Name: Steven Truman
Age: 18
Height: 5'5
Weight: 155
Position in the family: Son
Job: 12th Grade High School Senior
Personality: Travis has a brilliant gift when it comes to science, mathematics, and engineering. He's actually the student chairman of the three programs, and spends the majority of his time trying ti interest the rest of the student body in the need, and frequency of their use in life. Socially though he is an outcast by choice. He often feels like everything going around him is out of sync with him, and it sometimes feels like he's part of a bigger experiment though he's oblivious to the show being made of his, and his family's life.
Secretly he feels that those in his family aren't really related to him. Due to his general habits, and hobbies. He follows an odd code of beliefs ranging from general Geomancy, Buddhism, and Christianity. This alone makes him an odd ball to those he knows, and contributes to him retreating into his protective shell of being a recluse.
He sports a 4.0 GPA, however he doesn't have any desire to pursue college, or any other forms of higher education. He rejects the ideas of learning from material in a book to paper setting, and often teaches himself his school work by himself until he understands it. He secretly has a fascination with automotive mechanics, and is a skilled guitarist. He likes to sing, and is quite good at it however he tends to be very critical of himself. He is also fluent in German, being self taught.
Reputation: Steven is the shows socially awkward personality. Often missing the clues, or just derailing the moment through an ability to just not quite get what people are saying, or what they imply at times. Parents who have equally reclusive children often pity him, and try to dissect his personality, and actions, but generally approve of him for the comedic relief.
Phobia: Motorized vehicles or anything not powered by physical means. He developed this fear after taking his driving test, where the brakes failed, and the car began to accelerate. His instructor managed to stop the car by pulling the emergency brake.
Which is ironic considering he loves working on cars.
Background: Steven was the result of a brilliant mind making a bad decision. Between his mother Scarlette, and an unknown individual, Steven was created, and born into the world of the Truman Show. He's captivated the show in his own right as he developed a MacGyver mentality of being ably to create the complex out of the common. At the age of seven he built a Solar Battery from his dads old collection of vintage soda cans, some aluminum foil, and an old car battery amongst other things.
As he grew older he began creating more, and more complex items. At the age of eleven Steven managed to create Thermite which ended up igniting, and burning straight through the floor of his bedroom, and down into the basement, and then still farther down until the powder's light couldn't be seen. He impressed the audience even more when he seemingly mastered the ability to create a robotic device that hung from his closet's ceiling that was used to sort his clothes, and could be moved into various directions to store items all while being controlled with a remote. His parents are unaware however... due to the common mishaps that happen with his ideas, he has had a fear of telling them of it.
He befriended Travis Liez when he became a Sophmore in High School, and as a result, he's been slowly shedding away some of his shyness due to his friends more outgoing, and carefree attitude. Travis is the reason why he began smoking cigarettes which has been kept a secret from his parents, and siblings as he knows full well he would be destroyed by his parents anger at the habit.
Name: Travis Liez (Miguel Hayes)
Age: 18
Height: 5'8
Weight: 157
Role in the Show: Best friend of Steven Truman.
Personality: Travis tends to do what he feels like as he feels it. He's often getting into fights, and trouble with the police, but it's generally just punk level stuff, and doesn't threaten later more violent or extreme acts of crime. He's gifted with the abilities of Photo, and Audiographical memory. He's very aware, and intelligent under his laid back, and lazy exterior.
He tends to keep his private "Show" life under wraps, and has secretly develop a crush for London Truman, but hasn't made any real moves due to feeling inferior to Dallas's personality towards her. He also has some minor self esteem issues which is made apparent by his destructive habits.
Secret role: To push Steven into trying new more risky ideas while keeping him safe, and to get him out of the stale life he's begun to develop for himself. He's also being groomed to be that punk kid with a heart of gold that you wouldn't expect. He'd do anything to help his friend Steven, and has even pulled him from a collapsed building.
Reputation: The majority of the audience believes that he's more of a bad influence on Steven, but it's apparent that he wouldn't do or ask anything of his friend that he hasn't already, or wouldn't do himself. This seems to be his one saving grace, but for the most part, the fans don't really know what to think of Travis. He has yet to truly show himself.
Background: Travis was brought into the show as a transfer student from Manchester England, and added to the cast as a Sophmore at the Highschool that the Trumans attend after being adopted from an orphanage by the Show's board. He met Steven in Musical Theory 101 where Steven was acting as a teacher's assistant. The two seemed to just hit it off as they began talking about music, and horrible kung-fu film's.
As the last two years went by, Travis has considered Steven as the brother he may or may never have had, and has begun to understand what his friend is going through. Being an outcast with no real understanding just what he can accomplish or do. He's taken it on himself to get Steven to try any and everything he can but never force him to do anything.
At the end of their Sophmore year, Travis saved Steven's life after digging him out of a collapsed warehouse, and carried him six miles to the hospital. The act brought he gratitude of Steven's family, but they're still very suspicious of him as Steven's new hobbies are outside of his friends personality, and only recently began emerging after Travis' arrival.