The Undead Rise

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Janette watched in horror as the news showed people tearing at each other. They all seemed like they had been in accidents. Clothes were torn and bloodied and many had injuries of some sort, a few even missing complete limbs. The screen flashed to a next scene, showing a person being mauled, others running whilst being chased. 'They're not supposed to show this on television,' she thought, hand clasped to her mouth. 'They're not allowed to show real death.' Finally the newsroom reappeared, with it's fancy dressed anchorman, a still of the horror just over his shoulder.

"It has barely been a day since reports have come in from over the country about corpses reanimating and attacking the living. According to scientists that are busy working on this phenomena, it appears to be a virus. It is still unknown whether it is airborne, though popular culture suggests it is spread via a bite. Authorities strongly suggest civilians stay indoors until such a time as the disease is under control. Stay tuned for more news as matters develop. This is Z-Watch, live from your local news network. Dorian Spritz, stay safe everyone."

The emergency channel flickered on. 'This can't be real,' her thoughts flashed as she flipped through the channels. Each showing the same, multicolored screen. Janette quickly reached for her phone, scrolled through her contacts to her parents' number and dialed it. The beep-beep of a dead line answered her and she quickly let out an under-the-breath curse. She quickly ran to her door, checking outside and seeing an empty corridor. Back inside she quickly changed clothes once more. She had decided to go to a friend, to see if these reports were an elaborate prank. Just before exiting, she stopped in her kitchen to take a knife.

She knew it might be silly, but rather safe than sorry she thought.
Greg looked over at Asa and felt a shred of hope from this young girl. He turned to her and ran towards her just as the attackers up stairs started to fall down the stairs towards them. "Asa run!" He shouted holding his hatchet just under the head of it. He pushed her lightly back out the door and urged her to run.
In his dark room he looked outside and saw all that chaos going on: 'Seems like the news reports weren't lying for once.' He thought to himself, as he turned off the lights of his apartment and lowered the sounds of his tv.

Kain took his time to look around. He was on the second floor so the natural thing to do was to block the door, so those "things" as he could no longer call them humans, couldn't just barge in. With that in mind he moved one of his cupboards to the door and looked outside of his window thinking that if the time came he could just jump to the tree and climb down to the street.

He picked up his cellphone and checked his battery and got his backpack filled with a few handy things, like a first aid kit. a flashlight and some food.
Nodding to himself he kept his usual calm and tried to think of his next step.

Calling someone in the middle of all this wouldn't help him but keeping his cellphone with him would surely prove useful. With all that he went to his window and looked outside waiting for things to calm down.
Asa ran of always taking a glimpse at him while running.
"Where are we going?"
She looked around, the people here all seemed sick.
"We can't go to the apartments, so we might have to cut back to the parking lots and go to my house.!" Greg called, the mud from the grass and dirt sploshing against his boots.
Ivan was nearly done cooking his eggs. The storm hadn't let up at all. With a sigh, he added salt and pepper to the eggs. "Where the hell is Mom and Dad?" He groaned out loud. He looked out of the kitchen window. Nobody et. He took a plate out of the cupboard and placed it on the counter beside the stove. "I know what to do." Ivan smiled slightly. He took out his phone, and dialed his friend kain's phone number and held his phone to his ear.
Asa turned to run to his house, she knew where it was, she was there before.
"Is it safe there? I'm tired..."
She was panting already, she wasn't used to run much.
Kain looked surprised at his phone for a second, as he kept his watch on what was happening outside. Noticing the name of his friend Ivan he quickly answered and spoke in a low tone of voice.

"Hey Ivan where are you? Have you noticed what's going on? If not just turn on your tv and try to keep calm the news are crazy right now"

Trying to sound calm, but at the same time he was anxious due to not knowing his friend's situation.
"Yes it is, now come on!" Greg attempted to urge the young girl faster, placing his hand on her back.

"What?" Ivan shook his head. "Dude its just another day in this crappy city." He took a spatula and move the eggs from his pan to the plate. "I'm just at home, nothing out of the ordinary is happening at all." He took a fork and pout it on the plate, then moved to the couch. "Whats going on with the news?"
Letting out a sigh he quickly tried to put him up to date.

"Well from what you say things are fine where you are, but if you check the news you will only see stories of walking dead and chaos all over. People are literally killing each other right now."

Taking a quick breath before continuing:

"If i were you i would watch out for anyone trying to break in at the moment, it's almost like one of those horror movies"
"Dude, are you trying to prank me?" Ian laughed at the idea of the walking dead. "I think you really need to just move on, pranking is for six year olds." With that, Ivan hung up and threw the phone beside him on the couch.
Finaly Asa saw the house and ran to the door knocking on it, she was completely out of breath and just wanted to rest, she still held on to her blanket tightly as she knocked.
"Ivan open the damn door!"
Her usualy tone of voice returned to her now, she never liked Ivan per say, but didn't meet him many times either.
"I should have known better." Kain thought to himself, after all who in their right mind would believe such a thing if they wouldn't see it with their own eyes?
"Well no use getting upset about it" With that in mind he got his jacket. grabbed a baseball bat, put his backpack on his back and looked outside to make sure nothing was moving there.

"If he won't listen to me i guess its better to just go there myself"
After gathering some courage he opened the window and jumped to the tree, climbing it down and going towards Ivan's house as fast as he could. while trying to stay out of sight.
Greg caught up to Asa, not being too far away from her. He took out his key and unlocked the door. Greg pushed the door open for Asa.
"Where the fuck have you been?" Ivan stood up.
"Shut up Ivan, You have no idea whats going on."
It didn't take long for Janette to realize she had made a mistake in coming out. The lobby was crawling with mangled corpses and some were making their way up the stairs. The elevators were out of order, the hallways lit by every second light. She stood on the stairs, breathing shakily, her heart filled to the brim with fear at the sight of the bloodied mess that was once human features. They shambled about almost aimlessly, a pained moan escaping open mouths now and then.

Suddenly a hand clasped her shoulder from behind, a guttural sound quickly following. The yelp that escaped Janette's lips was like a siren, alerting every corpse in earshot. She stumbled backwards through the door to the second floor, the man, a huge chunk out of his right shoulder following after. Janette did the only thing she could think of. Run. She ran and hammered on each door as she passed in her panic. The man pursuing with a steady shuffle, more of his companions following.
Ducking behind of the cars, Kain picked his phone and called Ivan again before getting much closer to his house as he was just a few more minutes away from it.

"These things are getting to be more and more by the moment"

He looked around and only saw more and more shadows in the nearby buildings moving. He had to keep moving to Ivan's place now that he was so close.

"I have to keep going just pick the phone Ivan, I would hate to see your place as bad as it is out here"
Asa almost instantly got back to her old self and sat in the couh, she was still shocked and didn't quite grasp the situation.
"Can I sleep?..."
She held to her blanket tightly.
It was late for her and she was sleepy, she noticed it as she slowly calmed down.
"Yeah, go ahead." Greg slid his boots off.
"Then tell me Greg, just what this fuck is going on out here?!" Ivan glared at Greg.
"These..these things, they aren't even human, they just fucking attacked me, attacked her." Greg shook his head. "It seems as if they are every where." Greg walked over to the wide screen TV and flipped it on, there was only static. He took the remote and started flipping through static channels.
Closing her eyes asa fell asleep quickly, she was too sleepy to worry about this right now.
"Damn it"
Feeling irritated about Ivan not picking the phone he got closer to the house and noticed the lights on. He knocked on the door with his bat ready in his hand and waited for someone to get to it.
"Ivan?! Are you there?"
He shouted while looking around as those "things" were getting closer.
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