The Ultimate Comic Book Roleplaying Universe (OoC)

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Attacking thugs? Threatening crooks? Ordering Chinese food for lunch?
I meant in the scheme of interaction. Unless someone would like to come after him.
I meant in the scheme of interaction. Unless someone would like to come after him.
I MEAN should i skip the torture scene and have cheshire go after him. IDK MAN I IMAGINE THEM TAKING EACH OTHERS KILLS THOUGH
I can toss an NPC his way, or he could meet with Commissioner Gordon
I MEAN should i skip the torture scene and have cheshire go after him. IDK MAN I IMAGINE THEM TAKING EACH OTHERS KILLS THOUGH

Nah, finish your scene. I'll make another post baiting interaction.
CS will be done today ;)
This is cheshire when she likes to scare kids.
Cheshire when she's babysitting and forced to play barbies when she's lazy.
she loves to tease kids.





Finally got that post up.
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-crawls in- I...I'm done....

Name:Catherine Andres

Alias: 'Starfire'

Hero, Walking-the-line, or Villain: For the most part she would consider herself a hero but she does tend to have moments where she is walking-the-line when she gets emotion towards something.

Age: 17


Hero outfit

Background and Hero/Villain Origins: Catherine was born in the busy Millennium city and lived with her mother and younger sister Brenda. When she was only seven years old, her father suddenly disappeared without a trace and had left them with a large debt with the mafia. Pleading with the men, her mother somehow managed to convince them to allow her some time to gather the money that was owed to them and ended up getting three jobs. Since their mother was always busy at work, Cantina was left in charge of taking care of her younger sister and even went as far as doing odd jobs throughout the city to help her mother with the bills.

When she was 15, she somehow managed to get a fake ID from a friend and got herself a job at a small café that paid her a good amount of money. Soon, they had gathered enough money to pay off the mafia thugs but were displease to hear that they were being charged with interests so the amount they owed was greater. Angered, Catherine decided to infiltrate the gang and soon ratted them off to the police which allowed them to get out of paying the dirty rats off for good. The men swore they would get back at the girl for what she had done but she simple shrugged it off as an empty threat since they were going to be locked away for a very long time.

For a short while, everything was peaceful, Catherine first year of high school was coming to an end, her mother wasn't working three jobs anymore and the family of three were finally able to breathe freely without looking over their shoulders in fear of any mafia thugs. However, Catherine's peaceful world quickly changed on the night she got off work late. On her way home, she noticed some strange lights coming from a nearby park that had hug tree around and couldn't help but feel curious as to what those lights were, so being the curious little thing she was, she went towards the lights and witnessed something that changed her life forever. Standing before her were some strange aliens who seemed to have been looking for something and before she could run away from the park, she was quickly spotted and ambushed by the said aliens. Catherine screamed at the top of her lungs for help but was quickly silenced by the aliens with a quick blow to the head which knocked out unconscious and confused.

When she came to, she was in what looked like a prison cell with another girl. The strange thing was that the other girl was different, her hair was a dark shade of red from her own and her skin was strangely orange and her eyes were completely green. Frightened, Catherine stayed as far away as she could from the strange girl but didn't have much room to hide since the cell they were stuck in was quite some and confining. The orange girl seemed to want to talk to Catherine but she didn't seem to know English but lunged herself at her and placed a kiss on her causing Catherine to freeze for a moment then shoved the girl off as she began to scream at the top of her lungs at her. Suddenly the orange skin girl began to speak to her in English and began to explain their current situation.

Starfire, the orange skinned girl, was a princess from a planet named Tamaran, but was kidnapped from her home planet by the aliens Psions, who were curious about the tamaraneans abilities to absorb ultraviolet radiation and use it to fly. Waiting for a change to escape, Starfire fled from the Psions ship and ended up hiding on earth in hopes that she would be able to avoid getting caught once more and have a change to return to her home planet. As luck would have it, the Psions were able to track her down to earth and in the mist of looking for her, confused Starfire with Catherine and ended up capturing her and then later found starfire hiding nearby and ultimately decided to keep them both.

Now with two new prisoners, the Psions decided to conduct a new experiment that involved a type of power transfer or power fusion and used the two girls as their test subjects. Both of them went through hell in their twisted experiments, one which nearly killed Catherine but somehow was brought back from the dead. Despite being tortured and experimented on, the two strived to survive in any way possible and promised one another that they wouldn't give up on life and one day return home to their families. The two became good friends and supported one another day in and day out until one day, the Psions went all out in their experiment. Wanting to see how far they could push their research (and see if it would work), the Psions did one last try on their experiment on power transfer on the two girl. Suffering great pain and strain, the transfer was beginning to work with Catherine receiving Starfires power and vice versa. Happy to see it working, the Psions decided that it was enough for one day but somewhere along the process, the experiment began doing its own thing. Not having any control over the transfer, the aliens watched as the powers of a tamaranean were being constantly switched between the two girls until the powers were set into Catherine. What the Psions didn't know, was that by transferring one beings powers into another, the one being drained would also be drained of their life and ultimately die.

Finding the strength to open her eyes, Catherine slowly turned her head to look over at her friend to see how she was doing but saw how her skin was pale and that she was no longer breathing. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of her dead friend, her feelings were a mixture of sorrow and hatred towards the Psions. The hatred however, was a lot stronger and with the freshly established powers within her body that she had no idea on how to control, Catherine went amok. Her new found powers grained Catherine the strength to free herself from her restrains and went on a bloody rampage in the space ship that they were in. When she had finished killing every last Psions, Catherine returned to the experiment room, picked up her lifeless friend and left the horror ship in order to take Starfire back to her home planet.

Starfire had told her stories of her home planet and its location in the solar system which made finding it easier for her. When she arrived, she was greeted by a rather large man who at first, thought she was an enemy, but put his weapon down at the sight of the dead princess. Catherine told the man the events that had accused and now they ended being imprisoned and experimented on by the Psions and also on how she died. Grieving, the large man thanked Catherine for returning the princess to them and gave her a Tamaranean suit as a token of their gratitude. With tears in her eyes, Catherine parted ways with the man and made her long trip back home.

After two years of being away from home, Catherine was finally back but was unsure of what she going to tell her mother and sister or even the cops. Would they believe her if she told them that she was abducted by aliens, experimented on and now had superpowers? They would probably think that she had gone insane after all this time or maybe believe her but in the end would have her as their test subject. Not wanting to be imprisoned or experimented on again, Catherine decided that it would be best if she remained silent about what really happened and only tell them a similar story without all the craziness that happened. She went straight to the police station where she told the officers that she was kidnapped by some strange 'people' who kept her captive the whole time and when being 'transported' elsewhere, she somehow managed to escape. With no names, location, faces or any kind of information, the police escorted the girl home where her mother and sister ambushed her with hugs and tears. Two years looking for her, two years thinking that she was dead, two years lost all because of her stupid curiosity.

A year after returning to earth, Catherine is now 17 and by some kind of miracle, she was able to catch up on her studies and was in the same grade as her old friends. She did her best to forget the horrors that she went through and tried to live a normal life but that was something tricky since she had to keep her emotions in check. Despite a year passing by, she still had some trouble controlling her new found powers, especially whenever she would get upset or mad (eyes glowing bright green). She has kept her secret from everyone except her younger sister, Brenda (13 years old), who caught her flowing over her bed in herself without realizing it. Knowing her sisters secret and story, Brenda encouraged Catherine to use her powers for good and be a superhero who protects the innocent. Not really interested at first, Catherine brushed the subject a side but was soon convinced by Brenda to give it a try. Not wanting people to know who she was, Catherine adopted the name 'Starfire', in honor of her friend, as her alias and uses the Tamaranean outfit given to her as her hero outfit. Luckily, her hair and skin only turn into a darker shade when in 'fight mode' as she calls it and her eyes glow bright green, like Starfires did when they first met.

  • Tamaranean Physiology: Starfire's alien physiology constantly absorbs ultraviolet radiation and converts it to energy.
  • Energy Absorption: She can also absorb the ultraviolet radiation from other life forms.
  • Flight: Which leaves a distinctive energy contrail behind, looking as if it is coming directly from her hair. Starfire has also been stated to have flown light years through space in short amounts of time.
  • Starbolts: The solar absorption experiments performed on her by the alien Psions granted her the amazing power and ability to channel and project that same energy into destructive blasts called "starbolts". Starfire also has the power and ability to unleash all her stored energy into a pseudo nova blast. It is suggested to be as hot as the sun itself and so only uses this in dire situations.
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Strength
  • Lingustic Assimilation: She is also capable of assimilating other languages through physical contact with another person.
  • Hand to hand combat (advance): Starfire is also an extremely proficient in armed and unarmed combat, having been trained in those arts by the Warlords of Okaara.

Weaknesses/Tragic Flaw:
  • Strong emotions: Sadness, anger, and sorrow are the most troubling emotions Catherine is going through. If not in check, she could go on a mindless rampage similar to the one on the ship.
  • PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder): The events that accrued on the ship along with the torment that she went through caused her to develop PTSD which makes controlling herself that much harder. Ever since she returned, Catherine has been on medication to help her cop with it.

Occupation: Works part-time at a maid cafe

Other: always keeping a close eye on her younger sister and even spoilers her when she can, doesn't like being told what to do, and has a strong dislike for liars (especially men)

Sample Post: There was still twenty minutes left of class but it felt like eternity to a certain red haired girl that was sitting in the middle of the classroom scribbling away in her notebook. The teacher was having a boring speech about the amazing comet that was going to pass by in a couple of days for the umpteenth time that week. The girl was just as excited to witness the comet but the way the science reminded them every single day was getting on her nerves. She wanted to excuse herself in order to escape this torment but decided against it since she didn't want the entire classes' eyes on her. She wasn't necessary shy, she just didn't like drawing attention.

Sighing light, she began to glance around the room to see that everyone else was tired of hearing the teacher speak and were even falling asleep on their desks. The first ones to pass out from boredom were the jocks, she was pretty sure they didn't have a single brain stem in their head from the way the stared off into space before crashing out. Next her eyes fell on the popular girls that were texting away on their cell phones and weren't even trying to hide it. Guess there wasn't any point in doing that since the teacher was blinded by the comet talk that he rarely noticed anything the students did. As she continued to look around, she noticed that everyone was pretty much texting, sleeping, or drawing on their notebooks without a care in the world. 'At least I'm not the only one scribbling.' Thought the girl as she returned to staring at her own notebook that had small sketches of stars on it.

Suddenly the school bell rang loudly and startled everyone in the class that weren't paying any attention to the time. Finally they were released from the evil torment! All of the students quickly packed their belongings and darted towards the door in order to escape from the science teacher. "Mrs. Andres, may I have a word with you please?" The red head glanced up from her bag towards the teacher and nodded as she made her way towards his desk. "Can we make this quick, I got to make it to my job." She wasn't in the mood to have a long talk with the teacher, even if she loved science as much as him, the talks were always just too boring. Clearing his throat the teacher spoke, "Yes I know. I just wanted to make sure that you have everything ready for the presentation on Friday. The club President has been busy with work as well so he asked if I could double check on you." Sighing for the thousandth time that day, Catherine Andres nodded and even gave the teacher a copy of the presentation. "I know, no need to baby sit me." With that said, the girl walked out of the class and head straight for work at the café in the city.

and you Sora !!
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Hehe, it looks amazing though! I'm huggable, not kill-able ^^

*hugs everyone*

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