The Town of Southmount (With Blue)

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Tiger chuckled, followed by a chesty cough. He could feel blood rising up his throat, threatening to spill out. The wound on his stomach was painful and throbbed painfully, begging for attention. With one arm wrapped around his stomach and applying pressure, he stepped forward and leaned forward, looking into the demoness' eyes. Using his free hands, he flicked his fingers towards her face, a small thundercloud snaked through the air and approached her eyes, zapping dangerously. Turning away, Tiger ran towards his discarded pistol and picked it up, running around the corner and trying to recall his way back to his hotel. "That was a first, never run away from a fight before," he muttered to himself. He felt bad, it felt like he had just let prey escape from a hunt, but he was injured and tired - he would have lost anyway. Fleeing was better than busting his ego and pride.
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Isabella snarled as tiger leant forward, flexing her claws ever so slightly however she jumped back at his sudden movement and the feel of the electricity that didn't quite touch her skin. What the hell? She couldn't believe it, was actually dumbfounded when she looked up again to see that the human had ran away. Then she laughed, hard. He could probably hear it too, the thought that she had managed to scare him off was just too good.

Shaking her head and still laughing lightly, Isabella made to go but winced harshly in pain. Her wing awkwardly tucked in was absolutely screaming as well as a few shallow scrapes and bruises. She hadn't had a rally that rough in... god who knows how long. Even her head hurt, pounding behind her eyes so much she just wanted to close them. Ah crap, she could just imagine what Ambriel would say about her state when she got home. Isabella leaned against the wall painfully, taking a few deep breaths before she started making her way home in the darkness of the city. She thought about the hunter a bit, he was definitely one of the strongest that had made their way into the town yet and she hoped he wouldn't cause too much trouble. Shit, he had already beat her up pretty good. This would definitely set her plans back a bit...

As she unlocked the door Isabella pulled off her jacket which was ruined with her own wing blood and almost stumbled inside. Ambriel was standing there, looking rather concerned at first as she had been waiting for Isabella to come back but now she looked absolutely shocked. The petit human ran forward to help her friend. "Isabella, what happened?!" She cried and Isabella chuckled, shaking her head. "Ran into our little down demon hunter, I can tell you he's got some kick."
Tiger ignored the person behind the admission counter and stumbled into his room, throwing himself on the bed and releasing a sigh. 'My body fucking hurts,' he mumbled. Crawling to the edge of the bed where his clothes lay, he grabbed a pair of tracksuit pants and singlet, moving slowly towards the bathroom. He thoroughly washed himself, watching the blood and dirt from his body run down the drain. Man, she was tough. Hate to admit it, but she's good. I wonder what kind of demon she is? Halfling, like me? No no, probably a type of oni. Wait, why the fuck am I thinking about this? He shook his head, and stepped out of the shower, looking at his wounds. Tugging on his tracksuit pants, he walked out of the bathroom and pulled out the floorboards, dragging out the chest. From the small compartment on the left, he pulled out a small wooden box with a pearl embedded on the lid.

Inside contained a letter, from his closest friend - someone who understood him and stood by him for a long, long time. She had pretty handwriting, even though the letter was lecturing him about making sure he would stick to his task and not mess around, getting hurt. Tiger carefully reached for the fragile bottle containing some healing salve, rubbing his wounds with it. As if it were magic, they instantly soothed his wounds - as if there was a cold hand pressing against the injuries. Taking out the white bandages from the same compartment and wrapping them around the larger injuries, he pulled on his shirt and climbed into the bed. He reached for the right compartment, containing a small worn notebook and pen. Opening it to an empty page, he began writing; about the demoness earlier, how she fought, what she looked like, how she positioned her feet and her defensive and offensive poses. It was almost around midnight when he fell asleep, he yawned and curled up, closing his eyes with thoughts about finding Sices.
"Not so hard!" Isabella hissed lying on her stomach with her chin rested on her folded arms in front of her on the couch. Ambriel had been working at her wounds for a few hours now and had closed up the worst of them, but she had a shallow scrape on her back from when Tiger had slammed into her and pinned her to the ground and right now it was stinging like a bitch. Her claws thrummed on the bed and she had her eyes closed now, thinking about the hunter among other things.

"Well, I don't think you have to worry about him." Ambriel chimed lightly applying a salve to her back that made the demoness snarl in pain again. She didn't worry, Isabella would never snap at her or do anything of the sort. She was quite used to this, her friend coming home and Ambriel would have to patch her up because she had been playing around too rough. And yet, she would head out the next day sore and scratched up without fully recovering. Isabella never missed a day, never skipped a beat even though Ambriel sometimes wished she would give up dominating the world for one moment just to relax.

"I suppose we'll see. No doubt after our scuffle tonight if Syces didn't know about him, he does now. Oh god, I hope he takes care of him for me. I shouldn't have to deal with this..." She grumbled closing her eyes again lightly and let out a deep breath. When morning came, she could have to go down to the bar and talk to a few people. No doubt they would question her about her stiff movements and sharp hisses of pain that would follow in the morning. "I'm tired, you go on off to bed I think I'll be ok now." It wasn't so much a suggestion as it was an order, but Ambriel nodded and bidded her goodnight before retreating to her room. Isabella rubbed her temples but she was comfortable, she would have to shower in the morning because she sure as hell wasn't getting up right now. Instead, she slipped off into a troubled sleep dreaming about blue bullets and white-haired demons.
Tiger woke up still feeling the aftereffects of the previous night, tossing aside his torn jacket, he pulled on an identical but new one - moving all the items in his old jacket into his extra one. He walked down the stairs and into the dining area of the hotel. He sat down with a bowl of cereal and shoveled the contents into his mouth, not giving a damn about what it tasted like (it tasted like cardboard paste). Tiger knew he shouldn't be running around opening his wounds again, he was still sensitive, and his wounds still throbbed painfully whenever he moved. Instead he went back upstairs and looked around for the map the mayor gave him, and continued to explore the unmapped alleyways of the city, hoping to look for this 'Sices' the demoness was talking about during their fight. It sounded like a very masculine name, Tiger sighed at the thought. Male demons were far more territorial and scary, they liked to claim everything to brag to their friends about their power and possessions. The more demoness in their territiory, the better. Making sure he wasn't being followed, he walked into one of the narrow, dark paths opposite the shady bar.
Isabella stretched, and then almost immediately groaned in pain as the soreness and sting set in. Most of her minor wounds had healed over night complimentary demon blood, but her wing was definitely the worst. Grumbling the whole time she pulled herself into the shower to rid of blood and filth from the previous night, scrubbing her skin so rough in the cold water it turned pink but at least she was clean. After towel drying her hair and wings she got dressed into spare clothes and immediately headed out without a word to the sleeping Ambriel- but by then the little human would be used to it. She already knew were Isabella had to head down to after all, although she couldn't come. No human ever dared step into a demon bar and even if they did... the wouldn't end up walking out again.

It was indeed a dangerous place, but well known among the community as a hot spot for the most powerful beings in the town to gather and commune. Isabella herself had no taste for such social places, but it was a great meet-up spot for some of her less-lay low informants. Syces and his men of course never showed there faces, in fact if Isabella had to say this part of town was hers. Not because she controlled the demons in the area, but because Syces didn't dare step foot around when she and her powerful friends loomed so close around. The town system was tricky, not something easily understood by an outsider. Syces technically controlled the town and had the higher direct power, but Isabella was also very high up on the food chart although she preferred to lay low about it. She was a threat, mainly because she had been trying to pinpoint and take him down but he still couldn't send his demons after her- it would lead to too many losses before she and all her touches ended up dead.

Enough thinking about that, Isabella sighed internally to herself as she walked down the street in dim morning light with her head high. A few glanced her way, demon or human she didn't care because there eyes didn't linger longer then necessary. Eventually she turned onto a side street, a definite dangerous area that was human free and pushed her way open into the doors of a rather crowded bar that read The Mound.
Tiger left the alleyway disappointed, all he had encountered was a few human beggars and weaker demons like small imps who ran away into the shadows as soon as they saw him. He sighed, there wasn't any place where he could find information, nor find this Sices. Looking around his surroundings, Tiger spotted a rather shady, but seemingly popular bar. He could tell it was a place no human visited, it was practically reeking the smell of demons, a lot of them were in there. Maybe Sices is in there, desperate times calls for desperate measures, they say. Tiger often avoided transformation, even though it was true that he felt more free and 'natural'. Every new moon, he was forced to change into this monster like all other demons who had disguises or were half-demon. This was the only drawback of being a half-blood, but Tiger didn't mind - as long as he hid his bloodline in public, he welcomed the strength and speed it gave him. Tiger watched as his clothes melted into his skin, spikes jutting out of his flesh. A pair of spiky horns grew out of his forehead, along with a pair of medium sized bat-like wings. His fingers grew an extra joint, and he felt his body grow taller and taller, making him at least half a foot taller. A white fluffy tiger's tail was entwined around a jagged tail. His hair stayed the same white colour, though it was now housing a few short black spikes along with his feline ears. His skin darkened considerably, now being a dark-greyish black colour. White rune-like swirls covered his body, which he inherited from his pureblood demon father, whom had these runes engraved onto his skin when he was converted and became holy.

Tiger turned around and looked in to a terrified beggar's face, he pointed at his cloak - blinking his cold blue eyes at him. The beggar gulped and unclasped his cloak, throwing it at his feet and bowing, shaking nervously. Tiger let out a soft growl, and threw a few gold coins at the shocked beggar. He flung the cloak around him and stepped cautiously towards the bar, he sniffed the door and paused. He pushed open the door and was almost thrown back by the number of demons and the pungent smell that accompanied the beasts. He'd never seen a place with so many types of demons before, there were ones that looked like the mountain oni, ogres, some that looked like the Dragonians, some who were just a mishmash of disgusting rotten flesh and many many more. He crouched down, hoping not to attract attention and moved towards the corner of the bar.
As the bar was so crowded, a single demon stepping in drew little attention. They were coming and going all the time, even Isabella didn't have her eyes trailed on the door although she was sitting at the bar itself near the back. In her most comfortable forum she was shockingly normal looking for a full demon, with most of a human womans structure still in tact save for the long claws that extended off her finger tips and sharp shoulders that carried out to long thin wings. Other then the horns curling through her hair she looked most the same as last night and was currently engaged in an intriguing conversation with her lively demon friend from the day before.

"How many were killed?" She shook her head and sighed, still shocked at the fact that Syces had dare sent his men to jump her contacts. Her conversation partner made a face that told her the answer, and Isabella rested her head in her hands closing her eyes. "Damnitt..."
"I told you he wouldn't hold out for your behaviour any longer, Isabella. He's starting to catch up, Syces isn't a fool. You need to make a strike before-"
"Oh shut up." She snapped cutting the scolding off because she just wasn't in the mood for that right now. Isabella knew she had to make a move, the thing was now down on men she had no idea if she was strong enough to take him down once the location was pinpointed. And Ramiel... he had been one of her strongest partners and a dear friend- they had been in this together but after the jump from Syces demons last night now she found herself more alone in this then ever. "Alright, just lay low. Tell everyone to lay low, if he's starting to take action then we need to make him think were not a threat until we're ready to attack." Her accomplice sighed but nodded fully knowing there was no point arguing with Isabella and headed out, leaving her alone despite the crowded room.

"Hear about the hunter in town?" The bar tender huffed, god only knew what he was but he sure wasn't a pretty sight to look at. Apparently news of the hunter had travelled quickly, over night his presence was known as well as his trademark white hair and blue eyes. Isabella smirked and winced at the same time before leaning back on her stool and looking around the room with a cocky smile. "Hmm, actually I had a run in with the new hunter in town."
As if her words had some sort of effect on the whole crowd, quite a few demons turned to look at her with full interest. Almost everyone in the bar in fact knew who she was, but Isabella herself only recognised a few faces. No mind, they would get a story anyway. "He's definitely the worst we had, got quite a kick to him. Why, he almost got me too and rustled me up real good. Shame though, I must have scared him off because just as things were starting to get good he fled like a startled hatchling. With quite the look on his face too, and a bit of shitty magic." She made an imitation of the flick Tiger had done to get away last night and also his expression, bringing a decent amount of laughter from the crowd listening.
Tiger immediately noticed the demoness from the night before, surrounded by demons. She seemed to be occupied with a friend or some sort, it looked like all the demons here were well connected, possibly allied. He watched her movements, she appeared to have recovered from their fight. Tiger shook his head lightly, of course, she was a pureblood, it was natural she recovered quicker than himself. His ears swiveled around, hoping to hear some juicy information.

"...behaviour any longer, Isabella. He's starting to catch up, Syces isn't a fool. You need to make a strike before-"

Tiger looked at the demoness' companion. So her name is Isabella, huh? Feminine name. What was that about making a move? Maybe this Isabella was one of the elite of the city? It didn't look like she was partnered with Sices, judging from what her companion just said. He leaned in and tried to listen on their conversation, but the bar tender had changed the topic. Tiger felt his cheeks flush. They were talking about him. Fuck. Great, out of all the topics they could have talked about. Tiger shrunk into the corner, watching the familiar demoness from under the hood, careful not to show his eye colour. He stifled a laugh. "Shitty magic, eh? Easy for a woman to say, they have it so easy," he muttered almost inaudibly to himself.
"If all he could do was shitty magic then why didn't you just take him out?" Huffed a bolder draconic demon in the room who had his eyes trailed on the demoness. It seemed to be an amusing topic, because in fact having a hunter in the town was something of a joke. They usually played around with them a bit, especially if the hunter was weak he would become a demon toy in no time until they finally decided to end its misery or it high-tailed out of town. Isabella smirked, pushing back her hair over her shoulder in something of a sassy way. "Now were would be the fun in that? You know its fun to see them break down over time, crack with each beating against them and each new demon face that they try to take down-" "Watch them scramble back from the shadows at night once they realise what there really dealing with," Added the bar tender with a laugh and a few others joined in.

"Or piss themselves scared shitless when they run into a real demon as opposed to a girl who can't even scruffle with a human hunter without hurting her pretty wings?" One laughed roughly although perhaps a bit too loud because with his words held a deadly dropped silence from the crowd. All laughter sieced as Isabella turned sharply to face the demon -who seemed to know almost immediately that he had stepped out of line with his comment because his trouble-piked tail tucked between his legs- and raised an eyebrow. It was a clear dangerous aura she carried and the bar tender went back to silently cleaning a glass. After a moment of silence all around, Isabella finally spoke. "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if the human pissed himself because he sure looked like it when I sunk my teeth into his shoulder."

The bar erupted in laughter again, but there was a definite relief in the air that nothing had been sparked. "Pick him off!" "Send him packing!" "Make him wish he never came!" It was almost a chant through the bar by multiple demons as the happy mood set back in, although Isabella didn't join in this time but instead push herself off of the stool with a chuckle and headed for the door. She had gotten all the information needed for now, time to be back on the move. However once she reached the doors and pushed them open, her face dropped. "Ah shit." It was raining, she hated the rain.
Tiger smiled to himself, listening to the insults. This was like high school all over again, he never mixed with the human kids anyway. He listened with a frown as they talked about the past hunters, being used or ran away from the mission. He growed to himself, he wasn't like that - he needed that gold. Tiger watched as the demons surrounding Isabella laughed at him, thinking he was weak, or hopefully not a threat. Oh, Isabella, Isabella. If only you can fight me on the white battlegrounds of the Thundercloud where I am from, then we shall see who has the last laugh. You are no match for me, pretty little demon. He was beginning to think of ways to kill this demoness, who was degrading him to such a level it was offending him, a stab through the heart, or force feeding her a lethal poison that even the gods are afraid of. Maybe some sort of torture method, or feeding her to the wild animals in the Jade Forests back home. Tiger shook his head. Such vile thoughts! I really shouldn't have transformed.

Tiger watched as Isabella walked to the exit of the bar and stood up, maybe following her wasn't the best idea - she might end up attacking him again and open his wounds - but he had a feeling she was going to go somewhere very useful for him. Or maybe he was just dehydrated and hungry and hoped she would go down the road with his hotel. He paused when she stopped, she had already opened the door, and outside he could see pouring rain. Why isn't she moving? Doesn't she have an umbrella?
"Uhhggg gross." Isabella groaned. Rain was horrible. Of all rotten things on this earth nothing more made her wallow in depression and disgust as this clear piss from the sky that of course drenched her the moment she stepped into it, it smelled and tasted like pollution and ash and all things fowl. It tangled her feathers, slicked back her hair and turned it dark red-brown, chilled her natural inner body heat and always seemed to come at the worst times. She glanced back into the bar, in fact directly in Tigers direction but of course didn't recognise him. No point in going back now, this fucking weather could hold up the whole day. Without bothering to put on some sort of disguise -definitely not in the mood now- Isabella stepped out into the downpour with her wings tucked in and over her head slightly and her wrapped around her thin waist to keep it from dragging on the mucky ground.

The loss of Ramiel was a harsh blow, but Isabella didn't even have time to grieve over her friend. There was too much to do now, and with the rest of her little pack lying low it was time to remind Syces who he was dealing with. She still couldn't believe he had ordered his men to jump her group. The move had thrown off what she originally thought was his plan, his move of action and now it was back to base one. Well, not really. She was actually heading for base three at the moment, rather then grieve it was time to get revenge as well as a bit of information. She had just been informed of the place today, discovered as something of a gathering ground for Syces and his weaker demons. Of course she knew the big boss himself wouldn't be there, he almost never stepped out of his comfort zone although she had still yet to pinpoint exactly were that was.

Lucky for her the place Isabella was headed for wasn't far but with her mind on other things she wouldn't have noticed Tiger following her- if he ended up doing so. She walked into the little book store, it was so innocent appearing no one would ever expect it for what it really was- perhaps thats why this little crew had managed to lay low for so long. She loved books, as soon as Isabella stepped out of the rain and into the warm store she inhaled the soothing scent and her eyes wondered out for just a moment. Just a moment, that was all the free time she had for now. Isabella made her way strait for the counter. "Hello Liah." The small human girl looked up in surprise and then a bit of fear, Isabella wasn't hiding anything. "Oh... hello... can I help you with something?" Isabella smiled lightly, although it was far from a warm smile. "Just looking for some friends, heard I could find them around here." The humans face paled, and Isabella half wondered what she had done to get caught in such a situation, such a work place.

"Well, I was wondering when you would come and show your pretty mull around here Isabella. Finally caught on, have you? We've been waiting for ages, you must really be as slow as they say." A very large demon huffed from behind her, making Isabella spin around to face him in surprise and then shock. Well fuck. She should have expected some sort of ambush.
Tiger watched Isabella carefully, and as the demoness turned around, Tiger crouched behind one of the bigger demons who looked at him weirdly. Isabella left the bar and into the rain, and Tiger followed swiftly and silently. The claws on his feet were very solid, able to support his body as he leapt in between the puddles on the tile roofs of the house on his toes, careful not to make a sound. The rain soaked through the cloak he was wearing, but thankfully it was a dark coloured one - not going translucent when wet - instead clinging onto his body and spikes. The rain was messing with Tiger's sense of smell, it smelt like factories and machinery and left a metal taste in his mouth.

He trailed after Isabella, making sure his feet wouldn't make clinking noises, it was barely audible, but even with the rain it was possible she could hear him. He wasn't sure what kind of demon she was, maybe she was gifted with exceptional hearing. He leapt onto the building right beside the bookshop the demoness had entered and began to utter a spell in a foreign language. Since he was well experienced with lightning magic - from his father and taught from his friend - Tiger decided to 'flash' inside the bookstore. It was the only way for him to enter without getting attention or being caught by Isabella. It wasn't really a spell he was used to nor mastered, he felt extremely nervous. Jumping down and latching onto the wall beside the door, in an instant Tiger's state, becoming like a vapour and going through the wall. It's a tiring spell, but well worth it. Tiger re-solidified behind a large bookshelf. Pushing two books apart, Tiger spotted Isabella, a human girl and a very, very big demon, even bigger than him. "Well, fuck," he muttered.
"Let me guess, one of big dogs little squabbling lesser mutts? Its so amusing how he keeps sending others to do his dirty work, I wonder how he manages to find demons with such a low IQ to play along." Isabella smirked, playing off a certainly amused expression while inside she was panicked. Yesterday, she would have had no problem taking down this brute despite his size- she wasn't one of the tops for no reason after all. Besides, most of Syces workers were big like this with less then half a brain. Today? As ruffed up as she was from last nights scuffle with that fucking hunter she would have a tough time even getting away.

With both demons facing their backs to Tiger the only one who saw him was the young woman standing behind the counter. She glanced his way for a moment with a look of pure horror but surprisingly enough, said nothing. It was clear she had seen him, even met his eyes for a fraction of a second but the next she had looked away with a silenced tongue for what ever reason. Unfortunately, the large demon seemed to catch something flicker in her eyes before she looked down- it seemed the odds were not in favour of Tiger today.

He looked back, raising his large semi-canine structured head to the back bookshelves and caught a glance of tiger through the books. "Well, what a-" Taking the distracted moment of his Isabella sprang forward and onto the brutes back in a much catlike way. He instantly flailed, letting out a bellow and reached to try and pry her off but the demoness had sunk her claws into the thick skin and in an instant had her tail wrapped tightly around his neck in a choke hold. Ow ow ow ow ow. Every movement was sore for her, but fuelled with adrenalin and anger for the loss of her friend she was still on full steam. The large demon stumbled smashing into the book shelf the hunter had taken refuge behind sending it slowly toppling over and causing Isabella to cry out in pain as her ankle crunched between the wood of the shelf and her attackers leg.
Tiger watched the beasts talk, as well as looking at his surroundings, behind him and through the bookshelf. Tiger's eyes widened, and he hid behind the books when he made unintentional eye-contact with the young woman behind the counter. Shit! She's going to tell them. But strangely enough, she kept her mouth shut. Tiger was relieved, the longer they didn't know he was here, the more information he could get.

Tiger silently laughed at the demoness mocking the henchman, she was good at that. Mocking people. He knew a man just like her, a halfling just like himself. Son of the Guardian of the Sun, Phoenix. He spoke just like this demoness, the attitude, the language - the same. "Of course, talking about the big guy. Is there nothing else for them to talk about?" he whispered to himself.

Tiger watched Isabella leap onto the large demon, looking amused. He had to admit, she was a good fighter - even with that injured wing. Tiger's face went blank. Wait, if she loses against this demon because of her wing, wouldn't that make it my fault? Shit, that means I owe her something. No no no, this can't do. He was so lost in thought he didn't notice the bookshelf topple over him. At the last second he held the bookshelf up in an attempt to save himself from being squashed. "For once, I'm happy I'm stronger, for goodness sake I would have died already if I didn't change," he muttered before pushing the bookshelf forcefully back at the fighting duo, snarling loudly. Crawling around the bookshelf, Tiger jumped towards the large demon's feet, grabbing his right ankle and pulling.
Between struggling to push back the bookshelf Tiger had recoiled and trying to fling Isabella off of him the brute of a demon couldn't keep balance when his foot was grabbed and went toppling over hitting the ground hard on his knees. Isabella snarled absent-mindedly in response to the vicious sounds both him and Tiger were making as the human girl scampered out of the room. When his knees thudded on the ground she gained enough balance to raise an elbow up and bring it full force down on the back of his head, knocking him out cold.

It took her a moment to compose herself, her ankle was screaming but she didn't move quite yet still straddling the demons back with slightly rough breaths. This ambush just showed the pair of balls Syces seemed to be growing, he was clearly done with sitting around while she did attack after attack on his little system. Although she had come to this place with the intent of revenge for her friend and maybe squeezing a little bit of information out, it was clear all she needed to do now was get home and out of here before this thing woke up. Leaving the house today had been an all around bad idea. She was in no shape to finish him off right now, and besides he would probably be disposed of anyway for not finishing her off...

Oh. It took her a moment to click and remember that there was another demon in the room but when she did Isabella straitened out painfully to turn for a look. Her eyes rested on his for a moment before scanning him up and down, looking him hard but with her next words it was clear she didn't recognise Tiger for what he was in his demon form- even speaking with a small smile. "Well shit, thanks for helping me out of that." She reached a hand up to run her fingers through her hair. "Are you a friend of Ramirals? One of us I assume, although I don't think I've seen you around he-" There was a short sickening crunch sound as Isabella tried to stand and fell to the ground, her ankle giving out bringing a string of furious curse words.
Tiger winced when Isabella knock the brute out cold. To be honest, he found her very violent for a lady, but maybe it was because she was a demon. He cocked his head and stared at her. Hopefully, she wouldn't recognize him - that would be the thing Tiger least wanted. He smiled, perhaps in this form he could on good terms with her, she seemed to be against Syces, which meant she could be an ally. As long as he didn't touch any holy objects he could stay this way for a long time.

'Are you a friend of Ramirals? One of us I assume...'

Shit, what was he supposed to say? Who's Ramiral? I didn't think this through, did I? He was struggling to think up of an excuse or an answer when the demoness stood up, her ankle emitting a crunching sound. Hearing her cuss, Tiger laughed loudly. Choking further laughter, he knelt down, "Are you okay? Uh, do you need my shoulder so you can stand up?" Tiger hoped his voice sounded different than his human form, so she couldn't recognize him. He was genuinely worried, even though he detested demons in general, it was hard to dislike her, she reminded him of so many people back home - it was nostalgic.
Isabella paused for a moment, that voice ringing in her head and there was something very off about it but she couldn't quite place it. It sent off a few alarms in her head, but then again he had just helped save her ass so although she didn't push caution away Isabella didn't quite stamp him off as someone to be worried about quite yet. She made an uck sound upon his offer, slightly stubborn pride instantly brushing it off with a I don't need help attitude. "I'm fine, just keep an eye on buddy there." She mumbled shifting to sit and very painfully pull her ankle to her.

She hated healing magic of all types, it was hard to do and draining and Isabella herself had never quite mastered it. Demons were rather magical creatures, and she was no exception although had a harder time channelling that magical energy to do much with it. Not that she would ever admit something like that. Healing much more then cuts and scrapes was harsh especially after the draining battle last night and her body trying to heal itself naturally over night. Magical healing was last resort, then again there was no way she was getting on the move again with this wound.

"You must be that one that transferred in a few days ago then." She said her mind focused on the process as her finger tips prodded sensitive skin. Carlos had mentioned a powerful ally interested in helping bring Syces down for a personal fude, this one in front of her matched what she remembered from the description. Well... all she really remembered was the "he's big and spiky lookin'" aspect but that suited well enough. Her mind was too much somewhere else to be particularity worried about him at the moment. "Staying down with Harper by the water, I hope she hasn't been treating you too badly. She's in a mood lately. Did someone send you down here to this store?"
Tiger nodded and turned around to face the fallen demon, poking at his limbs. He was very muscly, and he had an interesting face. What kind of demon is he? He smiled, she was a stubborn type, she must have a lot of pride - just like a tiger. He turned around and watched the demoness try to use healing magic, complex and very risky when done wrong, Tiger was surprised that Isabella was able to perform the spell. But then again, she wasn't restricted by that wretched curse like his friend. The more magic you use, the shorter you live, not that that stopped his friend - to her magic was life. Tiger snapped back to reality, not quite realising the demoness was talking to him. He started to sweat nervously at her question. Who's Harper? He swallowed, "Uh, yeah."
Isabella glanced up at the short answer, it had obviously caused slight suspicion in her mind. She stood up to full height -which even without hiding anything was still shorter then him- and scanned the demon over once again. He looked nervous. This made her smirk slightly. Her ego and confidence told Isabella he was probably nervous to be around her, or in this town all together so she stuck out a hand for a formal shake. "I'm Strifer, if you haven't already been informed. Isabella Strifer, blood demon and main top of this operation. And you are?"

She spoke after the hand shake but something was slightly off about her gaze, it was clear she was piercing those eyes and scanning for a hint of something out of the ordinary. It was probably just paranoiac, after so many years of a rough life and little trust to be thrown around she couldn't help but try to pick out something wrong with this demon. She half wondered what type he was, he certainly looked unique but of course it was rude to ask. Not that that would stop her curiosity, in time.
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