The Ties That Bind

Yvaine Bardwin

"Daddy." Yvaine growled out through her teeth at her father. It was bad enough she just ran over the guy, but now her Dad was going to give him a heart attack!

But Yvaine didn't even have a chance to say a word when a snooty old lady approached asking what Iann had done now. She sort of reminded Yvaine of a snarling dragon. Before Yvaine could even utter a word, she had a driver take Iann to the car and she was belting out apologies for him.

"Now then, are you alright there deary did he hurt you, I'm so sorry if he did, he's been a bit unstable since his mother took ill, is there anything I can do for you.. Again I am very sorry for Iann's behavior."

"He didn't DO anything, I did!" Yvaine confessed! "I was running and I ran in to him, that's all! I was trying to apologize." she wanted to tack on, nasty old hag, but that probably wouldn't help. Great, mowed him down, got him snarled out by her father, and now his grandmother thought he was a troublemaker.

"Daddy, I swear. He really didn't do anything." she pleaded at her father.
Chanelle watched her daughter 'socialise' with another girl underneath a large tree. She had hated the fact that Amelia refused to dress to her own standards - she had bought Amelia that beautiful black Bvlgary dress for this occasion, for heaven's sake! - but, as usual, the girl simply refused and instead donned her own cheap clothing.

If she could, she would've tied the girl down and forcefully shoved her into the dress, it was for the greater good any how, but what would the neighbours say? Surely, Amelia would go running off calling child protection services and that would be the end of it. 'It' being the life she had slowly built up for herself brick by brick and her reputation as head of the most lucrative modelling agency in Emerson.

Speaking of which, Chanelle remembered, she was hear to promote and source some new talent for the season. She looked around while artfully dabbing non-existent tears from her thick lashes then spotted Flarecia Walker, teen model and not yet part of her firm, and another woman whom Chanelle didn't recognise questioning her... someone from another modelling agency?

Well, to hell with that! No one is going to steal a Potential from Chanelle Mackintosh any day soon, that's for sure!

Quickly, she pulled away from her husband's hold, though not aggressively, and strode toward the two underneath the tree. As she got closer, she heard the woman ask the young pretty girl questions about Jeremiah Douglas.

She shuddered at the name but managed to force it from her mind as she came closer to both Flarecia and the young woman.

"Hi there," Chanelle chirped putting on her brightest smile, holding out her hand to either of them. "It's such a sad day to see Jeremiah go, isn't it? So gloomy and overcast..." She sighed then turned directly to the woman, "I'm Chanelle Mackintosh of Mackintosh Models and you are...?"

His striking blue eyes followed the slender form of his wife heading towards the young girl standing far away underneath a tree while Willis himself. He loved the way she moved in her fitted Armani suit and how she carried herself so confidently. It was so sexy to watch.

He could imagine the feel of her skin beneath his hands and the sight of her slightly parting pink lips filled his mind; the touch and dreamy pictures sending him reeling with lust... but no. Not here; perhaps later when they were back home and Amy out of the house... doing whatever she does at that stupid retail outlet as a check out girl.

Suddenly, Willis' thoughts were ambushed by a sudden girly yelp and then a manly accusing growl. He turned his head and saw Mrs. (or should he say Ms.? He could never tell with her being over 60 and all) Iris Fletcher ushering her son way with her driver. Not wanting to completely ignore one of the oldest families in Emerson, Willis strode up to the small group and looked around with an easy smile.

"Iris, good to see you," He nodded to the elderly lady, flashing a handsome smile. Willis could see that she was about ready to leave but there was no way he was going to leave this funeral without having some chit chat what Old Money. "Is that your grandson over there? Where are you heading off to now, Iris my dear?"

Then he turned to a young skinny little girl with dirty blonde hair and and older man, whom Willis assumed was the father. "I don't believe we've met before," He stuck out his hand towards the other man in greeting, "Name's Willis Mackintosh."

"That's disturbing - why does a rapist have so many people at his funeral? We should be celebrating, shouldn't we?" Amy said in disbelief with a thin black eyebrow raised. "And I completely share your stance on things here. If he had raped or hurt anyone that I knew, he would be suffering so much that he would wish he were dead."

She listened to Tiffany speak a bit more then said with a devlish smirk, "My own mother doesn't even like me. Most of the time, she just pretends I don't exist but since we're out in the open, well it won't do good for a mother to seem completely nonchalant about their offspring."

Amy watched as her mother made a beeline for some young pretty girl and another woman underneath a tree not too far away while her father was busily talking to some other 'potential clients'. She inwardly groaned at the complete show that they made to give a damn about the guy in the casket (or, according to Tiffany's speculation - the supposed guy in the casket).

"My parents?" Amy began again, going through Tiffany's questions in her mind, "My dad owns that computer company and my mom owns the modelling agency in town... it's so stupid the way they take advantage of other people's naivety and turn it into a money making mechanism. Makes me sick and it's so very wrong..."

The goth girl looked around and saw that the funeral was finally going to break up though, now that she had found someone interesting to talk to, didn't really feel like returning home just yet...

"Hey, Tiffany," Amy said looking around dubiously, "I know this abandoned place not too far away. It's freaky but I like it because it's quiet. Wanna come along?"
Raphael Devereux

Raphael gave Ember a weak smile as they moved toward the cemetery's exit, grateful that, as always, she knew not to hassle him with a million variations of the "what's wrong" question. It was hard enough deciphering the mash up of emotions inside him; he didn't even want to think about the cause yet...

A gentle nudge from Ember drew his attention away from his reflections and she asked him,
"Do you need anything along the way?"

He thought for a moment, glad to take his mind off more depressing matters. That need for a cigarette, which had been almost overbearing just a few moments ago, was beginning to fade. Just a bit. Not enough to make him not want one. But their room at the hotel was a non-smoking one... He could call and change it, but then he detested the smell of smoke on furniture, especially other people's smoke. But if he didn't get a smoking room, he'd have to smoke in the front of the hotel. He scowled in disgust at the thought of doing that. Like he was some American bum or something. Yuck.

Maybe Ember could solve this for him.

"Just a pack of cigarettes...?"

He made it into a question, hoping she'd dissuade him and quell the craving with that stern look of hers. As he turned to catch the expression on her face, his attention was drawn to a large crowd around the cemetery's gates. A familiar profile immediately caught his eye. Hmmm...

"And then I may have to pay a visit to an old..." he paused, torn for a moment, but finally settling for, "...friend."

[Edit: So I'm a bit retarded and I meant to include noticing Ronald BUT THEN TOTALLY FORGOT TO ADD THAT. Sheesh!]
Iris held her smile as Willis's voice filled the air. She loved to talk to handsom yet married men. Something about them made her tingle and it wasnt beyond her to flirt with someone else's property.

"Why hello... Willis Darling what brings you here today, I thought for sure you might be hiddig away in your office or do you call it a loft.... " she laughed and looked around at the small group that they had now become. She also looked over toward the car to make sure that Iann had stayed put.

She offered her hand to Willis as she smiled and tapped her hair in the back and adjusted her gray mink wrap. Iris liked to show off her collection of fur coats, she didnt care who she offened.

"I see that nearly the whole town has turned up for this most Auspicious occasion.."

Meanwhile Iann could only watch the people talking as he played with his tie in the backseat of the vintage black Bentley. He hated being told what to do and the consent yelling was so sickening. If he could only say something to her to get her to back off for once, but he knew better than to bite the hand that feeds.

His brown eyes blinked a few times as he watched Yvaine. He couldnt help but smile as he watched her from the car.
Flarecia Jennifer Walker

Flarecia was utterly bored. Glancing at her mother from the corner of her eye, she even considered taking off. How bad could her mother's wrath be, anyway ? She noticed the distress on the woman's face and realized she'd probably heard all the sick rumours by now. Hearing them had made Flarecia doubt Jeremiah's heroism as the only normal adult in her life.

"Hello there! My, it's such a shame that poor man is dead. Say, how did you know Mister Douglas?"

Flarecia raised an eyebrow as the reporter came bustling towards her with enthusiasm that really shouldn't be allowed in funerals. She almost burst out laughing at the direct question. It occurred to her that this lady was quite desperate for information. With a wayward glance towards her mother in the crowds, Flarecia attempted to look a little bit sneaky, "Well, I don't know if I should be telling you this, Miss...?" She paused for emphasis, waiting for the reporter to identify herself.

There was no way Flarecia was going to give this mystery up to some highheeled spunky freshly trained reporter with the wrong attitude. She'd considered playing dumb, but she'd already seen the woman scare off poor Yvaine Bardwin so she she'd have to play it tough. Flarecia almost giggled in glee, she had the perfect plan at the tip of her fingers. She could throw the reporter off the trail she was on by confusing her to believe some total fabrication. Throwing into consideration how far fetched the rumours flying around were, Flare could actually get away with the most imaginative creation of them all.

Just as she was prepared to execute her ingenious plan, the two of them were interrupted by a blonde woman. Flarecia faintly recognized her from modelling magazines. Flarecia squelched yet another urge to laugh in ridicule of these woman and their terrible pretenses. It was dreadfully obvious both were here on accord of their own personal reasons and neither cared the slightest for the dead man in the coffin. Flarecia watched as Chanelle introducted herself to the reporter and tried not to smirk. The modelling agency promoter was helping her more than she could ever know.

Maybe I'll consider her contract if she's prone to get me out of trouble Flarecia thought with a smile. She looked at both women and then looked around. She was slightly uninterested in either of them now. Chanelle had ruined her moment of supersleuth prowess and the reporter no longer seemed as formiddable an opponent. From the corner of her eye, Flarecia could see her mother's interested glance. She was probably assuming that both were modelling agency representatives. As her mother began to come closer, Flarecia looked for any possible escape route she had after leaving them with Mrs. Walker.

It was a joyful thought seeing Mrs.Walker make her way towards the group. She was completely model-material today, Flarecia could see. She wouldn't be surprised if Chanelle Mackintosh might approach her for a contract instead. With a small, concealed snicker of appreciation, Flarecia realized she was half glad that her mother was so glued to the spotlight, it'd give her a chance to run off. Maybe she could go meet some people herself, after all, socializing was what everyone else was doing, wasn't it ?

She waited for Chanelle and the reporter to finish their introductions before she'd introduce her mother.

Willis turned to Iris and took her hand, bent down and pecked her jewellery adorned fingers gently with his soft lips. "Ah, well," He started with a long drawn out sigh, "Every man needs to get away from the office once in a while, and I wouldn't have missed poor Jeremiah's funeral for the world. He was quite a good client, as well. For all the menial jobs I did for him anyway. Always paid on time, no complaints whatsoever."

After Iris' comment about the Auspicious Event, Willis clasped the old woman's hands in between his and looked at her warmly, "Yes, I hadn't realised Jeremiah was so popular in Emerson! Sometimes I think that man once lead a double life at one stage in his life. Look around," he gestured his hand around in a semi-circle towards the mourners, "The guests here range from various classes and I hardly know these people, which is saying quite a bit."

He glanced back at the car in which Iann sat rather forlornly, playing with his tie while glancing now and then at the skinny little girl near him. Willis was a romanticist at heart and offered to take the small group out to a lavish dinner at an expensive restaurant.

"Iris, I'm not sure if you would mind but since we're all here, why don't we go out to some dinner," Willis suggested flashing another handsome winning smile, "I know of this place that makes the most delicious peking duck that I have ever tasted."
Iris was just blushing and gushing with fake and somewhat genuine girlish delight from Willis. She had always liked him and thought that he never should have married, whatever her name was, she wasnt good enough for him and didnt please him like she thinks she could have if time let her rewind the clock.

Her mind was racing with possible outcomes if she had meet him sooner or been a few years younger. Iris took note that Willis had looked toward her car and in doing so spotted Iann. She worried that perhaps Iann had given him the finger or something and her expression quickly changed to a sharp frown and than just as quickly turned back into a blushing smile as Willis went on about some resturant and some duck.

"Yeas, yeas Darling that would be ever so delightful, are you sure that we wouldnt be intruding on your plans for the day, I would hate to be an inconviance.."

Iris looked back at the car and was again worried that Iann would distory the mood and run Willis off and cost her more social points then she cared to loose.

"Ahh.. Willis Darling, shall I have my drive Wilks take Iann home, I mean I dont want to expose you to the youngman that is... ah.." Iris was trying to so hard not to say the wrong thing and come off as a monster but her words just were there.

"I mean perhaps, it can just be the two of us?" she said what she was thinking and instantly knew it was an out right mistake.

"Oh...hoo.." she laughed and touched his arm. "I mean just thee adults that is.. I know how teenagers can be." It was a poor cover but it was the best she could come up with as a two women from the Country Club walked by and flashed fake smiles. Had they heard what she had said? Iris wasnt sure.
[bg=#2F2B30][dash=#5D4463]Violet Stilwell

Violet didn't even get a finished sentence out of the teen model before low and behold a bigger fish waltzed right on over.

"Hi there," the woman chirped putting on her brightest smile, holding out her hand to either of them. "It's such a sad day to see Jeremiah go, isn't it? So gloomy and overcast..." She sighed then turned directly to Violet, "I'm Chanelle Mackintosh of Mackintosh Models and you are...?"

Violet nearly laughed, and though the smile on her face widened much like the Cheshire cat, she refrained. Did Mrs Mackintosh think she was out poaching young talent? Violet couldn't count on her great reputation preceding her yet.

But there was no reason why she couldn't use this moment to dig a little!

Violet took Chanelle's offered hand and shook it. "Violet Stilwell. I am a reporter very interested in doing interviews with the famous personalities acquainted with Mr. Douglas."

Yvaine Bardwin

As Iris spoke and another strange man showed up, Yvaine wasn't doing such a great job of hiding her thoughts. Her nose had crinkled up and she was mouthing ew under her breath while Iris churned out so much fake charm, that Yvaine was pretty sure could fill a swimming pool. She cast her father an exasperated look, but while the adults were talking, she didn't dare interrupt.

But when Mr. Willis Mackintosh offered to take them all out for a meal and Iann's grandmother tried to brush the rest of them off like they were even there, that was the final straw.

"DINNER SOUNDS FUN! I'LL GO TELL IANN!" Yvaine practically shouted - if she hadn't, she was afraid Iris would manage to find a way to escape alone with Mr. Mackintosh or her Daddy would say no.

Before anyone could protest, she dashed away towards the big fancy car parked on the side of the street and knocked on the window.
Ember's eyes slowly shifted to Raphael's direction, her expression serious. It might have even seemed cold... Which she wouldn't normally intend in front of her beloved partner. He meant everything to her - That's why she had to take care of him. If that meant being heartless, so be it. He knew she wouldn't abandon him for any reason. At least... She hoped so.

"I'd let you get drunk before I let you touch a cigarette." She muttered in response, wrinkling her nose.

He was a singer... He didn't need any of those hell sticks. Additionally, she despised the smell of them. The taste. Even the shape. It was pointless to put both of them through any sort of harm and suffering.

Ember sighed coolly.

"How about some ice cream?" She offered with a hint of humour. She'd taken a liking to a small ice cream joint since arriving here. It was nothing like what she'd had - or had an opportunity to try - during her childhood years.

"Do you want to visit this..friend... Alone?"
Iris wanted badly to protest but it was clear that her efforts to get Willis alone would have to corked for the moment as she composed herself.

"I am a bit hungry this whole sceen is draining as well, Im in much need of a stiff drink." She winked at Willis as she motioned to her driver to come over.

"Just give Wilks here the information Darling he knows how to get to hell and back. Shall we meet you there Darling?"

Meanwhile Iann had started to try different knots with his tie and the knock on the window scared him to death. He nearly jumped into the front seat. He blushed and instantly got the window open as soon as he realized it was Yvaine.

"Ah hi, um yeah hi.." he was trying to be calm but his tie was in a double long bow that he only half remembered from his sailing trips with his Uncle Clay. Looking down Iann noticed it and laughed as he tried to undo his handy work.

"So ummm.. you wanna ride me... I mean a ride home..." Iann was tripping over his words and turning all shades of red. He had never been alone with a girl and this was the most positive attention he's had in a very long time.

"Sorry I kinda made a mess of my tie here.." Iann confessed. He looked frazzled but cute and harmless, so different from his grandmother.
It was a nice room, the view over the city was breathtaking, and the it had a large lounge area, stairs leading to the bedrooms that where beautifully laid out in a spacious manor, and the TV screen covered almost the entire wall where it sat between the front two speakers of the surround sound home cinema. The whole penthouse reeked of expense and modern convenience."This is the life, right Gunther. It doesn't get much better that this" Hans remarked spreading out his arms as if to hug the entire room. He got no reply as the bodyguard checked the penthouse for escape routs, entry points and looked out the window for possible locations for people to get a good view through the glass walls.

In his bedroom Gunther took out a satellite phone, it could get a signal anywhere in the world and only one person had the number. A small orange light was blinking indicating a waiting call, without a word he flipped it open and put it to his ear.

"This is operations, he have the royal guard sergeant to talk to you" came the emotionless voice on the other end, Gunther didn't say anything and soon a different voice came on.

This is Sgt. Burger, have you arrived?" came the voice of the king's brother.

"We have sir, the accommodations suit the prince's tastes and everything is going smoothly, it is him majesties plan to go out later."

"Good the king will be pleased, continue as planned and lets hope you can both return shortly."

"Very well sir, may I ask for news on the current situation?"

"None good I'm afraid, two more protests today, and one of them almost turned violent. Best not worry the prince with it though, the police have the situation well in hand That will be all."

"Understood sir." Gunther said before the line went dead. A quick look into the lounge revealed that Hans was seeing what channels he had to choose from, he had a little time to himself. Taking off his suit jacket he slid the pistol out on its shoulder holster and put in on the bedside table before stepping into the shower.
Violet took Chanelle's offered hand and shook it. "Violet Stilwell. I am a reporter very interested in doing interviews with the famous personalities acquainted with Mr. Douglas."

A reporter? Chanelle
thought with a raised eyebrow, And snooping around Jeremiah's funeral. How... intriguing.

"Pleased to meet you," Chanelle replied as she released Violet's hand, "And I'm just a distant acquaintance of the late Mr. Douglas, nothing too close," she waved her hand dismissively, "It was such a surprise to hear of his passing... I was so upset about it when I found out. He seemed..." she paused as if having difficulty saying the word, "...nice. A... nice man, he was. Jeremiah shall be missed."

Chanelle managed a sad smile, though no tear drops swelled from her eyes.

"And how are you doing, Flarecia?" She asked as she bent down a little so she was almost at the girl's eye level, "Are you coping well?" Then she added subtly, "With work and all? What... agency are you with again?"

"Of course, Iris, my dear," Willis replied, "The restaurant will be at the Shades Hotel, ground floor."

Willis winked at her, then watched the girl approach the boy from the distance and noticed his fumbling of words and reddened face. For some reason, that boy reminded Willis of himself as a teenager. So unsure of himself and the opposite sex, messing up sentences and fiddling around with any loose bits of material... though the boy was strikingly more handsome than Willis was back in the day.

Shoving both his hands into his black Gucci suit pants, he turned to Yvaine's father and smiled, "Are you her father? Lucky man. Such a bright and bubbly young girl. I've got a daughter too but well... she's not exactly the sunny type, though she is a darling at heart," he laughed lightly then looked away at his daughter, Amy, in the distance and continued, "I just wish sometimes that she would just listen to me... she's at that rebellious phase right now, you know, and I can't tell you how much that drives me insane."
Yvaine Bardwin

Yvaine cast Iann and his tie a curious look before she finally grinned. "Not a ride, no. Someone just offered to take us all out for dinner and I jumped on board before my Dad could complain. I'm really sorry if he got you in trouble, by the way. He kind of freaks out sometimes." Yvaine cast a look over her shoulder to see if he was still finding a way to decline the invite. Of course, this meant she was going to have to do extra favors and babysitting to make up for it. But at least she had the chance to make sure she didn't get Iann stuck in the doghouse with his strange grandmother.

"Your grandma is a little weird." she finally said, turning back around. It looked like he'd tied his tie in such a knot he'd strangle himself with it. Yvaine reached inside the window without invitation to unravel and knot it back the way it was supposed to be. "There. Actually, I bet I could talk us out of having to hang around everyone talking about money and work, but we'd probably get stuck watching my brother and sister."

Location: Vargas' residence, Early morning
Vincent instinctively reached for a pack of cigarettes above his computer speakers.

"Uhm... one, two, three.... Only three sticks left?" he asked himself. The answer became clear when he took a look at the nearly filled ashtray.

"I guess I need to buy more... Before everybody wakes up."

He turned off his computer monitor and went to the bathroom, he then washed his face and changed clothes. After that, he quickly went out of the house and into the still empty streets.

Location: Downtown Emerson, Early morning
He did his best to hide in the shadows, away from the streetlights and away from the gaze he had always felt whenever he goes out.

It has been a cold cold morning, and yet Vincent has been sweating profusely when he reached the nearest convenience store. Some neighborhood kids lounged in front of the entrance, basking in the fluorescent light, smoking, drinking.

He was stopped on his tracks. He wanted to go back of the house, but he's already gone too far out to turn back, also, he would not even want to think of what those kids would think if he were to suddenly run away.

By the time he realized it, the kids were already looking at him, with a curious, amused look on their faces.

"Wha.. what's so funny?" he asked himself as he desperately tried to avoid eye contact with them, but then, they're blocking his destination.

And then, without another thought, he ran towards the darkest corner, to bide time. Perhaps, he thought, the kids will soon go away, leaving him alone.
Iann was still very pink but was feeling so much calmer by her tone than ever before. It was a nice feeling as he found himself saying yeas to everything that she said. He wasnt even able to think as he watched her lips move. She had a beauty and grace that tugged at all his senses at once and it lead him into a spaced out gaze.

He watched her hair move as she looked over her shoulder and thats when he spotted his grandmother coming toward them with the driver Wilks that he hated just as much. His expression turned from welcoming blush to a cold and lost stare.

An icy tone filled the air as Iris adressed the young girl "and you are?" she stood there with a sharp expression as Wilks opened the car door. He had gruffly stepped around Yvaine. Iris sided stepped the girl to get in the car and she waited for Iann to move over.

"Well?" she snapped at Iann. "Sometime in this lifetime you .." she spat at him as he lowered his eyes to her and moved over. He had been shut up and embrased by her again. Each time it was like a nail into his heart.

"Gran.. I " he tried to object but Wilks started the car as Iris slammed the car door.

"Look child, he's not well, its best not to triffle with things beyond your ah how shall I phrase this, ah yes.. beyond your means." Iris shot the girl a fake smile and pushed the button for the window to go up. A sunked Iann looked up just seconds before the window shut and it looked like he had tears in his eyes as the car pulled away.
Tiffany nodded to Amy and waited for her to lead the way. "Creepy is cool with me. It's beats hanging around here." She said as she looked to her family and waved. Only her mother seemed to notice, which was always amusing. Especially when her mother gave a worried and concerned look. "I don't know why so many are gathered her for his funeral. I can't do anything about it." She added and looked around the place and then back at Amy. "Who knows but maybe there are others here who really don't care about him either but are here for personal gain like our pathetic parents." She said with a grin upon her face.

All her friends were pretty much out of sight. Usually that was how it was. They would say a few words to there parents and then go off to there other group or even single friends. It wasn't against the rules to have friends like Amy that weren't apart of the group just not recommended because that led to questions and questions led to trouble. As long as Amy didn't as the wrong questions then Amy and Tiffany would be fine. Tiffany enjoyed hanging out with Amy and she had only known her a short while. It was a rare occasion because most new people that Tiffany met were usually either stuck up to so in other peoples business that they ended up nearly getting her in trouble and closed to being killed. Luckily that hadn't happened. . . not yet at least.

"So, tell me about this place, maybe I have heard about it." She added before they headed off. Chances were somewhat good that she had been to the place but not always. Her second group of friends were goths, broken down musicians, and laid back drunks and addicts. People that had these big crazy dreams but were misunderstood for there appearance and the plans they had. They were the one's that refused to become apart of the stuck-up and high sophisticated society. And the best places to hang out were either low key clubs were abandoned structures for somewhat serious and intimate moments. Where they could think without being interrupted or lectured that what they were doing was stupid and a waste of time.

And so in a sense. . . Tiffany was caught in both groups. She loved having all she could ever want but hated being told what to do. Then she also loved living a little on the danger side but afraid that too much would ruin her and then what?
Location: Edge of Cemetery, Exiting
Tiffany nodded to Amy and waited for her to lead the way. "Creepy is cool with me. It's beats hanging around here." She said as she looked to her family and waved. Only her mother seemed to notice, which was always amusing. Especially when her mother gave a worried and concerned look. "I don't know why so many are gathered her for his funeral. I can't do anything about it." She added and looked around the place and then back at Amy. "Who knows but maybe there are others here who really don't care about him either but are here for personal gain like our pathetic parents." She said with a grin upon her face.

Amy nodded toward a direction away from the cemetery toward a thick growth of bushes and trees. She scanned around the area and found that most of the mourners were already on their way; Amy spied an expensive looking car zooming away into the distance, kicking up clouds of dust and debris behind it. If they left now, it would surely go unnoticed.

"So, tell me about this place, maybe I have heard about it." She added before they headed off.

"This way," She said in a low voice so no one near could hear. Amy led Tiffany quickly and silently toward the thick bushes and trees where, eventually, the bushes grew thinner and the trees grew taller. The overcast sky drew forth a gloomy atmosphere and stretched the shadows of a few abandoned graves across the dead leaves that scattered across the ground.

Location: Abandoned House in a Clearing
Once away from the mourners and any source of human life, Amy slowed down and began to stroll almost nonchalantly through the woods. "You might've heard about it. It's not exactly a secret or anything," She said in response to Tiffany's previous question. "It's a double storey house, wood, with some broken windows and things like that. Completely empty inside except for a few bits of run down furniture here and there..." She paused for a moment, a memory niggling at the edge of her mind. Finally she remembered and added, "Oh! I almost forgot - it's got this really creepy basement though... it gives me the chills. I've only been down there for, um, two seconds and then I just had to get out of there. Smelt weird, like something rotten."

They continued further and passed a tree with a black ribbon tied tightly to one of the branches. "That's my ribbon there," She pointed out, "Kinda reminds me of the general direction of the place, like a kind of map or gingerbread crumb trail."

As they were walking, Amy turned to Tiffany and raised her eyebrow a little before saying, "You know, I never took you for the type to hang around the other crowd. You know, the non-fakers or whatever. I always thought you were one of them... I mean... no offense or anything, but you look like them with the way you dress sometimes. You're a lot different than I thought you were."

After a few minutes of strolling, both Amy and Tiffany came across a wide clearing and in the middle of a clearing was a tall wooden house, just as Amy had described. It had the look where it would've once been quite a handsome looking house, however due to lack of care and time, most of its beautiful features were either worn away or broken. Amy approached the front rusted gate and pushed it open.

"Well," She announced with a smile, "We're here!"
Flarecia Jennifer Walker

Flarecia rolled her eyes and leaned back a little, putting a hand on her hip, fingers dancing upon the studded edge of her chunky belt. She found the introductions between Chanelle and Violet rather amusing. For some reason, Flarecia did not feel as hostile towards the reporter, considering her initial impression might have just been a lucky overestimation. At this rate, Flare mused, there was no way either of them were going to gather any information about Jeremiah. But when she didn't feel her stubborn determinedness bouncing back this time, Flarecia wondered if all the rumours she'd heard about him from the funeral procession had dulled his hero shine.

It had and she knew it. She wanted to keep investigating because the prospect of such a wealthy man leading a double, or even triple lives of different interests sounded so peculiarly intriguing, but she also wanted to give it up because she felt that maybe she didn't want to get herself into the big picture of those ugly rumours. Conflicted feelings of uncertainty swirled about in her mind, followed by the nasty rumours she'd heard from some of the other teenage girls.

Despite the storm brewing in her mind, Flarecia looked to Violet with a stunning smile, "I wouldn't say I know anything about Mr. Douglass, Miss Violet. I'm just here because my mother insisted." she replied curtly. And because he was my piano teacher, but you don't have to know that. Who knows how the general public will interpret that in light of what they already know. Flarecia shuddered at the thought.

As Chanelle spoke to her, she smiled again, "Oh lovely, everything is absolutely wonderful. Balancing school with modelling does become a little tedious sometimes, but you know how that feels," Flarecia answered cheerfully. From the corner of her eye, she could now see the laced black dress pattern her mother was wearing.

"At the moment, I'm just working here and there, you know, getting a feel of different groups and photoshoot stylists. I haven't decided on an agency yet, but Mother and I are still exploring." Flarecia added quickly before her mother could come and make up some horrendous lie about some foreign agency that pays high. Her mother never liked being honest with competition, but Flarecia didn't see why they should have to lie.

Flarecia caught her mother's eyes as they darted towards her warningly for the reply, but the anger quickly faded as she turned to their little group, "Good Afternoon Ladies, I'm glad to see you all in good health." Mrs. Walker spoke softly and smoothly, pronoucing each syllable with a delicacy rare to someone of her age. She smiled, then, at Chanelle and Violet, thinking of all the possibilites why a reporter and a fellow famous model were speaking to her daughter. "Ah, Chanelle, lovely to see you," Mrs. Walker cooed, blowing her a kiss dramatically, "Sad that we should meet at such an event. Truly we should all get together more often. I'm certain Flarecia will take a liking to your dear daughter."

Flarecia smiled politely, even though she had heard her mother's rants about Chanelle's daughter, Amy and her gothic streak. Flarecia wouldn't dare say that she thought it was actually a pretty cool look to be able to pull off. Herself, she wouldn't be allowed to put together that style unless it was a funeral occasion like this one, and even then, her wardrobe had, unfortunately, been absentmindedly screened by her mother.

"Yes, I would love that." Flarecia added, just as her mother expected her to. She smiled slightly, growing slightly tired of these boring conversations. She could see people leaving; she hoped that she hadn't missed a chance to catch information. As her mother conversed with the women, Flarecia thought of an entirely new prospect, a partner in crime. If she had a confidante, someone willing to keep her secret and work with her on these little crime investigation missions, maybe she wouldn't feel or be so uncertain about her decisions.

She grinned, it was an ingenious solution! Now she just had to find someone that she could trust...

Iann was so enraged by what his grandmother had said to Yvaine that he got the nerve to say something as Wilks made a left turn.

"Look you cant.. you cant talk to my friends like that.. she's nice and I like her okay.. dont.. dont mess that up for me.." Iann was shaking as he told her off the best her could as he felt like he might throw up all over the backseat. He had never stood up to her but that comment was horrible and way off. Iann blinked and tired to settle his heart rate as he felt his face flushed with anger.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Iris snapped at Iann as her left hand whipped out and met with his right cheek. A hard slap cracked the air between them as Iann was knocked into the window, hitting it with the side of his head. His face stung as he touched it to calm the burning. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked down.

"After all the things Ive done for you, you indignate little brat, you know damn well that without me you would living with your drug addict mother or in some hoovel with your worthless father!"

Iris was shaking as the car came to a slow stop and the drive got out to get her door. Wilks was use to her rage and thought nothing of it as he opened her door and offered his hand to help her out.

Before getting out Iris turned back to Iann and snap out one more comment before taking Wilks hand.

"You better not mouth off to me again, you hear! Now stop crying you look like a damn fool."

Taking Wilks hand Iris got out of the car and smiled to the doorman of the resturant. It was clear that they were waiting for her as they took her mink and gushed all over her and showed her to the private room Willis must have booked.

Iann however didnt follow, the second he was out of car he bolted down the sidewalk almost talking out a bike messenger and two elderly ladies. Wilks called after him a few times, and even tried to catch him but he was a heavy smoker so his efforts were short lived.

Gasping for air he returned to the resturant to report the missing child to Iris. Now he was in trouble but not nearly as much as Iann would be.

Iann was still crying and very angry. He couldnt show his face in there, it was impossible. He panted and used his sleeve to wipe his nose and face. Sniffling he stopped running about a block away, and fell into a slow walk. He hated his life and just wished that a truck would hit him. Iann was at his end and didnt even realize what he was thinking.

Iris had pushed him so hard and now he was thinking things that he rearly ever let into his mind. Without warning, Iann stepped off the sidewalk into the on coming traffic. The last thing he heard were horns and screaming then everything went black.
Location: Vargas' residence, Early afternoon
A searing bright light he thought belonged to a car brought Vincent to his senses. He was lying on his bed, the afternoon sun shone through the window and directly into his face.

"What... what was that?"

He took a good look around him. The CRT monitor on a computer table directly across his bed stared right back at him, showing his own disheveled face. His brother's bed right beside him is neat, and empty. On that lone bedside table separating their beds lie two packs of cigarettes.

"That must have been one heck of a crappy dream sequence." he said to himself as he opened one pack and lit a cigarette.