spoke through it.

"What's that Derrick, you are actually concerned for the Lamb? Curtis asked.

"What do you want Holt!?" Derrick half asked, half yelled.

"All I ask is you come to Central Control past the hall of mirrors and face me like a man. You do that, and you get the power back on." Curtis hung up the PA and left the two in silence.

"Well, we ain't going anywhere with the power out, let's go find Holt." He said while reloading his Python. Almost on queue, a group of gunmen charged, unleashing a hail of bullets .Derrick dove behind a crate and blind fired at the group.
Heather ducked behind a statue then notice some useless boxes next to her. Her eyes turned blue and the boxes lifted in mid air and were thrown at most of the men. The men collapsed giving Derrick some breathing room to fire. She then noticed that the weapon that the detective currently had will not do for big groups so she started looking around. She smiled as she noticed a hand cannon across the room. She ran towards it and grabbed the weapon then looked at Derrick. "Mr. Osgood! Catch!" she said and threw him the missile launcher.
Derrick caught the bizarre weapon the looked like something out of the Sci-Fi movies when he was a child. It was a cross between a 9mm handgun with a sawed off barrel. Replacing the barrel was some kind of funnel, the magazine had been extended and enlarged. With both hands, Osgood pulled the heavy weapon up and took aim at the growing crowd of enemies, he pulled the trigger. A fat, stumpy round that resembled a torpedo raced out of the funnel and landed in front of the crowd. There was a great flash of light and then the spray of blood hit Osgood right in the face.

"Aw, sick!" he complained as he pulled out the hand towel he always kept on him and wiped away the blood. He opened his eyes and his face turned a new shade of green. In front of him lay the burnt and dismembered remains of his enemies

He was able to keep his composure as he turned to Heather ,"It's over you can come on out."
Heather slowly looked around and then sat up. The park was completely deserted. Everything was also left behind as well. "You can't keep running around with just that weapon Mr. Osgood, we need ammunition and supplies..." she then continued to look around as she kept walking. "You kept mentioning a name...Curtis Holt? Who is he?" She then crossed her arms and turned to him with a concerned look.
Derrick nodded when Heather mentioned her two cents about their weapon dilemma. He started to walk further into the park. Before he could find the way to Central control, Heather asked him the question he feared she would ask.

Derrick stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. " Curtis was a old friend of mine who I worked with in Interpol. One day on the job He and I...." He found that after 13 years, he still couldn't talk about it. He looked down on the ground and then looked back up to Heather. "Look, the less you know about me, the better." He said before he turned and he strolled down the street, "Let's just get the power on and then get the hell outta here."
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have pried" Heather said, Keeping her arms crossed. She then started asking more questions. "Where are you from Mr. Osgood?" she asked "Why did you come find me?" she walked towards the entrance of a toy store as Derrick talked.
Derrick was taken back by the amount of questions that the girl had asked him about himself. "First off, call me Derrick. Second, I was born in San Jose, but I was from Los Angeles before I moved here, and third, well, my seeing you looked up like that, wasn't right, So I decided to bust you out myself." He said . He walked the counter and found a shotgun of some kind.

"Nice" He said as he picked it up.
"Yes Mr. Osgood" she said when he told her to call him Derrick. She then leaned onto the counter as he grabbed the shotgun and saw a book next to her with a picture of John Taylor on the cover. Grabbing the book she said "John Taylor, they say he was the founder of this underground city" she began. "I have yet to read all the books he's written" she then shruddered at the picture and put the book down. "I don't like his look...let's go there's a gate ahead of us. If you lift it up then we might find a way to bring this park back to life and get to the train."
Derrick nodded and walked over to the gate that stopped their progression. With his brute strength, Derrick lifted the gate enough to let Heather walk under it. He followed her to the other side and was surprised by the poster that had greeted him.

"What the hell is Shock in a Bottle" he asked while looking at the poster promoting it.
"It's called shock jockey, everything runs on it in this theme park it seems" Heather said looking at the sign. "It says that they have a sample at The Hall of Heros." She then pointed looked around. "Ahh well, that's helpful" she said and took a map out from a theme park map slot.
As she opened the map she looked around some more. Studying the map she looked around again. "There" she said pointing at ahuge tower in the middle of the park. "That's the Hall of Heros."
"Well, let's get going" Derrick said as he walked out into what seemed like the main hub of the park and was confronted by a small group of gunmen. Derrick quickly dispatched the horde with the help of his shotgun and other weapons. he was about to head on when he saw what looked like an tap recorder of some kind. He picked it up and noticed that the recorder had some kind of writing on it that Derrick couldn't make out.

He hit the play button

(Start audio tape, Holt speaks)

"The nightmares have been getting worse, Mallory tries to console me,but to no avail. I can't stand living like this, seeing all the faces before they were burned alive due the napalm that hit their village. I talked to Derrick about it and he just says to not worry about it. That we nor Interpol had no responsibility in Obejio wiping out the last of the Resistance, but he wasn't the one who saw 25 children shot in the back and buried alive by Obejio's men. Now, John Taylor has built this hall of heroes for men who have never seen the ugly face of war, it is a disgrace and a embarrassment to the real veterans. Taylor will pay for this."

(End Tape)

Derrick just set the tape down and headed for the hall of heroes.
"John Taylor was in the war?" Heather asked listening to the recording as she kept walking.
They walked towards the gondola that led to the Hall of Heros.
Derrick's eyebrows arched in confusion when Heather asked if John Taylor was in the war. "That man did not fight in Liberia, hell, I don't ever even remember him working for Interpol." He said as he pulled the lever to summon the gondola.
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