The Un-Identified Girl

Sunshine was out and about all morning since it was just out of habit. But today was different. She was out in public and not in her usual uniform. Luckily no one recognized her but it helped she wore sunglasses and a medical mask so people would think she was sick.
She walked back to her place with a few bags in her hands along with an odd box that proved difficult to carry. Upon reaching her door,she paused. Each moment that Briana was there proved fatal, who knew when she would run off and give her location then find the military waiting for her. Sunshine took a deep break ans struggled to open the door with the things in her hand. Her lush burgundy hair flowed in like a ghost as she stepped in. Stopping to see Briana reading a book shocked her.

"I'm sorry there's not much entertainment here."

Sunshine approched the table setting down the bags and box as she then rushed to her room. She took off the medical mask and replaced it with one of her colorful bandanas along with taking off her shades. She then went back into the kitchen and began to unpack.

"I went and got some food along with some coffe beans. Here-" She pushed the box towards Briana "I don't know how to work it bur I'm sure you do."

Inside contained a coffee pot along with essential items that would be used for it.
"T-Thanks." She murmured in appreciation. She took the coffee machine out of it's box and quickly set it up in an open space on the counter. Turning it on, she mechanically went through the process of making the coffee, having done the exact same motions every morning for years. Once the coffee began filling the pot, Briana turned back to Bloody Sunshine.

"W-want any? C-coffee?"
Sunshine watched as Briana began working the coffee pot. She was glad Briana knew how to work because if Sunshine touched it, it would somehow get destroyed. When Brians asked if she wanted any coffee she raised an eyebrow;

"Never had coffee..."

At least Briana was being polite but she was starting to wonder how long that would last and when her cover will be blown. Sunshine sat down and took a deep breath as she watched Briana work the coffee pot.
Shrugging, Briana continued to wait for the coffee. She'd set an extra cup out for her hostess just in case. As she leaned against the counter waiting, Briana pondered about when and if she would be going back to the base. She was still rather unsure about whether or not she was a prisoner or free to leave at her desire. She had a feeling that it was the former as she doubted Bloody Sunshine would let someone with as much information as her just up and leave whenever they chose.

Either way, Briana wasn't too worried; she supremely enjoyed not doing her job and strived to do so whenever possible. Her being her made that much easier, and probably had a lot less consequences attached. Plus, she didn't have any family left that would even realize her absence, so she was good on that front as well.

The machine dinged signifying that the coffee was done, and Briana poured two glasses, one of which she laced with sugar before taking it with her to the table; the other she left on the counter for Bloody Sunshine to do with as she wished.