The Time Traveler's Stop

Christine watched him go feeling for him she'd seen the roll in the boys hand and on relex had scooped a spoon of mashed potatos; she'd jumped guiltily when he'd told the boys to behave when she, herself had almost begun something of a war. Tilting her head to the side from watching him leave to his mother's worried face she gave an inward sigh and stood walking after the man; feeling that she needed to ease his mind if only a little.
"Rush may i speak with you? I feel the need to apologize as well if you would hear me out?" She looked at his back with her hands clasped around her elbows.
He turned to her, his wolf skin coat in his arms as he draped it around her
"..You shouldn't be out her in this draft in those linings madame..far too cold....but if you must speak say so though I have seen no fault form you to apologize for..."
He smirked but then turned, leaning against the siege but listened to her intently
She let him drap the fur over her shoulder not bothering to try and explain that they were heat insulated and she was actually rather warm.
"Well I must admit to having a recoil fire of potatos when the roll hit me." she gave a sheepish smile as a faint blush crosse her face, "also I feel as if I've intruded into your home and it still...dazzles me that you are letting me stay in your domain."
They were outside the caslte as they spoke, the coat now coming in handy as the chill of the Irish air nipped at her bare skin. He smiled as they walked, shoulder to shoulder, in a respectable manner as if talking to a fellow monarch but his stance proved he was just a normal human alongside her with privelages...or curses depending on your viewpoint
"..Ahhh I see..waging war against my siblings is punishable by death, but I will let it slide this time for our guest.
His trickster girn showed to let he know he had no intention of harming her but spoke up again
"But forgive me in saying so that they had no need to be so reckless at dinner, maybe afterwards when our bellies were full and wanted to waste not a roll or..potato in your case, but seeing how it was during a normal...well trivially normal meal, they needed to be reminded that it was a time of feasting and not play, but alas, they listen not to me, they scar me with words, saying I could not take father's place...."
With this he walked to the edge of the siege, leaning against a golem of a gargoyle
"...Mayhaps they are right..."
Christine chuckled at his playful banter but as his words grew somber she almost reached out to hug him in his pain.
"Children will say words they dont mean; I'm sure if you think back to your childhood you will find you did the same. It hurts all the same but they are creatures of impulse you yet do not know that words can be as sharps as blades." She gave in to a small whim and touched his shoulder lightly in comfort. "I do not think they mean these words I'm sure they love you as the brother you've always been for them."
With this touch he looked back at her fingers, trailing to her face with a small smile
"..nothing like a lass's honey words to soothe my hurt....But it is the middle of the day madame, perhaps you may wish to join me for a trip to town for some purchases?"
He offered his hand to her, holding it in his firm hands with a caring grasp, pulling her grip off his shoulder and smiling at her, kissing the wrist and letting it fall back to her side
"..I heard the apple of green is in season and mother wishes for a few for the chefs to make a pie, and wondering if I could escort you, let you have a lay of the land?"
Christine perked at his words giving him a dazzling smile, "Yes that would be wonderful but i must get something from my bags first if you wouldnt mind?" She gave him a hopeful glance, she wanted to get her recording lenses out so when she went with him she would have something to bring day....she shifted letting the wind blow her hair in her face as she let her mind sink in to that thought; she may never have the chance to return home...ever again.
He nidded at her, his bangs flowing off his face as he let her arm go
"..As you wish m'lady but take not long, the carriage will be here shortly!"
he smiled and himself went off to get ready, turning in his princely attire for something more casual, less omnipotent and more laid back, but you could still see the wealth in his clothes, not like he could wear anything else. His tunic lined with soft down of a wolf, lined with black velvet, His leggings slimming underneath his baggy rags. He looked like a scout for a field run but he waited for his companion outside
Christine amazingly enough made it back to her room put the recorder lenses in her eyes without a mirror and ran back downstairs, throwing on her coat in record time. She almost ran into him as she dashed out the door but stopped short of his space laughing lightly at herself.
"Opps that could have ended badly..."

OOC//: Sorry
//It's fine dear I know you're busy

He smiled at her as he helped her into the carriage and ordered the driver to town. With a crack of a whip the horses galloped them off as they were seated across form each other, smiling to her as he slowly turned to look outside at the cool sky of the land. The weather was calm this evening as they rode. IT was smooth as the carriage carried on, the road chiseled down form over use.
"Madame do you request anything for your time here? And food preferences or such?"